Friday, March 7, 2008

A Blessing for Bloggers!

Recently, I posted a blessing on my daily web-column called One On One on the CITN site that really seemed to release something powerful into the atmosphere, and greatly affected those who received it. Today I want to adapt that same blessing into one that will be applicable to those of you who are a part of what is happening here every day at this site…

…In the name that is above every other name, I want to command a blessing on you today, whoever you are…just because you logged on here…because I am thinking about how appreciative I am for all of you who participate in BLOGINTHENOW in any capacity…for all that this cyber-community is NOW…for all that it is becoming…as each one of you bloggers “comes out of the tent” and “looks up and counts the stars”, I believe that you are moving beyond old limitations today…and by the Christ that is being revealed in you as individuals and as a network, I say that you are allowing yourself to express His nature freely and creatively in the earth, and in cyberspace…

…I speak a blessing of grace over those of you who are currently in transition in your life, whether you came to this site intentionally for inspiration, or just happened upon it as you were surfing the web…remember that life is about change, and so I say, in faith, that you are able to adapt easily to the new...and I also would like to add that I don’t believe you came to this site by accident…

…I prophecy over you that you are able to choose to allow all your experiences to be joyous and loving today…that you are really able to embrace, once and for all, that all things are working together for your good…that the Lord is perfecting that which concerns you…that something really good is about to happen to you, if for no other reason than that you logged on here today…

…Walk in the Spirit today, and as you manifest the peace that passes understanding, relax into the flow of life and let it provide all that you need easily and comfortably...Jesus said that to those who have, more will be given, and I say that you “have”…

…I bless you to forgive yourself and others…you are logged onto BLOGINTHENOW…it’s all about the NOW!…so release the past and move forward with love in your heart...go fearlessly into the next “glory” with a VISION for a brighter future…and if you happened to log on to this site to be critical or antagonistic in any way, I forgive you…and if you have written and posted unkind or untrue things about me on the internet, I forgive you, too…and if you are someone in my life whose reputation and online publicity has negatively affected my reputation, I forgive you, as well…I speak life and light to every broken relationship, and I release the mercy of God to flow right through cyber-space, right through your computer, and right into your heart!

…Know that God loves you just like you are, so you have permission to love and approve of yourself, and to be at peace with His plan for your life, and with your own feelings…stand tall and free today because you are not just a part of a cyber-community…you are part of a MOVEMENT…

…BLOGINTHENOW bloggers (or “Bloggers In The Now”), you are strong…great in number…capable…a loving and lovable segment of the Body of Christ…free…giving…united…active…powerful...

…the revelation knowledge that you post here today and in the future is going to be awesome…there will continue to be a free expression of love and synergy on this site…and you will receive a word from the Lord through the expressions of other bloggers that will enable you to enjoy your life as you allow the Holy Spirit to flow through every part of it…

…I am enthusiastic about this blog site…every part of it…I love seeing this vision of communication and restoration unfold every day of my life…each day gets better and filled with more energy, vitality and passion, article by article, post by post…

…I extend my love to all the citizens of this “cyber-city set on a hill”…you are being led by the Spirit today, so accept Divine guidance, trust the process of life, and believe that you are always safe, secure and protected in the Secret Place of the Most securely knowing that my God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus…only right action is taking place in your life today, and all details take care of themselves…

…Be blessed today and every day…visit here often, whether you agree with the things I say here or not…I may not always publish your posts for various reasons, but your opinion is still valuable to me, and I appreciate you even taking the time to participate, whatever your motive…

...if you live in the metropolitan Atlanta area and are looking for a spiritual home, please come visit us at Church In The Now…if you live somewhere else in the world, become part of our cyber-congregation at, and if you are already a part of the miracle that is CITN, know that I love you more than I can say!

Live and move and have your being in Him today…and again I say, BE BLESSED!


Teezy313 said...

Bish thanx for the blessing and I command that same blessing on you 100 fold! I don't know if he'll ever read this but Pastor Jimmie commanded blessings upon the Nation Of Worship during rehearsal today and immediately following rehearsal I heard testimonies from various members of the NOW about how God has already been good and how the blessing that P.Jimmie commanded upon us was already predestined even before it was said! Ain't God good?! Which only means that everyone who's blessing has yet to come.....well let's just say God is gettin' ready to "show up and show out!" Bloggers In The Now...are ya'll ready for a serious move of God and an outpour of his love and blessings? As we approach spring I speak life to to everything that concerns you...It's a NOW season with a NOW annointing and it's a NOW day!! Be Blessed!!

Anonymous said...


HollyC said...

You have impeccable timing. I feel like I have just taken a deep breath and let it out. Thanks for the refreshing Bish.

peacemaker said...

The words of your blessing were too beautiful and powerful to covet just for me.
Not only do I receive them for myself, I also, as a conduit, allow them to flow to all those who inhabit my sphere of influence so their lives can be strengthened as well.

Thank You

Lise said...

I receive it! Breathe in, breathe out... AAAHHHHHHH...
Isn't it pregnant women who do the cleansing breaths? Well, I've never had a baby, but I'm pregnant with the anticipation of great things being manifested in my life. And not only my life, but in the "miracle" that is CITN, and also this blog. This site is a gift! One that I look forward to every day. Thank you, Bishop!

DoubleBack Alley said...

Thanks Sahib Jim,

I love the uncommoneness (sp?) of this blog. Thank you for the blessing, it means a great deal. Last night, I asked my Dad to tell me something, anything from his point of reference. He said, "nothing is common and something is uncommon".

This place is really something.

Ain't God Good?

Leesa said...

Bishop, Your blessings are life, light and love! We receive!

Anonymous said...

Okay, like, WOW.
Received and returned, with agreement for all!

I wondered what pregnant specifically meant today. Pondering that and related things, until I got here. How awesome is this In Christ place

Teezy313! You go, man!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bish,

Re: "go fearlessly into the next “glory” with a VISION for a brighter future.." Am enjoying the many interpretations for the word, "glory".

(Heb. kabhod; Gr. doxa): Abundance, wealth, treasure, and hence honour, dignity.

A distinguished ornament.

A state of absolute happiness.

A cloud, aura, atmosphere, etc., surrounding a person or thing.

A ring, circle, or surrounding radiance of light represented about the head or the whole figure of a sacred person, as Christ or a saint.

By faith - substance that I already "have" (possess, maintain & exercise) I receive your invocation of favor & mix it w/gladness.

From "glory's" atmosphere, I can locate & appropriate lodes from supernatural veins.

Lise said...

I just had to get back on here for a minute. God is so wonderfully full of blessings! Bish, you know a little about what my dad has been through... and other CITNers may remember my requests for prayer concerning him.
(I don't know who some of you are on this blog site, and it's killing me. I've figured out a couple, and I THINK I know some, but ?!?!?) Anyway, Dad had another scan a week or two ago & just had the consultation today. He's still very stable, PTL! The spots on his lungs actually look a BIT smaller, there is no fluid build-up, no spread. He hasn't had chemo for about 3 weeks now, and they are giving him 2 months off... after which they will do another scan to see where things stand. Right now, it's there but it's dormant. So that was some really good news!!!

I have my consultation on March 14 at 10:45. The radiologist thinks there is nothing to worry about, but a surgeon will know by the xrays whether a precautionary biopsy is in order. Hope not, but on the other hand, I might want this alien thing removed anyway!

WHERE'S MY LOLLIPOP?!? And I don't mean a "Dum-Dum," either... that's a "sucker" :) I'm talking about one of those flat, thick sour apple CHARM pops! (Whatever happened to those?) YUM! I think I deserve one :p


Teezy313 said...

Hey guys!
All day long i have been hearing about America being in a recession, how gas prices are soaring and the people's pockets are becoming more and more empty. Have people forgot that God is still God and that he will supply all of our needs?! Do you wanna know what recession really means to me? It means that God is about to do something big and something so crazy and radical far beyond what we can even phathom! So for those of us who still know that God is still in control be blessed@ And to those who seem to have forgotten and put this "recession" over your God don't tell God about this recession tell this recession about your God!!

Anonymous said...

this comment comes from an ardent husband And I could not be happier to be associated with Bishop we have in the last year, retired from over 53 years of active ministry. I say associated because we have retired,and moved to covington and attend CITN.We have learned even more of God's word in a depth we could not have imagined possible!We could not be prouder of the host of this blog, and want to pronounce our blessings on him and all the words to proceed on this blog, and to say to you should antiicipate greater blessings coming..Move your stakes on out and live in spiritual anticipation for what God will continue, in His time, to do. We congratulate you on your ability and anointing to speak, quote, and live the word in our presence.I am also thankful for your diligence in trying to better explain your position on all topics that have been discussed here...and also to try and explain our positions regarding personal transitions. Now, in closing you will understand why we, his father and I are so thankful to be able to now see, up close, what God is doing here. Again we could not be more blessed and indeed thankful for all this. Keep up the good work son....(our greatest accomplishment in life)...this message comes from Mother Darlene and of course Jim Swilley, Sr.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Wow, Mom..first you figured out texting, and now blogging! Very cool...thanks for what you said. You and Dad are a blessing to us all.

Anonymous said...

Good evening Bish, I came home after a awesome fellowship with other members of CITN's body into my office to listen to Oh Happy Day from your playlist (one of my happiest songs) and to see if you had posted any other blogs and you just blessed my socks off. Right back at you. Bish, I bless you and your household and your seed and your ministry and your gifts and your books and your writings and your artwork and your worship and your humor and the nations that you will minister to, to your sons and daughters in the ministry, to all the ministers you cover and all the ministries you cover and to all of your influence over your earth and to everywhere you place your foot. I bless every blog you write, every comment you respond to, every revision you make to your playlist, every new and witty invention and everyone's lives who are impacted by the blog.

And I bless you, in the name of Jesus.

Forgive me for doubting that this reincarnation of the first blog is just getting gooder and gooder! Thank you for always blessing us, it means so much to me.

Peace and blessings, Yvonne

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Yvonne, that means a lot coming from my first responder...

Anonymous said...

Mom Darlene and Dad Swilley: you are soooo cool and real! And getting younger every day, btw.

Anonymous said...

God's Glory/Mercy and Grace

Bish, I left you a couple comments in different places pertining to the glory cloud that was in the sanctuary on this past Sunday, March 9, 2008. Pastor Gloria confirmed that she and Pastor Al saw the cloud also, on the CITN blog this morning so I have studied a few scriptures out. Here is a few, that I am sure you know ....Then the cloud covered the tent of Meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled ther tabernacle! Ex 40:34...I was reading this and I see the Lord was playing from your playlist, I believed the Lord was speaking through this so here's what the Lord showed me.

In Exodus 33, when Moses was entreating the Lord to show him His glory the Lord replied in verse 19..."I will case all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
"But", he said "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."
My spirit has been crying out for mercy for the body of CITN as I am hearing about foreclosures and financial problems and divorce issues and asking the Lord for mercy and grace for our body. Here we experience the gooness of God's nature and character. Here his name imples his mercy and grace and his copassion/Also in romans 9:15 - Paul says..For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion v16It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy......

Then the Lord said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock, ina cleft in the rock and voer you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back' but my face must not be seen"

May the Lord go before (all in all)this day and every everything, in every way and that we will embrace His (I amness)...Peace and blessings Yvonne

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Yvonne, I responded to this under your other post...