Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr. Kelley Varner (1949 - 2009)

"For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." (II Timothy 4:6-8, TNIV)


Donald said...

My prayers and condolences to all the family members and friends of Dr. Varner.

peacemaker said...

Beautiful tribute to a great man, Bish. Such a fitting portion of scripture...I felt it deep within my soul. I believe that truly is"'his Heaven".
Peace to his family and the thousands he touched while in this experience.


Izumi/JOY said...

Dear Dr. Varner,

Congratulations on your successful trip to earth and home.

Thank you for fighting the good fight. Not "a" good fight - the one that really matters.

Thank you for keeping the faith, while sharing it, too.

I won't soon forget your wonderful gift of teaching and your beautiful voice.

Thank you for finishing the race. And, for all the souls you inspired to stay in it.

When I read of your home going this morning, these song lyrics sprang up in my spirit:

Take me past the outer courts
Into the holy place
Past the brazen altar
Lord, I want to see Your Face

(and you are, as I type this!)

God bless you and your eternal legacy of faith.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Izumi/Joy...adding my Amen to all already spoken here.

I trust we will bring you great joy, Dr.Varner, as we walk out and fulfill the prophecy and promise that was revealed to us through you.

Izumi/JOY said...

Thank you, Avatar.

Wish I had approached a table in the Narthex where he once sat, signing stacks of books. Wanted to. Attempted to, but, my heart felt too full - hurt when I started in his direction. Thought it might spill out of my eyes.

Instead, I just thanked God for His teacher and went home.

Anonymous said...

This is a sweet spirited man. His absence will give much opportunity for reflecting on what it means to be Christ like on earth. Thank you Bishop for the choice of scripture. I agree with PM and Izumi, it was what he is all about.

tracy said...

Dr. Varner i felt His appearing when I first met you in the old building and I had Bailey with me. She was drooling and grabbing at your sleeve, she approached you and went to hug you,much to my dismay. I thought to myself Oh Lord she is going to soil his nice suit and you said "let her come to me". I will always remember that moment and how Jesuslike you were in letting "the little children come unto you." You taught me a great lesson that day.

Pastor Nancy said...

Beautiful scripture for a powerful man of God!

I remember Dr. Varner preaching at CITN in the old building about Ruth and everytime he said "Ruth"-he had us stand up. He always kept the attention of the entire congregation!

Yes-a great reminder for us all to be Christ-like on earth...
Pastor Nancy

Jimmie said...

Kelley Varner was my friend! If ever I knew someone really loved me and believed in me, it was him. He always called me "Man of God" and spoke things into my life that almost seem impossible to achieve. I spent many times having lunch with him when he would be driving through Conyers and I'll cherish every moment. Each time, he would say "Son, you have a book in you" or "Son, you need to write a song about this". ("This" being whatever our topic of conversation was.)

He was a godly man, a good man, and a man who loved! I am so honored to get to sing at his memorial service this week - How Great Thou Art! I know it's really about God, but there's a part of me that will be dedicating that back to Pastor Varner!

I love you Man of God and I will miss you greatly!

Pastor Jimmie

PattiL007 said...

The sweet ache of love and loss is in my heart as tears roll down my face. We will indeed miss this Man of God but we rejoice that he shared his life and his love with us.

Thank you for your words to and over us—we will continue to Move Forward as you cheer us ...

(Why do I feel as I did when Obi-Wan gave himself to the Force?)

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I haven't said much about it yet...I think I'm processing it, and kind of waiting until after the funeral to decide what I want to say...

I think everyone in the CITN community knows how highly I regarded Pastor Varner...hardly a sermon goes by that I don't in some way refer to the prophetic word he gave us several years ago...

One thing that I'm really processing is how close his passing was to that of Apostle McCurry and my Uncle Earl...

I wasn't that familiar with Apostle McCurry, but I attended his funeral, and Pastor Varner, if I'm not mistaken, considered him to be the greatest preacher in the world, and a kind of mentor...

And Bishop Paulk introduced me to Pastor Varner many years ago at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit when it was really big and vibrant and influential. In those days Pastor Varner ministered there a lot...

Wow, so much has happened over the years...

I can't remember if McCurry went to be with the Lord this year, or at the end of last year...lately, I don't seem to have a good concept of time...but it was definitely within the last few months...whatever, I really am taken with the fact that these three men crossed over so closely together...

Don't know what to think about that yet...

But I will say that Dr. Kelley Varner was a great man of God, and I loved (love) him very much...he was always an encouragement to me...

That's all for now...

Well, look at that...I guess I did have something to say, after all...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Varner will always be remembered with a smile. His spirit was always kind, true and peaceful, and we always enjoyed sharing "grandchildren" stories and pictures. will see him again in the an action, a smile, a certain glance of the eyes, a talent...and you'll find great joy that he continues to be present in those he so loves.
Peace, comfort and blessings to you all, Rene Babcock

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing and reading about the loss those who were touched by Dr.Varner feel...and it leads me to sense my own loss in, so far, knowing only a small part of the gift he brought to earth.

Anonymous said...

I met Dr. Kelley Varner here in Canada in 1985, I was never the same after hearing him. A true man of God, who changed my walk and became my mentor from tapes, books and CD's. Thank you Varner family for giving all you did so others could be blessed by being touched by a true man of God.

Michael E Mullen said...

I never met Mr Varner but he had profound effect on my life …so I’ll share my gratitude here on this blog with all of you.

As a young Christian, I had nowhere to turn for teaching. Neither of my parents believed in God so I never found a church that I could go to.

But I *did* find a man who’s teachings would change my life forever. That man was Kelley Varner.

I met a man here in Cleveland OH, who belonged to MR. Varners Church in Carolina. I told him that I loved God but I couldn't understand the Bible...

A few weeks later, without notice, a box arrived in the mail for me. It was filled with tapes. Maybe 30 or 40 cassette tapes.

I listen to every single one of them and everything slowly started to make sense.

It was awesome!

I can even remember one of Kelley's church members with that wonderful laugh all of the time(cant remember his name though).

Mr Varner left me with some words of wisdom in an email a few years ago and I'll never forget it.

It went something like this:
There are two biblical answers to dealing with 'Giants' in your life.
1)Knock them down and cut their heads off!
2)Eat them!

So thanks for the advice, Mr. Varner. So far, so good. :)

fancynancy said...

Oh my,
We just heard about the home going of dear Bro. Varner, What a gift God lent to us for a season. We got the opportunity to hear Bro. Varner minister in May. My husband drove all the way to n.c. from tn. just to hear him minister. We fell in love with him when we first meet him some 20 years ago. Our deepest sympathy to your family, Sincerely, in Christ Charles and Nancy Senior

RevRyan10 said...

I have read several of Dr. Varner's books, and heard some tapes of him speaking at a local church (I bought them at a local yardsale and never knew he had been in the area at the time). I am wondering if anyone has any old tapes of Dr. Varner (or CDs) they may be willing to dub for me. After reading the books, I would love to hear more of his teachings. It was his apostolic eschotology that caught my attention, and his focus on Christ that kept me. Pastor Ryan (

Anonymous said...

Brother Varner's legacy will continue on at least in my part of the world. He so impacted my life for good as he poured into my life with the Bible School course and many many other tapes I received over the years. I know am preaching and teaching the Kingdom of God in the earth and the Lord has opened up a door for His honor and glory. Praise be to God.

The Road To Trenton 2007 said...

As 2012 enters it's final month I spent this morning reflecting over my own life in Christ. "How short I stand, before the Glory of God." No time to weep, for myself for there are so many who have yet to embrace Him. Thank you Brother Varner for reminding me today with your smile and your song.