Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"Nothing happens unless first a dream."

- Carl Sandburg

"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality."

- Dom Helder Camara

"Some men see things as they are and say, "Why?" I dream of things that never were and say, "Why not?"

- George Bernard Shaw


River said...


What is a dream
A place or a thing
A sight into the future
Received in a slumber state
Things from the past
Things yet to come
Where do dreams come from

Dreams in color
Dreams in black and white
Dreams filled with light

Dreams of visions
Dreams of past
Dreams that seem to never last
Dreams of who we wish to be
Dreams of breaking free

What is a dream
Rest and see
Dreams rain down for you to see.

Laura Benson

Erik said...

Dreams, hmmm.

Hello Everyone, been a ‘little’ distant lately, a good maelstrom , too much to detail, but it is all through the Tree of Life, excellently.

Dreams- 1st, shout out to James Allen quote for Tuesday. Grew up on him, and do not see him often quoted, so Thank You Bishop for including his quote there. It ties into Wed post so well.

“My dreams are lofty, and that I have become. My vision has delivered on its promise, and my prophecy has been unveiled. “ -- beautiful.

We dream with others regularly, creating this reality. We say ‘Why Not’ and it exists, the blessing, forgiveness between ourselves, the miracle of synchronicity.

We live the dream, we live the dreams we dare to actualize. God has provided us with ALL ACCESS PASSES , so every vantage point and factory of reality is available. The raw material is Love -The only constructive substance. – Why Not ?

SCRIBE said...

To dream the "Impossible Dream"... well is it really impossible if we are able to see / visualize it in our mind's eye? And with God ALL THINGS are possible unto those of us who BELIEVE. For if we are unable to grasp hold and sight of it in dreams and visions, then we may never be able to possess it. We often end up in places and spaces that we have "Foreseen" whether we remember all or any detail or not. When we are predestined, we dare not walk through anything alone or end up any place that our spirit have not already discerned and prepared for. We've already "been there" before, yet we struggle in our humanity to get back to the places where our spirit has already dwelt.

Our Father says that if we are unable to "see it" and receive it from the spirit, then we are unable to reach it and possess it in the tangible forms. If we can just see it / dream it, and accept it not for what we know of it, but even in the things we are uncertain of, then surely we can have it. It is one thing for others to dream it or see it for us, but until we can see it and dream it and take it to heart, we will not walk in it. We are only as big as our dreams and our visions. Yet, more often than not, it takes our minds and bodies time to catch up to where our spirit has already been. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming and frightening, yet God says FEAR NOT, for I am with you all the way. As we ask for direction and readily receive and execute the instructions given to us, then we are led one step at a time towards that dream / the HUGE THING that is almost too amazing for us to comprehend. I dream, therefore, I AM. In every dream, there are tidbits of truth and it is up to us to tune into God via the Holy Spirit to unlock those hidden things, mysterious realities that can catapult us from the ordinary and mundane into the extraordinary and spectacular- not solely because of who we are, but more so in WHOSE we are.

Jesse Duplantis said that the poor person is not the one without a nickel, but the ones without a DREAM. Prophet Kim Clement says to go into / draw out of our future that which we desire to serve as our reality, and call our future into our present that they meet center mass and alas, we are walking in Our Destined Reality. For NOW is the time for our work to become our WORD, so SPEAK TO IT! The Happening is in the NOW!

Dream and DREAM LARGE, then ask God for WISDOM in all things, which will fuel and empower us to take those practical and illogical steps to facilitate those predestined things- regardless of how it appears to others. Others may share in and receive the fruitfulness from our dreams, yet they are unable to WALK OUT OUR DREAMS FOR US. God says "I shall meet you wherever you are, simply start walking and listen for MY VOICE.

Northern Light said...

SOZ the other day, and now's not a dream. They posted. The boys are back in town! Good to see ya'.

Northern Light

Northern Light said...

interesting word ver : logeye

Get that log out of your eye...mind not the splinter in your brother's. See what YOU were meant to see.

log eye......I like this one!


Amalia said...

"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream." Martin Luther King, Jr. - The Trumpet of Conscience

"A person's dreams are an index to their greatness." Zadok Rabinowitz

Rest easy,
A Constant Dreamer

Anonymous said...

Great quote notwithstanding...CLEARLY the writers of the quote have not dreamed of a city without unkempt graffiti!

(okay, I feel better...thanks)

I'm loving the last picture's "your old men will dream dreams". Today it seems so clear that this is what will keep them "young"...alive...invigorated...moving forward...making the world a better place...with dreams...even impossible dreams!

Anonymous said...

Some people call me a dreamer but I'm not the only one.

Good to hear from you again Erik. That is a beautiful quote. It seems that I too have become what I once dreamed of in the yester of that days becoming and it has proceeded on to this very day. There are more dreamers seeing their visions deliver on their promise today than ever before. Yes it is a lofty dream to see the wholeness of our world, that has been lost in a nightmare of humankind's self rejection, become a true reality but by God it is happening. Hope to see ya itb 2nite.

peacemaker said...

The beautiful thing is that dreams get udsinto the future but also add excitement to the present.
So we should dream away, and dream often, and dream big.
And never let anyone talk us out of our dreams.

What is your dream today? Is it vast enough, bold enough, to hold your soul's attention? Maybe your dreams are a container of the soul. That is, the Holding Place of God.
So--dream big, because the bigger you dream the more of God you let in!

Dream On,

veri word: menow. Wonder if that's how a hare-lipped cat sounds?

Anonymous said...

Great quote notwithstanding...CLEARLY the writers of the quote have not dreamed of a city without unkempt graffiti!

(okay, I feel better...thanks)

I'm loving the last picture's "your old men will dream dreams". Today it seems so clear that this is what will keep them "young"...alive...invigorated...moving forward...making the world a better place...with dreams!

Larry Usher said...

Reality to