Thursday, November 12, 2009

It Is Finished...

Hey is the rest of Luke In The Now, Chapter 24...the last 17 of the 3,779 verses that comprise the four Gospels. Thanks so much for your support of this project. For those of you who have blogged, commented, discussed, encouraged, added your own revelation, and helped proof this, along with Matthew In The Now and Mark In The Now as I have written and posted them here over the last year, a special thanks...I really feel like this has been a collaborative effort, and, in many ways, is the product of this blog community...

John In The Now was put out a couple of years ago, but it will be included with the Synoptic Gospels and published in one volume which will be called THE GOSPELS IN THE NOW: The Four Biographies of the God-Man Re-Imagined in Modern Context, which will be available in a few weeks...

LITN XXIV, Verses 36 - 53

36. And while they were in the process of trying to explain all this, Jesus actually materialized in their presence, stood in the middle of the group, and said to them, "Peace...peace be with all of you."

37. Everyone in the room was startled and frightened, reacting as if they were seeing a fact, most of them believed that they were, indeed, seeing an apparition.

38. But He said to them, "Why, after all this time...after everything that you've all seen, especially in the last few days, are you still so quick to be upset and easily spooked? But the bigger question is...why are you still so prone to have doubts about Me in your minds?

39. Look at Me! Look at My hands and My feet! It really is Me! Touch me and see for yourselves. Don't be afraid...a ghost doesn't have flesh and bones, as you obviously can see that I have."

40. As He said this, He showed them His hands and feet.

41. But they still just couldn't grasp it...couldn't believe their eyes...they were excited to see Him, but it just seemed to good to be true. So He said to them, "All you have anything here to eat?"

42. And one of them had the presence of mind to respond to His request and give Him a piece of broiled fish.

43. And He took the fish and ate it in front of them to further prove that He was real.

44. Then He said to them, "Remember...this is what I told you while I was still with you in the earthly dimension. Every single thing must be fulfilled that has been written about Me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms."

45. Then His presence, words, and anointing opened their minds to revelation so that they could understand the Scriptures.

46. He reminded them, "This is what is written...whether you like it or not...whether you understand it, fully, or not...the Messiah will suffer terribly, and then rise triumphantly from the dead on the third day.

47. And a global paradigm shift for the realization of His forgiveness of the world's sins will be preached in His name to all the nations of the earth. What happened in Jerusalem is just the beginning.

48. And you in this room are privileged to be witnesses of the beginning of these things.

49. So I'm going to send you what my Father has promised...but stay here in the city until you have been inundated and infused with power from on high."

50. Then He led them out of that place to the vicinity of Bethany, and once they were there, He lifted up his hands and blessed them.

51. And while He was still speaking a blessing over them, He de-materialized and was translated into the heavenly dimension.

52. Then they instinctively worshiped Him, even though He was no longer physically in their presence. At last they understood that His being...His reality...was greater and more transcendent than anything that could be contained in a finite, physical body. And they returned to Jerusalem with great exuberance.

53. And for the days immediately following, they stayed continually in the Temple, praising, exalting, and increasing in their comprehension of the one, true God.


Anonymous said...

Scott Pettite said...

Congrats----looking forward to buying that thang

Anonymous said...

Greg Crawford said...

Absolutely Awesome!! Good job Bish! It's going to be under a bunch of Christmas trees!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Pettite said...

Congrats Bish!! Excited for all the lives that will be enlightened from this project!!

Anonymous said...

Linda M Curtis said...

Christmas shopping has never been easier and more meaningful to deliver....great project completed and at a great time ! Congrats & THANK YOU BISH ~

Anonymous said...

Amy Cantwell Carter...


Anonymous said...

Nancy Courter said...

John 19:30

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar He said, 'It is finished' ...

The three most important words - IT IS FINISHED.

The Greatest Words Ever Uttered
By the Greatest Man That Ever Lived.....

Look forward to receiving revelation in the now..
Thanks Bishop!

Anonymous said...

V.47..."A global paradigm shift..."
No kidding...

מזל טוב
and Congratulations, Bishop...

...for such a time as this!

Anonymous said...

Chuck Day said...

get it printed quick! I REALLY want one!

Anonymous said...

Phil Howard said...

"Genius begins a great work; labor alone finishes it."
--Joseph Joubert.

Congratulations and thank you for this great labor of love you have given the world.

Anonymous said...

Sonia Dean said...

Thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

John W. Brumlow said...

Thank you for this marvelous effort. It is completely worth your time.

Anonymous said...

Nonnie Lemmon said...

Congratulations, Bish!

Anonymous said...

Michael L Harris said...

Congratulations Bishop,
Thank you for including us in your work.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Nix said...

Excellent for the K of G!

Anonymous said...

Dennis Caldwell said...

Congratulations Bishop, It has been a very interesting trip. This will be THE most UNIQUE translation/paraphrase of the Gospels to ever come off the press. Much needed insight into the deeper truths of the life and words of Jesus Christ brought to life in this collection. THUMBS UP!

Son of Zadok said...

What a privilege to have stood in the the foyer while you busted this out.


karl cobos said...

Like a rock tossed in a crystal lake, thanks for sharing the work with us while in progress. May it's rippled effect reach every shore!

...well DONE good and faithful servant!

word ver: uncioni
"makes me think of the word ANNOUNCE, an announcement, or maybe UNCTION, as in it was done under the unction of the Holy Spirit"

Iris said...

Bishop, thank you so much, for writing the NOW version of the Gospels. The revelation, inspiration and insight you to put into it, connects us to a new paradigm shift. It illuminats our spirits revealing things we already knew from the beginning, but now there is the understanding.

We love you, and look forward to purchasing Gospel In The Now for personally use and for Christmas presents… Getting the message of the good news to the loved ones in our lives, that the message of the gospels are for us ALL.

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Smith said...

Thank you Bishop for your commitment to declare Good News for the world to hear. Thanks for sharing your gift and bringing us a NOW word day after day, year after year. Your dedication to the Kingdom of God is an inspirtation to us all. We Love You

Brenda said...

Thanks for sharing, I have enjoyed reading every verse. I can't wait for the finished product to come out because I know it will be a great blessing to me and my family.

May God restore unto you all that you have poured out to us. May your cup overflow and your saucer too.

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...

My heart (inner man) just tribbled when I read this. I know it sounds funny to talk like that. The Truth sets us free. I am looking forward to get my copy of the book as well. Thanks Jimearl.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Hartwig said...

Wow, that sounds like he put the truth right out there.

Anonymous said...

Cliff Hancock said...

"And a global paradigm shift for the realization of His forgiveness of world's sins will be preached in His name to all the nations of the earth. What happened in Jerusalem is just the beginning"........

(what a gift to the Body, this is great)

Anonymous said...

47. And a global paradigm shift for the realization of His forgiveness of the world's sins will be preached in His name to all the nations of the earth.

At last they understood that His being...His reality...was greater and more transcendent than anything that could be contained in a finite, physical body.

Not in a “SINGLE” physical body……but when the world gets a hold of this; there will be a Glory of God emanating from the “many membered body Christ” throughout the earth such as has never been seen.

Congratulations Bishop, It has been a very interesting trip. This will be THE most UNIQUE translation/paraphrase of the Gospels to ever come off the press.
Much needed insight into the deeper truths of the life and words of Jesus Christ brought to life in this collection. THUMBS UP!


Anonymous said...

I want to start off by saying that I have had to do some major revamping of some things with the technical advice from the tech dept. at some social networks. Bottom line is I have a much more secure system and way of doing things. I am in the final stages of this project and will be back to normal soon.

I need to let everyone know that SOMEONE HACKED INTO some of my accounts and somehow have been able to send different types of messages “AS IF FROM ME”, even using my picture, account name and all - with links in the messages that I would not advise you click on. If you have gotten a message of any kind that doesn’t seem to be characteristic of me or my ministry it is because IT WAS NOT ME. There were NO VIRUSES ATTACHED to the messages; but I don’t know about the links. My spyware and antivirus popped up a warning when I tried to check one out to see what it was.

Some people do not like THE VICTORIOUS GOSPEL I am so thoroughly and irrefutably sharing through so many avenues, resources and methods. They cannot refute what I say in open debate so they are maliciously working behind the scenes to try and ruin my social networks, PC's, and my reputation. Which shows their true character by the way.

This is just a sign that my ministry is doing well and its purpose is being accomplished. Sometimes we have to really annoy someone to get their full attention. Looks like I got it.... “IT’S ALL GOOD!”

A car that IS NOT MOVING, is not likely to get dirty or to come upon someone going the opposing direction.
Swimming downstream is still much easier even when "YOU KNOW" the treasure is upstream......

Peace, Grace, and Love to you,
Rev. Dennis D. Caldwell

Anonymous said...

Valerie Bolton said...WOW

Karl said...

Thanks for sharing that pastor Dennis. I'm thinking how even "bad press" keeps things out there, like when Paul mentioned that even those who were preaching Jesus with maybe wrong intentions, were still preaching "Jesus", His name was getting out there.

Karl said...

Bishop, praying blessings, and rhema word for you this morning... looking forward to tomorrow.


As people more fully look at the crucifixion, what He did on the cross (looking at His hands and feet), they will see that He really is their not be AFRAID to look, not AFRAID to reach out and touch...(taste and SEE that the Lord is good).
Jesus invites ALL PEOPLE to touch Him and SEE FOR THEMSELVES!

v.41...and what seems "too good to be true", really is true and real.

v.45...and the Lord opens their minds to revelation so they can understand forgiveness of the world's sin, their sin.

v.53...they continued in the temple complex, praising, exalting and blessing Him, increasing in their comprehension...

(...and NOW, today, so do we...we His temple, His building, and each a sanctuary for His dwelling, continue to remain in this place and in this city, praising and exalting Him, increasing in our comprehension of Him and these things.)

Last week I passed by a company whose name is TRANSPARENT CONTAINER.
It really reminded me of how we are supposed to be...or are...transparent...that the glory of God and His presence shines in and emanates from and through us to the world! let your light shine before all men...

Love, Karl

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bishop - what a blessing this will be to so many people. Thank you!!!!!! Can't wait to get mine and the ones for Christmas.

Pamela Holbrook :)

River said...

Congrads on finishing the Gospels What's your next book going to be on?

Erik said...

Bishop, closing the Gospels in the Now with the upswing on excellence. Of Course.

My fave 2 versus of this final part are :

---38. But He said to them, "Why, after all this time...after everything that you've all seen, especially in the last few days, are you still so quick to be upset and easily spooked? But the bigger question is...why are you still so prone to have doubts about Me in your minds? ----


--- 49. So I'm going to send you what my Father has promised...but stay here in the city until you have been inundated and infused with power from on high."-----

Only Believe.

After all that has been said, done, written, perceived – Those 2 words sum it all up. Believe, infuse, internalize and live, or do not. No problem either way. No hell if one does not, no penalty, no minus. If one does, plenty of benefit and upgrading, but no downgrading if not.

I LOVE upgrades.

In belief, in embracing and vulnerability to The Universe, I have enjoyed the greatest life - lacking ALL pedigree, ‘papers’ , pre-requisites, - and yet, saying ‘Yes’ to The Spirit is an All Access Pass. An exception, a bypass of degrees and dogma, of doctrine and process. No doubts while open to inundation and infusion. Lacking history, alliance, and the need to defend.

That is what Jesus manifests to me throughout my life. The Spirit is present in everyone, thing, moment. The Spirit supersedes the law – that (the law) is built upon one piece than the other. The Spirit is outside that experience. The Spirit is all of it at once, and all the time.

Faith, inundated and infused in us, in full stream, mainstream. That is what we live, and is one aspect of ‘The Coming’ which has been present ALWAYS.

Blessed to be a witness of THIS expression of that, Bishop. Thank you for one more privilege.

Erik said...

SOZ , just on case you are checking in. 7 days till gnashing of teeth. I feel for ya bro! His peace will be upon you.

Erik said...

For everyone,

Current events -- It is unveiling as the change takes place, China is changing the center of the natural world's gravity. This is a GOOD thing.

We (The US, believers) are servants, and the an excellent manifestation of what we see as The U.S. is that we are servant Queens and Kings. China as the emerging power is on target, especially to help U.S. to understand the power of being The Servant.

I understand that there is some belief of whatever that 'rapture' thing is, has sway, and there is benefit in serving entirely, and reigning simultaneously. That is a piece of The Unveiling.

The Lamb and The Lion, together, at peace. China brings change. The Russian Bear is no worry, really. China is a manifestation of bringing U.S. to manifest the supreme royal servant, happily and exquisitely.

Of course, this is just silliness. All is good. US is all powerful and always will be, forever and ever, God's chosen. Unless of course the rapture and anti-christ can overcome God. Which of course they cannot, so sleep well and order Kung Pao,delivery. :)

Erik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
karl cobos said...

Good morning bishop and friends!

Looking forward to worship!!!

Yes, hmmm...what book is next on the "to do" list?

Erik..."ALL ACCESS PASS" provided by the

The Spirit can infuse one with a revelation, that it may have taken years of perusing scripture for another to attain, if he does at that.

Anonymous said...

Mary Nichelson said...

I am so ready to get my hands on The Gospels in the Now. I know you will post something here about the release and book signing so I wait with baited breath. Not that you need an endorsement, but I will pos the release info on my blog for my readers, too! Awesome work!

Anonymous said...

Dancing the V-ictory...may I claim oneness with my brother who totally tore up the stage? That's what I was doing in my heart, but getting my body to do that!?...I need a bit of practice...and some moxy...but I'm carrying the vision and the joy of the V-ictory that is set before me.
Thank you, Bishop!

Anonymous said...

This is such an excellent finish.

And for the days immediately following, they stayed continually in the Temple, praising, exalting, and increasing in their comprehension of the one, true God. This is the gift that many will enjoy because of this gracious work.

The readers will enter an internal Temple that will be like finding precious treasure to them. The good news of what is established by God for all creation as you have penned it in modern context will allow seekers to understand God as Love and release them from many fears. This has increased my own ability to feel like my worship of God is more effective and it will do the same for other souls with a sincere desire to communicate their love to God. We all have an increased love for each other as humans who are akin via the Creator's work on our behalf. It is a beautiful gift to be given to any of our friends that we know who are seriously seeking greater understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior and Sibling.

I may miss the signing for being out of town. I will cherish a signed copy if one can be reserved and also will cherish it if not. Look forward to giving copies to several people I currently know who are both turned off by religion and have great evidence of seriously seeking a real relationship with a real God.

John W. Brumlow, friend and brother