MkITN XIII, Verses 21 - 37
21. And then if anyone should say to you, " is the Christ...this person is the Messiah!" or "Look...there He is...that one individual is Christ!" do not believe it for a minute.
22. False "Christs" and false prophets will always come and go...but especially during this time many of them will arise and even show signs and seem to work miracles to validate their claims. They will do this in an effort to deceive people into thinking that one person alone can be the Christ. They will attempt to even lead astray those of you who have already responded to God's call.
23. So don't fall for this just because I won't be here in the bodily form that you recognize. Be on your may be vulnerable in my physical absence. Just remember I have told you all about this beforehand.
24. Then, speaking to them in poetic, prophetic vocabulary, or in a symbolic language of prophecy that his audience understood from their familiarity with the Law and the Prophets (Genesis 1:14 - 16; Isaiah 13:9, 10; 34:4; Amos 8:9; Ezekiel 32:7, 8), He said, "Immediately after this Great Tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light...
25. ...and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." (In this way He used the same imagery that the Prophets of old had employed to speak of the downfall of earthly authorities and governors).
26. "Then they will see the Son of Man appearing in heaven, or in the heavenly realm, the sign of clouds indicating that this destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple means He is now enthroned in heaven, ruling in kingly power and glory...this cataclysmic series of events will show that the Kingdom has been taken away from a visible nation, and given to an invisible one.
27. And then He will send out messengers who will gather together His elect...those who have willingly responded to His gracious call...from the four winds, as it were, or from the farthest bounds of the known world to the farthest bounds of the heavenly realm.
28. Now learn a lesson from the fig soon as its branches become tender and put forth leaves, you recognize and know that summer is near.
29. In the same way...when you see these things happening, you may recognize and know that He is near...the manifestation of His Kingdom is at the door.
30. And this is why you need to hear this now...I'm not talking about some far-off, futuristic event that you would deem to be irrelevant to your life. On the contrary...this generation...the whole multitude of people living at this time...will not pass away before all these things take place.
31. The earth and sky may pass away, but these words of Mine will not perish or pass away until they are fulfilled.
32. But no one knows the day or the hour that all of these calamities will begin to come on this nation...not the angels in the heavenly realm, nor the Son of Man in His present physical manifestation, but only the Father.
33. So remain vigilant and pray with vision, for you don't know when the time will come for the beginning of this nation's destruction.
34. It is like a man going on a journey...when he leaves home, he puts his servants in charge of things, each with his or her own particular task. And he gives orders to the doorkeeper to be constantly on the look-out.
35. So pay attention and keep your eyes open, for you don't know when the 'Master of the house' is coming to shift the power that rules this the the morning...
36. So again I say...maintain the practice of visionary prayer...or, to put it another way, watch and pray! Otherwise He may come suddenly, even in another manifestation, and find you asleep.
37. And what I say to you about the destruction of the Temple and of this nation I say to everybody about their own experiences...this event, as I said, will happen in your lifetime...but the admonition to be watchful and visionary is universally relevant and eternally important!"
v. 35 is really powerful. (specifically, .."the 'Master of the house' is coming to shift the power that rules this nation..."
Also, v. 36's, "...the practice of visionary prayer..."
V.21..."that one individual"...
v.22..."that one person alone"...
v.23..."you may be vulnerable in my physical absence"...
v.35...agreed, Izumi/Joy..."coming to shift the power that rules this nation"...I can almost hear our Father saying, "I told you you wouldn't like having those earthly kings set up over you! I always wanted you to BE..."
V.37!, though, is the pièce de résistance, on the clarity of context.
cue Yoda...leaning on his wand...
"So very clear, MkITN is..."
Stories from Midwestern drive-thrus and service stations in Christ – Part One
Do you think we’re “connected”? Many of us do. Today, an ever increasing amount of the world finds themselves within “nets” of information of all kinds, coming from more and more separate people, parts, pieces, and places.
But are we connected at the deeper points of contact between you, and me, and this Holy Spirit?
It’s no longer a secret among the most sincere circles of science and religion that the physical subatomic world of our five senses is just a representation or a picture of something that goes many dimensions deeper than what seems to lie on the surface. Many times the argument comes down to not whether any individual is connected to this Spirit, but whether each spirits’ consciousness has any true guiding part in this apparent appearing creation. If the Parent Creator handed over the worlds, words, weight, and credits of His/Her creation to their beloved creatures, then the scientists and spiritualists may be onto the greatest “connection” available to us all.
The internet puts communication and information at our hands in this physical world, but who is finding ways to connect to the all knowing and being I Am Divine Matrix of Love. Behind many camps in this thought I’m finding one constant that produces instant Holy Spirit connectivity. We don’t always know perfectly what is truly good for our development in a world of “apparentlies”, but there is never any obstruction in this life when in comes to acts of blatant love, grace, and mercy. For make no mistake, the source of life’s potential is love. Love Is, and in this lies the main entry point for true Holy Spirit entanglement.
Today a ninety year old WW2 veteran had walked six miles to try and make it to a place to stay in the balmy heat of a ninety degree sun. He was strong for a man born in 1920. Maybe his fighting spirit had even been the culprit in a few fights recently after asking him about some marks on his arm. I was only their to offer him a place to sit down and provide some needed cold water to drink, but at the same time another man appeared on foot who called his brother, who was willing to come pick the man up and get him to where he was going. While waiting, the old man shared with me that the woman who lets him stay with her sometimes tells him he drinks too much. I gathered that if a man was ninety, he had the right to do just about whatever her pleased. Somehow, he turned the conversation to life and how long it should be lived. I told him that I imagined that we’re here for just as long as we need to be. At that he brought up that he used to study philosophy and that he’d never heard that, but thought it was so wonderful, and then he was gone. Just passing through, the same way we mentioned how life seemed.
More and more I want to be able to sequence and flow in life in these types of opportunities, not by my strivings, but by sheer and pure inter-connected being to Spirit. Holy Spirit is so undivided to everything, everywhere, from every beginning to every end, that if we really did live and move in THAT. How connected would we truly be? How eternal?
Later today, a friend of mine who works in a drive-thru told me the best story that I’ve heard all year, but I’ll save that for part two. It connects in the timing and spirit to these thoughts.
"Revelation has been progressive throughout history. In each generation there is something new added, which men are required to believe, that goes beyond the revelation of the past generation and which clarifies the mind and intent of God. And in each case, the revelation had its nay-sayers and opposition.
What revelation about Jesus shall we believe in our generation?"
OK, I get the deeper meaning, and the qualifications expressed in this impression or translation of Mark – Mk ITN.
These verses and others like it could have easily been left out of the ‘original’ text as it is called, with no loss to the Gospel.
Simply v 37, with some expansion gives the spirit of The Word, although most of the previous verses in what we call ‘The Original’ take away from that portion.
This is why these verses and those like them simply irritate me.
God is so far beyond this kind of silly drama , I can understand the preface earlier in a way the audience could understand, but that has so been given way too much weight against the whole of The Gospel and other books of what we call ‘The New Testament’
It really is, and areas like it, better left out.
The Council again erred as they did so many times, against sound advice to the contrary, and now part of the world is stuck on it.
Aggravating. Arrrggghhhhhhh .
Be that as it may, this is a footnote in the whole of what we know .
To the degree it takes place in the reality we experience, it is an historical event. – There will be no falling of stars from the heavens, nor will The Kingdom be taken from anyone at any time. The ‘elect’ is everyone that exists.
This text in whatever form (‘original’ etc.) is simply misunderstood.
No One needs or ever needed to be on ‘pins and needles’ regarding some ‘manifestation’ that posed any threat to anyone.
Although the paraphrase by Bishop does not express that, it has been common for many others to imply that.
It simply is not so. The Council of Nicaea was flawed from the beginning and cannot be counted on for accuracy.
The Spirit survives through their butchering of the letter. That council was minimally interested in The Spirit as they were more in other matters.
When we see the drama of fear that is embraced (understanding this paraphrase is using what is there, although, it can be re-written without problem , if desired as revealed. The text exists to be transformed through the fire of revelation) Nicaea is NOT the standard bearer. It provided some value in spite of themselves, but is NOT the ‘sanctioned’ version of ANYTHING.
Sometimes I just got to holler against it!!!!
They were barley sane. Jesus picking the ones He did to be His disciples was a billion times more sane than Nicaea.
Nuff said, Nicaea is suspect at best. Which is why we are all given discernment and a direct connection to The Creator, to see the drama for what it is.
OK, I get the deeper meaning, and the qualifications expressed in this impression or translation of Mark – Mk ITN.
These verses and others like it could have easily been left out of the ‘original’ text as it is called, with no loss to the Gospel.
Simply v 37, with some expansion gives the spirit of The Word, although most of the previous verses in what we call ‘The Original’ take away from that portion.
This is why these verses and those like them simply irritate me.
God is so far beyond this kind of silly drama , I can understand the preface earlier in a way the audience could understand, but that has so been given way too much weight against the whole of The Gospel and other books of what we call ‘The New Testament’
It really is, and areas like it, better left out.
The Council again erred as they did so many times, against sound advice to the contrary, and now part of the world is stuck on it.
Aggravating. Arrrggghhhhhhh .
Be that as it may, this is a footnote in the whole of what we know .
To the degree it takes place in the reality we experience, it is an historical event. – There will be no falling of stars from the heavens, nor will The Kingdom be taken from anyone at any time. The ‘elect’ is everyone that exists.
This text in whatever form (‘original’ etc.) is simply misunderstood.
No One needs or ever needed to be on ‘pins and needles’ regarding some ‘manifestation’ that posed any threat to anyone.
Although the paraphrase by Bishop does not express that, it has been common for many others to imply that.
It simply is not so. The Council of Nicaea was flawed from the beginning and cannot be counted on for accuracy.
The Spirit survives through their butchering of the letter. That council was minimally interested in The Spirit as they were more in other matters.
When we see the drama of fear that is embraced (understanding this paraphrase is using what is there, although, it can be re-written without problem , if desired as revealed. The text exists to be transformed through the fire of revelation) Nicaea is NOT the standard bearer. It provided some value in spite of themselves, but is NOT the ‘sanctioned’ version of ANYTHING.
Sometimes I just got to holler against it!!!!
They were barley sane. Jesus picking the ones He did to be His disciples was a billion times more sane than Nicaea.
Nuff said, Nicaea is suspect at best. Which is why we are all given discernment and a direct connection to The Creator, to see the drama for what it is.n
Tese paraphrases bu Bishop bring the celebration of Life to the forefront.
The book of the law can never reveal more life than the Spirit of it.
Ahhh...Holy Spirit connectivity, the energy, the spark, the light, the fire that moves so quickly through the pathways of THE BODY!
Very enjoyable reading Bishop. MkITN will be as great a treasure as any writing you have done. I agree with all the other comments so far and that was a complimentary entry by SOZ also. Erik had me going for a minute but when I read his entry again it really was splendid in its continuity with the spirit of the word. This is a very good house.
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