Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Glory of the Lord Shall be Revealed

And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

(Isaiah 49:5 - TNIV)

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

(Joel 2:28, 29 - TNIV)

Hey bloggers,

As has already been observed, today is BLOGINTHENOW's 8th monthaversary...a big thank you to all of you who are a part of this cyber-community...

We are currently in a great move of the Holy Spirit, and are beginning to fully understand now why Jesus said, "It is necessary that I go away, for if I do not go, He cannot come..."

In the same breath, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth (The Message says "into all the truth that there is"), and would testify of now we can rejoice that the glory of the Lord is being revealed to all flesh...all humanity...all people...and that His Spirit is being poured out on all mankind, as the prophet foretold.

Here are a couple of messages that I received about the GPF that I wanted to share with you...

The Global Peace Festival in Atlanta was yet another
breakthrough in this exciting global movement that is
hastening the full blossoming of the Divine spirit and
light around the world. Abraham set out on a mission
over 3000 years ago to fill the spiritual void of his
homeland in present day Iraq, but by leaving his own
family, he came to Israel incomplete, and that lack of
wholeness in himself led to conflict, jealousy, and
strife between his progeny that ultimately became
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Atlanta festival was a symbolic welcoming home of Abraham and a fulfillment of his mission as people of all faiths,cultures, and nationalities were welcomed in a
celebration of faith and spiritual completeness.

The husband and wife team of Bishop and Pastor Swilley
made everyone feel part of this global family and at
home in the south.

Moshe Landman, Washington D.C.


Bishop Swilley - I am sitting here on my computer reading the anointed comments about the GPF from your congregation - and all sorts of watery stuff keeps pouring out of my eyes.

I praise God for the work He is doing in Conyers, in America and across the globe.

The Spirit of the Living God was present with us Tuesday. One member of my congregation said he was "breathless" the entire program. Another said the program started with engines running hot and strong and it kept going from one crescendo to another until the finale.

God has been preparing you and your lineage for hundreds of years for just this moment. It was beautiful to hear your father say how proud he is of his son. We all long for dad to say, "I am proud of you, my son."

We have embarked on a project - working with the Living God - to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on this very Earth.

I praise God and thank Him for Bishop and Pastor Swilley. And I thank Him, too, for my beautiful brothers and sister of Church In The Now....for we are truly "One Family under God."

Tom Cutts, District Director
Universal Peace Federation


I have a great word for you tomorrow, and gospel recording artist, Ted Winn, will be ministering in the service, as well. Hope to see you ITB...



Anonymous said...

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty -

Holy Spirit, you are welcome in this place!

Behold He comes with clouds, and every eye shall see Him!

The Cloud of Unknowing said...

Primacy of Love continued...

This, a typical passage, shows how the business of forgetting is relegated to a secondary place, being no more than a means of making room for the "keen shaft," which, however, is accompanied by a deep consciousness of God. Instances could be multiplied where the author waxes enthusiastic about the little love that comes to dominate in the mystical life. "Your whole personality will be transformed, your countenance will radiate an inner beauty, and for as long as you feel it nothing will sadden you. A thousand miles would you run to speak with another whom you knew really felt it, and yet when you got there, find yourself speechless." As the contemplative enters more deeply into the cloud, loves come to guide him, teaching him to choose God, who cannot be thought or understood or found by any rational activity. As it grows stronger, it comes to take possession of him in such a way that it dominates every action. It orders him to choose God, and if he does not follow its command it wounds him and gives him no peace until he does its bidding. This is beautifully illustrated in a passage from another work of the author which does not, unfortunately, appear in this book. Let me quote from An Epistle of Stirrings about the dynamic quality of the blind stirring of love:

Then that same that thou feelest shall well know how to tell thee when thou shalt speak and when thou shalt be still. And it shall govern thee discreetly in all thy living without any error, and teach thee mystically how thou shalt begin and cease in all such doings of nature with a great and sovereign discretion. For if thou mayest by grace keep it in custom and in continual working, then if it be needful to thee for to speak, for to eat in the common way, or for to hide from company, or for to do any such other thing that belongeth to the common true custom of Christian men and of nature, it shall first stir thee softly to speak or to do that other common thing of nature what so it be; and then, if thou do it not, it shall smite as sore as a prick on thine heart and pain thee full sore, and let thee have no peace but if thou do it. And in the same manner, if thou be speaking or in any such other work that is common to the course of nature, if it be needful and speedful to thee to be still and to set thee to the contrary, as is fasting to eating, being alone to company, and all such other, the which he works of singular holiness, it will stir thee to them.

SCRIBE said...

Excerpt taken from:

By: Oswald Chambers


"Jesus answered and said, 'I thank You, Father...that You have hidden these things from the wise, learned, and prudent and have REVEALED them to babes (little children)' " (Matthew 11:25)

We do not grow into a spiritual relationship step by step--- we either have a relationship or we do not. God does not continue to cleanse us more and more from sin-- "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us "from ALL sin"
(1 John 1:7).

It is a matter of OBEDIENCE, and once we OBEY, the relationship is instantly perfected. But if we turn away from obedience for even one second, darkness and death are immediatley at work again.

All of God's REVEALED TRUTHS are sealed until they are opened to us through OBEDIENCE. You will never open them through philosophy or thinking. But once you obey, a flash of light comes immediately. Let God's truth work into you by immersing yourself in it, not by worrying into it. The only way you can get to know the truth of God is to stop trying to find out and by being born again. If you obey God in the first thing He shows you, then He instantly opens up the next truth to you. You could read volumes on the work of the Holy Spirit when five minutes of total, uncompromising obedience would make things clear as sunlight. Don't say "I suppose I will understand these things someday!" You can understand them NOW. And it is not study that brings understanding to you, but Obedience. Even the smallest bit of obedience opens heaven, and the deepest truths of God immediately become yours. Yet God will NEVER reveal more truth about Himself to you UNTIL you have Obeyed what you know already. Beware of becoming one of the "wise and prudent." 'If anyone chooses to do the will of God, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the ONE WHO SENT Him IS indeed a person of truth: there is nothing false about him."
(John 7:17,18)

Linda Luke said...

Happy Birthday Blog and blog fam!
A wonderful place to come for refreshing and insights not typically found anywhere else!

This is the day THE Lord has made and I WILL rejoice & be glad in it!

As Bishop reminded us it is only Gods opinion that matters even though it is wonderful when others love us as well! Have found on this journey of life no matter how wonderful and kind we are or try to be there is always going to be someone who doesnt maybe think so. We honestly never know who is watching and who we truly are influencing! (i've had a few of those challenging people come back and say what an inspiration I was to them and I would have swore they were out to destroy me but I guess they were testing).

Anyways, one truly never knows the magnitude of ones influence and inspiration! That goes into heavens bank!!

What exciting times we are living in as the stage is set for the spiritual and Godly to be manifested but not without opposition. Pressing forward with positive expectation, belief and faith in God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob & me and you!

Today~skippin with a pocketful of sunshine and love~

dgm2007 said...

what a beautiful people we are... everyone open your eyes to the beauty around you.. the world is gorgeous.. i leave my curtains open at night so that when i wake i see the light... its all happening around us.. beauty.. ahhhh life...

Anonymous said...

As Rick and I left town on Wednesday morning for my sister's surprise birthday gathering in Boston, God lined up a very special gift. My other sister flew in from Wichita and we were flying together from here.
Unknown to us as my sister was detained by security for an unknown "beeping", Dr. Moon and one of the other GPF officials (I apologize that I do not know what the man's name is) came through our same security aisle and Rick and I were blessed to be able to connect with these two amazing spirits for a few brief moments.
As my sister was becoming agitated by security and the delay, we received a very special moment with two very special people who had nothing but praise and admiration for Bishop, Pastor Debye and Church In The Now as a whole.
It is wonderful to share all that we have received as CITN members with the world as God shines through what we are and what we are becoming as we embrace a global vision and God uses us in incredible ways.
In the words of DBA ...
Ain't God Good!
Will see you all Wednesday when we return and excited to be back ITB.

Anonymous said...

Journal entry - Dec. 2001

During intercession, I saw myself enter a tabernacle. Inside, a man sat cross-legged on what appeared to be a decorative prayer rug on a desert floor. Before him was a teapot and cups. He didn't speak, but motioned for me to sit down.

Within seconds of my doing so, the outer structure of the tabernacle disappeared, as well as the desert floor.

Instead, the rug glided over white water rapids!

There were no oars or safety floatation devices. (not a strong swimmer, yet, I wasn't afraid; just suddenly aware of accelerated motion. Wondered, how we got there and where we were going.)

The following Wed. night service (older sanctuary) Bish said (paraphrasing) "I don't know how, but some of you will understand me when I say this. I feel like I'm on the rapids and some of you are with me."

Anonymous said...

Makes me sing one of my favorites...
May the glory of the Lord rise among us
May the praises of the King rise among us
Ohhhhhh let it rise!
It also reminds me of what Martin Luther King said in his I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH-
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together."

CITN-Home Sweet Home!
I think I'll go climb Stone Mountain

NTL said...

I'd really love to chat, but I've got to go to the market place with the witty invention the Lord gave me.

Oh, and real quick. Talk about the Glory of the Lord. His timing with the witty is just before a world wide economic meltdown, and yet stores are buying it.

It's an inch by inch thing, yet it's moving forward.

God You are so Awesome...

Anonymous said...

Seems like anointing's on the words, "glory", "revealed", "all see", "mouth of the LORD," and, "In the same breath..."

Anonymous said...

It's the annointing that makes a difference, once you have known it you'll never be the same
You can't live without it, once it's resting on you
It will show you how to walk
In Jesus name

Love that song too!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, P. Nancy...

I forgot to mention that, along with all the global/ecumenical flow, that Debye is ministering this weeked at First Baptist Church of Orlando (along with Judah and Johan and P. Scott)!

She'll be back tonight...they are staying to minister at Clint Brown's church tomorrow...

But whodathunkit?! Buddhists and Baptists all in one week!

The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and ALL people shall see it TOGETHER!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Have y'all met my other son, JOHAN?
He looks a lot like Jonah!

And they're ministering this WEEKEND...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Also, Bishop Tommy Smith was originally supposed to minister at CITN tomorrow (that's what I had announced), but we moved it back a couple of weeks because I haven't preached on a Sunday since we got back from Uganda...

Also, it looks like the Philippines trip may be moved from November to January, which is fine with me because there may be another MEPI trip to Israel in Nov...

But I was glad that B. Tommy got be at the GPF on Tuesday night, along with his brother, Pete, who is a Church of God pastor. They both loved the service, and were blessed by it.

Anonymous said...

He's got the whole world in His hands.

Word ver: wrldlov

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

One more thing...

Rev. Kutts and I are discussing the possibility of looking into making the GPF@CITN an annual event...and as I said Tues night, the 2nd annual URS (United Rockdale Summit) "Walk By Faith" will be on January 3rd...the WBF does on a local scale what the GPF does on a global scale...with both things happening, we are able to think globally, and act locally...

Anonymous said...

that's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!

Donald said...

NTL, I need to talk to you.
Do you have a patent on this invention of yours?
If so I would like to discuss that with you since I am looking into getting some patents on some things I have been dabbling with.

Anonymous said...

Awesome comments from Mr. Landman and Mr. Kutts. Can't wait to be ITB tomorrow!

Donald said...

Well it's a beautiful day in coastal Mississippi and I'm getting ready to travel to my and my daughter's alma mater for a football game.
Later folks.

Anonymous said...

You should meet up with Jim and Chelle in November in Israel. Angela and her new husband are there now too!
Jim is studying now for a doctorate on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Larry Usher said...

Very strange being at GPF- almost as if "I" wasn't there. I think perhaps the grace of God was carrying me that evening. Hard to describe. As I look back on it, my flesh wasn't moved at all, but my spirit prompted me to greet as many of the guests as possible with a handshake and a bow or smile. When I think on our mission of being ambassadors for Christ and His Kingdom, there is something HUGE beginning to break loose within me- I am seeing things I dare not speak about for concern they are just fantasy. But I do believe that the "box" is totally blown apart and the remnants of it are in the process of being annihilated.

On a side note: as I was reading about the parable of the lost sheep this morning, I looked up the word "shoulders" (as in the shepherd joyously lifted the lost sheep up and placed him on his "shoulders") and the word connotes "place of the carrying of a burden". I thought how wonderful of the Lord to take our lives upon Himself as His burden which relieves us of that same burden of being our own leader-our own guide. I always will remember my tall Uncle Herb (6'4") hoisting me up on his shoulders and walking around with me as a small boy, just that act alone was so joyous, so freeing, so exciting to have the "view" of a very tall adult and be "above it all".

Great post Maurine! What a cool "Godcidence"!

Hi Izumi Joy! Neat revelational dream! I love flying dreams in whatever form they come, always wake up with the feeling of elation!

Hi Nancy, did you ever get to climb the Mt.? Haven't been for about a week or so- miss it!



ps- as I was waiting in line this morning for breakfast, I saw a little 5-6 year old girl playing hide-n-seek with her mom and noticed the squeals upon being "found". The father of the "prodigal son" "Found" his son after a long time of separation, whereas the son was just hoping to find an "employer" so he could be fed. The Father takes more delight in finding us than we do in being found I believe; but what an extremely joyous ocassion any time this happens on both ends. Can you picture God the Father jumping up and down in rapt glee as He shouts at the top of His lungs "I've found him, I've found him!!! "Yessssssssssssss!!!
...and the scales fall off the son's eyes, "M'... m'... my f-Father? My FATHER! My FATHER!!"

...let the party begin...

word ver: TETYKJ- That Elation's That You Know Jesus!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Just want to say hey,

I'm out here enjoying the post. I have been having dizzy spells again lately and it is hard to chase the keyboard around to type....but I can still read pretty good although the medication I take for dizziness makes me pretty drowsy. I dont like to have to take that stuff but its better than being dizzy.

Love you guys....Happy birthday to us!



Bishop Jim Swilley said...

P. Dennis...

I speak a manifestation of healing to you in Jesus' name...

And while I've got you, would you please re-send the info about how to un-link YouTube videos? I seem to have lost what you sent before.


Anonymous said...

"The River" called me back to check on posts...

and I add my agreement, P.Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I am feeling better


word ver.

tracy said...

P. Dennis there will be no trespassing in your body. The feet that carry the Gospel will walk surely and steadily.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Got your e-mail, P. Dennis...thanks.

tracy said...

Hey-let's all mix our "water" together and make Bailey's Birthday Cake! And as for me and my house the Glory of the Lord was Revealed this week, especially today. From our covenant bros and sisters and from this beautiful autumn like day....watching the cardinals playing by our pond, watching my nephew catch a 4 pound catfish. The fact that I got to spend the afternoon with my three mnths sober brother "Tyron". I got to cut firewood with David and plant bushes and flowers at our new home. These feet that carry the gospel are now filthy and in need of a shower! What a perfect day in its entirety(sp?)!

Larry Usher said...

How does a Wiccan know which ritual practice to use?

Ans: He uses spell-check.

Source of info: Wiccapedia



word ver.-HPFQXK- His Path For Questions Xalts the King

dude, I flaked, sort of a stretch there! Whoa!

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful up on top of Stone Mountain today! There was a strong wind blowing, the sun came out and there were birds soaring high above us.
We stood and declared freedom to the north, south, east and west!

Larry, are you going to feed the homeless in the morning?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey bloggers...glad everyone is communicating, and I understand the spirit in which you are referring to it because I know you, but we might need to make the disclaimer here that we're not cool with witchcraft. I know Wiccans say that they aren't witches, and I certainly am not trying to get an argument started on a Saturday too much other stuff to do...but we've already pushed the envelope a good bit this week, and I don't want to invite unnecessary stuff right now. Lots of people who don't understand your paradigm read this blog, if you know what I mean...and, please, that's all I want to say about it right now, so there doesn't need to be any response. Capiche?

Glad to hear that people had a good day today.

tracy said...

How bout those tomatoes?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Tracy, you my stand on raw tomatoism!

Anonymous said...

"Blurp,, whoa!"

Makes me think of the investment baby commercial.

You too, Bishop?

tracy said...

I stand solidly with you Bishop. The raw tomato will not see the light of day at this house I assure you.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

PTL...and thanks for understanding that I meant to say "you KNOW my stand on RT"...

But now we're probably going to stir up all those RT know how they are!

Larry Usher said...

Hi Nancy!

Glad to hear you had a good time on the mountain today! Yes, I will be going with y'all in the am. It was your blog that let me know about the program in the first place, so thank you, it has been a blessing to serve.

Bro. Larry

word ver.-QCKCLJ- Quick Call Jesus

Evenin' Bishop!

Just a quick note about the twin short rainbows that looked like lightning falling from the sky on Wed. night. It was as if a double portion blessing of the covenant was firing down like lightning upon the Earth, then shortly thereafter, the whole rainbow spread from horizon to horizon as a glorified light show. Inspiring!

Peace, be still and know that He is God. He's got the WHOLE WORLD in His hands. He knows exactly how to deal with every person, every country and every situation to bring about HIS purposes. HIS purposes. Glory in the storm. Light in the tempest. Benevolence in the maelstrom.
Hang tight. Hold fast. Keep the faith. Abide.
Your redemption draws near.

2nd word ver:(I'm not makin these letter combos up-promise!) VAFLYSFL- Veracity And Faithfulness Lay Your Sure Foundation Larry

ps- God told me that just because the above word ver had Larry at the end, you could drop the "L" and claim it for yourselves! LOL!

I really am laughing very hard right now! All is well!

linda said...


Happy birthday Bishop's blog!

Can't wait to be ITB

Let there be light

ps. my word verification is wutsis, funny

tracy said...

I knew what you meant and maybe those pompous TL's will keep their slime fetish on the down low/

Son of Zadok said...

Hey all you lovers and overcomers,

Want to hear a most beautiful song? A true modern classic...

Sufjan Stevens - Chicago

I fell in love again
all things go, all things go
drove to Chicago
all things know, all things know
we sold our clothes to the state
I don't mind, I don't mind
I made a lot of mistakes
in my mind, in my mind

you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go

I drove to New York
in a van, with my friend
we slept in parking lots
I don't mind, I don't mind
I was in love with the place
in my mind, in my mind
I made a lot of mistakes
in my mind, in my mind

you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go

if I was crying
in the van, with my friend
it was for freedom
from myself and from the land
I made a lot of mistakes
I made a lot of mistakes
I made a lot of mistakes
I made a lot of mistakes

you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go

you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things know, all things know
(I made a lot of mistakes)
you had to find it
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things go, all things go
(I made a lot of mistakes)

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

Thanks...I just laughed for the first time in a couple of days.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I was addressing Tracy...I wasn't saying that SOZ's song was funny...

Son of Zadok said...

Larry, either you've get the funniest word vers or have the funniest mind?
I'll think I'd have to vote for the later...

word ver - asumsum

A sum sum, sum sum, sum sum, summertime...Hey I tried...

Here I'll try again...

Assume some get it,
Assume some don't.
Assume unless God does it,
they just plain won't...

Hey that's not bad..

Oh that's alright Bishop I've got plenty of funny songs to...

Son of Zadok said...

Not like funny haha, more like funny, what in the world are you listening to?

Son of Zadok said...

"You've get the funniest word vers"

That made a lot of sense! :)

Anonymous said...

I will eat them here or there
I will eat them anywhere

That was hilarious, Tracy!

There's a lot of people out of town that usually go to feed the homeless so If you would like to go and feed some people that don't have anything to eat, meet us at the Waffle House at I-20 and 138-We depart at 6:00a.m. (You don't have to have a motorcycle to go)

Larry Usher said...

Hey Bishop, I just looked at your picture and by gosh you ARE laughing! Good times, good times...

word ver.- THZFW: Those Few, as in Why don't you go tend "those few" sheep you got huh David, now get outa here ya bother me...

Tee hee...

Anonymous said...

If anyone is interested....

G8TRGRL said... you didn't dog tomatoes!

"I'm Bob the Tomato, and I approve this message"

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Et tu, P. Nancy? Say it ain't so!

G8TRGRL said...

veri word: jvgcpaks

Just very giddy christians praising (the) all knowing Spirit!

Larry Usher said...

Ya know SOZ, that asumsum thing just might be...THE DOUBLE PORTION BLESSING WHICH WE ALL SEEK(NOW I'M SOUNDING LIKE MERCY!) Sum + Sum = 2sums. or you could have a twosome like in golf...I can't tell it's above my pay-grade! ;)


word ver.-JIWWCEA, "Jesus I would Want Closure, Ending and Arriving"

...but, you know what He told me? My grace is sufficient for you...
...darn thorns...

Larry Usher said...

Great post & button GTRGRL!!

The all seeing eye

Anonymous said...

Can't do it, Bishop!
Love those RT's

Watching the Discovery Channel and would love to see you on there explaining the book of Revelation....

Larry Usher said...


One of the greatest truths we can know in life is that God is always able and willing to forgive us for our shortcomings. All we have to do is ask for His forgiveness. And if God is willing, then we too, should forgive ourselves. Yet one of the greatest ironies concerning forgiveness is that the painful memories the scars of our past remain with us. We may wonder, "What's the sense in receiving forgiveness if the scars from the painful memory remain?" Maybe the question should be, "What goes through your mind when you are confronted with the scars of your forgiven past."

The answer to this question is found in Zephaniah 3:17, "The Lord your God is with you; His power gives you victory. The Lord will take delight in you, and in His love He will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you." It is God's desire to rejoice over you with pride!

A minister humorously explained it like this: A proud parent always carries a picture of his child in his wallet and when given the opportunity will happily show the picture to anyone. So it is with God. God loves us so much and is so proud of us that He too, in a sense, carries a picture of us in His wallet and will gladly show it for any angel to see. I know that it is a funny notion to think that God really carries a wallet, but the minister used this exaggeration to illustrate the fact that God has caring thoughts about us. Zephaniah takes us a step further and says that when God looks upon us, He is so overcome by joy that He sings over us, the same way a mother sings over her newborn baby.

So what goes through your mind when you are confronted by the scars of past mistakes for which you have already received God's forgiveness? Instead of becoming sad and condemning yourself, take it as an opportunity to rejoice in the fact that God has forgiven you. Allow the scars of life to remind you that God is indeed rejoicing over you and is willing to empower you to live a life of joy and forgiveness. Allow the scars of your forgiven past to remind you that you are now the "apple of God's eye." Allow the scars of your past to be a spring board for you to rejoice in what God wants to do with your life in the here and now. And if you will listen closely enough, you will hear Him joyfully sing over you.

LT Patrick Sturm, CHC, USNR

Found this online, thought it was good.

word ver.- WSTFYTLV- Waste For You To Lament Vicissitudes

Larry Usher said...

Night all!

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
Guide me through the starry night
and wake me when the sun shines bright.
God, bless all the folks I love, amen.

(My parents prayer with me at bedtime me as a wee lad)



Anonymous said...

Amen, Lar.

Anonymous said...

I loved the duo Ted and Sheri. Can't wait to heat Ted Winn tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I meant "hear" Ted Winn!

tracy said...

Love u all- slimy tomato eaters and not slimy tomato eaters alike----see you tomorrow

Erik said...

Hey, Cloud of U – excellent passage – Yes, whole personality transformed, taken possession of by God, Love guiding each, teaching each to choose God – ( I love this part) – who cannot be thought, understood, or found by any rational activity --- Simply, wonderfully, exquisitely , incomprehensively only experienced. Yes, it is so.

I am so thankful to God and humbled, while sublimely satisfied and happy to be connected to this piece of The Body. I have been blessed and highly favored to meet in the natural, and connected to spiritually, and some only spiritually, many different types of people, from varying faiths, backgrounds, life decisions, - every single one was aware of The Spirit of God, some uncomfortable with The Spirit, but every one knowing. This is true for every single one ever in existence. To be connected to a part of The Body that sees this as well, is ( My first thought is extraordinary, but in fact it is ) beautifully natural.

The button G8rgrl has up, is very funny, in a ouch way, because it has the ring of truth that the remark ‘ no I don’t hate you’ is necessary, or at least poignant . Most of my life, I purposely avoided Christians, I always knew God, spoke daily , with The Holy Spirit, and related to Jesus (the One in the Bible, not the one in church). The frustration of hanging with Christians seemed more bother than it was worth. However, as I saw more and more of their pain,fear, doubt,and the Love in some, and hey, I could actually relate to them from my belief paradigm, well, the frustration became less as I removed my own veil, and who knew, here I am. I actually can cite scripture, who woulda thunk!

Point is - that many Spirit Filled people (who do not carry the label ‘Christian’, nor desire to) are surprised as we relate, that I carry that label. ‘ I know, I know’ I say to them, tongue in cheek , ‘ White, Blond, Blue eyed, male AND Christian, (maybe throw in American, depending on the audience) it is clearly a miracle I can speak at a spiritual level with you, without judgment or superiority --- Go Figure. The Universe has a real sense of humor’.

I share all of this for a couple of points - The rest of the natural universe is pleasantly surprised to see that we Abrhamics see ‘ The One Body’. The fun part is that Abrahamics also have a vital role in the unveiling, removing barriers to all seeing The One Body together. Even more fun, is that as Dr. Moon aptly declares, America was founded on this principal and unalienable rights endowed by The Creator , -- possibly even unaware to some of the signers of The Declaration of Independence (that’s my part, Dr. Moon did not say that). Anrahamics have a lot to release in ourselves, and we have a lot to give and add to from our Spirits. God works in mysterious ways.

Even though my relationship with God is through a Christian paradigm, I was already there long before I connected with Christianity, and how gracious God is that I followed the guidance to CITN. I can tell everyone this that is true – ALL are part of The One Body, the knee, intestine, meniscus, brain, eye, nasal passages, liver, fingernail, and every other part is absolutely part of the Same Body, even if the head hair does not understand the pancreas, or the womb, we ALL share the same blood that brings nutrients and oxygen, and takes away waste (what has been refined out).

America does have a special place in this Body, if we choose to employ it. It is of reconciliation. Dec of Independence, Statute of Liberty, Constitution – all scream for connection and divine Peace between each of us , because every wall we have between us in the natural, is multiplied as a wall between each and God. What we do in the natural is amplified in the Spiritual.

Dr. Moon raises an excellent issue regarding how we operate in this world. The call for a Spiritual Council equal to The Security Council in the UN, and a declaration of what is Human Rights that is accepted universally, based on the US Declaration of Independence unalienable rights, for all people in the world, regardless of nationality, and I say also add in the basic rights from The Constitution for ALL people. If there are some Constitution missed, add those too. Accepted by each nation and each person. This is something WE can do.

Think of what we know in the natural of the breadth of the universe, add in the stars Abraham was asked to count, square that, and square it again. That is only a smidgen of the expanse of The Body. You see, it cannot be comprehended, only experienced in Love. The Holy Spirit has throughout my life, when I did not know any way to go forward, to go with what is real, what is there at all times – Love, it always sees us through. Remember, Love never fails. That is what I enjoy so much about this particular part of The Body. We know Love.

Again, ALL are part of The One Body, the same body. If nothing else, this is what I have to share.

Erik said...

I have to add here, my cats and dog are very pleased to be part of The Body, and approve this post. they even helped me type it.

(don't sweat it, anyone who considers animals without a soul, I'm kidding, sort of, again, the rocks and trees cry out, and I can tell you at least the cats and dogs I know do too) They still are waiting to be invited ITB, since they are tithers. :)

I know, I shouldn't have, but it was too much fun. Truly, if this derails anyone, just ignore this post, it is just me.

Anonymous said...

The GPF So Cool .
I pray next time the house will not have an open seat.

Forget the tomato's and let's have some pumpkin pie.

Can I be honest with you all...
Today has been a great day. It's the first time I've laughed in a long time and it came from within.
Been under a lot of stress and I have had a hard time releasing it.
It's easy to say Lord I release it but doing it isn't as easy.
I know my future is brighter than my today. I'm making it a brighter day. I pray a brighter new day to all you bloggers.

get ready
Get Ready
It's time

G8TRGRL said...


Iris said...

Are we doing the tomato thing again????? Well... I just can't resist....

You can caress a carrot
Grab a green bean
Leaf through the lettuce
Do anything you please
You can ravish a radish
Bite on a beet
Manhandle a melon
If you really think you're neat
You can munch on a mushroom
If you 're feeling bad
But don't go messing with my tomato
Cause that really makes me mad

I loves my tomato, ripe round and red
Now you offer me anything
I'll take my tomato instead

I don't care for spinach
I can't stand the taste
To eat a rutabaga
Seems like such a waste
I don't care for potatoes
I never did like eating roots
That goes for apples, bananas, peaches, strawberries cherries and kiwis
And all those silly fruits
Don't care to pick a berry
Don't care to peel a grape
Just let me have my tomato
I will not even hesitate

I loves my tomato
Even while they're still on the vine
Now you offer me anything
I'll take my tomato every time

You may be a cucumber
And really think you're cool
A real top banana -
I'm talking 'bout nobody's fool
You may be a jalepeno pepper
And think you're red hot
The head cabbage
A real big shot
Hey king corn keep your ears
Peeled and to the ground
And don't go messing with my tomato
When I'm not around

Cause I loves my tomato
Stuffed, stewed, or fried
Now you offer me anything
I'll take my tomato every time


Anonymous said...

Forget the tomatoes, the season for Lutefisk will soon be upon us.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a change of subject. Maybe that's the point.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to have the 70th comment!

Lise said...

Since I'm awake at this ungodly hour, I had to peruse the posts that I've been missing.

Erik, you were just waiting for me, weren't you? My dogs WILL share a place with me in eternity; I can't believe that God would allow them to bring such great joy into my life, only to eventually take them from me & never let me see them again. Ouch. I just won't let myself believe it; they're my kids ;p

Just a side note, Bish. I've often thought that if KITN were Kennel in the Now, perhaps Joe and I could visit more often :)

Iris, again you crack me up. But sister, as Diana Krall would so soulfully sing:

"Peel me a grape, crush me some ice
Skin me a peach, save the fuzz for my pillow
Talk to me nice, talk to me nice
You've got to wine me and dine me

Don't try to fool me bejewel me
Either amuse me or lose me
I'm getting hungry, peel me a grape

Pop me a cork, french me a fry
Crack me a nut, bring a bowl full of bon-bons
Chill me some wine, keep standing by
Just entertain me, champagne me
Show me you love me, kid glove me
Best way to cheer me, cashmere me
I'm getting hungry, peel me grape

Here's how to be an agreeable chap
Love me and leave me in luxury's lap
Hop when I holler, skip when I snap
When I say, "do it," jump to it

Send out for scotch, call me a cab
Cut me a rose, make my tea with the petals
Just hang around, pick up the tab
Never out think me, just mink me
Polar bear rug me, don't bug me
New Thunderbird me, you heard me
I'm getting hungry, peel me a grape"

(what can I say?!? I'm a high maintenance woman!)

More researching to do on the net.
Nighty/Morn, all

Anonymous said...

Thanks Larry,

Open vision during prayer time; not nebulous. Actually felt the wind in my face; heard & sensed the movement of the rapids.

Difficult to navigate through words. Maybe similar to what astronauts experience when they re-enter earth's atmosphere.

Linda Luke said...

Hey Eric & Elle~

Totally concur on the furry kids!!!
Proverbs 12:10


Anonymous said...

I don't care what anyone else says - the GPF rocked!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, everyone, for the lively discussion...

God is good!