Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don't Worry About the "HOW"

"What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists."
- Alexander Graham Bell

Your job is not to worry about the "How"...Mary asked the angel "How can these things be, seeing that I have not been with a man?"...but his explanation to her was still above and beyond anything that she could ASK or she simply responded with "Be it done to your servant according to your word"...the "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "What"...

The Hows are the domain of the universe, and of the Creator/God Who spoke it into existence...the limitless heavens declare the glory of God...the universe always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream...

If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered...this is where miracles happen...take it outside the limits of the thought realm...let go and let God...

Turn it over to the universe (the "one song") daily..."casting all your care upon Him"...believing/seeing/expecting should never be a chore...

Feel exhilarated by the whole tune...Abraham "waxed strong" (became virile again in his old age) by giving glory to God, even though it was a while before he saw the full manifestation of the other words, it's very important to simply enjoy the journey...

The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being..."be not conformed to the world (the natural), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"...

They remember to do it all the time..."give us this day our DAILY bread"...

Create pictures of what you want to attract (a Vision Board, a list of things, a transcript of prophecies spoken over your life, etc.)...Jacob used spotted and speckled rods to create a visual image in front of cows...he made Joseph a coat of many colors so that his son could get a picture of his best self-image, and ultimately internalize his dreams...

Every day look at your picture(s) and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants...some people call that "fake it 'til you make it"...God calls it faith, and faith involves Joshua He said, "See! I have given you the city", when, in the natural realm, nothing could have been further from the truth...

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming
- Albert Einstein

Decide what you want...nothing is more potent than the power of a decision...believe you can have it...believe you deserve it (this is the deal-breaker for most people because of a self-imposed sense of unworthiness)...Paul said, "Do not be alienated from God IN YOUR MIND"...believe it's possible for you...

Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want..."your old men will dream dreams, you young men will see visions"...embrace the feeling of having it already...

Focus on being grateful for what you do have already..."in everything by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known"...enjoy it! Then
release it into the universe...the universe will manifest it...

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve"
- W. Clement Stone


Iris said...

Good Morning Bishop and all of my wonderful family.

Thank you again Bishop for the words spoken here… I so needed them today. I think so many of us are in the mode of “fake it until you make it.” But I loved when you said “God calls it faith, and faith involves visualization..”

The following is a re-post of something I had written a while back ago… but it is appropriate for this blog… Hope you enjoy.

Imagine having a blank slate… now take a piece of chalk and write anything you want…Life is the blank slate… Your words are the piece of chalk... what do you want your life to say…is it speaking life or death to your dreams???…

We all have hopes and dreams… and our words have the power to turn our desires into reality… There is no limit to what we can ask for… as long as our requests hurt no one… What is it we want… maybe… vibrant health… a fulfilling relationship… greater happiness… more money… a better job… stronger faith… increased creativity and intuition…

Words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power.—Sigmund Freud

History has recorded countless times where written and spoken words through the power of faith have been a prominent part of most cultures… The prayer wheels in Tibet would be a great example of this…

The release of the human voice into the realm of the spirit is a powerful thing… God created the universe by speaking… The first mission He gave Adam was to release His voice in an inspired way and name the animals… God’s promises are powerful and manifest when a person believes in their heart and speak it out.

So many times I underestimate the power of my words. I have am reminded several times thru my day by the prompting of the spirit, whether I am going to speak life or death… I decide…He has given me the choice…When I realize I create my world through my words, it causes me to pause… meditated… take 10 if you will, before I speak…

Being aware of my words, especially lately, has been very real to me... They are a prophecy to what I want my future to be…

Here are some quotes…

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank, while hiding in her attic.

I think that’s what it’s like with all our dreams and our nightmares, Martin, we’ve got to keep feeding them for them to stay alive. Movie—A Beautiful Mind, spoken by Nobel Peace Prize Winner, John Nash

Proverbs 18: 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

When we watch our mouth we will see dreams be manifested in our tomorrows…


Anonymous said...

Linda M Curtis said...

There's MY word .......... Believe

Anonymous said...

Amy Cantwell Carter said...

...then believing is seeing & seeing is believing.

Anonymous said...

Gina Lynn Goff...

Vesely Hope is my favorite word, but believe is just as awesome!

Anonymous said...

Saadia Foy said...

This a word... BELIEVE!!!!!! Thanks Bishop...

Anonymous said...

Karl McIntosh Cobos said...

Believing is the key that unlocks that imagination box and releases those dreams into the visible world...I have to use it, I have to turn it.

Cheryl Tiedemann said...

I read the blog and it is strange that I have realized in the last few weeks that I want nothing. The BMW, lake house, boat, jet skis are no longer a desire. Everything that once was is no more. Not interested in watching TV or even listening to the radio when I drive. None of this faded away by choice. Just realized one day my passion is no longer in things. What I want more than anything else are the answers to the mysteries of God. Spiritual enlightenment. To know what happens after we die. The possibilty of reincarnation. To learn more about the spiritual realm and to be in touch more with that realm that we can not see with our natural eyes. I want to visualize being given even more keys to unlock the Kingdom completely. I want right now more than anything is for each person in our church to work on themselves and find the Love and Compassion that has been placed inside of each one of us from the beginning. It's already there. Become the Christ consciousness. Become the Love and let it come from the inside out and not come from the outside in. I want to attract people to our church that do not feel like they fit anywhere else. People that are religious and people that are not. The ones that don't look, walk, talk and act like we do or look like the religious crowd. I want to see the ALL come to our church and be accepted and loved. I visualize the gay community being a part of our church and any or every one else. Even if a community of Drag Queens come to worsip.. so what. We need to start over and open our minds so that our heart will open. This is the true message that Christ is ALL and in ALL. Love from the inside out. ALL to be loved by the spirit. I long to see religion die at CITN and Christ be resurrected in ALL. One by one religion will be peeled away layer by layer. The chaff will be seperated from the wheat until all that is left is the good part...the Christ. I pray that what is important to God will be revealed in each one of us and how to obtain it. I pray that it will especially be revealed in the ones that don't even know they have religious spirits that are holding them back from loving and accepting All...not limited to the congregation but the care pastors, choir, teachers, muscians, ushers. This is what I am going to work on visualizing. I will remember not to worry about the "How" but visualize the Love of ALL and ALL come and see it in the Now. It has to start within each one of us.

Anonymous said...

"Visualize being given even more Keys to unlock the Kingdom completely.". Very cool, Cheryl.

ALL means ALL...

Whether in manifestation or Faith
CITN IS...a place for ALL.

and in the words of Prophet Jeremy to us..."[God's] thoughts towards you is that you cause Him to smile whenever He looks upon you"...

Wordver: boofixz
Yes, God, our boo, fixz it ALL!