Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Done!

Then He Who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” And he said to me, “IT IS DONE! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.” (Revelation 21:5, 6)

Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I am whole and complete in Christ, in Whom everything begins and ends, having come full circle in my destiny as it relates to His Kingdom purposes in Creation. These words are not only faithful and true, they are indelibly written upon the tablets of my heart. Everything that has happened in my life—every experience, whether positive or negative—has been working together to bring me into Him in His fullness. He is not just THE Alpha (The “A”)—He is MY Alpha! My “A!" He is my beginning, my starting point, my personal Genesis, my eternal source and history. He is not just THE Omega (The “Z”)—He is MY Omega! My “Z!" The Author of my faith is the Finisher of my faith. The One Who began a good work in me will complete it until the day of the Lord. He will finish what He started in me! He is my destiny, my eternity, the consummation of my life experiences, my latter that is greater than my former, my happy ending...the One Who has been there all along, declaring the end from the beginning. The One Who has ever lived to make intercession for me in order to save me to the uttermost! I am utterly saved, utterly fulfilled, utterly complete, utterly vindicated, utterly in Christ!

Today I will look at every unanswered petition, every unmet need, every unfulfilled wish, every incomplete dream in my life, and boldly declare by the God-kind of faith, “It is done, finished, consummated, executed, complete!”

Today I will drink freely of the water of life and be totally satisfied and filled. Out of my own belly will flow rivers of living water. I am filled with the Spirit!

Today I will walk in the full revelation and demonstration of my sonship in Christ. Even though I am a son, I will learn obedience through my suffering and I will come through every fiery trial—no matter how hot—absolutely smoke-free!

Today I will overcome instead of looking for an escape. Deliverance is no longer my desire; my ultimate goal is to inherit all things! The Kingdom has come in me! Christ’s work is finished in my behalf and the travail of His soul is satisfied!

Today I will love His appearing—His revelation—in all aspects of my earth-life!

Today I will see all things made new, and today I will live in the now!

I decree that it is done! In Jesus’ name, amen!


dgm2007 said...

furreaky.. I just got back from Kinkos and the words I heard in my spirit before I left was it's done.. I know thats kinda cliche around this time of year but its just weird that you would post it.. I cant wait for service later today 10pm right? I will probably send a little email to all the fans on FB.. yoo my word verification is andisat.. haha .. I just read all the post from yesterday great stuff.. SOZ awesomeness.. My battery is dying and im too lazy to find the plug..
Peace and love.
See you guys tonight! put on ur dancing shoes.. :)

Anonymous said...

Bishop & Bloggers:
Happy New Year To You, Happy New Year!
Happy New Year To You, Happy New Year!
Each new year is so-o-o like a birthday to me and I do get excited!!!

I will not be physically ITB tonight but my Hallelujah Spirit will be there and I will dance like David danced right here...hopefully I will return in a few weeks.

BITN has been such a source of nourishment and healing for me especially over the past four months...thank you, thank you, thank you...and though I often did not participate, it was tremendously fulfilling to read your posts...I deeply cherish those experiences. Writing is so like the heartbeat of your ministry...and you ignite such wonderful responses in others - I am thankful for the many bloggers as well., it's on to a fabulous new year...moving, moving forward.

Peace, Joy and Love to all,

Son of Zadok said...

Bishop, if you were working on this today, Elle and I forgive you for not sharing what you learned this year. We know you share with us what you've learned every week, and you don't hold back any good gift from us.

Last Blog of 08' - Bravo! These pictures and words would make a dead man breathe.

Thanks for the kind words about yesterday's posts friends. I had fun with that and it ministered to me as well. And thank you all for just being here.

Thanks to you Bishop and Pastor Debbie and all of CITN for all you've done this year!

What we learned in 08. What will we experience in 09?

NTL said...

Tonight at 11:59 and 59 seconds pm will be the end of last years beginning.

Tomorrow at 12.01am will be the beginning of next years ending.

Tomorrow at 12.01am, SOZ will begin a whole new list of what he will have learned for next year. I'm thinking the list will be hundreds of pages long. SOZ, is maybe a book in your future?

Eveyone have a great last day, of the year.

Happy New Year.

peacemaker said...

Amen, amen, and amen! Give God glory in this place...

Uh...sorry, the spirit of Dr. Paul Walker came on me.
(for those of you who don't know who Paul Walker is, he was senior Pastor of Mt. Paran COG in Atlanta for years.) Anyway...

Great post and I LOVE the pictures...they gave me chills.

To Bishop and all my Brothers and Sisters within this great blog community:

Tonight we ring out the old and ring in the new. And I believe much more can change than simply the dates on the calendar.
You can resolve this night to change your entire life...or any aspect of your self and your experience that you choose.

And should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? No. Keep old friends near. For they will help you make those
changes in your life that will produce miracles, if you expect them and let them.

Happy, happy New Year!

Linda Luke said...

Thanks Bishop! A WORD in due season! A faith vitamin!

The insight and revealation of the word the Holy Spirit gives you always is amazing and inspiring, as well as refreshing!

Yes, we have and will come thru it all without even the smell of smoke! Hallelujah! Glory to God in the Highest!!!

Cheers to the adventures and manisfestations of His glory to come! The BEST is before us to walk out and thru!!! Looking forward with GREAT expectation and excitement!

Love to all! ~muah

HAPPY NEW Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of Zadok said...

I'll leave the book writing to Bishop NTL. I have a desire to read them more than write them, but thank you. Besides, I doubt next year could top this year in that way. God kinda pulled down my house of cards and that just made everything brand new this last year. A whole new paradigm! But I have no doubt 09' can be even better in its own way.

NTL said...

It's all good. Your lists really ministered to me. I got a couple of good laughs from some of what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

"He will finish what He started in me!"


"Today I will look at every unanswered petition, every unmet need, EVERY UNFULFILLED WISH, every incomplete dream in my life, and boldly declare by the God-kind of faith, “It is done, finished, consummated, executed, complete!”"

These lines really stood out to me today. Without a doubt I needed to read them! In regards to the first one - I needed to be reminded that the end of the year doesn't mean the end of what God has begun in me. I know this, but I think I needed to feel it today on another level. Concerning the second, I often get carried away with what I "should" or "shouldn't" be doing concerning the more serious decisions in my life and often forget that God cares about (and gave me) my desires, dreams, and wishes as well.

This last year has been wonderful and scarey. I could sum it up by saying that I have been through a purification process and the fire has truly burnt out of me what was clouding my perception and actions. I get a mental image of of a car battery that gets all that greenish residue built up on it, and now it's cleaned off and the connection between the power source and engine are strong, direct, and more effective. Now that I'm stripped down to my organic roots, I can begin to produce...

It's gonna be a fruitful year - and I think I know what some of that means...we'll see...

Anonymous said...

2009, it's on. By faith we will overcome you, even more than we overcame 2008. Jesus the King of kings, is leading us on! The victory is ours. We are more than conquerors. 2009 will be the best year of our lives.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouraging words this year- North GA

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, bloggers...good stuff...

SOZ, I've enjoyed reading what everyone else learned in '08, but I don't think I could write all of my stuff down...I'm actually still digesting all that I learned, and I'm not sure everyone is ready to hear it...have to walk in the Spirit on that one...

Mayam, it's a pleasure to have you back here and on the other site in all of your positive glory...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

But thanks (SOZ) for what you said about today's post. December 31 in AYITN is my personal favorite, and I thought these pics were really cool...each one means something to me on a deep level...

Anonymous said...

Seeking for the inheritance.
The deliverance has come.
Now taking hold of the promise He has given to us.
Powerful Stuff!!!

May all of you have a blessed and prosperous New Year!!!

2009 A Year To Shine

Anonymous said...

Hi Bishop,
Love ya', just wanted you to know that I'm here at the library thinking of how to best write something to you this hour.

I haven't been on the computer since Christmas Eve...feels good to be here.

wver: viserall

Anonymous said...

To Bishop, My co-BITN bloggers, there are absolutely so many things I have learned this year and it is very much like you Bishop to tap into what is on everyone's hearts and in their spirits. Let me say that I have attempted several times to post comments and I have been put on somewhat of a fast as my laptop is in repair and my CPU appears to have a virus. Therefore, I am subjected to public computers, but God has totally taught me another level of being abased and abound and being content in all things yet always seeking the kingdom of God in everything.

The Lord is birthing a business in me that seemed like was aborted because it was 7 years premature, so I have learned (I am learning in the now) the timing of God is very different than our time.

And because I am a visionary, I can see it long before the manifestation. I will say that God has established the writer in me, (only because He says it is so) and I am like you Bishop in that I have to be lead by the spirit and that I love to write so much that not only is it a blessing to get paid to write but it is a bonus because I realize this is part of my purpose here in the earth.

Blog in the Now has absolutely grown and stretched and loved it on many different levels. I love the spirits here and the love and support we give one to the other and although I know about half in the natural, I am delighted to read the entries.

The functional body of Christ is truly God's hands extended in the earth as I have received prayer and deep intercession (as I have given prayer and intercession) and support and love and encouragement and exaltation, information and wisdom and just to sum it up, just a truly awesome exchange ~ spirit to spirit.

And this blog has allowed me to truly walk on water in ways I never imagined through many difficult storms, however there is something really very unique when you know you have true believers and your spiritual head covering your tests with prayers.

For all of these blessings I am grateful and words cannot truly do justice to the heart felt gratitude I have for you all.

I love you all and I pray many blessings for the hours of seeds sown here and for the labor of love with intercession and outpour of creativity and compassion in this year coming of new birth(s) for your ministries, your businesses, your family, your relationships.

eternal love, Water Walker

Anonymous said...

To Bishop, My co-BITN bloggers, there are absolutely so many things I have learned this year and it is very much like you Bishop to tap into what is on everyone's hearts and in their spirits. Let me say that I have attempted several times to post comments and I have been put on somewhat of a fast as my laptop is in repair and my CPU appears to have a virus. Therefore, I am subjected to public computers, but God has totally taught me another level of being abased and abound and being content in all things yet always seeking the kingdom of God in everything.

The Lord is birthing a business in me that seemed like was aborted because it was 7 years premature, so I have learned (I am learning in the now) the timing of God is very different than our time.

And because I am a visionary, I can see it long before the manifestation, so I am learning to let patience have it's perfect work.

I will say that God has established the writer in me, (only because He says it is so) and I am like you Bishop in that I have to be lead by the spirit with summing up just how much God has done for me, through me, in spirit of me. I love to write so much that not only is it a blessing to get paid to write but it is a bonus because I realize this is part of my purpose here in the earth. I have posted so much on this blog and it has been very gratifying to know that you guys feel me and that you receive my writings. I have been truly blessed to read these powerful thoughts and comments by very gifted artists and writers. And blurkers, you are loved as well. WE continue to covet your prayers.

Blog in the Now has absolutely grown and stretched and I really love it on many different levels. I love the spirits here and the love and support we give one to the other and although I know about half in the natural, I am delighted to read the entries and look forward to them and when I am traveling or away, you all are missed.

Bishop, you must also know that there has been a very cool connection between the regular bloggers and a different community as we commune regularly with each other. I really have felt the prayers and support and I knew I could stand because people really loved me.

The functional body of Christ is truly God's hands extended in the earth as I have received prayer and deep intercession (as I have given prayer and intercession) and support and love and encouragement and exaltation, information and wisdom and just to sum it up, just a truly awesome exchange ~ spirit to spirit.

And this blog has allowed me to truly walk on water in ways I never imagined through many difficult storms, however there is something really very unique when you know you have true believers and your spiritual head covering your tests with prayers.

For all of these blessings I am grateful and words cannot truly do justice to the heart felt gratitude I have for you all.

I love you all and I pray many blessings for the hours of seeds sown here and for the labor of love with intercession and outpour of creativity and compassion in this year coming of new birth(s) for your ministries, your businesses, your family, your relationships.

eternal love, Water Walker

Anonymous said...

Hey Karl,

missing our weekly surprise meeting at the library. Since my computer(s) are taking a rest (LOL), I am at DOL. Don't tell anyone but there is no limit on time unless others need it. It is just for a moment but I am glad your baby had his Christmas wishes come true. God is truly good!

love, Water Walker

Anonymous said...

Hi Bishop,
I wanted to let you know how much this past Sunday's message spoke to me TODAY. I didn't catch all of it so I listened to some yesterday and today while in the car.

Yesterday I was very angry and frustrated about some things and listening to music didn't help me.
Then I listened to the CD on the way to the library and the wit and transparent humor you used started breaking down my wall and I found myself chuckling and finally laughing a little...I really, really needed that at that time.

I remember you saying a couple of weeks ago how sometimes someone will write you and say how a joke or humorous situation you mentioned was the very thing that helped them, and now I'm understanding that more now for myself. Thank you!

Also, this morning before coming here, I had some "me" time at Cracker Barrell...needed that too after a previous difficult evening which included a $105 fine from Porterdale Police...more on that later if there's time.

Anyway, at the table next to me there was a young man, who at least 7 times during 20 minutes, was talking, and said "I'M HAPPY INSIDE!".

Several times this was really annoying me!...then I thought, "why is this annoying me?"
Was he loud? Was I upset because I wasn't that happy inside?...and I really couldn't say it that positively? Why?

I can't think of the proper word that won't offend. My brother has a severe mental handicap and lives in an institution, but this man, let's just say he was "unique", and child-like. I'm getting back to your CD in a minute...this leads up to that.
Anyway, I had glanced at Matthew 6 and it made me think about "not worrying"-which made me think about being child-like and being "happy"...there's that word again, and my wanting to live in happy freedom because you said that some people had gotten so used to slavery that they don't know how to be happy.

So I'm listening to you on the way here, I'm starting to chuckle again and then I'm literally weeping in my car, in the parking lot, going through a few saved fast food napkins wiping off my tears...when you started saying, "IT'S OKAY TO BE HAPPY!", "It's okay to enjoy yourself, and expect the best out of your future", "the joy of the Lord is your strength-rejoice in the Lord"...I breathed, then I wept again a little.

The Lord used these words to incredibly minister to me today, and just as important, I believe, was the laughter.

Thank you Bishop. I pray the Lord continue to increase your wit, humor, insight and revelation and the way the Holy Spirit delivers it through you to us, and that you are also greatly strengthened and edified in the process with many blessings!

Anonymous said...

word ver right now is: mingly

Yes, this blog makes one "mingly"

It's ALL mine in 2009!
No more whine, yes, that's divine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Water Walker...and yes, my son was beaming on Christmas morning!

Anonymous said...

Bishop, I am adding my Amen to Karl's validation of your ministry and the incredible benefit we receive endlessly by listening to your CD's repeatedly. I have been feasting on the SOTB's "unfailing love" with Pr. Reba McQuire singing at the end and the congregations reading of the scriptures of the unfailing love of God and I have tell you, nothing can compare.

SOTB's are so rich and eternal and my friends who listen from other churches say I have to have this, this is incredible.

God has truly used you to bless the world. What a gift giver He is/thanks for your obedience.

Karl, to God be the Glory.

love Water Water

Anonymous said...

Bishop, after reading the blog from AYITN and looking at the cool pictures this is what's in my mind.

The words FAITHFUL and TRUE.
Just like HIM, HIS WORDS are faithful and true. HIS WORDS equal to HIM because HE is in HIS words and HIS words remain in HIM, they are ONE. One with the word, and the word one with him.

On the cross He also said "it is done, or it is finished", a fulfillment...yet He continued to speak on a new day when He resurrected. He breathed His last yet it was not His last.

Now also in Revelation there is a fulfillment when He says "it is done", yet He continues to speak on every day-TODAY. His rhema and that which continues to proceed out of His mouth...again what seems to be His last words...yet not His last.

...and our words also continue to speak when we breath our last and enter the great cloud of witnesses.

Also, I am done...makes me think of WELL DONE, good and faithful servant. WELL DONE makes me think of steak and how I like it cooked!

The life in the flesh blood has to be burned up while I'm on an open grill...yet grilled meat smells so good to me and my God!

Every night I can say, "it is done, it is finished"...and breath again in the morning.

Thank you Lord that you have a plan for me and because you have started...I know You will finish, as the Planner/Architect and Builder...MY HAPPY ENDING!-amen.

Anonymous said...

I just found this out from Yahoo news, which goes well with the 6th picture with the planets lined up.
Here's the print:

A delightful display of planets and the moon will occur on New Year's Eve for anyone wishing to step outside and look up just after sunset.

Venus, brighter than all other planets and stars, will dangle just below the thin crescent moon in the southwestern sky. It'll be visible -- impossible to miss, in fact -- just as the sun goes down, assuming skies are cloud-free.

Soon thereafter, Mercury and Jupiter will show up hugging the south-southwestern horizon (just above where the sun went down) and extremely close to each other. Jupiter is very bright and easy to spot; Mercury is faint and harder to see, but it'll be apparent by its location just to the left of Jupiter.

Jupiter and Mercury will set less than an hour after the sun, so timing your viewing just after sunset is crucial. You'll also need a location with a clear view of the western horizon, unobstructed by buildings, trees or mountains.

All the planets, along with the moon and sun, traverse an arc across our sky called the ecliptic, which corresponds to the plane in space that they all roughly share. For this reason, you could draw an imaginary line from the general location of Venus and the moon, down through the other two planets, and the line would point to where the sun went down. This line could also initially help you find Jupiter and Mercury.

Weather permitting, you can get a preview of the sky show on Tuesday, Dec. 30. On this evening, the planets will be in nearly the same place they'll be on Dec. 31, but the moon will be midway between Venus and the Mercury-Jupiter pairing.

One last trick:

Venus is so bright you can see it during daylight if you know where to look. Given Venus' proximity to the moon on New Year's Eve, this would be an excellent moment -- just before sunset -- to use the moon to help you find Venus and gain bragging rights for being one of the few people to be able to claim seeing more than one planet during the daytime (Earth being the other one).

Gallery: Moon Images
Skywatcher's Guide to the Moon
Top 5 Amazing Astronomy Discoveries in 2008

Original Story: Celestial Show Set for New Year's Eve offers rich and compelling content about space science, travel and exploration as well as astronomy, technology, business news and more. The site boasts a variety of popular features including our space image of the day and other space pictures,space videos, Top 10s, Trivia, podcasts and Amazing Images submitted by our users. Join our community, sign up for our free newsletters and register for our RSS Feeds today!

Anonymous said...

From Beginning to End
By Milan Ford:

Well, here we are.
Today is Wednesday, December 31st.
The very last day of the year 2008.
And what a year it was.
Question: Do you remember where you were last year around this time?
Better Question: Do you remember what you heard last year around this time?
On December 31st (2007), you may have been one of the millions of people across this nation, who gathered together inside their local church for its annual Watch Night Service.
And although there are times when the variations of our church annual themes and proclamations can make God look a bit schizoid in the eye of the unbeliever, for the most part, millions of people across the nation heard a message that evening about the significance of the year 2008.
2008. The year of (yep, that's right)...
...New Beginnings.
After 365 days, I think I probably heard every message imaginable about the number eight (8).
From areas of relationships to finance, issues of health and areas of leadership, the hope for a New Beginning was indeed high on the hearts and minds of believers both young and old this year.
Now I am not in any way what you call a great practitioner of biblical numerology, but I took a few moments out the other day to research the significance of the number nine (9). Just seemed like a cool thing to do on the eve of 2009. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised at what I discovered.
The number nine (9) literally means: to bring to an end.
In fact, in one instance, I found that the number (9) means: to bring a judgment (or conclusion) to.
Not exactly the kind of words you'd expect people to pack out a sanctuary or tear up a few pews in order to hear this evening.
To bring to an end.
To bring to a conclusion.
To bring a judgment to.
Pretty far cry from the usual New Year phrases we've coined and embraced in the past like...
The Year of Divine Favor.
The Year of a New Beginning.
The Year of Release.

I actually heard that one church already coined the phrase: All Will Be 2009!
It kinda makes you wonder...
...what will God say (about 2009) on tonight?
Well, while millions across the nation prepare themselves to hear the answer, I want to leave you with a quote I came across recently that summarizes what I want my 2009 to look like.
"The oppression of the poor isn't driven by the power of the oppressor, but (rather) the vulnerability of the oppressed." - Gary Haugen
As you prepare for tonight, it is my prayer that 2009 will be a year that you and I will put an end to our excuses. A year that you and I will no longer blame any oppressor, spiritual or natural, for the things we desire to accomplish in our lives next year.
2009 is indeed going to be a great year.
But it may be one that involves will bringing an end to some things.
2009 is not a year for to be lazy and vulnerable. We can no longer wait on God to bring a conclusion to something He has already empowered us to do.
This year involves succeeding at obtainable goals, just as much as it involves reaching for some impossible ones. This year, you and I must become (sorry for the dirty word here)...responsible.
Tonight, be careful not to become too consumed with asking God (yet again) to begin some new things in your life, without examining the things He has also told you to bring to an end.
Although it may not be comfortable and popular, it is time.
Happy New Year!
(In fact, make it more than happy. Make it productive!!)

Happy New Year 2009 to All

Anonymous said...

A Fresh Start
By Greg Laurie
As we come to the beginning of a new year and the ending of an old one, we often wish we could turn over a new leaf or have a fresh start. No doubt about it, there have been certain things we have said or done in this past year that we have come to regret.
Wouldn't it be great to just start over again? In reality, as a Christian you can have a fresh start. The new year is still a blank slate. There are opportunities ahead of you. You decide which path you are going to walk in this coming year. "Thus says the LORD: 'Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls'" (Jeremiah 6:16). You decide what your priorities are going to be. You decide which direction you are going to take, each and every day.
Maybe some of us need a fresh start in this coming year. Here is a great opportunity to make a new commitment. We don't know what the new year is going to bring. We don't know what problems we are going to encounter. We don't know what changes are going to come. We don't know what blessings the Lord has in store for us. But whatever the new year holds, we don't have to be afraid because Jesus Christ is going to be waiting there for us.
I like the words of that wonderful woman of God, Corrie ten Boom, who said, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
God is in control of your future. He is ready to bless you in this coming year

Bishop and all you Bloggers have a great great great..... Happy New Year 2009
I love you all
See you later In Church !!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:34 I'm gonna go out and look at sunset....

SOZ, I answered your post on yesterdays blog here and on my blog. I will just say here that I loved your list...

BISHOP, I have been meaning to post about last Sundays sermon It was great but now I have forgot......Naa just foolin. Lets see, to save space on here I will just give the first word in each phrase.
This is a good plan for the new year.
Phil. 3:12
2) sorry missed this one...
And you thought Wow! he has a great memory! Nope, Good notes....LOL!

What I really wanted to know.....was that your blackberry you were preaching from? whatever it was it looked an awful lot like my blackberry same color and all. Anyway, How were you doing that? is there bible program for blackberry? That is just too cool, if there is I want one. Some self-appointed sin patrol officers are probably thinking, "that's got to be some kind of a sin to preach from a cell phone" find it in the Bible, find it in the Bible...Its not in there, cause they didnt have cell phones back then, so there! HA! Back to what I was saying, I would like to have a bible program like esword or something like that on there if they have one. Let me know...

I loved this year....

I think it has been the best year of my life....

Until next year which will be even better!.....

I want to say Happy New Year to all my blog family out there. You all are the most.........I started to add something to that but nuff said...

I will repeat my little 09 rap/praise song again here to ring (ver word is twing) in the new year....Y'all join we go...

It's Gonna be fine in 09

when ya high five

the most high

alright now

get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

It's gonna be fine in 09

when we high five

The Most High!

get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

It's gonna be fine on 09

when we high five

The Most High!

There's no high

Like the Most High

There's no high

Like the Most High

Come on Now!

Get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

get those hands up!

get um up

get um up

It's Gonna be fine in 09

when ya high five

the most high


Dennis :)


Son of Zadok said...

Good to hear from you WaterWalker. Karl, that was just a great story.
Hey Larry! Wherever you are. God Bless You!

Son of Zadok said...

Pastor Dennis,

Not too much sauce tonight okay? Your already high on the Most High. Besides you don't want to miss the rapture.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

P. Dennis, the second one was FORGIVE yourself, and yes it was my Blackberry, but I wrote everything on the memo pad the night before...I wasn't using any program...just something I was trying...

Anonymous said...

soz, Oh yeay, I forgot about the rapture.....

BTW I posted the rest of your list on my blog just now with a cool pic that I think goes well with your list....That's some great writing there. I am pretty sure I could hear God in there.........

Hey, lets all post at exactly 12:00am and see what happens....write your post and don't hit the "publish button" till the clock turns over to 12:00am exactly !

Anon 3:34 I went out and looked, it was really cool! 2 moons I never saw that before!.....Just kidding SOZ!


Anonymous said...


well If you had one I wanted one too.. Just kidding again!

No really It did seem to work well and I had thought about putting notes on another program; but I just wondered if blackberry had a bible program, they seem to have everything else.

Oh, thanks! I will put FORGIVE in my notes.....

I should have figured that one out duh!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope you know I was kidding about the 12:00am thing...we might cause blogger to blow a fuse with a BLAST like that!


Anonymous said...


To be honest I really wasn't sure if I was going to come to the church for the New Year Eve Celebration. I'm glad I did.
The spirit was moving in me. I missed Sunday for reason's that are in the past. Reason I wasn't sure about last night / this morning was what was at the entrance to the church & also crazy drivers. The roads were light and where I drove no one hardly was there. YEA

This is for Mama Swilley & Daddy Swilley. Love seeing you at the services. I love that you are very close to your son and his family & his extended family.
Mama Swilley you really put me so much in mind of my parents. We use to say what was on our mind also.
Now we know where Bishop gets that from.
Love you guys.

Bishop & Pastor Debye
This is a New Day / New Year
New Water is flowing in you.
New understanding of the Word is being revealed to you.
May His newness be your newness.
2009 will be your year to shine.

To all all the rest of you may we blog with His new stories He is writing in us.

Happy New Year
Be Blessed
L. B.

Erik said...


THAT and THIS is excellent! The YITN and the combo of the pics, stunning. The connection and flow of the words, especially.

A writer I knew told me a story of a 1000 word article. --- The charge was $2500, the publisher said, “We only pay 50 cents per word”. the writer replied, “Oh, I can give you 100 words at 50 cents a piece, but the particular order and choice of words is an added $2 per word”.

You have clearly added several times over to the value of each word in YITN, and especially this one. The pics compliment the horizons of the words selected.

---- ‘Today I will drink freely of the water of life and be totally satisfied and filled. Out of my own belly will flow rivers of living water. I am filled with the Spirit! ‘----- My favorite of this post .

Yes, this is true. As we drink, we absorb and are ripened at the natural and spiritual molecular level, as the water of life nourishes us, we ripen, and then from our ripening, we become the harvest, and living nourishment flows from us.

2009 is fruit of the vine.

Anonymous said...

Looks like "last post" has gone the way of the missing? Sigh.

The pic for " all aspects of my life" is...uniquely intriguing.
The polaroid possibilities and the manifestation in the middle are enlightening in a picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words, think-big-anyway way.
An inspiring find, Bishop.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Avatar, it's all good...I'll explain later...

Thanks, everyone...