"In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're Kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you." (Matthew 5:48 – The Message)

Today I will carry myself in a way that demonstrates my godly self-confidence. I will speak well of myself without bragging or being offensive to others. I will show that I believe in myself, without thinking more highly of myself than I ought to think. I will love my neighbor as I love myself today.

Today I will remember that I am who God says that I am – I have what God says that I have – and I can do what God says that I can do!

Today I will walk like a winner, and lose my loser mentality. I am a champion – a king – an overcomer. I have favor, creativity, confidence, the Mind of Christ, prosperity, success, supernatural ability, and uncommon favor. Anything can happen today, and my expectation of faith will attract the positive to my life. If God is for me, who can be against me?! No matter what others have said to me or about me – no matter what I have said about myself – today is a new day of self-realization for me. Today I am somebody, and today I will live in the now!
Father, help me to remember today that You have enabled me to be somebody! In Jesus’ name, amen.
I am somebody......somebody perfectly and wonderfully made by the Potter, Himself.
I may feel down, but I am not a loser. HE made me how and who HE wanted me to be.
When I embrace that through HIS eyes, I can see the design of my potential. That's a GOOD DAY !
Peace ~
Northern Light
Looking at my life destruction had a hold of me but He called my name and set me free. Whatever my future holds will come. I'm just taking it one step, one day, One Moment at a time. Victory belongs to those who can overcome anything.
The Rose
Life is funny in so many ways...
Things we think are tragic turn into things of beauty.
As I walk down the worn torn town
Buildings fall to the ground
Arms helping those within
Escape the danger that fell in
Walking further I see a rose growing in a crack
Beauty to behold
Petals soft and fragrance sweet But through it pain shows
Each thorn holds a story
A memory of someone or something
Looking at the rose
I see growth and a new day
Much work as the thorns remind me of those passed away
You see Life is for a moment
We are here then gone
Our Mission is to Love and Help others along
The rose is a thing of beauty
No doubt in my mind
It reminds me of the loved ones that will live in my mind
So next time look at the rose
Not as the flower you see
Smell her Aroma
See her beauty that covers tragedy
Teresa W Mason said...
thank you for the nugget
Grayling Chestnut said...
Bread of Heaven. Feed me until I want no more.
Machion Garrison III said...
I am ... somebody
Ging Cabanag Smith said...
Yes and Amen!
Linda M Curtis said...
posted on the blog earlier...having another thought on it now..you know, we are all made by God.....and HE "don't make no junk"......still true now as when you first heard it as a kid ~ (language hurts to say it that way, but it is what it is)
Thanks Bishop I needed to be reminded of that...I am somebody. I will not allow anyone to define me that has not walked this journey with me. When I speak people want to hear what I say and they am blessed because of it. I will not be afraid of my past because it is gone and right now is my reality. I have forgiven those that have hurt me for they have pushed me into my destiny. I embrace this new life that God has given me and I rejoice in the ones that he has hand picked to walk this new phase with me. In Spite OF all the dark days and lonely nights, this is my defining moment and I walk with my head up and my shoulders squared ready to face the dawn of a new day. I say "YES" to my Father as I walk in my purpose.
Hey River,
Our Mission is to Love and Help others along
...that phrase connected with me and reminds me of a verse that says..."let us focus on promoting love and good works"...(verse?)
John W. Brumlow said...
Living generously and graciously sounds like a key to happiness.
Keith Mitchell said...
WOW !!! That was a word for me . Love ya Bishop ...
Nicola Mason said...
Definitely speaks volumns...I am what God says that I am now I awe to act like it...love it
John W. Brumlow said...
The pursuit of knowing who we are to ourself often leads to others perceiving that we are somebody. Of course on the grand scale the some body that we are is that body called Christ. It is important to me that I have learned that body is much larger than I once perceived it to be. I am grateful to Holy Spirit for that and give thanks for you, Bishop, being the somebody that has primarily been in the role of mentor to help me better hear what Spirit is saying. Many blessings to you and all that are closely associated with you.
Jim Muehlstein said...
Amen Bishop....Here to Worship & Serve....
Nic Casoria said...
creepy pictures
Creepy? Really? Wow...everyone else today has been telling me how anointed and cool they are...oh well, hope they didn't scare you too much...
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