Today, on this beautiful Sunday in October, I speak a blessing over you...over every blogger and blurker...over all of CITN and cyber-CITN...over every believer, and even over every non-believer...over every man, woman, boy and girl...even over every Democrat and Republican...I speak into your life with hope for the future, because God has said, "I know the plans I have for you"...regardless of what is happening in the material world, you have the promise that God will not fail you...

All of the promises of God are YES and AMEN, and the same God who, in the ancient world, put a rainbow in the cloud to show Noah that the nightmare/storm was truly over, will watch over His word to perform it for you in the here and now...

I speak a blessing over your dreams, as the colors of the rainbow remind you of all the possibilities available to you...

I speak joy to you...joy unspeakable, and full of glory...Kingdom joy that confirms your righteousness and your peace...joy in the Holy Ghost...the joy of the Lord which is your strength...

His word will not return to Him void, and His promises are now simply statements of fact...a revelation of what is already yours...an unveiling of the mysteries of God...an understanding and realization of what you already possess...

You are blessed, in spite of what is happening in the economy...and you will continue to be blessed, regardless of who ends up in the White House...no matter what you hear, the world - God's amazing creation - is still a beautiful place...

Keep looking up...there are signs in the heavens, and the heavens are delcaring the glory of God...

Put on the garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness...His burden is easy, and His yoke is light...the sun is shining, and the rainbow is clear and brilliant...hope is everywhere, and the atmosphere is charged with faith...all things are possible...

Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!
Thank you Bishop and the same to you and yours.
Amen, The Light shines from within us, and from within all those that exist. The Actual Rainbow Coalition.
Everything is Beautiful
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world
Everything is beautiful in its own way
Like a starry summer night
Or a snow-covered winter's day
And everybody's beautiful, in their own way
Under God's Heaven
The world's gonna find a way
There is none so blind
As he who will not see
We must not close our minds
We must let our thoughts be free
For every eye that passes by
You know the world gets a little bit older
It's time to realize that beauty lies
In the eyes of the beholder
We shouldn't care 'bout the length of his hair
Or the color of his skin
Don't worry about what shows from without
But the love that lives within
We're gonna get it all together, now
Everything gonna work out fine
Just take a little time to look on the good side, my friend
And straighten it out in your mind
Everything is Beautiful, All people and Children of the World are Beautiful.
Everyone is Unique, Everyone is of Value, Everyone is the same, Everyone can Make a Difference, Everyone can Make a Change,
Everyone can Make the World better than when they Came, Everyone can make a mark on the world, to change the World, To Change the Future.
And the Children of the World are Our Future.
(...sigh... I love rainbows!)
not sleeping. had to get back up. too much swirling around in my head.
thanks for the beauty!
Swirling head ? Remember that the wheel is so 20th century, you have wings, you don't need no stinkin wheels. You can fly, and if necessary, just hover a few inches off the ground and ditch the wheel. Shared this recently and seems good here, now.
Yep, exercising those wings sounds promising. I like that. If you're still online, I addressed you on the previous blog post.
Thanks :)
Blessings Back To Your!
Beautiful Pictures and background Bishop. Yes everything does look and feels BEAUTIFULL. I like the RAINBOW concept, it reminds me of Wednesday’ night RAINBOW after the rain.
Now I know, I guess, I always knew that my Heavenly Father does care for us, Always!
Looking back, I realized the RAINBOW does represent all of us and each of us in CHURCH IN THE NOW IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES.
JEREMAIH 29:11- God knows the plan of your life. Why don’t we sit back, relax, be in confident, in trust, most importantly, know that He has the plan of your life, will always, always, take great good care of you, me, and our all our entire family.
Our great is our CREATOR JEHOVA GOD!
Let us do this: Trust HIM, no matter how the economy looks like. Our God is able to do exceedingly more than you and me dare to asked for.
The God of Love
Went back and read it. Of course, your dogs are with you in eternity !!! All of us creatures, are One. In all reality, each we connect with is God inspired. There are no incidental connections, each one is real and ordained. Every relationship in God's creation is exalted, regardless of expression.
God exists in the single cell amoeba and everything else. All we know is The Christ. Yes they are your kids, I have 7,- 1 Humine, 5 Feline, and 1 Canine, the furry ones hang around more and have been less hassle than the non furry one -- Go Figure !
The beauty of it all, is that The Universe includes EVERY thing / one.
Wow, just got home and I must say; you've all outdone yourselves tonight with your eloquent musings ,artistic benedictions, and friendship; on last nights blog and already here today. I'm thoroughly smiling, blessed, filled with fresh faith and hope, even entertained.
In Christ alone are we
The Christ in you, lifting up the Christ in me.
The Christ in us all, is glorifying the Father:
everyone, and everything, even everywhere is blessed.
You, Oh Lord, are God!
We exalt and praise in You!
Your peace, and your victory, is established in us, in all things, at all times.
Who can hide from You?
Lift it up in this morning Praisers! Lift up your love to Him
PS - I am with ya on the Diana Krall song - the male version, whatever changes that entails, but The Spirit, Oh yeah !!! --
In fact, that is actually the abundance God showers upon us all the time. god is the ultimate romantic and spoiler of us all. I soooooo Love that. No matter how you slice it, God is The Bomb !!!
Nothing is untouched by this work of love in you.
G' night y'all.
Will be out west for the week, will miss ITB. Will do Sun Service in the air and Wed online.
Truly, Love, Erik.
Cloud --- The guidance of Love. Yes infinity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The blind stirring of love eventually develops into a bright flame, guiding the contemplatives every choice. It stirs him softly and sweetly to act; but it also impels him to do God’s will with a certain inevitability against which it is useless to struggle: he seems to be in the grip of something more powerful than himself that he must obey at the risk of losing interior peace when it smites upon his heart. That this is the guidance of God himself is indicated in The Cloud where the author speaks of the guiding action of God in the very depths of the soul to which no evil spirit can penetrate and on which no reasoning can make impact. And this, I maintain, is the very apex of Christian morality. No longer fidelity to law but submission to the guidance of love.
Yes and Amen Erik,
It's a "fearful thing" to be in the hand's of a loving God...
Goodnight All....
Everything is sounding good here and I definitely want that to continue, but I feel compelled to interject a bit of down and out info.
I need all of you to pray for my oldest brother who has been diagnosed with yet another malignant brain tumor. The report this time is like totally bleak.
Please do that for me, and also please go back to all the good blogging and don't feel guilty about jankin' around because that is cool with me.
May brain tumor survivors be at ease with themselves. May you allow your
anger, your tears, your grief, and your unexplained emotions along with your
laughter, your bravery and your bliss.
May we be at ease with each other, allowing the same.
May those who are struggling with the everyday life of living with a brain
tumor find comfort and strength in themselves, each other, their caregivers
and in God.
May we dream courageously, act faithfully, and share our inspiration as our
dreams manifest.
Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is hope, there is life.
May we be hopeful.
May we have courage to conquer our brain tumors with our prayers, our words,
and our understanding that form follows thought.
May those who experience depression reach out when they can and may we
reach in when they cannot.
May our prayers enhance our immune systems that we can overcome what is
harmful to us, in Jesus name.
May we have the courage to ask for help when we need it.
We give thanks for our strong support network of families, friends,
employers and fellow workers, and the body of Christ, as we most lovingly consider the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We trust in the healing power of God always, no matter what. And we take peace and joy that God is full of love and power to handle all our needs.
Donald, our prayers are with you, your brother, and both of yours
God Can
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe."
Ephesians 1:17-19
I receive it.
A few months ago after choir rehearsal we left the building and Ms. Roz pointing to the most beautiful rainbow I have seen in a long time. Just thought it was cool .
Making the most of the new day.
Hi Blog Family, This is a Giant request for help!
I have been on this blog many days encouraging and being encouraged, giving and receiving, blessing and being blessed.
I am normally, sleeping or praying at this hour but here it goes...Bishop, I bless you one hundred fold. And maybe that blessing you exhorted us with today is for so many other people. It feels as though it is just for me.
I need my church and blog family to pray for me and help me if possible. I am standing in jeopardy of losing my home in a few days if I don't receive a divine miracle. I could give you many good reasons why I could not pay, but ultimately the world's system doesn't care and the details is really not the point.
My own family members are unable to help and some of my "personal" friends who can help are scared and many of them say that their finances are messed up too. And truthfully, you really never know what someone else has.
I have been a faithful member of CITN for almost 10 years and a faithful blogger (although I use screen names) since blog in the now's inception.
I am a member who have been extrmely low maintenance and have worked in many of the ministries at the church and who knows that CITN is my lifeline and absolute last thing I want to do is to put a burden on the church or anyone in this season, however, I need a place to live. I have never had one counseling session with Bishop or Pastor Debye, not one. But I am in financial trouble presently.
I have given tithes and offerings to the church through adverse situations even unemployment. Somehow God has kept me in this pass year (8 months of unemployoment) and I get the "tithe is holy" and the giving was to God and not to a local body. I get all of this.
However I have given my first fruits in this house because I am in covenant and the ministry is my home. The members of this local body are more my family than my family through blood.
So Bishop, thank you for everything and all your blessings and they really do matter. I guess I need, at least this time, the tangible manifestation of help and I have no where else to turn.
So, let there be light to the eyes and ears of those walking and hearing by the spirit!
I have been walking on water a very long time now although I am not a good swimmer, so at this point I am going to have to get back in the boat, to preserve my life.
Even water walker's get weary...so I covet your prayers...and....help!
Water Walker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I receive and speak the same for you, your household, all creation and creators.
Love imagining that God splashed the skies with rivers of colors - bdellium and onyx stone; like in the beginning.
Love imagining how Aaron wore an embroidered coat of gold, blue, purple and scarlet, while God arrayed the world with the firmament and Light.
Safe travels, Erik!
Donald, your family... all of you are in my prayers. I know that God manifests in the way that He sees fit, but all I can say is that the situation doesn't necessarily have to be bleak. The doctors expected a much more difficult road for my precious daddy, and he got another good report on Friday. My prayers are with you!
SOZ, your 'ode to praise' at 2:27AM was beautiful. Thanks for that!
To all of the rest of you, expect great things! Perhaps we're all (myself included) very wrong to expect anything less form a God who most definitely CAN.
Love ya!
Water Walker,
I speak peace to you in the name of Jesus! Many of God's faithful people are "walking" out similar things in their life. But the operative word is Faithful! God is faithful to do what He said He would do! Many are tithers and have lost homes, BUT, God is still God, many are tithers and have gone thru many adverse circumstances, BUT, God is still God! He is faithful, and He is bigger than any circumstances! He will see you thru, whatever the outcome! We all have to get to the place of being willing to "Let Go and Let God"! He will and IS provide for you! Keep watch over your words and keep you eyes open for the miracles happening all around you!
God is Good and He is Faithful! He will Never leave you or forsake you!!! We, the Body, lift you up and stand with you for miracles, favor and for the Waymaker to make a way! Be Open for the WAY that He makes! Love and Peace!
Water Walker- I understand your dilema.I am in the same situation but I may have something to offer you.Contact me at my e-mail and we can swap personal info there and contact each other.
Debra Murphy
It is only in the presents of the rain that the rainbow is visible.....no rain - no rainbow
Understand how blessings come.
What you thought was bad, God meant for good.
Only on the back drop of darkness can the light be seen.
Diversity of reflections create the kaleidoscope of color
Wow, I love rainbows
Let there be light
What a refreshing, encouraging, BEAUTIFUL word!!! I LOVE rainbows~they always speak to me!
Pray it right back to you Bishop, Pastor Debye and family and all on here and in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is strong and faithful to perform His word and perfect that which concerns each of us!
We may not can see one inch ahead of us but we can hold the hand of the ONE who does!!!
As His word says...."I have NOT seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread!
Water Walker....I'm with you....been facing similar circumstances for months and still am. Very scary and faith stretching!!! God will send the right help to you and for you! He is our source~I can tell you He has been faithful! It has definitely not been easy but the things I've learned and the changes within who would have thought would have come from trials! He is truly FATHER!!!
I am standing in prayer fervently with you and also for your brother and you Donald!
I have to tell you an amazing testimony that happened to a girl in her 20's in my church here just about 3 yrs ago~will give the brief.
She is in her 20's and was pregnant with her first child when she was diagnosed with tumor within her heart and they at first said they could not do surgery because of the pregnancy. Well, it grew so they sent her to a hospital in Philadelphia for surgery there. A group of doctors came in to consult with her and explain that it would be her life or the baby's and they had to choose her life. They proceeded to do the cat scan/xray before surgery the next day and guess what? It was COMPLETELY gone!!! The doctors, nurses, patients...everyone was amazed and in awe! She had people from other floors, etc coming to see her when they heard! She brought back her xrays to show everyone the proof! She had a healthy baby girl and is now pregnant again. There was tons of prayer and prayer chains for her. God is just so GRAND! He loves your brother just as much!
I hope this gives encouragement to your heart! We don't always understand why things happen but we know that He loves us and we cling to Him when we don't understand.
Much love and prayers!
It is a great day to be alive with the magnificent MOST HIGH God Father we have and serve!!!
WOW! One of the most powerful messages I have ever heard Bishop!!! Thanks for the laughter too! You are totally hilarious! I felt bad laughing about the ski slope and felt horrible for you but thankfully God helped you down the slope!
I totally know and can relate to where you were coming from and feeling but of course in different circumstances. I totally understand the smiley face and thought before you even spoke it that you are covered and as children of The Most High God we each are! He has a way of just letting us know in all things He is with us!
Thanks for the laughter and the inspiration! You are loved by me and many!!!
WOW! One of the most powerful messages I have ever heard Bishop!!! Thanks for the laughter too! You are totally hilarious! I felt bad laughing about the ski slope and felt horrible for you but thankfully God helped you down the slope!
I totally know and can relate to where you were coming from and feeling but of course in different circumstances. I totally understand the smiley face and thought before you even spoke it that you are covered and as children of The Most High God we each are! He has a way of just letting us know in all things He is with us!
Thanks for the laughter and the inspiration! You are loved by me and many!!!
PRICELESS! The smiley-face scenario, I mean! Can totally relate. Think I shared this before, but it reminds me of the time that I was driving out of my subdivision, and noticed that wonderful praying mantis perched on my driver's side mirror. It's such an instinctive thing for me to try to get rid of bugs, but that sweet little heart-shaped face was staring right at me. Gave me such a warm, wonderful feeling; I just had to laugh. Kept thinking that somewhere, somehow, I was being prayed for and that my new little friend was my guardian angel. I kid you not... I had several stops to make that day, and it didn't leave its perch until I was safely home in my driveway. How cool is that?!
If you missed that one, you missed that one...
Me and mine add our agreement to you and yours about your brother.
No matter what, we believe in a healing God.
I will get with you soon about my patent process.
In total agreement with the prayer requests made known here.
Bishop, you are most assuredly loved and anointed! And if you want to get out in the cold this winter, I'd recommend ice fishing...
Shoe polish!.......an amazing story I'll never forget.
Lutefisk and ice fishing, the winning combination. You betcha...
Is that you, Sarah Palin?
With some potatoes, mashed peas, and bacon on the side...Yum!
Sarah would probably fire up some moose burgers!
The name Barack means divine blessing. What does Sarah mean?
Thanks for the prayers everyone.
That was some ferocious good stuff this morning Bishop (the great indoorsman).
NTL I plan on coming up there in a few weeks. Maybe we can hook up for dinner that Saturday night or for lunch after church and talk about that patent stuff.
Plus y'all need to pray that I can get deliverance from that filthy, vile spirit of lying. I said that I would never work with sheetrock again and yet here I am all up in the middle of it.
Ewwww Donald sheetrock???? That is right up there with painting! Water Walker -God is faithful and is surely working on your behalf right now. I think the whole body is being shaken and we will end up with better than we started with and a bigger appreciation of it! Also Donald when my dad had his brain anuerysm ( the second one) 5 years ago- we got a very bleak report and he lives right next door on our property today and is a huge blessing in helping me take care of Bailey. We are sending up fervent prayers on your family's behalf. And yes today was a great day at CITN. I agree the snow skiing story was hilarious. Bishop you should feel proud though-atleast you made it to the beginner slope. We were attempting to ski from the cabin TO the beginner slope and I spent several hours on my bum as David would pass me and wave! An older gentleman would try to help me up and finally left me with "I am sorry-I cannot help you anymore" end of my snow skiing career. Now I stay inside with a good book --by choice! Pastor Debye -cool things about the girl's services. Definately want to be a part when we have one here!
Baptize my old man; blades You blow from the trees.
Bury me in Your death; these dead leaves in the dirty ground.
Walk with me in the cool of the day.
Indian summer, Indian summer
Bishop- I was looking at all the "double rainbows" last night online trying to find one that matched what I saw OTB the other night. (...and that's not Off Track Betting!)
The thing today about the polish(not Polish) and the smiley face was so prophetic for this house and for myself! Thanks for the laughs today...I was laughing so hard last night it was a natural progression into today.
This morning as we were driving down to feed the homeless, a car got squarely into my lane thinking it was theirs-just barely had time to hard swerve around them. The song that I was singing at that moment was from Esther Happy (Ugandan songs) and the title was "Where Would I Be Without You Jesus"?!
Where would we be without Him. Without hope & without God in this world I reckon.
Will be praying for all the needs noted on this blog. God can do miracles at the 11th hour when it seems all hope is gone. I speak forth the Zoe life of God into these situations and say to God be the glory for the things He has DONE. DONE! DONE!
It is finished!
Erik -loved your posts last night! Have a good time OOT!
God's covenant to Noah extended to every living thing- God cuts covenants with critters!
word ver.- QCTKJ- Quick Cat is The King of the Jungle
"Sarah" means "Trouble for Obama" ;)
Laura- glad you had a "heart" laugh!! I remember going through depression and not being able to REALLY laugh for about 8 months- couldn't cry either. Every laugh and cry I have now is just that much more meaningful. The joy of the Lord is your strength. God uncovers the joy. Uncovers your joy. Knows your "clay". Knows your heart and your pain. I admire you Laura! I admire that you did not give up when MANY would have. I had a word from the Lord today at the altar and I believe it's for you: "You are stronger than you think you are. Have faith(continue having faith)."
You are NOT forgotten! God knows YOUR name! I bless you my sister!
The song today was SO right on the money for this body, sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees! ...but I'm seeing men like the shape of trees...
Hey bloggers,
Thanks for the reviews from this morning...I really appreciate it. The smiley face gave me a chuckle, SOZ.
I'm in agreement for the prayer requests.
It's all good.
Word ver: ooiho
What does that mean?
Congratulations and welcome back Pastor Debye!
Thank you, Ted Winn.
Bish, I enjoyed the words, "God doesn't take you off the mountain..." from today's message. There was probably an end to that sentence, but that's all I caught before I was reminded of those of Bether. (one interpretation means, "in the trial")
Re: Pulling down strongholds - I just had a conversation about that, and Eph. 2:6!
Re: Smiley face, "sign". So glad you mentioned that. Before service, I studied the pics & wondered if I was imagining things. (would have blogged it, but didn't want to be late for service)
It looks like the #8 beside the prominent rainbow in pic 1.
And the shape of a butterfly in the upper right corner of pic 3. (above the dark blue color)
And, maybe the outline of a dove (left hand side) in pic 4.
Many possible anomalies in pic 8. Like, say, the image of someone handing off a bag of blessings from one side of the rainbow to another.
NEW YORK, Oct 12 (Reuters) - The average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States recorded its largest drop ever as consumer demand continued to wane and oil prices slid, a prominent industry analyst said on Sunday.
The national average price for self-serve, regular unleaded gas fell 35.03 cents to $3.3079 a gallon on Oct. 10 from $3.6582 two weeks earlier, according to the nationwide Lundberg Survey.
It was the lowest national average price since March 21, 2008. Since peaking at $4.1124 on July 11, the average cost of a gallon of gas has receded by 80.45 cents. Diesel fuel fell 21 cents to $3.95 a gallon, the first time since March that it has been below $4.00 a gallon.
"Plummeting oil prices and caving gasoline demand have combined to bring the biggest retail gasoline price cut in the history of the market," Trilby Lundberg, who compiles the survey, said in an interview. "We've been doing this 58 years. This is truly the biggest price drop."
Saw 2.99 this weekend! This is good news. Great for truckers, airlines & those of us who drive for a living!
Silver lining? Always much more than meets the eye.
God is absolutely using this financial world downturn for His purposes!
(...behind prison doors, Paul and Silas praise the Lord with gusto!)
23When they had struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to guard them securely;
24and he, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.
25But about MIDNIGHT Paul and Silas were praying and SINGING hymns of praise to God, AND THE PRISONERS WERE LISTENING TO THEM;
26and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and EVERYONE'S chains were unfastened.
(You notice it wasn't just Paul & Silas' chains!)
The world needs to see the Body of Christ trusting unflinchingly their God! THIS will be lifting up Christ and He will draw all men to Himself!
Also, I forgot to mention this morning that today is Columbus Day. I probably should have written something about it on the blog because, even though it isn't so politically correct any longer to say that he "discovered" America(there was already an ancient civilization here), he is definitely an important historical figure.
I love him because he was a visionary who did something about his vision. He believed that the earth was round when everyone thought it was flat...and when he proved that it actually was, indeed, round, he was called a heretic by the church and was nearly put to death.
One man's heresy is another man's revelation.
So...here's to my favorite heretic.
Happy Columbus Day!
I was discussing this with some baker in the next cell and he swears it means yahoo! in Maori(a New Zealandish language)
but I think it means "Outstanding Open Irises and Hearts are One"...I'm just sayin'...
OOIHO-One Oracle's Ideas are Heresy to Others
ooiho / The eyes of the Lord "oo" are on Ohio..
"This Is It, and I Am It, and You Are It, and So Is That, and He Is It, and She Is It, and It Is It, and That Is That."
Or... Olive Oil Is Harmoniously Obtained...
Great thoughts about Columbus. It's a brave and amazing thing to go against the popular opinion. How many times in history has the majority had it all wrong?
It makes me think of some of these classic Friends scenes between Ross and Phoebe. Although they are talking about evolution, the principals in their arguments could apply to many topics. Their are a lot of insightful lessons in their comedy.
I took a nap after church. So, is it Monday, already?
It's Monday in the Eternal Now. Other than that Joy you'll have to hold on for about 4 more hours...
Somewhere... over the rainbow...
... where troubles melt like lemon drops...
Funny you should make reference to OZ, because when I first saw 'ooiho' I immediately thought of the witch and monkeys. Didn't they do a similar chant or something? It's been a LONG time since I've seen that movie!
What does Sarah mean?
Well lets just take a look at that now. When Abraham went somewhere with Sarah he told her to tell everybody that she was his sister so that they wouldn't kill him to get her. If I read everything correctly, she was not exactly a spring chick when all of this was happening. She must have been some kind of seriously blessed woman.
Now let's consider Gov. Palin. She is not exactly the most beautiful woman on the planet, but she certainly is a far cry from being the ugliest.
So I guess it is safe to say that Sarah could mean "hot mama".
... to wise investments, and the promises of the rainbow!
Sarah: according to wikipedia " a woman of high rank"
on my prayer list Donald
"Blue Skies" Lyrics
I was blue, just as blue as I could be
Ev'ry day was a cloudy day for me
Then good luck came a-knocking at my door
Skies were gray but they're not gray anymore
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see
Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
>From now on
I should care if the wind blows east or west
I should fret if the worst looks like the best
I should mind if they say it can't be true
I should smile, that's exactly what I do
ver word
Good evening BITN'ers! Thank you for all of your prophetic and faith-ful words about this shelter situation. You are awesome. The Lord is definitely in this and I have a very cool day with one of our family members blessing my socks off. I will tell the details as the Lord works it out, but I want to say I love you and I bless you and you rock! It looks like I am going to be able to climb over into the boat this week but my faith is as strong as ever!
My resolve to bring the manifestation of the kingdom to earth and to bless the Lord at all times. I need to make this clear, that this provision that the Holy Spirit is working out is nothing less than a miracle. WE have entered the miracle zone at CITN, where we are starting to have all things in common (Acts 2) and I am totally jazzed about the power of the Holy Ghost.
I pray one hundred fold return on this body of intercessors, believers, ambassadors and water walkers. This is a shout out to my sister in North Georgia. I am praying miracles for you! WE will talk tomorrow. Here is another shout out to angel usher for being instant in season.
God loves you and so do I (GLUASDI)
Bishop, you was quite a hoot (with all due respect) today and truly laughter doeth the heart good like a medicine. The feet in hinds places message really worked. You are so wise to use laughter as a antidote for fear, pity, lonliness, depression. Thank you, you are my spiritual father and you continue to amaze me.
I really pressed to come today and you know what...I am so glad I did
Water Walker!!!!!!!!!!
Some funny lines, I'm laughing. Ok, this is from an official Sarah; I got the word from someone who, you guessed it, is named Sarah. According to her it's origin is Hebrew, and it means is princess. Donald, from a born and bred conservative who's whole world view was shaken this past year, and why I'm thinking about it.... instead of talking about Barack and Sarah.. let me say this:
What a year of breakthrough and discovery this has been for me in my soul and spirit. What forgiveness, and revelation, and grace. What a truly loving God we serve. My God, I am only what I am this moment , God has been working this clay, and I thank Him right now. God gives you life-lines, that's what I feel like saying brothers and sisters, and He is the highest form of life support. His kingdom is the most ultimate extension of life. I feel that word today in regards to that mountain. That the circumstances can seem to be aligned against you on that mountain, my God, we are all their in some respects, in our own way. But praise Him!, praise Him! Praise God, Hallelujah, Glory to God, Amen! He is leading us to the top of that mountain! It's so true that the mountain has it crags and its steep difficult places. It can be painful,..dangerous, seemingly lonely as we feel as if we are trying to just hang onto the Rock sometimes. It may seem as if your clinging alone off the edge of the world. We attempt to push back against gravity, and dream, and continue the climb. Who called dares to climb the mountain saying they are hidden from Him? We are tied into the Rock with faith, standing in hope, and surrounded and sheltered by a coat of love. The blast may come in the bitter cold, even working against our flesh..It can be hard...It can make you weary...Jesus understands. Saints, His hand is upon you. And when His hand is set to you, when His hand presses on you, your loved ones, you whom He so loves that He would let you share in His sufferings and rejections; His power to overcome this world. In this moment He reveals it in you; on this mountain, in times of love in Him. He is setting you down and sharing His friendship with you, in communion with you, as surely as He has shared His baptism in death with you. He sets you down on that soft, flat, lush piece of land on His mountain, just to watch the sun come up. Every moment it's you and the Holy Spirit. Every evening you can watch the stars come out of the pitch dark night together. The body and complete family as well, having these things in common; cords entwined into chords, singing out from the mountain. Who can appoint a time, that such a unity is revealed in this loving act glory from God? Who is worthy to open this scroll? Christ alone will do it! Surely the Lord can do all which He desires. In every now, the Morning-star rises in your heart. And with tomorrow's grace, together you pack up your things, and you ascend in that mountain high. Rise in the mountain from the Lord. Together the heaviness of the things around you are used up and left behind you. Lighter and more free than you've ever known, sensitive to the guiding of God's Spirit, you advance. Through the walls and the granite. In times, He hides you in the cleft of the Rock. On that very mountain, where once you reach it's top your eyes will see everything as it is and as He Is; the mountain itself disappears. We speak to this mountain. BE REMOVED! We arise in Christ's resurrection, and the mountain is made low. We are standing together on the mountain. One God, one Body, one Mountain, as it disappears. Together in Christ. Love is what remains.
Today God is Yes and Amen in your life. Your sins are forgiven. You sing songs unto the Lord !
Thanks Larry.
You know when I hear your name it reminds me to pray Not only for you and the members of our church but also for my brother that shares your name.
I know one day I will see him again (smile).
The wounds of my past are healing.
With healing comes itching.
It happened and it hurts but the new day brings deliverance.
Hope for the future that's all there is.
Thanks for giving the word.
The New day is right before you.
Reach for your New day.
Re: "Sunday's Blessing" - it
occurred to me that maybe I wasn't clear about where the blessing was "in the trial".
What I meant to say (but couldn't, because of ringing phone, etc.) was how the words, "He will make my feet like hinds' feet and make me walk upon high places", reminded me of Jesus in Matthew 5.
Habbakuk 3:19 also reminds me of Song of Solomon 8:14. That, in turn whisks me to the books of Matthew, Mark & Luke, where Peter (on the mountain top) said, "It is good," affirming God's vision from the beginning.
The young roes and harts feeding on spice mountains reminds me of John 19:39,40.
Elle, I haven't watched that movie in a long time, either. (the witch & flying monkeys used to creep me out! No idea what they chanted - couldn't hear them with my ears covered!)
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