In a word, today was heaven on earth...all day...seriously, one of the best days of my life...
I/we ministered at Good Shepherd's all day, and it was...I don't know...I don't have words for it...
We didn't go to the AIDS clinic as planned because the one on the schedule was a different one from the one we visited last year...this one didn't have full-time patients, and was Roman Catholic run, and the administration didn't want us praying for people...so we opted out of the visit because I'm interested in people...not in simply touring a medical facility...
But the meetings at Good Shepherd's...oh..........my........
I love these people, especially these Pastors, so much...I can't begin to tell you...
The CITN community would be surprised to hear the way that I preach here, because I don't really "preach" at home...I teach...I exhort...I communicate...
But here, I preach...and prophecy...
It was...well, it's hard to explain...
I am very much at peace in my calling here...
After church tonight we went to Pastor Ben's house for a wonderful dinner...and it was just...family....
Such a wonderful day...and Rosette (P. Ben's wife) showed me the book bags we'll be delivering (we gave them the money for them, and they bought the supplies and assembled them)...
When I looked inside the bags (which all have tags attached to them which say "Donated by Church In The Now")...when I saw their pencils and writing pads and crayons and books (also stamped with "Donated by Church In The Now") and other school stuff, I nearly burst into tears...
You can't believe how beautiful these children are...many of them are HIV positive or even have AIDS...but they're all beautiful...and they want to go to school...
Thank you to those of you who contributed to buying their school supplies...
I heard dad did great last night...thanks for supporting him, and for giving me good reports...I love you all...
Well, I guess that wasn't so brief, after all...
I've got to go to sleep now...
Mookama Yebazibwe!
*The blog is on EST, so whatever time it says this was posted is seven hours away from when I actually posted it...
AWESOME!! I am so glad we could help out. Please take pictures of those wonderful children.
Godspeed to ALL
What a beautiful, awe inspiring, profound, humbling thing you and the team experienced today. It sounds as if each day is building and building until the trip concludes with this great crescendo where everyone literally is overtaken with Heaven on Earth. An experience unlike anything since the day of Pentecost. As I have said before, the world is yours. "He's got the whole world in His hands." is nice, but from my viewpoint I see it as, "You've got the whole world in YOUR hands." A great responsibility--yes. But a responsibility given to one who has proven time and time again he can be trusted with it.
There in Spirit,
What do you mean the "administration" didn't want you praying for people? IF that means the Roman Catholic administration there, TAKE ME WITH YOU NEXT TIME and let me have a little chit chat. OOHHHHH
Northern Light
actually....I'd like to go sometime for the real reason........BECAUSE I WANT TO BE A PART OF IT ALL...HE WANTS IT, too !
from G8TRGRL...
There are no words for Thursday's message from Bishop. I must just ask you all to allow us time to let it flow through and share.
All I can say that it was Super Fresh New Classic Bishop. The essence of what has always been in Bishop from HS, and expressed brand new fresh. I know Bishop, and sat under for nine years. It was Bishop, and it was brand new. The Spirit brought something core Bishop out and brand new.
All of us were spiritually spent and exhausted Thursday, and peaceful for the BBQ at Pastor Ben's. Really, it was like we were down the street at a cookout, rather than across the globe.
HS is doing something new and something known. Please allow time to process. We are all in Holy Spirit Peace. Be extremely proud of Bishop. God says it is good.
Will write after today, Peace out, All is beyond good.
WOW...if both Bishop & Erik are without words to clearly communicate what they experienced, IT WAS SOMETHING ~!
I can wait..cause when you two can explain it, it wil be SOMETHING !
Northern Light
I just signed on to "peek" and see if anything was posted here and Michael MacDonald was singing "YOU DON'T KNOW ME, BUT I'M YOUR BROTHER".........just as the photo of the African kids popped up...
Man, I just LOVE when God uses music like that, I LOVE IT LOVE IT!
In my life, there are no "coincidences" with God....all God-incidences!
Northern Light
I am so joyful that things are "Heaven-on-Earthish" in Uganda Bishop and team! I had no reason to doubt it! I love the picture of the little boy in yellow-it is one of my faves-just so desiring of a connection! God surely is doing a new work this year and it is full of surprise, challenge and victory.
I know the remainder of y'alls trip will be even better than the first part and that you will bring something great back home as well as leave behind. Praying for you throughout the days, recalling the joys of last year! Amazing!
Blessings, peace and joy to you all!
Bro Lar
Rebecca Cardinal said...
Awesome........God's blessings upon you and may His anointing minister Himself richly thru you.........
Cathy Walker said...
I saw the children - - they are beautiful. You have the words of life for the men of God there. Much will come from what has been deposited.
Harold Lovelace said...
I like it..the kids, the colors and your variety of wisdom to challenge them & those you ordain.
Sonia Dean...
Thanx so much for sharing!
Robert Mitchell said...
Just bring um all home with ya.
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