Saturday, March 8, 2008


Please answer one, some, or all...

1. How often do you visit this blog site?

2. Do you think that this site detracts from or competes with the CITN website and blog in any way?

3. If you are a repeat visitor here, what makes you keep coming back?

4. How do you think that the current format and style compares to the first one?

5. Did you have a favorite article from the original BLOGINTHENOW, and if so, what was it?

6. Do you think that there was a topic covered in the first incarnation of this site that should not have been discussed?

7. In the original “You Asked For It!” series, (“Does Bishop Jim Swilley Preach the Gospel of Inclusion?”...“Is Bishop Jim Swilley a New Age preacher?”, etc.), was there a question that you would have liked to have had answered that was not covered?

8. Do you think that this blog site should have been maintained in its original format, regardless of any questionable reaction that it may have been receiving?

9. Are you a member of Church In The Now?

10. Are you a part of CITN’s cyber-congregation, and if so, in what part of the world do you live?

11. Is this blog your very first introduction to Church In The Now and/or Bishop Jim Swilley, and if so, how did you connect with it?

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist?

13. Is there a song that you would like to see added to the playlist, and if so, what is it?

14. Have you learned anything from this blog site, and if so, what have you learned?

15. How does BLOGINTHENOW compare with other similar sites that you have seen?

16. What motivates you to post comments?

17. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to Church In The Now, and if so, why?

18. How does regular participation in the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community?

19. Is there a topic that you would like to see discussed here?

20. How has BLOGINTHENOW best served you?

Thanks for your participation!


Teezy313 said...

1. How often do you visit this blog site?

More than the law should enjoy reading everyone's entries and Bish's comments as well.

2. Do you think that this site detracts from or competes with the CITN website and blog in any way?

Sorry to say but I seriously think that BLOGINTHENOW is more popular than the CITN blog...BITN is updated more frequently so the word here is a little fresher.

9. Are you a member of Church In The Now?

OF COURSE!! (Nation of Worship 4 Lyfe!!)

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist?

Oh the Glory/Holy Ground

13. Is there a song that you would like to see added to the playlist, and if so, what is it?

Tye Tribbett-Still Have Joy

14. Have you learned anything from this blog site, and if so, what have you learned?

The world isn't as closed minded as I thought. There are actually people out there who actually get God's Unconditional love and recieve AND SHARE it with open arms.

16. What motivates you to post comments?

The Holy Spirit

17. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to Church In The Now, and if so, why?

Yes it goes beyond Sunday and Wednesday services as well as A Year In The Now and the 1 on 1

Erik said...

Hi, please pardon me, I have not posted on the last 2 wonderful posts, been simply enjoying the reels in my head reading them. each time I went to write, I just did not want to stop to write clearly, will do. But on these 20 Qs ..

1 - Daily, throughout the day. While working I have the playlist going. 7 hours + of music - great !!

2- Ouchh, compete ?? Not compete, but I got to admit, I read the YITN, 1 On 1, the blogs, want to comment there, but get drawn back here. Honestly though, if any negative impact, I would discipline to make sure I commented there for every comment here :) . However, the blessing post here, combined with the blessing 1 on 1 fed into my blog there. So there is definite crossover. Yes, both blessings fill me with expectation for Sunday.

3 - This is just so good, savory. My creative juices flow to food and writing, so I get inspiration for new food combinations here, and to write, however so much goes through, sometimes hard to discipline for the writing. Have made some great dishes in the last few weeks, some combos I had not thought of before. All really good.

4 - Both good, I like this one better, surprisingly from my first reaction re 'The day the blog died' however, since then, I have come to see this as fuller, broader, more satisfying on a larger spread, the table has more food, which I did not expect at first.

5 - This is actually about the current format. I misread, but I like this answer-- Probably the last 3, Blessing, Who Do Men Say That I Am, and March Forth, but Likely the next 3 will be my favorite then. This is growing and organic, so each bloom feeds from the previous blossoms.

6 - No

7 - No

8 - At the change, I would have said yes, absolutely, but now, I like it actually more.

9 - Oh Yeahhhhhhh

12 - I really do not think I could have put on a better playlist for me. Maybe a few songs that these songs remind me of -next Q - but on this, current one (have there been more added recently, seems maybe so ?? ) Favorites are probably ... Impossible Dream, Let The River Run, Hold On Tight, In The Garden, David Danced, and What a Wonderful World.

13 - Moving Forward, Netherlands (Dan Folgerberg)

14 - More of expansion of what I know than a specific learned thing, more of everything broadened. As my pastor, there is so much in me, that gets confirmed in what you say, as it is confirmed, it moves from potential reality to kinetic reality.

15 - Are you kidding? There is no other site like this.

16 - What overflows from each reading post and comment, the artwork, the style, the music, it is a challenge to put it in writing.

17 - Yeahhhh ?! this site is similar to the difference between Sunday service and Wed. service, dovetails, compliments, expands, distills.

18 - This community has been such a Life Enhancer, this blog has deepened my appreciation of it.

19 - Maybe how each person is wrapped in God's love, how we see together the Lord's appearing each day-- already does, or maybe, the most meaty revelation God has shown you Bishop, come what may, maybe the choicest, most marbled meat you have left unsaid due to not knowing how it will be received. Just go for it !! Serve it up, we're all good with it. What is/are the item(s)you have that you think, if only it could be shared -- do it. We, The Created, are good with it. The one(s) you have held back from the deepest parts. We got your back, along with a pair of spiritual brass knuckles if necessary. Different from the original format, something you have thought too much to openly share. We want it, if I can, we all are pulling it. You are our Pastor, we are connected, go for the max you got. We will support it. If any problems, they will filter out. We can really do the full on. The most intimate dance in the flow, the point where it crosses over, complete trust in what you have been given, what may appear shattering, but is actually peaceful beyond the veil. Here, on this side, not waiting for the other side. We are with you, bring it in here. This is your house God has prepared you for, give us the piece that makes you tremble, we are expecting and full of support.

20 - This blog has led to a deeper relationship with God, expanding my perception of how the flow with God, the universe He supplies each moment includes me.

Sweepea said...

1. How often do you visit this blog site? Daily, it's one of my home pages (Vista allows this feature)

2. Do you think that this site detracts from or competes with the CITN website and blog in any way?
I think it competes - because I haven't been checking your One on One as frequently since I started coming here.

3. If you are a repeat visitor here, what makes you keep coming back? For new insight into what you're thinking about and for the music, which I really enjoy.

4. How do you think that the current format and style compares to the first one? I like the cleaner look and feel of the current site.

9. Are you a member of Church In The Now? For 27 years - in the past I was a Sunday School teacher, sang in the choir, and led a weight loss class. Currently I work in the sound booth and with KITN.

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist? Wow - that's hard to pick - probably The Prayer by Celine Dione and Andrea Bocelli. It's one of the most uplifting things I've ever heard.

13. Is there a song that you would like to see added to the playlist, and if so, what is it? Do you have Over the Rainbow by the Hawaiian gentleman on there? Maybe I just missed hearing it...

17. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to Church In The Now, and if so, why? Yes, because it's another way for us to connect outside the walls of the building, and to feel a closer connection to you.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks for the beautiful answers! I really enjoy your perspectives and the way that you express them...and I feel the love...

Teezy, there's no legal limit to numbers of visitations, so hang out here as much as you want...

Erik, you're such a great writer, but all the chef imagery made me hungry for your cooking...hook a brother up, already!

Seepea, thanks for the great feedback...Iz's song is on there(between Seasons of Love and Oh Happy Day)

Thanks for participating...

HollyC said...

1. How often do you visit this blog site?
Every chance I get. Mostly in the morning before starting work.

2. Do you think that this site detracts from or competes with the CITN website and blog in any way?

Maybe... but in a good way.

3. If you are a repeat visitor here, what makes you keep coming back?

I dig the way you think. I've gotta see what's on your mind next.

6. Do you think that there was a topic covered in the first incarnation of this site that should not have been discussed?


9. Are you a member of Church In The Now?

YES I am..

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist?

Spirit in the Sky...

13. Is there a song that you would like to see added to the playlist, and if so, what is it?

Moving Forward.. If Everyone Cared (Nickelback)

17. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to Church In The Now, and if so, why?

It's more for me to feast on when I'm feeling hungry. Plus.. I listen to the music here all day long while working. I love how just coming here while working has helped me get through some tough days..

20. How has BLOGINTHENOW best served you?

I like the idea of connecting with someone's spirit instead of maybe allowing the natural to sway me one way or the other.. Here I only hear their heart.

Ebony said...

1. How often do you visit this blog site? Once a day (darn those Newton County School system firewalls!)

2. Do you think that this site detracts from or competes with the CITN website and blog in any way? No. They serve different purposes. I have two e-mail addresses (3 counting work), one is for buisness and profesisonal interaction, the other is my personal one for fun where I can relax. That's (I think) what this blog is for you.

3. If you are a repeat visitor here, what makes you keep coming back? I like hearing what you have to say about things, and am impressed at how you can be so forgiving over things that even most pastors would've given the "number one" salute over. Plus, I keep an online journal too, and know how therapeutic they are.

4. How do you think that the current format and style compares to the first one? I like the pictures and the playlists. It gave the blog a cool "myspace" feel (have you ever thought of setting up a myspace account Bishop?)

5. Did you have a favorite article from the original BLOGINTHENOW, and if so, what was it? I loved the grace you handled a very delicate situation in "Obama's fault part II",so that and "What's love got to do with it" is another fave.

6. Do you think that there was a topic covered in the first incarnation of this site that should not have been discussed? No, and I hate that you had to modify the content anyway because of a few stupid people.

7. In the original “You Asked For It!” series, (“Does Bishop Jim Swilley Preach the Gospel of Inclusion?”...“Is Bishop Jim Swilley a New Age preacher?”, etc.), was there a question that you would have liked to have had answered that was not covered? Nah.

8. Do you think that this blog site should have been maintained in its original format, regardless of any questionable reaction that it may have been receiving? Yes at first, because I didn't think anything you said needed to be removed. but seeing why you changed it has increased my level of respect, and it's still really cool.

9. Are you a member of Church In The Now? Yep

10. Are you a part of CITN’s cyber-congregation, and if so, in what part of the world do you live? n/a

11. Is this blog your very first introduction to Church In The Now and/or Bishop Jim Swilley, and if so, how did you connect with it? n/a

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist? I have 4: Seasons of Love, Imagine Me, Where there is Faith, and David Danced.

13. Is there a song that you would like to see added to the playlist, and if so, what is it? "Draw me Close" "If Not for Your Grace" and "With Long Life" by Israel. I've also been listening to Kirk Franklin's New song Declaration (This is It!) it's another statement on moving out of the old and into the new.

14. Have you learned anything from this blog site, and if so, what have you learned?How cool a community of online friends is, and the "GIF" is growing

15. How does BLOGINTHENOW compare with other similar sites that you have seen? It doesn't

16. What motivates you to post comments? Wanting to add my agreement or A-Men to something.

17. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to Church In The Now, and if so, why?
Yes, because I know for me, it helped me to see you really are my pastor, and are much more approachable than I ever would've imagined when I started going here 4 years ago. Back then you were kinda abstract because I had never attended a church of this size and people who attended large churches always told metheir senior was their pastor in name only, they never talked to him, never interactd with him at all, and their "flock leader" did all the leg work. I was all set in my mind to have an abstract/non-personal relationship (typical of mega-church membership I thought)when I saw this was where I'd be joining, but I couldn't have been more wrong. (I really hope that made sense and didn't offend/hurt your feelings and I'm sorry if it did)

18. How does regular participation in the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community?
It's helped me realize that CITN is not as big as I thought it was, and I shouldn't be intimidated by it's size anymore.

19. Is there a topic that you would like to see discussed here? A little more on love and grace, especially when I'm having one of those "Are you SURE God still loves me, even after today? And I'm still saved too? Really?" moments. And they're helping me help other people. Being told by someone that you give them unconditional love is amazing, and I learned it from God and you.

20. How has BLOGINTHENOW best served you?
Spiritual growth, I get to exercise brain cells and vocabulary that lays dormant after teaching my kids all day (I adore them, thank God for them, wouldn't trade my job for anything else-well, maybe this nine weeks but whatever). It's my adult time.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Holly...Glad you enjoy the music. I think your observation about connecting more with the spirits of the people here is very interesting...

Ebony, I like your point about having a professional account and a personal account. Also, your post made think about how so many people tell me that they were initially intimidated by the size of the church. Last year, someone in a new member's class said that they joined in spite of their fear of the size of the ministry because they came to realize that it was "the biggest little church in the world."

Sheri Travis said...

1.daily- 2,3,4 maybe 5 times a day LOL
2. Not at all!!!I start my day reading one on one , a year in the now, CITN blog and then I read Blog in the now.The CITN is my appetizer. This blog is definately the Entree.I gain so much knowledge here.
3.I can't stay away
4. Yes
5.It's Obama's faught 1, It's Obama's fought 2, Yes Jared Swilley is my son, I loved every single one of the Q&A's. I think this is the coolest thing you've ever done and I think everything you do is cool!!!!!This is brilliant.Oh yeah ,I also LOVED the Letter to Susan. LOL.
6.Absoultely not. This website is for mature adults who are craving Steak and Potato
7. This made me really want to buy the School of the Bible Series, because I feel like you were giving us a little taste and I had to have more.
8. I loved your original postings. I felt sooooo proud to say that's my Pastor!!!It was deep.I could hardly focus on my work because I couldn't stay off the blog.
12.I LOVE your Song list.I love the shuffle. The first time I turned it on my Favorite Carly Simon song played. I've loved every song I've heard. I wish I knew how to copy it. LOL
13.Moving Forward.
14.I learned a lot from You asked for it. I was left w/ craving more, more, more. It was deep.
15. this is definately the coolest blog i've ever been on. Most of the blogs out there are negative and depressing. This may sound weird but I think this blog is Annointed. I love our Church blog but I feel that's the fam, this blog is going to reach multitudes of people who would never be looking at a Church Website. This is the Good News Blog. Revealing the Real God to the Real World.
16. I would blog more often. I like to share my opinions as well as reading the others. I would have been bloging a lot more but I had difficulty logging in. Then the most amazing Woman in the world told me how to just blog Anonymous, then you don't have to be so technically inclined. I've been enlightened.LOL
17.YES, YES, YES. This website is going to attract the Multitudes to CITN.Free at last, free at last, thank God, the people are Free From Religion at last and can experience The Good News.
18.Everyone who is thirsty,come!!
20. I'm enlightened each time I read it. I just can't quit praising God

Anonymous said...

2. I think that this site might detract from the original CITN website, because honestly, there is so much more freedom and liberty to really say what you want to without being restricted to "church". It also feels as though I am speaking directly to you Bishop or to a real issue.
3. I am interested in the contact, revelation or manna for the day and maybe where your head is at currently.
4. I really enjoyed both, I can deal with edgy, probably because I am but really try to hide my genuis at times. Many people are well, a little offended sometimes so I just keep it on the low. So, the first one worked for me very well however I like the new format as well and I still have freedom and liberty and I still see your genuis in it.

5. I enjoyed all of the controversial ones, the one to Susan P. was especialy good because it gave me courage and yeah, I don't always have to turn the other cheek so some folks received some emails after that, and were surprised. It actually was quite healing. I loved the way you covered your son, the article on universalism, labels, inclusion, and my favorite was It's Obama's fault. I just really thought they were really cool and wish I would have cut and pasted them to word. Also I believed some to be an extension, if you will of school of the Bible.
6. No, I think freedom of speech is just what it is. You know I think it is a trip, that the world can say whatever they want to say to defend their junk and then when you have the intelligience and/or courage to say what you really mean they are upset. Whatever, I personally loved it.
8. I like the format, I say keep it unless the H.S. says something different. I believe it to be witty and well thought out, very entertaining to me.
9. I have been a member for 8 years and can't imagine going somewhere else.
12. & 13. I was born in 58 like yourself, you are 6 months older than I, so I really loved some 60's, but I really loved the 70's music, so my list would be way too long of what I liked a lot, some I loved. A better question for me would be what didn't I like, don't like country - not really. Leanne Rhimes is absolutely phenomenal however. I give your playlist a A+, and listen a lot while working at the computer. Thanks a lot for this.
14. & 16. Well, I learned that what I was looking for was in my own backyard and there, there's no place like home (smile). I know you love movies and would appreciate that I think it is more rung by rung, line upon line, percept upton percept and Glory to glory. I feel good when I read the blog,I feel inspired, encouraged, smarter, enhanced and that something very valuable is being added to me daily, like the Year in the Now daily devotions and most of the One on one's do.
I do feel the blog is necessary to the body and it helps me to know what to pray about so Kudos to you Bishop for a great job!
I just love it. Peace, Yvonne

Lise said...


OK, here goes:
1) I'm with Teezy... I should be arrested :O
2) Maybe, but both are worth maintaining. I've always liked the "meatier" matters, so this site appeals to me more. But I still read the 1 on 1's and sometimes participate in the church blog. I enjoy the fact that here, Bish, you take the collar off, and it's more like a round table discussion or like the rabbis who discuss/argue and still break bread together. It takes maturity and depth of thought for people to respect the opinions of others.
3) I'm one of those dreaded "thinkers."
6) Not at all.
8) It's YOUR time and energy. If it's not fun for you, don't do it.
9)Part of the cyber congo-line... or perhaps just a parrot-head "streamin' away in MannaRhemaville" :)
10) South Carolina
11) Nope; I can thank J4 for that!
12) Well, I'm a jazz gal, so it's probably my man, Louis... "What A Wonderful World"
13) Who knows? Far too many for me to name. But if you're talking inspirational... anything by Chris Rice, especially "Sneakin' Into Heaven." Also "Meet With Me" by Ten Shekel Shirt (would LOVE for Jimmie & NOW to learn that one). And "Let Me Fall" is a GORGEOUS song on the Cirque du Soleil "Quidam" cd. Think Josh Groban does it, too.
14) Oh geez, you know... you guys are tops in my book. Don't know what I'd do w/out my couple of cyber communities!
19) I look forward to all of them, whether spiritual or not so much. Just tell us what's on your mind. As Frazier used to say, "I'm listening."

Anonymous said...

1. How often do you visit? 24/7, I get email notifications.

2. detracts or competes w/CITN blog in ANY way? deep question. Like dynamite, I guess it has the potential. And like dunamis, I sense it is up to us here to handle it with maturity and care.

3. If you are a repeat visitor here, what makes you keep coming back? More deep water: of course your input, but also the sense of potential and critical mass--the input of others who seem to have gone through their purifying fires adds to a sense of the building of a team of scouts—going out to see the promised land, and not if but how we can possess it. Your covering, screening blogs, defining direction also helps it to feel like a safe, protected place to experiment with the oneness that is in Christ, which interestingly the public-ness of the internet also provides.
4. How do you think that the current format and style compares to the first one? Related to 3, the first was like portals we have to get through, removing our religious sunglasses [shout out iris], so we are able to receive full light AND desire it.

5. favorite article from the original? Gotta check my archives—myah hah ha, I have them all! But not here with me now. Weren’t we about to move on to unconditional love when the hordes changed our direction?

6. any topic that “should” not have been discussed? Absolutely not.

7. any question not covered? “We are the World” is playing right now. Does Bishop Jim Swilley believe we can restore all things in our lifetime?

8. should have maintained original format? I agree with lp in sc. Selfishly, if this format helped get enough of them off your door to keep it fun for you then woohoo! we can all stay on the ride! But I would love to see more people adjust to the light (see Answer to #7) so if this format protects the children while they grow, that’s great, and surely there will be some who sit on the stairs, get interested and then sneak to the parlor door so they can hear more.

9. member of CITN? Proudly, Yes! [but I wanted to say Labels are for Cans! Since I like the freedom that using an alias has been providing me. Simply had to reveal THIS fact, in order to show more of my heart—PROUDLY!]

10. in what part of the world do you live? Infinity and beyond! [many apologies, had to do something light! (smile)]

11. this blog your very first intro? Blessedly, no.

12. What is your favorite song on the playlist? I press replay for:“The Prayer”, “In Christ Alone” and “El Shaddai”. Gotta spirit dance to ICA and “He Lives in You”! Honorable Mention: the inclusion of “I Have a Dream”, especially as it reminds me of the historical CITN Dream speech of Feb. 2008.

13. song to add? “Angels We Have Heard on High” by Third Day. [Is anyone saying that’s a Christmas song, Avatar. Yes. And your point would be?]

14. learned anything from here, and what? Lemme see, how many stars are there? I can’t begin to count the things I learn, but today I went to look up nuclear fusion, to see if I wanted to use that analogy to answer #3.

15. BLOG-ITN compare with others? Never had a desire to look and still don’t.

16. What motivates me to post? Dang, Bishop! I have to go deep for this stuff! Which enlarges me—so that’s not a complaint. I hope it is the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I think it is. But other times I just need the connection that “saying something” brings. Like a passing nod that says “I see you, I love you, namaste.”

17. why this blog site is an asset to CITN? To me, it’s a place for those who are ready to move forward, personally and corporately, to connect with each other more often and easily. I agree with hollyc, it helps us hear each other’s heart. [and you, since you posted while I was away writing]. Since we are all one body, when the body parts here encourage each other to move forward the rest of the body [whether ITB or ATW-around the world] will sense the movement.

18. how regular participation enhances my sense of the necessity for community? Absence only makes the heart grow fonder when there is a strong relationship and the absence is short. The day the blog died, I saw how my soul panted for this venue. There are conversations and thoughtful topics and humor. I like that the conversations can stay “open”. I can join a conversation “whenever” or I can listen and ponder. I especially like the email notification, which comes to my phone. I’ve laughed, prayed, pondered, feel connected the moment there is a post. It’s like talking to God, whenever and wherever—Christ in the earth—that they may be one as….

19. topic to discuss? See Erik’s response. He is our mouth on this one.

20. How BLOG-ITN has best served me? See #16, #17, #18.

I started answering this at 2:30!! It's 7:20!! What an awesome 5 hour visit--reading everyone's posts and searching my own heart!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Creme Bruille,

Seriously, everyone, I'm so impressed and moved by your thoughtful and thought-provoking words! Thank you so much for taking my questions seriously enough to make time to think about your answers, and then to articulate them so well.

You have confirmed a lot, and opened my mind to some new possibilities. Thanks for being a blessing...

Kettly said...

1.More than twice a Day.
2.I don't think so. As a matter of fact,I do think we have the best of both worlds(I mean sites).
3.Freedom to ask,to explore,to be me,and to be real.
I do believe you should proceed as the Holy Spirit want you to.
13.There are many.But,there are some that I am hearing for the time.My favorites are: Prayer,Don't worry be happy,Jerusalem,and HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD.
14.I've learned a great deal.First I learn how to love and explore words.And want to have my own kind of REVELATION of a sermon you preached. Or before you'll preached the word.
17.I do believe this blog isa huge assets to CHURCH.Finally,many, can explore what CHURCH IN THE NOW is all about.( A SPIRIT-FILLED CHURCH)
20.It's like I've been giving a pass to enter the white house,and found out the President of the United States has given me the freedom to ask any kind of questions,I always wanted to ask of him.
Bishop, Thank You very much for giving us the freedom to be real with you.

Anonymous said...

1. Every time you post I get it in my RSS feed. I'm subscribed!
2. Probably in some small way... I've visited the CITN blog but last I remember there was no way to subscribe via RSS so it was hard for me to keep up with.
3. You serve up some really good food for the soul.
4. Honestly I was more drawn to the topics in the first set. There was a lot on there regarding things I've been chewing on lately and it was good to read your perspective on those issues.
5. Gospel of Inclusion.
6. No
8. It would be hard to be in your shoes dealing with all the negativity that came in from the posts. I can see that it could be a super hassle to deal with.
9. No
10. I guess I am... tuned in again this morning. We're in Austin, TX. 11. No. I found you through my husband who attending your congregation during high school.
12. Unfortunately my eyes and ears have a hard time multitasking. I have to mute websites to be able to read them.
14. You're always teaching me something.
15. I would love to know of similar sites! This is in a league of its own. These are the only other "God" sites I'm subscribed to
16. Just to tell you I'm still listening.
17. Yes
19. I'd love to know more about the goat/sheep and person taken/left behind being the same person. I have never heard that before this morning. It reminded me of the yin/yang concept. I understand it might be too "old blog style" though.
20. Very enlightening. I always get a sense of God's goodness and love leaping off the webpage.

Anonymous said...

1) Daily
2) No
3) Free expression of truth
4) like them both
5) No
6) No
7) No
8) Yes
9) I wish
10) Yes, NE Arkansas
11) No
12) Like them all too much to chose
14) You and I are a lot alike
15) Tops them all but mine :)
16) I feel we are a family and Sometimes have something to share with everyone.
17) Yes, because of what I wrote above
18) Gives me an vehicle for that
19)Feeling of fellowship.
20) All the above.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thank you're awesome...I've alreday thanked LPnSC from South Carolina, but it's also great to hear from Bethany in Texas, and Iconoclast in are all greatly appreciated, and your words mean more to me than you know...

Anonymous said...

13. "Give Me Your Unconditional Love" came to mind this morning. Love the joyful island sound.

Anonymous said...

1. Sometimes, several times a day, until I can think of how/what to share.

2. Sure; this seems like the unplugged version of that.

3. Enjoying the journey, I s’pose. (well, sometimes more than others) Pursuit of revelation; bonus when there's agreement or confirmation

5. Labels Are For Cans

7. Certainly

8. It’s your personal blog site, so whatever you felt necessary was your choice.

9. Yes

10. When I can't get to the actual service, sometimes. Local.

12. Different ones for different days

13. Jack Johnson’s “Upside Down” amongst others

16. I ask myself the same question. Sometimes provocation to compel myself to think beyond what's always been the acceptable norm.

17. Yes. Some ways more relaxed. Some ways seemingly more edgy.

18. Allows insight I don't receive from a casual wave in person.

19. Yes. More supernatural stuff like the “Jumpers” topic. More testimonies why you & other seekers believe what you do.

20. Allows me to sit in my pj’s & eat cereal while reading feedback, w/out dread of someone pointing @ a raisin stuck to my teeth.

Allows me the luxury of putting my dog outside, fielding the phone, showering, nuking a burrito, flossing my teeth, muttering something (possibly offensive) w/out hearing a collective gasp of, “Eww!”, I can't believe she thinks like that!"