Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tea or Coffee?

Hey bloggers,

I like these two cartoons, and wanted to post them because I think that they are relevant right now for several reasons...they may or may not speak to you...

Hope you're having a great day...today's AYITN is from the chapter I used for Sunday's sermon (even though the entry is in a different flow from the word that came forth)...but I think it's a good one...check it out...

Pastor Varner's wife, Joann, was at Apostle McCurry's funeral Saturday, passing out copies of the book (which is still my/our best seller) to some of the people who were there ...she and Kirk Talley both keep introducing it to new audiences, which is awesome...

I've been invited to Korea to speak for an ILC/GPF in a few days, and my dad has been invited to go with me...he can't find his passport (which is expired, anyway), so be in agreement that we can get one for him in time...

On second thought, just be in agreement for the right thing to happen, because if we can't get one for him, Debye will go with me, instead, and he'll stay and preach on the Sunday I'm gone...either way is cool with him (and us), but I think that he'd really like to go, and I think it would be good for him...he and I haven't gone on a trip anywhere together for over 25 years...

And be in agreement for the direction of the United Rockdale Summit meeting today...I was going to go hear B. Tommy speak at Beulah Heights University this morning, but I think I'll go to the meeting today, instead...lot's of important things to discuss...

Thanks to those of you who tithed for the first time (or for the first time in a long time) last Sunday...I command a blessing on you...

Anyway...be strong today...keep a good attitude...see the big picture...count your blessings...seek first the Kingdom...walk in love...and blog something...



Erik said...


The cartoons Bishop are fun. Meet in the middle, coffee or no, it is to meet and connect where we can.

In agreement re Rockdale Summit, and the passport manifesting. There are many express options, this is one -- http://www.travelingdetails.com/

Invitation comes in The Spirit. Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

I get it.

Cartoon #1 - Labels are basically unimportant.

Cartoon #2 - Agreement is possible - and necessary - even if it involves compromise.

I like both tea and coffee.

SCRIBE said...

Good Early Morning! All:

Here is a "SPIRITUAL VITAMIN" to take alongside your morning coffee, tea, or whatever your drink of choice may be... Hope that this gets your day jumpstarted! GOD will meet US wherever we are, all we need to do is start walking in the direction of HIS VOICE, or stand still in the place you are supposed to be and Believe HIM to keep His Appointment with you! Amen. Peace and Mercy to all.

Word of the LORD!... taken from Book Entitled:

(Copyrighted Material)
Author: C. FORD

Tuesday Morning
21 October 2003 @ 0605 Hours

Glory Hallelujah! Rejoice ye’ people that are hard pressed, heavy laden, beat down, financially distraught, and emotionally battered, declares the Spirit of the Lord, because this is the season of total and complete restoration! This season shall be unlike any other that the people of GOD have ever seen before. Just because this day has started like so many before it and it is still dark outside, when the light of the morning breaks forth in the eastern sky, you shall proclaim that marvelous are my works indeed, declares GOD. You shall witness the salvation and mercy of the Lord of Hosts upon your households and the Holy Spirit shall wear the bondservants of GOD continually. On this day, the anointing that the Lord thy GOD has imparted within thee shall command supernatural favor, grace, and the spirit of reconciliation to fall all around, says GOD. I shall lead they that have been hard hearted and hard headed back for repentance because their seasons of wandering around in the darkness has been terminated through the fervent prayers of the remnant of GOD. Before the end of this day, I shall send willing, available vessels to my people to confirm those things that I have said unto them. Therefore, be not surprised because I- the Lord of Hosts am the keeper of my word! AMEN

Those that seek my face, says GOD, while pardoning the gates of heaven even when they are worn and torn in mind, body, and spirit- I shall show myself to them on this day, as they allow the Holy Spirit to lead them to wherever they are supposed to be, at the proper time. Then, they will know that the Lord God Almighty has come to set the records straight in the long seasons of trials and distress, says GOD. Without a test, there would be no testimony. I, the Lord of Hosts deliver my people from faith to faith, glory to glory, and redemption to revolution. The harvests seasons have arrived and the fruits of abundance are pouring in. SELAH…

At all times, declares GOD, my people are to press into me for wisdom, permeated with strength, knowledge, and a spirit of excellence. Even though all persons fall short in some areas of their lives, they should still adhere to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and continue to dedicate time to press into my presence every day, says God. Now is the time that I will flood thee with knowledge in areas that they felt weak in or shied away from because they felt it was not their strong suit. However, I- the Lord thy GOD empowers my people with remarkable understanding of all things that have plagued and perplexed them for years and they will not only know, but shall be able to teach, tutor, and coach others, says GOD, serving as motivators empowered of the gospel. There are many unique gifting within the people of GOD- though some are untapped, but now to be released to change lives, transform thinking, and touching souls all over the world, starting with one life at a time. SELAH…

Through the grand outpouring and Divine Impartation of the spirit realm, there is no time like the present to believe me at my word, for my promises are always yes and amen, declares the Lord Jehovah Divine. AMEN

My people are not to be discouraged or dismayed, for their prayers have not been ignored. The prayers of those that worship the Lord thy GOD in spirit and in truth have pierced the heart of God Almighty and made the warrior angels stand at attention to carry out the plans and purposes of GOD for their lives. SELAH… The Holy Spirit has been sent forth to reach the unreachable, educate the dense and unyielding, while equipping the foolish to become wise so that they shall not continue to dash their feet against the stones while running head first into brick walls in attempt to chisel out doorways. SELAH…

Blessed is the name of the Lord God on High, for mighty are His works indeed. Brace yourself for an overflow of revelation and waterfalls of blessing, miracles, favor, and breakthroughs. Let not your hearts be troubled and your minds are now healed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I, the Lord thy GOD have come to free you from the torment, pains, anxieties, and animosities. Although my precious people have been wronged, I have sent forth the warrior angels to set the records straight, and no stone is left unturned. Shout Hallelujah, for the Spirit of the Lord brings clarity in the midst of confusion.


Anonymous said...

Can't we all get along?

Linda Luke said...

Today is a new day and His mercies are new! =)

I like, coffee, tea....or how about coke?

The world seems so peaceful @ this time of day. It is refreshing to the soul!

What the spirit of religion does in the Holy name of God makes me cringe! The neat thing is...God's not worried for He knows He is THE Lord, King, and God! As Jesus said,....they know not....

We are here and blessed for such a time as this~to give a hand, a smile, love and spread some joy!!!

When we walk in...the atmosphere should change~look who we've got living inside! He never leaves or forsakes us!

In agreement about Korea!

Bishop, you should record a cd! We'll be looking out for it!

Great, rockin word Scribe! Hallelujah! COMPLETE RESTORATION!! Only an amazing God can turn the bad into good for us!

EXPECTING~What's next papa?

Peace all you lil peeps~

...stayin strong thru HIM...it's rough out there/but "It's all good, cuz He makes it GOOD!"

Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everyone has the power of greatness; not for fame, but greatness. Because greatness is determined by service!

Linda Luke said...

OMG! Just read the todays AYITN~how powerful!

...His perfection more than makes up for my inadequacies!!! (Praises to God!)

AYITN has the wisdom of the book of Proverbs in the NOW!

...ps...Nation of Worship would make a great recording too!

Anonymous said...

I think the cartoons may be saying...Come let us reason together, (let us argue together)...Let US (us, the United States) agree to sometimes disagree.

Let people with different backgrounds in regards to denominations, culture, history worship and fellowship together and then meet in a common place for fellowship validating one another (CITN) and loving one another in spite of our differences. Let the people of the US, whether they are democrats, republicans, liberals work together for a common cause and then be able to break for tea or coffee or whatever.

May I say, Bishop, I have so much respect for many of the comments that General Colin Powell made on Sunday on "Meet the Press", particularly the one pertaining to the unity ...that is so important that this country needs presently and the pain and time he invested into his decision he made for his selected candidate.

He did not base his decision on past friendships or relationships but on the issues and on being educated and no it was not based on race, as some seem to believe. Would that be the race card, reverse affirmative actions or would it be ignorance or fear. I don't have the answers to that, I am just asking the questions...what would cause this level of rhethoric unless the speakers are ultra color (race) sensitive...just a question??????

Gen Colin Powell referred to Senator Obama's temperament and demeanor and basically truly took the time to examine all of the issues and to listen to the many presidential debates and conversations and referred to Senator Obama as being "intellectually curious"...That phrase spills over into many areas of life and in particular our decision to be open concerning all people in regards to our choices to worship, fellowship, to vote for the true issues and not race, to get along, to have moral tolerance, to embrace each other's culture, preferences, religions, politics and so on.

I could say more, but because we don't want to turn this blog into a political blog...let me just say that it behooves us to become "intellectually curious"...in our decisions, opinions, thoughts and discussions AND to learn to pause for the cause and to share Tea or Coffee?...with others on different sides of the aisles for the sake of gospel and for the sake of our country's future.

Water Walker

Pamela said...

We all bring something different to the table. Read what I wrote yesterday about, Making the Sign of the Cross, I don't consider myself Catholic anymore but it is still reverent and important to me.

I know that over the last few weeks some people I believe wanted a tent evangelical revival at the GPF hosted at CITN. They felt that there was not enough Christ in the ceremony. I feel that they did not get it, but I understand their excitement to want to share what we know to be the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and I do respect that. So the other day I was thinking and jotted the following down.

Have you ever been so excited to share some news with someone but their mind or heart was not in the right place to receive or comprehend it. You may have not gotten the response you were hoping or praying for.

As God Changes and molds us to what he wants us to be, we can mold and shape others to receive in gentle and loving gestures. If we had World Peace and we were not fighting over religion and politics and all our other differences. People who didn’t know the Christ in themselves would be more aware to see the Christ in us and inquire what we have. God does not want us to spread the Gospel, – the Good News out of fear or superiority, but in Love, and Hope and for Peace.

I thank God everyday, that I know Jesus Christ, that the void I thought was there in my life is no longer there, because the light was turned on and I see and feel his glory. The Holy Spirit through the Kingdom of Christ is preparing the way through our love and respect for those who have not been privileged and honored to know Him as we do.

So Love a neighbor, would you like "Tea or Coffee" while we chat and share this time together?

Got to get to work, Later with Love, Pamela

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying coffee as we speak.

Love the togetherness represented here and yes pamela t. many of those who observed didn't get the Christ that was represented at the GPF.

I am completely loyal to the Christ that inhabited me through my salvation experience as a child. That Christ was introduced to me as a man who walked the earth by the name of Jesus.

As one who has grown in my understanding of God's greatness and power it is even more satisfying to know that the same Christ is as great as the God who has all power to save all creation and does so through The Christ with or without creation's conscious awareness of it.

I don't see much difference between myself and any other of God's children who are directing their love toward the Creator except for what each of us percieve to be different.

I completely agree that those differences can be dissolved by
a few cups of tea or coffee or any other form of warm communication.

at peace with One,


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am having a great day. I hope the same for you and all the Universe.

The cartoons are funny. I like the first one and am enjoying a cup of chai latte as type.

In agreement for your prayer requests.

The 2nd pic makes me laugh. Is there discord between the 2 pics? (both beverages are water based, aren't they?)

Psst... while you guys decide, I'll be up here at the pinnacle, sipping Ovaltine. (hehe)

NTL said...

Second picture

My position (left side) reminds me of a legalist still in the box.

Your position (right side) reminds me of one who has been liberated, who has found a whole new walk, outside of the box, and it's ok.

Lise said...

Tea, please... preferably Garden of the Veils Formosa Oolong (which I haven't been able to find in about 10 years). A true miracle if you could pull that off ;)

Presently, I'm have my morning cup of plain 'ol black tea with an oooey, gooey cinnamon bun. SUGAR BOMB is what it is, but I don't do it often, and I had a craving yesterday, and bought some. So, what the hey... I've enjoyed every morsel of ooey, gooey goodness!!!

Fun cartoons. The first kinda reminds me of what you say about the rabbis... that they can argue and argue the scriptures but still go commune over lunch.

Very cool about AYITN! It truly was/is a brilliantly inspired and timeless piece of work.

Missed quite a bit of streaming lately. Hate it when that happens. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon. As for now, gotta run. Much to do again today.

PS: Never coffee. Love the smell, hate the taste.

PPS: Iz/Joy, I'm with ya on the chai... yummy!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the differing views of belief.. it is amazing to me just how much we really agree on and overlook this point. Even the position of Universal Reconciliation is actually seen very clearly many of those that would dis-fellowship us because of it.

In my daily reading today I was reading from a devotional written a very long time ago.

Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1840-1929) was a wellknown & gifted pastor & author. His evangelistic tours took him to South Africa, Asia & North America even when he was 80. He spent the last years of his working life as a pastor in Englands churches. Meyer was part of the Higher Life movement & often preached at The Keswick Convention. He was known as a crusader against immorality & is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons & brothels. He wrote over 40 books.

He would not have fully embraced what we believe. But he saw it even if he was not aware of it; this is amazing to me.....

listen to a portion of his devotional for today...

"Let us notice the emphasis of 2Co_5:18. God was in Christ when He bore the burden of the world's sin upon the Cross and that we have been brought to know and love Him as of His grace. It is God also who has given us the right to carry the message of mercy and forgiveness to all within our reach. "He hath given to us," that is, to you and me, "the ministry of reconciliation." It is for us to go forth into the world, our hearts filled with Christ's love, telling men and women that this is a redeemed world, and that God is waiting for them to accept His love and mercy. This is the message of Christianity."

Yes I could set down and have a very enjoyable cup of tea or coffee with FBM; refoicing in my spirit that he knows what he doesnt know he knows, but will come to realize some day.


peacemaker said...

Here is the service that worked a miracle for me before Africa:

International Visa Service
Hilderbrand Rd Sandy Springs
(404) 843-0005

This may be what you called me about.

I love everything about today's post. I have been through all the formulas and rituals illustrated in picture 1 and I thank God for them all. Without them, I would not be where I am now.
Speaking of where I am now, picture 2 is great. I believe it's crucial to allow ourselves the priviledge of seeing something from anothers vantage point. What I like about this picture is the fact that one was at least willing to meet a little right of center(no political inference)just to bring unity.

Peace and Oneness

Son of Zadok said...

Why is it so important that the world change and we begin to truly love one another and work together? Why is what we believe so important? Why are things like the GPF so important?

Tea anyone?


Warning: a couple of mildly edgy words and British.

Lise said...



gave me a good laugh for the day

NTL said...

When I was a kid up in Duluth sOta,
my Grandma Kelnhofer (Grandpa was Bohemian, she was Norwegian) would boil the coffee grounds in a pot of water. When it was done, she would strain it into a cup using a cloth for the strainer. After she would take a sip, she would look at me and say, "Das goo-d cOffee, yah!

Linda Luke said...

hahah....very good SOZ!

Anonymous said...

I Love the cartoons, especially the coffee one.... so funny. Sunday was great. I didn't want it to end.


Friend4Life said...

Good Day, Every-1! In agreement that all goes well in getting the passport in time.

"Tea or Coffee?"--Tea please (smile)

Love it when you put cartoons on the blog. Gets some things stirring..you know, stirring my tea with two sugar cubes.

Main thing is that both need "hot water" to make. Maybe one day I will have a taste for coffee, but if that's all they have. (I'll try it.)

~Peace and Love~ l_D --my cup of tea

Teezy313 said...

Coffee coffee COFFEE!!

Nice cartoons! Where do you find this stuff? lol

Standing in agreement for God's will to be done concerning your dad's passport and over the United Rockdale Summit...

Anonymous said...

Nice cartoon, and I just came from Starbucks where I had tea AND ran into 3 people from CITN and 1 person I used to work with!

I am a little bothered that I don't have more time to write right now but praying for balance so I will.

Anyway, Bishop, I really liked the idea about raising a flag when the KING is in residence.
Yesterday when I first tuned in to the FISH the music was playing "Let the glory of the KING RISE among us", and this happened as I was approaching MLKing Blvd. which I thought was cool.

Thoughts: Is there a face-to-face with Jesus (in the Spirit?), when things are unveiled and we see HIM(Spirit) face-to-face, beholding?

Oh man, gotta go!

NTL said...

soz 10:06

If we didn't have all of that, everyone would have killed everyone hundreds of years ago. That deal about what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, would have caused men and women to fight until there would have been no one left.

word ver...muful...

me understanding fully understanding love

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks for the website and for the agreement, Erik...the meeting was excellent...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Right answer, Freebird...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Scribe...I appreciate that your prophetic words are always positive (true prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts)...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Amen, Anon 2:29...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Crownjewel...you're not from Atlanta if you don't drink Coke (or at least Diet Coke)...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Well said, Water Walker!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks for getting it, Pamela T.

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

JB, all of your collective comments here should be combined and put into book form...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Always a pleasure, Izumi...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

A thousand "AMENS", P. Dennis...

Rene sent your letter out this morning...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks for the tip, Peacemaker...

I thought you'd like the cartoons...

Anonymous said...

Bishop, I think it's awesome that you personally respond here to bloggers (when you have the time).

You are truly a pastor.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks for the confirmation, SOZ (and from yesterday...no, I don't think TBN would run me out on a rail...they've always been fine with quickly cashing my checks to them over the years without any theological dispute)...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Oh no he di-ent!

Iris said...

I'll 2 cups of tea and coffee please!!! Both with cream and sugar... Hey, anyone want to join me, I just ordered some for you as well.

Not to get into politics... but I thought that these were good predictions....

Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election...

1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still work.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move.

4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.

5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.

6. There will still be singing praise to God.

7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. Jesus will still love you.

9. The Cross will never loose it power.

10. His grace and mercy will still follow us all of the days of our lives.

God approves this message!



Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Anon 3:33

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, NTL...hope your trip was good...

And thanks, Elle (where have you been, lately?)

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Charlo (cool name) and Friend4life!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

It's a gift, Teezy...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I heard Starbuck's was a cult, Karl...better be careful...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I'll drink to that, Iris!

Anonymous said...

Bish, you're a trip!

Jesus Groupie said...


It would be great if you and Dad could go to Korea together. Maybe it's because I was close to my father, but I think generational representation is powerful and speaks volumes. It's speaking volumes here at home for sure. And I agree with disciple, you are a trip.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bish,

Is this where we whisper "decaff"?

*PS - with you on the "oohey gooey cinnamon buns". At our house, when we're having such cravings, we just say, "oohey gooey chewies!" & forage through the cabinets. (then pray for anyone who gets in the way)

Anonymous said...

Oops. I meant "Elle" for the 2nd part.

(PSA disclaimer: too much oohey gooey chewey is not good for keyboards.)

NTL said...

Picked up two more and nine ordered for spring. Inch by inch and row by row.

Don't know who jeney is.

word ver...jeneyhi...

Ebony said...

As long as it's sweet tea I;m game! All joking aside. i'm adding my agreement wih everyone else's, also. Is there no fall fest this year?

Anonymous said...

To all bloggers...

Ye'varechecha Adonai vyishmerecha
Ya'er Adonai panav eleicha vihunecha

Yisah Adonai panav eleicha v'yasem
l'cha shalom

The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and
give you peace.

Anonymous said...

Shalom to you, too! (look how good - how pleasant it is, to live together harmoniously!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Izumi for the reminder and yes Elle, oooee goooee goodness every once in a while is absolutely bodacious!

Thanks Dennis for the second cup of coffee with FBM.

To say Bish is off the chain is redundant so I will just say you are the dad, son, brother, friend and ect... we all enjoy fellowship with the most. Thanks for the blog, it covers a multitude of grins. udaman!


Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Machion and P. Nancy (congrats, NTL)...

Ebony, this will be the first time in 24 Halloweens that we haven't had one, but let's just say it wasn't wisdom this year to put one on. But we're believing that, with the E.A.C.H. program, that people will begin to financially support the ministry, and that by next year we'll be able to have one again (so this year we can tell the children that the only thing scarier than a ghoul or goblin is a non-tither!)...oh no he di-ent again!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

No, udaman, JB...

Anonymous said...

You're welcome JB. Through my chai latte tea/biscotti habit, this is our 2nd keyboard!

Son of Zadok said...

Great feedback today. The Shack bookclub is tonight. Knowing a few "God bless the bookclub" prayers were going out would greatly add to the faith tonight.

God thank you for all your doing.
God bless the book club tonight.
Holy Spirit lead them and guide them in all truth, and bless them with your presence.
Help everyone, and SOZ especially because he needs it, to not only hear, but to listen.


Friend4Life said...

You got me cracking up with your comments, Bishop!! Especially, with the non tither. Amen

tracy said...

Ya'll are all hysterical! How good it is to dwell together in unity. Non tithers-yikes scarier than ghouls anyday. Maybe a house of non tithers.....distortion everywhere....just kiddin (kind of). The get it factor is in the house, just hang on! Cartoons were fun, and Bishop all of your no you di-ents OH YES YOU DID!! Woo hoo!! Scribe -Excellent- received word. Soz hope tonight goes well, that particular book deserves an anointed God discussion, enlightenment in the midst.

tracy said...

Oh NTL- our invention provided to us with love by your son needs tweeking. Our fence builder didn't follow code! HELP!! Call David he will fill u in! Otherwise how smart you are and that thing has potential to make you millions. My uncle created the Weed Wizard and has prospered enormously ever since.

Linda Luke said...

Bishop, you rock! Thanks for the laughter and for taking time out of your busy schedule to connect with us as anon said already!!! It makes you more real to us~(not that you're not real as in genuine cuz you are!...but real in the sense even though you're Godly, you're relatable!)


Larry Usher said...

Water Walker-

I sincerely wish that the media was as "intellectually curious" as Sen. Obama is. They learned more in 2 days about "Joe the Plumber" than they have spoken about the records of the two candidates. Logic tells me the best way to judge a person is their fruit/their record, not the platitudes they proffer. I always liked Mr. Powell's deameanor and his bearing, but his reasoning I personally found lacking in many areas. I wish that peace could come through "governments", but I don't think we'll find it there. Only to the extent that men are willing to bow before the Lord and WHAT HE THINKS will we see that happen. That's all I'll say about that! Anybody see the movie "Zoolander"? The character "Mugatu" played by Will Ferrell used the expression "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" This is how I feel when watching these pols speak, Yikes!

I was thinking about Jesus as He would walk along with His disciples He would simply say to someone, "Follow Me." and how the crowds would just mill around in His "wake" so to speak. I thought about the Spirit of God and how today we have His "wind blowing as it wills" and how many will follow the "flow" of this "wind". There is a flow to our lives and the more the two flows coincide one with the other, the more fruit is manifested.

Bishop- agreement for the best possible situation to come about for your Dad. My own wanderlust seems to have been piqued by the Uganda trip and I think there will be more coming! Good trip to you either way!

Yah, have been drinking tea the past few nights as the chill in the air became increasingly pronounced-Black Cherry! Yum!
Never did drink coffee but always LOVED the smell as it would brew in the morning! Now I'm thinking of the bacon! Oh my! Wait a second! It's dinner time!
Nice posts about the coffee though.

Izumi you're gettin' me hungry with all that ooey, gooey chooey talk! Ha!

Bishop- funny about the non-tither post! "No he di-ent!" Chuckling!

I'm off to the store to get sumpin'

Bro Lar

ps NTL word ver JENEYHI, give it a try:(For you yin & yangers out there) "Jesus Envelopes No Envelopes Yes He Is!"

my word ver: IZZIY- fo' shizzy! :)
Izumi'z Is Yummy.

2nd word ver(for Izumi) MWRPOI: "Maui Women Relish Poi" Ha!

NTL said...

imagine Gomer Pyle saying: I receive, I receive, I receive. I'll call.

Linda Luke said...

Bro Lar~

You are rather funny yo self~

~~yep, he did! =)

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I like when I'm away, periodically, from the computer (mine is being fixed right now, so I keep checking Debye's), and when I look again there are new comments to read...it's like hearing "You've got mail!"...and when it goes on all day it's like a cool steam of consciousness...

Thanks for the good comments posted here today from the bloggers who want to affirm me...and thanks, even, for the private rebukes from the e-mailers today (I won't personally respond to those, but I read them all) who want to keep me in line...

I'll agree about the crazy pills, Larry...seems like just about everyone in the political realm is saying the most bone-headed things in the last few hours (and then doing some major back-pedaling)...it's entertaining when it's not scary...

But I appreciate that most of you here have a sense of humor (if not street cred) here at Chizurch In The Nizow...

Keep talking...I like it!

word ver: hippow....?

tracy said...

Rebukes from e mailers??? aint it great when God "assigns " people to correct you in what he called YOU to do?? hippow-how ill-willed people perpetrate wisdom.....is beyond me!! LAM-laughing at myself.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Tracy...it's all good...

And it's like a STREAM of consciousness!

tracy said...

Just kiddin Bish- and apologies to all rebukers. Guess I should've minded my own business! Really just taking a stab at wordver and trying to keep it in conversation. The older I get the more defensive I seem to get and I guess that was purpose of 2nd cartoon. Took me all day, but got IT!

Anonymous said...

Autumn Coffee

1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup apple juice
1/4 cup ground coffee
1/4 (+/-) cinnamon
3 cups water

Pour the ground coffee and cinnamon into a coffee filter and gently mix. Place the coffee filter in the coffee maker and pour in the cold water.

In the cool pot of the coffee maker drop in your brown sugar and gently break up with a fork. Pour in the apple juice.

Turn the coffee maker on and brew like normal. Once the brewing cycle is complete, stir the ingredients to mix well. Pour into mugs and sprinkle a dab of cinnamon powder on the top.

Friend4Life said...

You've got Blog mail!! What's the next topic 2morrow? Cookie or Cake?? Is there a recipe for Autumn Tea, Anoy??

Funny that the word ver. are having words in them today. (I had ran, and unit in two earlier)

Word ver: wnaffh (World's Not At Fault For Hiccups) LOL I don't know!!

NTL said...

miracles, peace and love to us all,
and to all a good night.

and may all of our perculators be a perculating our favorite perculateds or our favorite
percu-lattes, in the morning.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I don't know, Friend4life...it's kind of hard for me to post without the familiarity of my own computer...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

And did you mean to call Anon 8:41 "Anoy"?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Just kidding.

Godd night, NTL...isn't this an early bed-time for you?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I meant GOOD night...or did I?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

DBA, I don't know if you ever check in here any more or not (maybe you'll be back after the election), but I was thinking about you earlier while watching a cool documentary on TCM about gangster movies of the 30's and
40's...did you see it?

Son of Zadok said...

Great night! Thank you for your affirmations of God in our midst tonight. He was!

Mindset: Thoughts Gathering....


Check this picture out I found, thanks to truth-over-traditon.com.
I'm gonna take it down now, but you should use it in a post sometime. I also love collecting art. You've sure added greatly to my collection with BITN. I should send you some of what I've found sometime.

"Share the load..."



Anonymous said...

I didn't see it because I was watching TBN!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

That is a cool pic.

Friend4Life said...

Yes, I meant anon@8:41pm. (my bad)

Was wondering, Bishop if you listen to the radio at home. Some how since living here in Covington. I can pick up Jackson.(Butts County) They play Gospel music Monday thur Friday from 7 to midnight. I never really hadn't got into that kind of music; until these past days. I am like on FIRE for it!! So,...Gospel music is my Cup of TEA!!

sip, sip, sip---That's some good stuff....God's Good!! I like when they get to repeating.(Very powerful) Station 92.1fm I think.

Son of Zadok said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Son of Zadok said...

WJGA - 92.1 FM

Jackson !!!

The Home of the Devils.

Anonymous said...

Brother Larry, I too believe that the government is on Jesus shoulders and you have made a very elegant argument about giving all of our care to Jesus and letting him shoulder our troubles. Your point is truly received, and as citizens of the kingdom of God first, we are instructed to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these other things shall be added. That is without a doubt, the uncompromised gospel.

However, God has given us dominion in this earth and we are the redeemed of the Lord and we do have the say so! I believe it is through our prayers and being watchers (intercessors)/that we can cause part of God's will to be done in earth.

Our words have power of life or death. What if the church, truly got on one accord and prayed the same pray in true agreement. I heard what Bishop stated about fasting on Sunday, and I understood it very well. But what if we all prayed and fasted and spoke the same thing and had all things in common and sang in one verse (uni-verse). I personally longed to see it when the church really understood agreement and having all things in common. And even at the church in the now, we really became that light sat on a hill and rocked the entire state with our steadfastness and unmovable spirit's, now that would truly be something to behold.

First and foremost it is His ultimate will and for His glory. Also, we are to understand our authority and dominion that God has given us as to subdue the earth.

I am clear that the arms of flesh will fail you (every time) and our trust is in Father God but we do need to be aware of what is going on in the political arena, the economic arena, on wall street, etc. so that we know what to pray about and what to watch.

As watchman (intercessors) we have the power to decree and bind and loose and speak to these issues. In this political climate it is imperative that we take our God given places and Be the difference that makes the difference, which is God's body in the earth.

The kindgom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force and there is a storm in the heavens and God is shaking some things up.

Many of us are suffering financially and yet I believe there is a transfer taking place in regards to wealth. Let the poor say I am rich.

We have to be watchful to know where we have an opportunity to pray and I believe that the prayer is to be for all flesh as it is written, in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.

God's spirit is being poured out and we are seeing the glory of the Lord revealed and manifested through the leaders He is positioning in political office.

We are the light and salt of the earth!

Water Walker

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Son of Zadok said...

Hey all you Bridge Builders and Reconcilers!

I've got some cool thoughts put together that have been working in me. More of that love, forgiveness and reconciliation stuff. Looking forward to Bishop putting up tomorrow's Blog.

Love eating that sweet bread of life here and enjoying the wine of our fellowship.

Erik said...

OMG , Colbert Report was hilarious with The God vs all other gods, and played a clip of a pastor challenging God to put up or shut up, in regard to making sure McCain won. If McCain loses, it would appear the pastor believes the gods Buddha and Hindu (which are not gods), although Allah is a name for God, ‘their god’ were bigger than ‘his god’ .

Funnnnyyyyyy. Basing God’s worthiness on who wins one state or another and wins the election, that is a strange litmus test to God .

Anonymous said...

Is not for me
Just sets my taste buds free

But what about cappuccino & chai
Those two meet somewhere in the middle.

Larry Usher said...

The "Thing" is God's will being done! Expect the unexpected and don't be surprised by what is coming...God won't be! Love the quote: "Constant change is here to stay."
"Today is the first day of the BEST of our lives!" If nobody claims that one, you can quote me on it! Ha!

As your life flows down the "river" you are bound to flow over some rocks. As you encounter these rocks, two things happen to your water: 1) Your water becomes aerated- super saturated with air-LIFE! 2) Your water is flung into the environment around you attaching itself to whatever is nearby- LIFE GIVING! It is through these "rapids" that God is sought, seen and appreciated.

Beautiful evening to all and know God has commissioned His angels this evening to watch over you.


word ver: QROAUJ- "Questions Resound Of An Unexpected Juncture."

NTL said...

I got up at 3:30 stumbled in to check the blog, and it's either I saw a sword in a stone for Wednesday, or I had a vision, or I need coffee. It's not there now.

Make mine cream and sugar. Oh, by the way. Try organic whole milk if you like cream. It rocks.

fairydust said...

Love this place. Havent been able to blog in a while,but, I will try to do better. Work. Whew!
Here is a thought. As soon as we realize that what we think about the most is what we become,we will be more mindful for what we think!

Living the vision

Anonymous said...

Hey what happened to the sword in the stone? Dude you confusing all the late nighters. check back later. Just to let you knopw you really was on to something.

Anonymous said...

equal does not equal sugar in my coffee.

Anonymous said...

correction knopw -know

Anonymous said...

Here we go again.

Anonymous said...

Bean juice, the morning drink of champions.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for all.

Hope all is well Bish, missed your post this am but the continuing stream of consciousness (there is also something about steam of consciousness that is appealling) is very good and permeating.

SOZ, also agree for the 'Shack' book club. I read it and found the thought of communication to be well portrayed. I know how real bad things happening to good people are and have seen the struggle that it brings into the lives of others. I never have and hope never will experience it but have witnessed more than my share of the pain of others dealing with the aftermath of personal disaster.

In that exerience 'Shack' ministered to me a great deal.

Looking forward to more of your contribution on love, forgiveness and reconciliation stuff.

Bro Lar, Erik, freebird/NTL, scribe, crownjewel, Elle(great to hear you), Izumi, Water Walker, Pamela t., Pastor Dennis, PM, friend for life, Iris, Karl, Teezy, Laura, disciple, machion, ebony, nancy,tracy, fairdust, all that I didn,t mention or whose names didn,t appear on the blog recently like dba and mystic and donald, I love you all. Everyone of you are a great book to read about the goodness of God that we have all found here.

May the most wonderous blessings of our great God and Christ be with you in the continuing now.


NTL said...

JB, we love you man.

Linda Luke said...

Love you too JB and everyone else! Amen to your post! His most wondrous blessings be yours too!!!

"Today is the first day of the BEST of our lives!" ~Larry

....may I have a tall mocha with whipped cream plz?

~Where's the Bish? I guess he's on a well deserved break!

~Grace~I love and need it!

His Grace is Enough

Today's Scripture

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (II Corinthians 12:9).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It’s kindness from Him that we don’t deserve. Grace empowers us and strengthens us. No matter what has happened in your past, you can receive God’s grace and forgiveness and start fresh today. You can hold your head up high because His grace is enough. You may not be perfect, but you are forgiven.

When you go around holding on to your past mistakes or think you have to try to make things up to God, it’s like saying that His grace isn’t enough. Jesus has already paid for your mistakes. All you have to do is receive His grace today and thank Him for His favor and empowerment in your life. In the same way, extend that grace to others. Don’t try to punish people for their past mistakes; instead, give them favor to start over. As you allow God’s grace to flow through you, you will be strengthened and empowered. You’ll see yourself rise higher, and you will enjoy God’s blessing in every area of your life.

A Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness and grace today. I receive Your strength and favor in my life. Help me to extend that grace to others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Teezy313 said...

Bish what's goin on?!
I come to check the sword in the stone blog before class and it's gone!

peacemaker said...

Thank you, JB.
I recieve your words as one who has found great spoil.

And to you, my friend...
May you continue to experience brilliant illumination as you delve deeper and deeper into the Mind of God. May your words continue to flow like honey and manifest as apples of gold and settings of silver.

Your great Wisdom is a gift to us all. You truly are a Sage, Mystic, and Prophet. Thanks for sharing your Light.

At One with You,

tracy said...

Amen to what PM said JB! I did read the Year in the Now this morning about the sword and the stone, and wow! I have just recently had God begin to show me why some of the things that have happened in my life have happened. It was after much wrestling as Jacob wrestled and a little whining, even a little "wine-ing". But mostly just from telling Him that I will go through whatever it is if it brings glory to Him. In which He pretty much replied It is HOW you go through it that determines if it brings glory to me or not. Sometimes I get that and He is pleased ....sometimes not so much. If you haven't read today's devotional this will not make too much sense to you. Anyway it is a new day today make it pleasing to Him.

Jesus Groupie said...

Thanks Crownjewel, needed the sufficient grace scripture today. Me and the other 6% that make up the unemployment statistic need some perfected strength as we vie for the same jobs. I just believe that God is going to make it so that His faith walkers will ultimately be able to deliver tithes to the storehouse that will take up so much space that there won't be enough room for it. Today, I don't profess to know everything, but I do know this: When I find a way to be thankful for my troubles, they become my blessings. Still, while I'm finding that way, I have to depend on, stand on, nestle in, and live in that sufficient grace. It's more than enough right now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Y'all,
You have a great day IN the Lord.......

Thanks Bishop and Rene.....

Praying all is well....


Erik said...

The Sword and the Stone,

NTL, Laura, Teezy 313 there and Soz had a couple comments. Got sleepy, so I went to bed, and had some dreams about Sword and Stonish things. Dreams run together, but one piece was this. ---

I Showed up at CITN, as in dreams, it was CITN, but a little different. Anyway, there is a lot of activity going on, a party /celebration and different sets of people engaged ion one thing or another, and all in the celebration. Saw people I knew, all said hi, got engaged in different things, all through I noticed that everyone was stunning, the women super beautiful and the men all very striking. They looked the same and more. We all did.

Realized we all had ‘The Sword’, not the physical one, but all at the party had drawn the sword of truth and love from the stone of experience. It was a gathering, a ongoing celebration of sword pullers. A congregation of kings and queens. Not saying the are not others out there, just that CITN is certainly a congregation of such.

Some other people blended into the dream, and different places, but the congregation remained.

Linda Luke said...

HIS grace IS sufficient Machion!!!
I can relate...my husband lost his job several months ago. It has been challenging to say the least and scary too! I have to say God is faithful and grace marvelous!!! It has been an amazing ride! (because of God) He's come thru every single time~stretching my faith in the process. Actually, think I was in the refiners fire cuz other challenges were happening at the same time. Just saying this to let you know that He has you in the palm of His hand and if He sees a sparrow fall He most certainly sees and will take care of every detail that concerns you!!! Just watch the sparrows if you can~it will inspire you!

I speak and pray the favor of Heaven upon you to find the job that He has for you and to take of your and your family!!! He will do it! He loves you too much!

Linda Luke said...

...to take CARE of you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...


(Proverbs 25:2)

* May the most wonderous blessings of our great God and Christ be with you in the continuing now.

And may the same blessings be with you and yours JB, fellow bloggers and beloved Universe.

Anonymous said...

I'm still catching up reading posts [yesterday I was in abundant life!] but there continues to be a sweetness here, like honey in a honeycomb, which probably goes best with tea.
Personally, I like variety, the proverbial spice of life.

Larry, re: Gen. Powell. I could only find bits and pieces posted by whoever liked a section of what he said. But this is where I went. Whether right or wrong, true or false, he used the information and experience he has to make a confident, passionate [in a presbyterian sort of way]choice. Whatever his views and choices, or anyone's, he made me think about not doing anything out of fear. I don't want to do anything out of fear...vote, give, serve, attend, be in a relationship, buy or sell a house, invest, not invest, fill up my tank, walk on one side of the street...nothing! Which led me to the thought that the list of those going in the lake of pur starts with the fearful. These last few days, that seems so right and I'd love to do a word search on the rest of the list to find out if there is some sort of progression there. You gotta get rid of the fear first...then you can believe...then get rid of abominations? I don't know--just a thought, searching for a coin lost in a field.

For now, I need to decide if Bean Juice is going to be on my shopping list or not. I sense a little fear--and THAT has to GO!

Erik said...

It seems there is an error on the blog when trying to get to comments for today, Wed 1022 from the posting. Is anyone else getting in ?