Sunday, January 10, 2010

From Facebook: Well, I was going to say that the services at CITN today were surprisingly awesome, but then I re-read my blog post from yesterday and was reminded that I predicted awesomeness (but the attendance was, indeed, surprising)...what a great day (!)...thanks, everyone, for coming out to both services...even people I hadn't seen in a long time were there...


Anonymous said...

Andre Gooden said...

Today was awesome indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it - AWESOME. 1!

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...

That's wonderful!

p chad said...

You know Bishop, when you get "like you were" today at service...the men would call you confident, the women would call you sexy, the children would call you cool, but I know its just the Spirit coming out of you...but really...we are all right.

Anonymous said...

Ebony Thornton said...

Bishop the word today was excellent, I am always especially encouraged with the exhortation you give us about those we care about who are taking the "scenic route" as they work out their salvation. Someone I love very much is in this same situation. And "Pre-CITN" Ebony would spend her time fussing and lecturing on "gettin' right so he can go home and not get left behind", but getting nowhere but on his nerves. "Post CITN" Ebony loves, prays, and lives for the hope that he will find his way back to what he has known all along. Thank you Bishop.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

There is great comfort in knowing that the Alpha in our lives is also the Omega...thanks for the observation...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Andre...I was glad to see you...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Yeah, Anon @'s the perfect pic...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

The wind blows where it will, P. Chad...thanks...

Anonymous said...

Lisa Pfenning said...

Thank you Bishop for being obedient and giving the Word of the Lord to my Mom... It truly was a blessing to her in a difficult time for our family. She really needed to know GOD remembers!!!!!!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

God is felt good to be in that flow today...

Anonymous said...

Brenda Bevelle Yarbrough said...

Great service, sorry and not sorry that I pulled so much from you, but you gave me so much information today. Real good Bishop

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Glad you got what you came for, Brenda...

Anonymous said...

Virginia Bills said...

Yes it was! I took from it that the path the Lord has for me contains the tree of life. If I waiver from my path I only see life through the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But if I hold steady the tree of life is attainable. I always find myself linking to the Genesis vs - You must master sin for it desires to have you. It is internal conflict that disrupts our vision from the tree of life. Holding steady with the Lord brings love, peace and clarity.

Anonymous said...

Erica Wilkes Redmond said...

Thank you Bishop for such a great word!

Anonymous said...

Keith Mitchell said...

Yes awesome is the word...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Amen, Virginia...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Erica...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Keith...

River said...

Service was great today. It would be cool if you would have a service with just singing. A lot of the time I get more out of the praise & worship. The ministering is just icing on the cake.
Find the Awesome that lives inside you.

Friend4Life said...

"He's the Alpha and the Omega, Our God and Our Savior

He is Jesus Christ the Lord, and when time is no more...He is...HE IS!!!"---Can't stop thinking of this song after service. (He Is)

We're not left behind; the Word was Left behind 4-ALL-OF-US!

Anonymous said...

Awe-some, indeed, the service was...

...And pearls of redeemed pain not cast before the!

Clark Kent said...

Omega: The word literally means "great O" (ō mega, mega meaning 'great'), as opposed to Omicron, which means "little O" (o mikron, micron meaning "little"). I see God as a big "O"...the GREAT "O"...the GREAT ONE.

...the GREAT FINISHER of my faith.
...the GREAT COMPLETER of the GOOD WORK he began in me.

...even better than being off to see the wonderful wizard, my road here ends with THE GREAT "O".

How GREAT is our G'O'D

Anonymous said...

Joan K. Harrington said...

Wish I could have been there! I miss those services!!

Northern Light said...

Okay.....all the streamers are saying WHAAAAATTTTT exactly did we miss? But, we are patient, we are kind, we are waiting for the re-newed day....when we WILL be ITB, yet out of the building, through the computers & streaming again.

So, just "keep on keepin on" and we will get the blessings through the friends, blog and dvd's. We aren't goin anywhere !

It's all good ~

Northern Light

P Nancy said...

Begin again in 2010...
Sunday was another great stepping stone on this journey we call LIFE!

Moving ahead.....

Thank you Bishop!

Anonymous said...

Janice Langley Sobers said...

But when are they not awesome!

Karl said...

Yes, move forward...change is constant.