Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Recent Facebook Postings...

"We don't c the world as it is, we c it as we r", but it still amazes me that people can b so quick 2 tell u what's wrong with u, when the thing they say is exactly what u would like 2 say 2 them (or were thinking about them)...pots seem 2 always b calling kettles black...

...anyway, blow off whatever stupid, hurtful thing some1 said 2 u with a nice "I know u r, but what am I?" attitude...ur fine...it's their problem...

Free yourself...let yesterday go...it's spring...time for new beginnings...the winter of regret is over..."See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." (Song of Sol 2:11, 12)...seriously, you need to embrace the season...the sun is shining...He makes all things new...

U don't have 2 always b right...don't have 2 prove ur point all the time...don't need 2 justify urself, or b overly stressed about trying 2 explain urself...don't have 2 always get ur way...choose ur battles...some things just don't matter...ur awesome, but it's not always about u...let some1 else have a turn...let some1 else b right...won't kill u...live & let live...don't know y I'm saying this, but there it is...

The music...the 1st time visitors...the full house...the baptisms...P. Scott's game...P. Judah's offering sermon...Nation of Worship...Chandra Currelley singing "He Lives in You"...Olivia's dedication...the vibe and energy of the service...can't imagine it being any better today @ CITN...

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. (I Corinthians 13:7 AMP)


Anonymous said...

Jacob Israel said...

What a nice post, advice everything should take

Erik said...

Bishop, I love you more and more.

Excellent compilation of 'There's a rabbit' of beauty and truth.

We are free and Spring is blossoming always.

Others always deserve their say and turn. It is peaceful to give way to another , as we respect others while respecting ourselves. We all give while maintaining our authenticity. Choose your battles.

Love is excellent, fadeless hopes, endurance for all = Peace, Joy, Rightness w/ God and each other.

All of it so refreshing again, and again.

Thank you Bishop for highlighting the essence. Amen!

Anonymous said...

As I experienced my Holy Ghost school of Life today...
You have heard it said that you are a product of your environment, but I say that you are the creator of your environment...