Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lord Is My Strength

Sunday Afternoon:

Thanks for the good reports from today's service. The blog will be back on schedule tomorrow...

Hey bloggers,

I wasn't going to post anything until after church tomorrow, but so many of you have been texting and calling that I decided to check in and let you know that all is well.

We had a nice little get-away and we're back now...feeling much better...thanks for your prayers...

See you tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7

We are so glad you are feeling better~
Jeff and Nancy

tracy said...

I thank God for His strength, when I am weak HE IS strong. Great and Mighty is He!! Peace, Joy and Strength are not overrated seek those things. We are so glad you are ok and encourage you both to keep up the restful attitude, have some fun and take full advantage of the Aarons God has placed in your life! Love you both!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that we are and have been thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer. P. Debye as well. Glad to hear that all is well and I know that it will continue to just get better and better!!

Peace, Love and Joy!!

The Greers

NTL said...

Glad you are back-n-better. See you ITB.

Son of Zadok said...

Psalm 27

A David Psalm

Light, space, zest— that's GOD! So, with him on my side I'm fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
When vandal hordes ride down
ready to eat me alive,
Those bullies and toughs
fall flat on their faces.
When besieged,
I'm calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I'm collected and cool.
I'm asking GOD for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I'll contemplate his beauty;
I'll study at his feet.
That's the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.
God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I'm headed for his place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I'm singing God-songs;
I'm making music to GOD.
Listen, GOD,
I'm calling at the top of my lungs:
"Be good to me! Answer me!"
When my heart whispered, "Seek God,"
my whole being replied,
"I'm seeking him!"
Don't hide from me now!
You've always been right there for me;
don't turn your back on me now.
Don't throw me out, don't abandon me;
you've always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me, but God took me in.
Point me down your highway, GOD;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you're on.
Don't throw me to the dogs,
those liars who are out to get me,
filling the air with their threats.
I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with GOD!
Take heart. Don't quit.
I'll say it again:
Stay with GOD.

~The Message

ver: moodO - Focus your mood on God for the O.

Larry Usher said...

Went to the Mountain Top today.
I saw out into a great distance through eyes of gladness and perceived God. Behold I make all things new!
As I approached the bottom of the mountain on foot there was a group of people gathered that I sensed were filled with the Spirit, As I walked by them I raised my hands up to the sky and nodded my head yes! The response was instantaneous- a rapt acknowledgement of the King of Kings! The group was set to Hallelujah-ing and praising the Lord! I needed this as did they.
With each group of the same folks that came down the mtn I shared with them something about the Lord of asked "Who loves the Holy Ghost?", to which others, not in the group, turned to offer that they did as well. Joy was on the Mountain! Turns out this was Church of God in Christ- had an opportunity to share with a lady about their convention and retreats that they were having all over the USA.
The Earth is indeed groaning to have the sons of God revealed to them- the Christ. I wonder how many were on the mountain today watching silently at this demonstration of love & unity and felt a stirring in their hearts of hope & possibilities? The Light WILL NOT be quenched! We SHALL NOT be burned or drowned, or be made out to be fools.

Bishop- glad you are doing well! Nothing like a trip to the mountains or through the country or a night stargazing to get your bearings and destress!
Missed the blog fo' sho'!

See y'all ITB t'marra!



word ver: MUMELAMO- "Many Unassuming Men Evaluate Life As Momentous Ocassions"

Larry Usher said...

Just wanted to post this funny little pic! :)

Erik said...

As scripture details, satan is a servant of God, as opposed to an antithesis. The career path of the devil is to test the mettle of each piece in production, determine the areas in each piece that will benefit from further pur. Going along, doing his work purposefully, knowing the value, being extremely efficient and effective. Each piece sent for rework adds to the final production.

Consider - then God decides, inserts a balm that covers every perceived flaw in one instant. The adversary is redirected, The Advocate has covered all, back to the very first piece. The adversary double checks with God , “I received the redirection on my duties, and want to find out why I am now in the facilitation department, speeding along every piece into the final creation, no checking, watching for flaws. What happened? Did I miss a piece? “

“No, no, do not be concerned, you did just as I had asked. All is well”, God assures. “I have become part of the entire production process, ‘ a piece’ and then through the pur, complete. Evaporated and re-installed, then a charge that touches every single piece, automatically covering any flaw. We are proceeding directly to final production, and I want all your efforts focused on every piece ushered into their best fit of the whole. You have enjoyed the angel role, and now you are in effect an evangel. Don’t you just Love the ‘turn it on its head’ impact ? “

“Brilliant” , exclaims the adversary, now evangel. “Every ‘flaw’ is a strength. Every piece is fit , at this moment. There is no fear that any piece does not fit! No reason any one is afraid. Instant Peace, Joy, and Righteousness glued together by Your Love, within each piece, retroactively. Phenomenal – You are excellent, God” . With that, the adversary, now evangel facilitates each piece into the best fit of the experience that is God, and unique to each piece. In essence, a bricklayer, bringing the created pieces into alignment, supplying the mortar provided by the Spirit of God.

The experience of each piece is infused with that Love and Peace. Any understanding is surpassed while enjoyed. The adversary transformed, as God transforms. As is light and salvation of ALL, the strength of ALL, so that Not One is afraid.

Linda Luke said...

Bishop, thankful that you are ok and that yall had a wonderful refreshing time! Yall both are in my heart and prayers~

'No weapon formed against you shall prosper!'

I pray Gods healing, blessings, favor and continued restoration and rest for yall!

Lotsa love~

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Bish and P. Debye!
Glad you're both rested.

Here's what the Light illuminated for me in today's reading.

The third verse says, "Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this, will I be confident."

I appreciate your admonishment to read Scripture in context. What I found fascinating about the word, "host", is its many definitions.

What if David was alluding to the sacrement of Holy Communion? Look how the psalm begins and ends, glorifying the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Ultimately all healing comes by revelation and all revelation is uniquely personalized by our Creator who always has only each of our best interests at heart. I personally have answers and opinions for no one but myself and am constantly seeking guidance from the Holy Ghost for my own "going through".

I pray that all receive only positive, covenant prayers and not a list of "self-remedies".

Each of you seek your healing with all of your heart - Be transparent before God and enjoy and be blessed by His perfecting all that concerns you.

On a side note - what is deep in my Spirit this morning is what God is revealing to me about the totality of what Jesus embodied in this dimension. He completely walked in the revelation of Christ-consciousness and a total lack of any feelings of separation from God. He understood the depth of "oneness"......... and yet as he was exposed completely and willingly on the cross - His final words were "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" What a deep level of separation that was felt as this statement was uttered in the final instants before total reconciliation that occured for all humankind.

I believe that this moment in His story defines the grieving that so many of us feel today in the depths of our soul - a separation that no longer exists except in our own minds.

I believe that CITN and all that it embodies is releasing all those who partake of this ministry from this separation - I know that is what it is doing for me. I declare that I have the total restoration and peace that frees my soul by virtue not of anything I have done or not done, but only by virtue of who I AM.

Thank You and Hallelujah!

NTL said...

Today we will see, hear and feel the breath of cool mountain air.

Anonymous said...

It is GOOD to hear from you Bish. Praise God!

I declare that you are revitalized today with the Spirit of the LORD and the peace of God that passes understanding is evident in your spirit. Praise God, Amen!

I did a phrase search on one of my bible programs today with the phrase "God is" and I stumbled across something amazingly therapeutic, encouraging and faith building. I am just now finishing getting all of it put together. I realize that some would look at this as taking these words out of context, but Jesus and the Apostles did this many times to make a point. I think I will put this in an internet book form first and then maybe publish it later. I have never felt this confident about something so simple. One very amazing thing was the very few negative statement (we know even those are good in the end) out of 171 instances in the NASB, I would say only 10-15 were negative; and on the positive side it really stood out to me how many times God was connected to His presence, giving, defending, and on our side. I may add "LORD is" later

I simply did the phrase search in one of my bible programs as “God is” coming up with ever instance where those words are found then I copied from there on what it said as short as I could and still keep the sense of what I felt the Spirit was giving me. I was stunned by what I was reading as it began to build a peace, power, confidence and excitement in my spirit as I read. Even the repetitive phrases gave this result as if one was building upon the other.


Gen 21:22 God is with you in all that you do;
Gen 31:50 God is witness
Lev 21:12 God is on him
Num 6:7 God is on his head.
Num 23:19 God is not a man,
Num 23:21 God is with him
Deu 1:20 God is about to give us.
Deu 1:25 God is about to give us.
Deu 2:29 God is giving to us.
Deu 3:22 God is the one fighting for you.
Deu 4:21 God is giving you as an inheritance.
Deu 4:24 God is a consuming fire,
Deu 4:31 God is a compassionate God
This is taking too much time to put the book and verse in. here are just the phrases from here on:

God is giving you
God is in your midst
God is bringing you into a good land
God is driving them out before you
God is giving
God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords
God is giving you
God is giving you.

God is giving you
God is testing you to find out if you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is giving you

God is the one who goes with you

God is giving you

God is making with you today

God is the one who goes with you

God is a dwelling place

God is with you wherever you go

God is giving you

God is giving them

God is among you

God is He who has been fighting for you

God is He who fights for you

God is He who brought us

God is with you

God is on you

God is my strong fortress

God is with you

God is with you

God is with us

God is gracious and compassionate

God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him

God is greater than man
God is mighty

God is exalted in His power
God is exalted
God is awesome majesty
God is a righteous judge
God is with the righteous
God is the LORD
God is in his heart
God, is forever and ever
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

God is in the midst of her
For God is the King of all the earth
God is my helper
God is for me
God is my stronghold.
God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness.
God is a refuge for us
God is to us a God of deliverances
God is good
God is the strength
God is my good
GOD my refuge
God is my king
God is the Judge * ps 75:7
God is known
God, is holy
God is a sun and shield
God is in the heavens
God is compassionate.

God is the LORD!
God is
God is in heaven
God is with us
God is my salvation
God is with you
God is my strength
GOD is upon me
God is the salvation
God is a God of gods
God is ruler over the realm of mankind
God is righteous
God is the LORD
GOD is my strength
God is in your midst

God is with you
God is able
God is at hand
God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil
God is able
God is greater than he
God is not coming with signs to be observed
God is in your midst
God is near
God is with him
God is true.

God is spirit

God is that which comes down out of heaven

God is glorified

God is glorified in Him

God is not one to show partiality

God is now declaring

God is going to

God is revealed from faith to faith

God is revealed from heaven

God is evident

God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord

God is for us

God is the one who justifies

God, is there
God is able to graft them in again
God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
God is not eating and drinking
God is faithful
God is wiser than men
God is holy
God is not concerned about oxen
God is faithful
God is the head of Christ
God is certainly among you.

God is not a God of confusion but of peace
God is faithful
God is able to make all grace abound to you
God is evident
God is only one
God is not mocked
God is my witness
God is witness
God is good
God is not imprisoned
God is living and active
God is not unjust
God is not ashamed to be called their God
God is able to raise
God is a consuming fire.

God is pleased
God is one
God is Light
God is greater than our heart
God is love
God is love
God is greater
God is finished
God is finished
God is among men, and He will dwell among them


ver. word.

DoubleBack Alley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DoubleBack Alley said...

Dear Sahib,

I pray a plethora of blessings over you, your family, your ministry, and, most importantly, your health.

I deleted my previous comment because it was election related. Peace my brother.

Ain’t God Good?

Linda Luke said...

What an awesome word! That is one of my favorite subjects and is always before me~integrity! God BLESS Pastor Tommy!

One thing I know Bishop is that you are a person of integrity and honor with a heart toward the Lord! So when I don't have the full revelation that you have that is the bottom line is your fo 'real'ness! Thanks!!!As there are so many in leadership that have mis-stepped by not staying in tune with the Father!

He HAS done great things and greater things to come! BLESS His Holy name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~need agreement in prayer for an unspoken! Thanks so much!

In prayer and agreement here!

Blessings from the Father to everyone and PEaCe!!!!!!!!!`

Anonymous said...

Bishop Tommy,
What a strong word of Exhortation. So appropriate in this hour of struggle for many. Well delivered and received as a loving connotation of the discipline needed to carry out the work of Grace. As the waters are free, but flow within the expected boundaries of the path of the stream. There is a river who’s’ streams make glad the city of God, but even a river follows the course of its strong boundaries, Praise God!


Pamela said...

Thank you, Pastor Tommy for a great word of encouragement and grace. The Holy Spirit corrects us, but does not chastise us and he knows are true heart. If we are truly seeking the Father, and desire to do his work, we have to be able to take his loving and constructive criticism. I have said to my son many times the importance of integrity and respecting ourselves, and others ability to respect us and trust us for our word. Because if our father only loved us and forgave us, but never directed us, we would not be being purged and molded into what Gods ultimate plan is for us and the work of His Kingdom. Thank you for speaking of a subject we do not always want to hear. May we all reflect and seek quiet time with the Lord, and let the Holy Spirit point out to us where we need to be. Being honest with ourselves and where we need to seek guidance and strength to improve. If we are not honest with ourselves, than how can we be our true self to others.

God Bless you and your beautiful family, I speak a blessing of the Greatest Love, Peace beyond understanding, Supernatural Favor, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Signs and Wonders for your family and your students and congregation. Peace be with you.

Thank you for your words of encouragement may everyone who heard it reflect and be blessed and know God Our Father only wants what is best for his children.

Love, Pamela

tracy said...

Shout out to Pastor Tommy for the good word. Doing the right thing always prevails. Man will say and form opinions no matter what, but those in covenant will always give you the benefit of the doubt. The people we have around us and in our lives know we are faithful and true and would lay down our lives for them . There is something to be said for that. Integrity HAS to win, as a matter of fact my password for everything is Integrity1, just as a constant reminder! Do the best you can do and that is all that you can do!

Anonymous said...

It is "BISHOP" tommy now yall. I think we should recognize his achiievments. and honor his position

Linda Luke said... sorry! It is Bishop Tommy! ~peace

NTL said...

Bishop Jim Earl Swilley
Bishop Tommy Smith

Two giants of faith, live on!

tracy said...

Pardon....Bishop Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Tommy!!

A well-placed question can be a catalyst to catapult a person to change, act, think, move--oh, I don't know, put pretty much anything in there.

May blessings overtake you, Bishop T., in the same way that the well-placed questions you brought to us this morning have and will bless each one of us!

Pamela said...

Apologies Bishop Tommy did not mean to misrepresent your title. But, my posting is still from the heart. God Bless, Pamela

As Bishop Swilley say's "ITS ALL GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Bishop Tommy, a lot of alignments today by people who truly love you.

word ver ...align...

Anonymous said...

We also know you are have a pure heart as unto the Lord.

word ver...pureast...

Anonymous said...


Pamela said...


Anonymous said...

Let the river flow...

word ver...oriver...

Son of Zadok said...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Empowering Passion

Is there something you desperately need? Your sense of desperation and your need will work against you, and will make it even more difficult to attain what you're after.

By very definition, whatever you need you do not have. When you continually reinforce the idea that you do not have something, you continually push that thing away from yourself.

Replace your desperate need with a passionate desire. That will frame your situation in a much more positive, powerful perspective.

With desperation, you feel like giving up. With passion, on the other hand, you create the energy to move decisively forward.

With need, you feel an emptiness that drains your every moment. With desire, you constantly motivate yourself to create fulfillment.

Let go of your needs, for they will only keep you needy. Replace them with positive desires, and feel the empowering passion that will make those desires happen.

-- Ralph Marston