Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reality Check

"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor. (Matthew 7:1-5 , The Message)


Amalia said...

...ok, Bishop:
being on the receiver end of ugly ways lately from several directions, it has been a conscious daily task to check myself; however, at the same time, I confess, it has been extremely tempting to identify flaws in those crafting, breeding and hurling unpleasant, particularly for right now, I must chew diligently on this reminder.

Anonymous said...

Amalia Amaki said...

...once again you prove you are my Bishop...

Anonymous said...

Stephen Taylor said...

YES, YES, of my favs,Bishop! Love it! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good morning Bishop
and bloggers,

"We find in life what we exactly put in".

The word you've put forward is a miror to me and the rest, before we jump into judging others....... have we ourselves made it to happen without challenges or do we entirely have a clean sheet of events nor aren't struggling with some stuff right now?

Thanks Bishop, the responses, the picture on the blog, twither and face face book on the recent anniversary celebrations........ tell it all. Surely you're getting exactly what you're putting in us.

Pr. Ben Nadiope.

Anonymous said...

The boomerang pic is effective...doesn't have "selah" under it but it has that anointing--(smile)

..."just living your part"...
good words to live by...

This post reminds me of the Bishop quote (my paraphrase): "If you take on yourself as a'll learn you're a full time job!"

Erik said...

Yes, we each see in others what we see in ourselves, love, beauty, unique qualities celebrated continuously.

We love ourselves immensely and pour that love into every one we contact, enjoying the love God infuses us ALL with - ourselves and each other.

The boomerang of encouragement, support, service, love and joy each of us gives to others, come back upon us, increased, and we throw the increase out again to others, and it comes back increased. We deliriously laugh and dance with each other, all others, as we share the continuing increase in wonderfulness.

Love THAT boomerang!

River said...

Garbage in garbage out
Mercy in mercy out
So True
So True

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bishop Jim, as you celebrate your 25th Anniversary of Ministry. I wanted to be with the celebration on Sunday, but had my duties in Miami. All the best to you and your loved ones during the next 25 years. Tom Cutts, Unification Church

Anonymous said...

For me, it is only through God-inspired focus on myself that I am able to remove criticism/critique from my everyday life. God is leading me to a place of receiving constant grace and mercy from Him in order to give constant grace and mercy to not only myself but to others.
Being free of all labels born of the knowledge of good and evil is amazing. I am walking in a greater understanding of this and not thinking in terms of good or bad, right or wrong or even appropriate or inappropriate.
God takes each of us down a certain path to work all things together for our good and the good of others as all things are inter-related and necessary on some level.
My current journey is redefining what do I talk about as I remove complaining, criticizing, critiquing and even having an opinion that is irrelevant for anyone but me and my path. Until I evolve more in this process, for the moment, I remain mostly silent and observe the miraculousness and majesty of the Kingdom.
The fruit of this has been creating effortlessness.
God's world is very complex, yet at the same time is very simple.

Anonymous said...

This boomerang is a nice slap in the face... a reminder if you will... Love the feeling from being at peace with everyone and knowing we are all working our own THANG out... ya never know what you would do if you were in their shoes... so if you got nothing nice to say... Well, in the words of Madea: "Put the shut, to the up. Okay? Shut to the up."

Lindsey P.