I hope that more of you beautiful people from there will connect with the blog...I love hearing from you...
Thanks to those of you who have posted on the LifeSkills blog...I'd like to hear from some of you about what you think of the idea that I mentioned in church (posting the outline on Wednesday nights after the session so that the subject can be discussed all week long)...also, I'm still open to suggestions for future topics...
Many of you have told me that you enjoy listening to the AW4W playlist all day long, so you'll be happy to know that there are 10 new (cool) songs added...enjoy!
Today's AYITN is a good word (BE FREE!)...without going into detail, I must say that it is especially relevant to me right now...log onto that site and tell me if it speaks to you, as well (even though I wrote it, it still speaks to me)...
A lot of reconciliation is going on in my life right now, especially this week...I may or may not talk about it Sunday, but either way it's all good...
Speaking of this coming Sunday...let me just say that it's going to be very powerful...
One other thing...several people have said or written to me lately that they'd like to write stuff here, but that they're intimidated because they think they're not smart enough, or sufficiently knowledgeable to discuss theological issues here...and all I want to say to that is RELAX! You're all welcome...nobody's checking your spelling (except for SOZ when he says "bowels" instead of "bowls"...but he's working on it)...I'll admit that there are some brilliant ideas expressed here by some of the regulars, but that shouldn't intimidate you...it should inspire you! English is a second language for some of our bloggers, and yet they feel comfortable enough to post their thoughts here (and I/we love it!)...so come on in the house, just as you are...it's a safe place, you have something to say, and, again, you're welcome here!
Have a great day today (TGIF), and know that I love you...I forgive you...I believe in you...I pray for you...I want you in my life, and as a part of my ministry...I need you...I bless you...and I want you to remember all day today that something great is happening in the earth, and in the Kingdom of God, and at CITN, and in this blog community...and you're a part of it!
From Uganda:
Bishop Swilley,
Welcome back from Philippines dad. I know it was such a cool missionary trip. All in all, you've began the year from where you exactly left it. My prayer to meet men of your divine caliber was answered, more so obeying the Spirit of God to go where ever He sends is another great gift i want the lord to give me. Pr. Joshua must be in great spiritual moods. Thanks for being who you're.
On Wednesday, we had a very bad storm, it came when i was in church, and without any wait, all that where the church entered into prayer as some iron sheets began flying with gale, call it hurricane African type and a few repairs had to be made on the church the whole of yesterday, but we're cool. Neighbors with poor housing facilities slept in the open and we're giving a hand to community especially the old to clear the damage and re roof houses. I have the true words for the Americans who are prone to tornadoes and hurricanes.
I had a marvelous birth day, my wife with all her sisters organized a great surprise in the midst of the service, for many years of life i don't remember getting such, i give glory to God for my dear wife. Our thanksgiving service attracted many people and seeing what we went through a few months ago, it was worthy it, thanks for your hand and prayer in it all.
send my love to your family and ministry.
I love you,
Pr. Ben
From Uganda:
It is always sweet to hear from you Daddy but above all welcome back and i thank God for what he did in Philippines and i am grateful for the testimonies,May the Almighty continually use you and you as never before to change this wicked world that is rotten to the core,my love to all the CITN family and lastly to Mummy and the juniors home,Peace to you Daddy and lots of love from the Good Shepherd family,
We were attacked by more of the tsunami any thing i have ever seen in my entire life in Uganda and our church was almost swept way and we lost to a total of fifty iron sheets and we are even still helping the village to re construct their lost houses which were destroyed too,
God be with you,
Freddie Mugabi
Hey, Bishop...I think that the computer keyboards and desktops having stopped smacking me in the head...at least for a little while...although being up at this hour makes me think I'm kidding myself.
Anyway, hello bloggers! I haven't caught up yet on posts but wanted to add these comments I wrote down from the Sanctuary group that came to serenade the Philippines09 team as we departed;
--"thanks for loving Bishop Tom, it's so important to him!"
--"you brought us the pearl of great price!"
--"you opened our eyes from problems and trials to the bigger picture"
--"we learned to trust the unlimited God!"
Pastor Jun, you already know how much your words, spoken on behalf of the conference Pastors and the Santuary Team, touched the CITN team...you saw the instant tears and smiles of joy...but I thought the bloggers and the world would like to hear them too!
Love to each of you in the Philippines from this side of the world!
Hey Pr. Ben...happy birthday and hey, Freddie! It will be good to see you again in September!
Good Morning Bishop, and BITN Family, our extended family in both Uganda and the Philippines.
It seems that BITN is becoming more global now than ever, and that is truly far greater and more wonderful than any of us can even conceive at this time.
Thanks Bishop, for the good reports from the Philippines trip and all will see and hear of the fruits of your labors and love for a very long time following the trip, being that you set new things and greater seasons into motion for awesome manifestations of the Lord.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pastor Ben! I pray that on this glorious birthday you were Blessed Beyond Measure.
As I too, celebrate my Birthday today, I give God all the glory for marvelous new beginnings, even though I am uncertain all that it will entail. Regardless of what has happened previously, I shall Magnify the Lord while Worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth at ALL TIMES, and telling the Truth so that the enemy may be brought to shame and put to flight! For He alone is my strength and refuge. As Pastor Debye reiterated this past Sunday, I've / We've GOT THE POWER!!
May this day serve as an Outstanding Day in God, as His "Outside the Box" Presence and Sovereignty invades every area of our lives. On this day, I choose to believe the Report of the Lord, for He alone is Divine Truth, Wisdom, Grace, Mercy, Provision, and Magnificence Personified. Let everything that have breath PRAISE YE' the Lord Almighty forever More with reckless abandonment that we may venture into newfound Freedoms without limitations or hindrances. May all minds be transformed for renewal in Christ, all hearts surrender completely in His Presence for Supernatural Healing and Health, while every place the soles of our feet tread upon is taken as new and unchartered territory by the Authority and Power of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Blessing, Peace, and Favor to all, and to all an Excellent Day of Surprises and unexpected manifestations, Favorable Returns, and the absolute best Reports. Amen.
Ah the recovery from trips to Asia. It took us 2 weeks all 3 times to recover and readjust to life back home. The kids seem to bounce back a little quicker. You all have my prayers for quick recovery!!! I am excited for the day when China will allow open moves of the Holy Spirit.
P Ben I am praying for recovery of your church from the storms. Happy Birthday to you and to Scribe!
Today I will be free. I woke up this morning saying that and to my surprise it was the word for the day!!! So today I will dance, color and play with my children. I will leave the rest to GOD.
I hope you all have a wonderful FREE day. Today I expect great things.
Took this pic a few weeks ago in downtown Greenville... completely took my breath away! How ironic that such a sculpture of nature is found right below The Governor's School of the Arts. Love that! I hope it is clear enough in this small format for you to see it.
Was perusing quotes just now, and found these:
"First the stalk - then the roots. First the need - then the means to satisfy that need. First the nucleus - then the elements needed for its growth." - Robert Collier
“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots, the other is wings.” - Hodding Carter
'Yellow' made me smile this morning, Bish! ...duh...Santa?!?
And, oh my, he's particularly adorable when sexy 'Green' finishes her photo shoot, lifts his chin off the floor, and says... "I'll be in my trailer."
SO CUTE! (And so horrific that I just referred to an M&M as sexy... YIKES!)
Welcome back, guys.
Yes come one come all join BITN because we cannot be all we have been called to be without you. Do not fear. Blog something! It is great to see the global participation in the blog. Each one has something to offer; a tidbit of revelation to strengthen us all. With the same Christ in us all that was in Jesus we have no thing to fear. Let your voices be heard.
Pastor Ben happy birthday from Joel. Freddie, my brother, so good to hear from you. Tell Wilberforce, Sammy, and Noah, and also Edson I love you all and will see you soon. The blessings of our Lord be upon you always and in all ways.
This Blog is like home town coffee shop where you know there will be friends sitting a talking over everything from their dogs last trip to the vet, to how to solve the worlds troubles, to the greatness of our mutual and best friend God. so I don't see why anyone would not want to come in and hang out with some friends and let us know what you are thinking or just how your day was.
I LOVE the idea of posting the outline on Wednesday nights after the session so that the subject can be discussed all week long
I would also like to add, that if it wasn't too much trouble to post the topic and points of Sunday's sermon
I also think it is great reading all the post from our brothers and sisters from all over the world....
Ben and Freddie Mugabi, It is good to hear from you on the blog. I'm glad you made it through the storm safely, may God restore your buildings as well. My prayers go out to you. I send the Strong Spirit of Christ Through Prayer into your need. God will supply all that is needed for the restoration.
Oh, Happy Birthday Ben!!!
Happy Birthday to you too Scripe!!!
Don't feel bad Elle, Have you seen the M&M commercial yet? :)
If it were not for a spell checker I couldnt write a grocery list, But....
Just to prove that spelling is not improtant. Those of you that are well aquiainted with the english language read this.....
To my 'selected' strange-minded friends:
This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are,
the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
and you thought spelling was important.....
gotta get back to work, just thought i would drop in
see ya
Hey, Dennis!
Yep :) That's what I was referring to. The latest ones are just too funny!
Was praying for you during the storm... glad you all are OK.
Felt so bad for those who lost power. Our water heater went out on us this past Wed. NOT FUN! I need some chambermaids to keep the boiling water coming so I can clean up. But, the thing lasted 13 years, and it will be replaced tomorrow morning, so all is well! I used to tell Joe that I should've been born in the era of the great composers or artists, because for some reason I just love period films. But I think I've changed my mind! I NEED my modern conveniences! Can I get a witness?!?!?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCRIBE...thanks for your faithfulness to deliver the prophetic word...may you recieve 100fold return on every word you've sown here...
Pastor Dennis, I'm glad you understood Elle's comment because I didn't...
And P. Dennis, I read the message very easily...what does that mean?
And thanks for what you said about this place being like a cyber-Starbuck's...I love that...
And I may post the Sunday outlines, as well...good idea...
P. Avery, judging from when you posted, you are apparently still on Philippines time...me too...where's my quantum pendant?
And thanks for the confirmation, Lisa...
And thanks for your shout-out to the universe, Centurion...
IT is a wonderful feeling to check in and feel connected, even when you're hundreds of miles away. I was a first time guest ITB on your 12/28/08 service "Finger Lickin' Good", and it was no accident. It's true everytime I hear that said, as I tune in and watch service on Wed eves and some Sundays. The word is personal in at least one area each time........it's Awesome. Bishop, you are a man of God and it's a blessing to have found you and Pastor Debye and all you have there with CITN.......until I can visit from Michigan another time, thank GOD for the computer age and YOU for utilizing it, for good reason.
Can I send you some snow >>>> we have feet of it just piled up ~ ha!
Northern Light
M&Ms, Bish... M&Ms
Is that not a picture of the yellow M&M on your post today?
He made me smile, as I love those little guys. I was referring to a particular commercial, and Ms. Green M&M as being 'sexy.' That's advertising for you... making candy characters sexy...
Ahh...yes, I guess he could be an m&m...I'm familiar with the commercials (and Lord knows I love peanut m&m's), but I was just thinking of him as a smiley face...it's all about perception, obviously...but what about Santa?
Glad to have Michigan in the house, Northern Light...and, yeah, we'll take a little snow...
In one of the Christmas commercials, as Red & Yellow M&M take cookies into the living room for Santa, they run into him. The M&Ms say, "He really does exist!" Santa says, "They really do exist!" Santa and Red faint, while Yellow (looking dumbfounded) says, "duh...Santa?"
That's my recap of M&M advertising for today. Now I'm exhausted! Perhaps I should've just seen a smiley face ;)
Now you know how I feel when I try to make a point using a movie or TV reference, and it goes over everyone's head...or either the reference is so obscure that no one even knows what I'm talking about...
Got it now...
What I've come to realize about the quantum pendant is what ever I'm feeling gets amped up a whole lot. When I blame my falling asleep at red lights at 2:00 in the afternoon on jet lag...then I have a whole @$#%load of jet lag, but the frequent naps are great. When I'm dusting furniture at 2:00 in the morning and I blame it on jet lag...I have more energy than I know what to do with. Go figure.
But what I did realize today as I was experimenting the effects of it on everybody I came in contact with(maybe subliminally trying to find someone it didn't work on)was the more I interacted with it, the more genuine energy I gained...I'm serious. I'm not fighting sleep like a bar room bouncer this afternoon like the previous days. It wasn't gradual...it's a marked difference. So whether it's placebo or not, no one blew their horn at me to go on.
Pendant Power Forever(or PPF in txt)
Stopping by to say Hi!!!...and welcome home Bishop & team!!!
Nothing philosophical (where is spell check?) to say just love this coffee shop!
It would be so awesome to have the Life Skills outline posted!
It would be wonderful also to be able to watch video webcasts of more of the sermons that when we're not albe to tune in cyber Church In The Now. (if possible~just a wish) =)
Have a fantastic weekend!
psss....i love the smiley & the new songs~just makes ya feel happy all over!
Welcome back to everyone who went to the Phillipines. Wednesday night was awesome!!! It was great to hear from everyone who went to the Phillipines and deliver their own personal message. I would also like to give a shout out to Pastor Scott for organizing Men's fellowship. I had fun at UFC. Love to all at CITN.
HEY!! As I tend to be, here is an interjection that seems not particularly on the subject... but, anyways...
I was watching "Dog Whisperer" this evening, and something struck me so strongly when he (Cesar) was talking about the dog's behavior. There was a couple who had adopted a dog who was INCREDIBLY aggressive; they said how they always (there's THAT word) expected him to lash out and be that way-- telling the dog "___ don't be a bad dog!"
Cesar immediately corrected them. He told them in so many words that if that is what they expect, that is what they will get from him... and Bishop, I heard you saying the same thing, that they were focusing on the very thing that they didn't want!. It had to do with the owners perception, expectation and the words they were speaking! I guess the law of attraction transcends into the world of furry freeloaders as well!!
I use way too many exclamation points...!!
Hey Ray...I tried to text you today, but for some reason it wouldn't go through...anyway, thanks for your great letter...I'm very proud of you...
Now to just figure out the best way to send the snow...trust me, I'd have it to ya' in no time!
It was great saying Hey to you when I visited and hope to see you again, sometime.
Northern Light
Greetings to all from the Magic Kingdom! Ha! Yahoooooo!!!
Hi Pastor Ben and Freddie!! Good to "hear" you and feel you! I am happy you are well after the violent tempest blast(a little KJV for ya :)). God is in the still small voice!
What a most beautiful day today! So nice to be warm again.
Things are breaking! Do you sense the logjam, the ice floes starting to let go? I feel it!
Good to see the energy here today-the excitement, God is exciting! Find the excitement. See everything as new and fresh. Who says the "old way" was the right way anyhow?
Found some more Uganda coins & since Sat and have been handing them out to people this week. Uganda on some people's minds...(on God's mind...)
What if you just tore everything up you had and walked away-what would you have? EVERYTHING!
Blessings to all,
Bro. Larry
word ver: ELTIEDLA- Spanish for "Violent Tempest Blast"
(Just kidding! ;)
Just saw this picture on a website and had a vision of God inhaling our prayers and sending down His power! Cool!
Pastor Dinnis your post at 3:45 Pm was so cool I guess I am one of the 55 had no proglem. Some if not all my post look like that and I guess there is a label for but will not place on myself. This truly is a safe place. Thanks for all you said Bishop on the subject I will be here more often now. I have taken part alittle but I've been here since day one and have loved every minute. When I need a laugh a bit what ever I can fined it here Love you all. Your words are apart of my life now. I hope everybody like this and Church in the now when they need it or when they have something to give. I hope you all know you are givers these words give and hope to mony GOD BLESS you all. And I wish to formal join the family. Love Bigg Keith
I should have previewed befor publishing my post 11:23 PM What I meant to say was.I guess there is a label for my problem And Thanks for all you had to say on the subject Bishop and when I need a laugh or whatever it is here for the taking. Preview is my new friend Love Keith
Glad you all made it back.
Pic of Mt. Redoubt in Alaska.
They say this baby's gonna blow!
The Spirit of God cannot be contained by man's constructs.
"It's not about dogma, baby...it's about MAGMA...the FLOW will get ya! God(the Christ) is about to drag people along in the power of His presence and the reality of Himself. There will be utterly no denying Him. There will be no question as to Author and Authority. Remember Mt. St. Helens?
I see this in the spirit brooding, maneuvering, setting up, like an army the night before battle.
What glorious things God has in store for those whose eyes are open. Hang in there! Don't give up now! See the stars in the deep darkness and know that dawn is moments away...
Hi Y’all.( I like writing that),
Bishop & crew, Bishop Tommy & cohorts, and The Ugandan connections – Yeah to Y’all. Everyone is welcome here (On the Blog and ITB), which is one of the things I Love about this place.
That is the point, ALL welcome, for free. ALL who desire, ,no entry fee of consummation or compulsion pre-requisite , just the desire, compelling who we are, to the place we are drawn to. So, celebrate the desire, the indwelling invitation that has been in our hearts from the beginning. This is the manifestation of what we have sought -- Amen!
Especially in the manner these days display, whatever is to Our Left and to Our Right is nothing as is Our Focus – God. The distractions are entertaining, and at arms length for Us. ALL are Us . Peace dwells within our souls. The Kingdom is even within Us,
ALL that we hoped for has already been supplied and has been in hand.
… ‘The name within all names… The source of all praise….How Great, How Great, are You God!!! ….
.. We are remembered, … We are well known… We are embraced.. God calls our name ..
It has long been finished, We are in The Kingdom, embraced as The Siblings of God, created and manifesting God’s expression from the beginning of time. It has been done, and today we celebrate in remembrance of what has been long true, like 4th of July, celebration of an historical event. Amen.
Bishop and others in the family,
Thanks for the treasured birthday sentiments. It is greatly appreciated and I make a point to take nothing for granted. Therefore, Thanks again and I pray a blanket of peace, outpouring of Love, and explosions of Holy Spirit Empowerment within and around all of you! God is revealing and unveiling PHENOMENAL wonders and miracles IN THE NOW ! So, everyone keep your eyes and hearts focused on God and your ears fined tuned to all the frequencies of the Holy Spirit so that you will not miss out on your specific portions of all that God has for you individually as well as collectively / corporately! The future is so bright until you may want to wear some shades to prevent sudden blindness from the Sovereign, Brilliant, Glorious Light.
May the words of our mouth and meditations of our heart prove pleasing and acceptable unto the Lord at all times. As we MAGNIFY GOD in Christ, we minimize trivialities, dilemmas, and all opinions contrary to the word and Divine Will of God. May God's Word stand as true and everything contrary to HIS WORD, Presence, and Power be shown as a lie, then blown away with the wind as dust or powder! God says to pay no attention or give no thought or concern to the looks on their faces, for He shall bless us in spite of our enemies and close the mouths of the naysayers, backbiters, and haters! God does not consult the wicked nor those who rise up against us as to how He shall show up mightily on our behalves. He does not conduct surveys or opinion polls as to how He shall manifest that which He has promised. Voila'! says God, IT IS ALREADY DONE! So Rejoice RIGHT NOW, for the seasons of being downtrodden and trampled under foot are OVER! I am the Lord Almighty, so choose ye' this day whose report you shall believe and What master you shall serve. Hallelujah! This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice and be glad in it! Standfast! for the BLAST of the Holy Spirit, for those whom worship the Lord Jehovah in Spirit and in TRUTH are catapulted into Untapped Dimensions of Glory.
What an AWESOME GOD we serve.
Hallelujah! Amen.
just stepped in to get a cup, dont really have much to say this time of the day but I do enjoy listening to all my friends. BTW where is Donald and SOZ?
My Mom finally got power back to her house last evening. (I called and the anwering machine answered) so I need to go up to Missouri and help her with getting settled back in. my cell phone does not work up there and there probably is not internet yet.....NO! I will not say that...THERE PROBABLY IS INTERNET AND MY PHONE WILL MYSTERIOUSLY START WORKING UP THERE....
Y'all have a great day....
ver word
Fam-bake :)
veriword - hurse, Holy Union Reveals Salvation, Everyone!!!
Everyone's entry speaks strongly of union and agreement to me.
Yes, putting the outline for the Wenesday teaching on the skillsinthenow site is an awesome idea. It helps to revisit the word given in written form later.
I reposted a response from an earlier one to you on that site Bish. The first one didn't go through right and that's OK because after some time this response was a little more easy to understand. I think the words in the first one would have been a little screwed up. I believe that Holy Ghost directly protects your anointing and probably deleated something that could have been misunderstood.
May the God of our peace always protect you all and continually give you clarity on the provision of every good gift to you.
For a bonus, read today's AYTIN
John Brumlow
PS, I am resetting my user name on Google. The new name will be JaN'El
Good morning all. Bishop, not sure why you weren't able to text me, but thanks for trying. All is good. God is good. I don't mind letting everyone know that I am one of those people who doesn't feel knowledgeable enough to brilliantly express ideas and quote the Word like some of the regular bloggers. Thanks to Bishop, Erik and all the bloggers for the reassurance of "all are welcome". I do feel quite at home when I enter the BITN. We all have something of worth to say, even if it's just something like "just checking in to say hello and I love you all". I hope by me stepping out and saying this will encourage others like me to come in, relax, say hello and feel at home.
Peace, love and blessings!!!
Beautiful day to all!!!
I have to say that I was a blurker for a loooong time as I read the brilliant posts of others here!
Bishope kept encouraging the blurkers to contribute in his posts. So one day I just jumped in and am so thankful that I did!
I found a safe, happy place and fam!!!
Just to say you really will be safe, loved and welcomed here!
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