Friday, February 29, 2008


Hey, everyobdy! Welcome back!

As you can see, I’ve revamped a little. Unfortunately, a lot of great stuff got deleted in the clean-up, but it had to be done. Please don’t assume, if your posted comments and responses got erased, that it was because they weren’t appreciated, because they were (and are!) The overwhelming positive response to this blog has been amazing, and there are definitely some great thinkers out there. Some of you I know, some of you I think I know, and some of you I’m sure that I definitely don’t know, but I hope that you’re all still on board.

The original playlist is back, but it shuffles now, so each time that you log on you will hear a different tune. There’s a little bit of everything here (as most of you know, my tastes are rather eclectic, to say the least)…worship music, gospel, rock, pop, country, spiritual, rap, folk, R&B, broadway, classical…both Christian and secular…all positive…sort of the soundtrack of my life.

Each song is meaningful and uplifting to me in some way, and I hope that you enjoy the whole collection. I certainly enjoyed compiling it for you. You can stay logged on and have hours of music, or you can turn down the volume on your computer while you blog, or even pause the player. I welcome your feedback on any of the songs.

Hey, did you know what every year that is not a leap year is called a “common year”?

From Wikipedia: A leap year (or intercalary year) is a year containing one or more extra days (or, in case of lunisolar calendars, an extra month) in order to keep the calendar year synchronised with the astronomical or seasonal year. For example, February would have 29 days in a leap year instead of the usual 28. Seasons and astronomical events do not repeat at an exact number of full days, so a calendar which had the same number of days in each year would over time drift with respect to the event it was supposed to track. By occasionally inserting (or intercalating) an additional day or month into the year, the drift can be corrected. A year which is not a leap year is called a common year.

So, if every non-leap year is a common one, then a year like this one is apparently UNCOMMON! That is prophetically significant for me today. I’m expecting great...UNCOMMONLY GREAT...things in 2008! How about you?


Anonymous said...

Still on board! Great music selection! My husband and i held you in prayer last night...He had his interview in Atlanta Wed. We beleive that this leap year we will leap right into CITN( we will be sitting in the balcony!) You have brought us so much healing through your transparency and love for Gods people..We thank God that he has equiped you with UNCOMMON COURAGE! KEEP THE DREAM, YOU INSPIRE US TOWARDS A LOVING GOD.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Ronnie Lee...thanks so much...can't wait to meet you guys(if we haven't already met in person)...and thanks, again, for everything you shared here,'s all good!

Lise said...

HAPPY LEAP YEAR TO YOU! And an uncommon and EXTRAORDINARY year to us all! Single ladies, isn't it leap year when you can ask your fellows to marry you and they have to say yes?!?

I love that part of the movie Dead Poets' Society where the professor is quietly urging his bright, young students to "make your lives extraordinary."

Have to tell ya, "Lean On ME" is the first 45 that me and my older sister ever bought. We were scared to let out parents know that we had it. Not to make them sound like ogres, but they weren't into music at all. (I was in 4th grade, I think). My dad didn't like anything but classical; that's remained pretty constant through the years. And my mother mellowed over time. But when they 'found us out' about the 45, my mom actually liked it. Imagine that, a song with a GOOD message! We were relieved! (sigh, eye-roll, etc.)

I, too, am holding you up in prayer, Bish. And still covet the prayers of CITN for Monday (peace in the process & a good report). I didn't divulge everything that my friend messaged to me, but if I know God's voice at all, it was a prophetic word! Have been in a much better place for the past week.

Looking forward to the golden nuggets that this blog will bring. It's FUN and insightful! Don't let a few party-poops mess it up for you!

Sweepea said...

Love the selections Bishop!! Many of your favorites are mine also, so I'm blasting away whenever I can. Unfortunately I MUST have silence while working (too easily distracted for my own good), but the rest of the time I'm laughing, singing along, or misty eyed as i listen. What a blessing you are!

Anonymous said...

Bish, I trust your instincts and decision to tweak the blog and I have to say I don't necessarily understand the full dynamics but I trust the God in you!

Still on board, in covenant and an investor - so it is all good!

I love the music, the shuffle and the additions you have made! Peace and blessings, Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Several of my favorites made your playlist.

I really love "The Prayer"; the orchestration, harmony, different languages, etc.

It whisks me to 2 Sam. 23 where David's described as the "sweet psalmist of Israel".

The finale evokes imagery of sparkling particles of incense ascending in plumes of light.

peacemaker said...

Hey, I don't know what your new format is yet, but I hope it brings you the peace and enjoyment you sought from the original.

Today is the first time I've been able to sit for a while and enjoy the music. I love it! In the song "I Believe in Music", I love the part that says," music is the universal language and love is the key...". The choices on the songlist are awesome, especially the ones with the peace and love themes. Their enough to tame the most savage beast and I would hope twart the attacks of the most vicious of "christians" that invade this blogsite. You can't listen for more than a second and stay mad at anyone(I would hope not, anyway). To me, they all reek with the same message...LOVE GOD, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, LOVE YOURSELF.

I was moved most today by Withers' "Lean of Me". My God, what a message. It's the gospel in it purest form. No theology, no doctrine of man, no creeds or orthodoxy, just the gospel, the whole gospel, and nothing but the gospel. Jesus' whole message unplugged.
I know their all just as moving and inspirational, but that one, well, went deep today. Thanks.

Let There Be Peace on Earth...Now.

PS, I noticed Josh Grobin on the list. Have you heard his song "Thankful"? It came out on his latest Christmas album "Noel". I've listened to it over and over. As a matter of fact, I try to listen at the start of each day, kinda helps keep things in perspective. If you hear it and like it, maybe it will make the songlist in the future.


Leesa said...


Love the word about this being an uncommon year! YES! Love the music..and the variety. I thought of you when the young David sang "Imagine" on American Idol. They may say you're a dreamer...but you're not the only one! We are with you! Love you!

Erik said...

Thank you Bishop, welcome back. The party is great, excellent company, music and spread.

It is an uncommon year. It is a leap forward year. The Holy Spirit is maturing, perfecting all the world, as we leap forward. Especially those who believe. I guess that shakes some in a troubling way, but we are all along in the same ark, and actually the same covenant. Everyone is in covenant with every other one. Some may not love the person on the other side of the Earth that God created with same love He created them. Some may not see The Christ that fills the Earth, but only their christ that fills their fear.

In this leap forward year, the past is over. We follow Him forward, and know that HS will reveal to everyone as they can receive, His Glory. No fear can overcome His Light that fills every person created. Hi gives all of us the ability to see as He sees, and we are all being perfected in that image He created each one in, in His wonderful love. Finely tuning each piece, so the symphony is Holy.

I appreciate the fine instrument you are and savor the harmonic chords God plays through your spirit.

Anonymous said...

"Happy Leap Year!"

I'm sooo bummed all the other great stuff got deleted. Now, what I share may not make any sense. (but then again... maybe it didn't the first time around)

Please don't post this one. It may offend some.

In a previous note, I mentioned having an unusual occurrence on church grounds.

One minute, I was there with other members sweeping a dirt floor in Conyers. The next, I was back in Central Texas in the 60's, sweeping a barn floor.

Other than conferring with a couple of my siblings, I haven't given the incident much thought over the years.

Apropos of your songlist: Tuesday, I received James Taylor's Feb. newsletter. Its opening paragraph stated that Taylor recently hosted 12 of his favorite instrumentalists and singers @ his barn in Massachusetts.

Two more random e-mails arrived that day, both with the word, "barn" in them.

One was a prophetic newsletter, another an invitation to join a group seeking God @ a barn that had been rented for the occasion!

I mentioned these coincidences to my husband - we laughed (wonderingly) about what (if anything) it meant.

Soooo... I asked God - "Are You trying to tell me something?" and moseyed over to

Am I the only person who didn't know that barn is not only a storehouse for grain, a shelter for equipment AND (in physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular that one particle presents to another as target for an encounter?

Having shared all this, you've probably heard of the game, 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.

Here's a quantum leap: In one of Taylor's songs, the lyrics are, "Now the first of December was covered in snow. So was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston."

What if my barn incident (siblings gathered around to put on a play) connects to Taylor's gathering?

What if my (physics) barn somehow connects to Taylor's?

It may seem like nonsense to some. However, in quantum terms, nonsense makes sense somewhere.

Consider, how a Georgia (!!) iron worker (!!) living in Portal (!!) won $270 million!

Come on! Divine Providence!

Erik said...

Thank you Bishop, welcome back. The party is great, excellent company, music and spread.

It is an uncommon year. It is a leap forward year. The Holy Spirit is maturing, perfecting all the world, as we leap forward. Especially those who believe. I guess that shakes some in a troubling way, but we are all along in the same ark, and actually the same covenant. Everyone is in covenant with every other one. Some may not love the person on the other side of the Earth that God created with same love He created them. Some may not see The Christ that fills the Earth, but only their christ that fills their fear.

In this leap forward year, the past is over. We follow Him forward, and know that HS will reveal to everyone as they can receive, His Glory. No fear can overcome His Light that fills every person created. Hi gives all of us the ability to see as He sees, and we are all being perfected in that image He created each one in, in His wonderful love. Finely tuning each piece, so the symphony is Holy.

I appreciate the fine instrument you are and savor the harmonic chords God plays through your spirit.

DoubleBack Alley said...

I think I agree more with Apollo Creed than the Apostle's Creed. Eye of the tiger makes me want to try. The Apostle's Creed sounds very exclusionary to me. More like a I'm right and you're point of view is not considered.

However, if it is to set the bar high for my growth so as to attain a higher state of consciousness, then I'm all for it. That bar is big enough for all of us to belly up to.

The beauty of this site is that I don't have to agree or disagree, I can tell my point of view and if I am open, the new truth will be exposed to me and I will comprehend what I am supposed to comprehend relative to your posting.

It's similar to the first holographic glass artwork that was developed in Russia. Truly astounding three D images from a 2 D sheet of glass. Unfortunately, it was dropped and shattered into a thousand pieces. All was lost, until they inspected the damage.

They picked up each piece of glass and could see the entire picture from a different point of view. Same picture, different paradigm. Not sure I would be able to see the Apostle's Creed unless it was dropped and broken so that each person would be able to pick up a shard and consider it as a personal coign that need not be judged.

Thanks for not leaving me alone with PM. I don't think I could trust myself alone with him.

Ain't God Good?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks so much, everyone! LPinPC, my first 45 was Let It Be, and I worried that my parents would think that it sounded too Catholic (even though "Mary" in the song isn't Jesus' mother), but somehow it passed inspection. Izumi, I went ahead and posted's cool...don't worry about it. Erik, I think you got on there twice, but that's OK. Thanks for being theological "team players", Peacemaker and Doubleback Alley (if you know what I mean)...I know what you mean, Yvonne, but everything's fine...Sweepea, Nonnie, Leesa...thanks for your participation...and thanks to all of you for trusting me.

Anonymous said...

2008--the year of new beginnings.
Every day a new day. "LEAP" year. Leaping and Leaping. Happy. I can SEE it.

Confirmation Izumi, Joining you to call it in!

Great Music. Enlightening Conversation. Glad the fitfull night is over. I say again, it feels good to SEE you all. I'm enjoying "He Lives In You."

Anonymous said...

BTW--for "red light" "green light". I'm saying they're included to show a change in perspective.

When you look up and count the stars, you see things like you've never seen them before.

Music Now--"here in the Love of Christ I stand." Thanks for YOUR gift of Love to us, too, Bishop.

peacemaker said...

The hologram analogy was profound on so many levels. I love the phrase "point of view". So many people, so many varying perspectives while looking at the same thing. So much good can be done in the world by allowing ourselves to see from someone else's viewpoint without judging theirs or ours right or wrong.

On another level, the Whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, but each individual part is a total image of the Whole. When you said the complete image could be seen in each shard of glass, it made me think of our oneness with the Whole. We are 6 billion individual parts, not 6 billion different pieces. Every human, and probably all of creation is a complete holograpic image of God.


Anonymous said...

Happy Leap Year

Music is great. I love the different artist.
Just a thought when do Leap Year people celebrate their birthday when it's not a Leap Year (Feb. 28 or March 1). Happy Birthday to the Leap Year People.

Unknown said...


Man I now have the evidence that proves my hypothesis that you and I are long lost brothers!

Not because we are both preacher's kids. Not because we both have pentecostal roots. Not because we say some of the same things in the pulpit. Not because we both hate religion. Not even because we both married beautiful women.

We both love the same music! I have been working at my desk all day listening ( except when I got up to dance to Yes we can)

Thanks for the juke box. Right on brother...


P Greg

Lise said...

Hhmmm... leap year birthdays...
I've never ever thought of that. Interesting!

Ebony said...

Glad to see you're back. There's a lot more I want to say, so I'll save it for later. Thanks again for the word you and Pastor Lee imparted on the kids today. It was great! *goes back to finish nap*

Linda's Place said...

Hi Bishop Swilley,
I ran across your blog during a random search of GA bloggers. I am somewhat of a novice at this, but wanted to let you know I found your page to be refreshing. I have attended your church many years ago when you were in the old store front location with a mutual friend, and former high school classmate of mine, Rober Rutherford. I have also watched your broadcasts locally in the Atlanta area. From the looks of your song list, we have many of the same tastes in music. Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I too am anticipating great things for 2008. Have an awesome weekend.

Erik said...

The reference by Peacemaker following Doubleback's comment to 6 billion individual parts of God currently on Earth (plus all the ones ‘before’ and ‘after’ now, and recreated in each moment), - just got to love it. Especially that every human and all of creation is a holographic image of God, in our selves and connected with all else. Like the holographic plate of glass was the image in one sheet, and in all the individual parts.

Excellent. This blog, creates such a fertile environment of light and clarity. Thanks for having it Bishop.

Erik said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey, that was my delete. Erik, somehow you got posted twice again, so I removed the's great to hear from so many of you from all over the USA...when it's used properly, the internet rocks! (can I still use terminology like that after I turn 50?)

Anonymous said...

Avatar, you couldn't know that those very words ("New Beginnings!") were prophesied over me, more than a decade ago by a South African evangelist.

What I love about "He Lives in You" is the expansiveness in my spirit when I hear/sing/dance w/it.

(well, that & it reminds me of a recurrent dream of living there - in some other life - cue "Twilight Zone" music)

The lines, "and a voice with the fear of a child answers" and "wait, there's no mountain too great" activates this in me: Sometimes mountains signify monumental challenges. But, a grain of sand appears but a small thing.

A child can delight in whispering to a grain of sand. A child might remember when a mustard tree was only a particle.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Izumi, the song affects me the same way. When we saw the Lion King on broadway it just blew us all away (took the whole fam). If you ever get a chance to see it, either there or when it's on tour, it's totally woth any ticket price.

BTW, I read your alter ego's post on the CITN blog...if there was an award for "Best Listener", I would nominate you for it!

Anonymous said...

Izumi, it's an interesting thing when God uses comments the commenter doesn't understand, but the receiver does.

Since I don't know your prophesy, I can't tell exactly what the post confirms for you, but I had already seen a Portal, GA quantum
possibility before you posted. When you posted, I HAD to agree.

Bishop/Izumi - "He Lives In You": expansive is a great word, yes! It's get up and move music for me. "Worth any ticket price", wow. Makes me want to get on a plane to NY.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Well, that's kind of a figure of speech. I mean, I wouldn't spend a million bucks on it or lose my house over it, but it definitely is worth (not "woth")a look-see if you can manage it. The music in person is really something.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bish. Every time I see ads for "Lion King", my spirit leaps.

Re: "Alter ego" on CITN's site - uh... thanks...

So... who's everybody else?

Anonymous said...

LOL - it REALLY is an interesting thing when God uses comments the commenter doesn't understand but the receiver does.

En route to service, Sunday morning, we were listening to a song on the radio. Our kids used to know its chorus line but invented the rest.

So, I sang it like they used to & cracked up laughing about their nonchalance about it, but gusto @ the chorus.

Dunno if you were ITB during Bish's "West Side Story" routine. He kinda did the same thing.

My sides hurt from restraining the laughter, while I inwardly groaned about the decision to sit so far from the EXIT (bathroom) doors.

The prophecy was really cool. A visiting evangelist scanned the church, picked out my whole family (scattered throughout - sitting w/friends, etc.) & called us to the front of the congregation.

We'd never seen the man before. He searched the room saying, "You. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you - come on up here. The Lord has something for you."

The last person was a young man in my daughter's youth group & "felt" like a spiritual son.

Anyway, there've been many instances when I've reflected on his words, wondering if this (the now) is that.

So... here's the P.S. on your, "joining you to call it in", sentiment: Yesterday (3 days AFTER I posted on Leap Year) my husband got an invitation to a conference, next month.


Seems like I might have to buy a lottery ticket (according to my faith, so be it), cuz I don't even have a barn.


Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Izumi, some could take issue with my giving you the good listener award, because this blog and the CITN blog are filled with good listeners. It's just that you so often make very obscure references to some little thing that I said maybe one time years ago, and I'm sure that there are people who don't know what you're talking about, but I do. I mean, you really pay attention! And I'm not trying to "out" you as a blogger, I just knew that the name that you use here was yours...I do know who some people are, and some people I have guessed wrong about, and some I have absolutely no idea...but I like the anonymity of blog "handles" and don't want any of you to change or reveal your true identity if you have chosen to use one...something about the virtual reality that it creates is very conducive to a creative cyber-community...

Erik said...

I love all of the clear insight all over each entry, on all the subjects. How wonderful to be in such company. Entering here to point out that Lion King is at The Fox in ATL in April, tix are $50 - $100. Maybe a group going from CITN, already had planned on it, but maybe fun w/ a group?

Tying up a few pieces from previous blogs , so much to catch up on ! The playlist has been so great, leave it on all day. Right now hearing ‘In The Garden’ which is new to me since December 07, but apparently an old classic. Fit something exactly I needed at the moment I heard it, and now. Funny story, I heard it at a ‘Self Realization Fellowship; temple in CA. It was a mix of Buddhism and Christianity , praising Jesus, and Eastern meditation, very fun. The person who took me there I had met the day before, in the midst of the service, the pastor (?) began to play and sing this song, although it was all fun, this was the reason I was there. The point that in every twist and turn, The Holy Spirit must have such fun bringing completely unexpected gifts in unexpected environments, but then looking at it all, you just say.. Of Course, it fits perfectly! Just one thing that one of these songs continues to minister throughout each day. What an excellent gift of the time to put this list together which speaks to so many of us, as our pastor leads us to new pastures, seeing how they all connect with each other.

Anonymous said...

BOSTON, Izumi! Maybe we should have been more specific on what we were calling in?

Bishop, I kind of like the “woth” – sort of Moses-like [okay, that was probably just wrong!] It’s this creative cyber-community you’ve created. Freedom. To “BE” whatever the moment brings. In Christ, of course.

Erik, I suppose it is no surprise to this blog that your comment “the Holy Spirit must have such fun bringing completely unexpected gifts in unexpected environments” really speaks to ME!

And, with your eloquent thanks to Bishop, I add mine: your gift of daily time, Bishop, leading us to this pasture is in the “more than we could ask or think category”. There’s real supernatural grass in this one.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks,'ve been very funny the last couple of days...

And thanks, everyone, for your wonderful expressions, insights, communication...I love every bit of it...

Anonymous said...

Bish, thanks for the nod.

But, since some might take tissues from this nominee, I decline the candidacy while seizing the opportunity to expound in florid details how wrong that is.

I mean, isn't it enough to sit under anointed teachers, inspiring musicians, psalmists, prophetic pilgrims, enterprising interlocutors, fearless forerunners, etc. without having to take tissues from each another?

C'mon! What kinda house is this, anyway? You mean to tell me that on any blessed day, I can walk ITB & actually witness tissue pilferage?

I'm sorry. But, that is just wrong, Sir! I just can't agree with such blatant utilization of grace. I mustn't be drawn into this joy vortex! Save yourselves! Aaack!

(pssst... "issues" - Bish said, "issues", Izumi!)

Ooh. Never mind.

So, anyway... is the award like a really cool box of gold popcorn? Because that'd be fun to receive. A little crunchy - but still.

No, don't tell me.

Not listening!! La li la

Anonymous said...

You're right. Seems like a child-like dream, Avatar. Flying to Boston, meeting James Taylor, explaining about blogland, time travel, etc.

I agree - specificity is optimum.

Wait. Was that the ice-cream truck?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Was that Izumi or Miss Emily Litella? Very funny...

Anonymous said...

LOL - Thanks Bish. God only knows!