Laura Henderson...Wonderful message today Bishop! God bless you!
Debra Murphy...Amazing!!!
Guethleen M Azimyt...Bishop u were awesome today as u are any other day!!
Shara McCullers Greer...Just had to say that today rocked. Todays music was off the chain and then to have it followed by your word. Doesnt get any better....Much Love.
Erik...Today was the best service so far. From the first moment to the last. CITN is a nexus. Yes, like Abraham, we are embodying what we have known.
Saadia Foy...Bishop today was an AWESOME service... I was crying and worshiping at the same time... Grateful, Grateful, Gratfulness is following from my heart.
John Tiedemann...The last few services have found a new spirit. Things have changed and change can be very good!
Linda M Curtis...Like I posted earlier....bears repeating....todays Word is tied for me with Tale of Two Trees...and that was a pretty tall one to compare to...U, of course, can outdo UR self with these anytime, and today WAS one of those times. Keep it comin....it's def moving forward into a new NOW !
Lady Justice...AHH! the GLORY. The visible manifestation of God's presence. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers . . . for the Father "seeketh" such to worship Him. John 4:23 KJV. Our worship is true (real). We have entered into the Glory Zone.
Aubrey Brey Gallimore...I'm still crying. I am so overwhelmed...
Melissa Floyd Hall...♥
Philip Del Rocco...Love it!!
Torri Hornsby Griffin...Bishop, today was just what I needed...from the music to seeing old friends to the awesome sermon...and the comedy! Oh my...Today was just THE BEST!Thanks.
Leesa Decker...Today was nothing less than transformative! You rock! Love you Bish!
Joel Nunn...AMEN.
Karl McIntosh Cobos Such good experience! ..I've heard from the choir room to the hallways to this place, and in my own spirit...grateful happy cries.
Cheryl Tiedemann...Do it like that. Keep doing it like that!! Great stuff this morning and this afternoon! It's ALL Good! I am enjoying my full Sundays more and more. Never thought I would be going to 2 services every Sun. To a preachers family, that is not much. For myself, it's a miracle! I get a good message from both services. 9am prepares me for the 11am. If not for the 9am getting me ready, I may be one of those up dancing and shouting. It would not be pretty. Thanks for sharing and keep it coming. We are listening or at least I am. I'm sure I am not the only one! You have some good ground to plant, but I think you already know that!See More
Aubrey Brey Gallimore...Bish! U did it for me again today! Crazy revelation for me and that word Judah had was just for me! I'm in love with being desperate for the word. Just AMAZING!!! And the way u broke down that communion...I will never be the same the first Sun of every month!
Donald Cofield...My goat knows the bowling score!!!? My God I almost spewed a mouthful of sweet tea all over the livingroom when you said that!
Sheri Travis...I love you!!! I LOVED every second of church today!!!
Debra Murphy...Wonderful, loving and true..your words today. Every body enjoyed.
Ethel Higgins...Totally awesome today! thank you Bishop, what an "AMAZING GOD" we serve!
Jean de Sousa...Bishop, Today was so wonderful, the Word was great as always and the special joy of seeing Jazmin baptized just made this such a special day!! AND I want you to know that the CD Washed in the Word still works!! I went to the dentist, carried my CD player and listened as I had a crown done and I didn't have a panic attack! I have always loved the CD, was there when you did it. It is very powerful. Thank you and Bless you and yours.
Rhonda Perry...Bishop, in your words, "Today was the best service"! I really just want to say thank you for being you. I brought a friend to church today and I asked God to just let him see His love. He was so impressed with you and the ministry. What you brought was what he has been searching for. Bishop, you are deep and the word you bring is awesome. Love you Bishop. Love you Church in the Now.
Ebony Thornton...Already tweeted, but it bears repeating how great the service was today, the worship, the Word, the Communion, just what I needed to go into a great school year (trying to have a positive attitude)
Cookie Ball...Bishop the word was awesome today! it really ministered to Hollis and me! Thank you for always being obedient to the Holy Spirit! We love you!
Sandra Fitzpatrick...Bishop the word was totally breathtaking. Thanks Bishop for keeping it real.
Teresa Gordon...The message today was AWESOME!! You said today remember the people that help you get to where you are today, Bishop I personally want to Thank You because if it wasn't for you spiritually I don't know where I would be. You have really taught me to hear from God. Bishop you have such a word in you regardless of what people say or do it doesn't leave and I love that about you. NO ONE HAS THAT WORD LIKE YOU! LOVE YOU !!!! Oh Stanley said hello (he's not on facebook).
Gerald Alphin...Hello Bish. Great word today. Love it when the Holy Spirit is heavy in the room like that. I told Jeanette I'm sensing a change in how the congregation is receiving now days. And it felt like the overall numbers were good and showing up early. I love how the mood is set by the worship and the easy transition into your word. Hey maybe it's me but SOMETHING is going on and it's all good.

Cheri Lindhe said...
Wow it worked for us....everything you taught on yesterday started manifesting immediately~~don't think we didn't know it was GOD because there was no other way---and it's exciting!! Very excited for all of you at CITN~~all of your energy is contagious to us on the internet Thank YOU!
The dead snake skin has been shed. We changed, again, yesterday.
Today's Body Builders was a continuation of the changing of the seasons at CITN - a very unique and anointed group of individuals coming together as one to create the NEW CITN... the victimless body of Christ.
The thing that really stirred in my Spirit toward the end was how that on some level we are all He/She as this is the true nature of God...
Whatever labels have been created by our human nature to explain what we choose to label as "not normal" where gender is concerned is created by the letter that kills...
Hmmmm..........maybe that explains why some men experience hot flashes...
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