It is an awesome thing to be involved with a ministry that has a global pulpit, and is a prophetic voice to the nations. We're still receiving so many amazing praise reports from the GPF Interfaith Service earlier this month, and we continue to gain new members at CITN who are a part of the international community. Our cyber-congregation is thriving, and the streaming of the services over the internet blesses people around the world every week. We are also ever evolving in our understanding of diversity, and the role that we, as the Body of Christ, are playing in that dimension, as we tear down walls and build bridges.
Here are some updates on what is happening in the world of CITN...

Anyway, they've invited my dad to come with me as their guest, and it's going to work out fine with his and my schedule to do it. He was able, after all, to get a new passport (it should be here day after tomorrow), and he's having cataract surgery on this coming Tuesday, so he will be recuperated enough by then to go.
There will be a GPF at the end of the conference, and then he and I are going to spend an extra day in Seoul to visit Dr. Cho's church - the largest church in the world - and to go to his Prayer Mountain (I've never been). This will be the first trip that dad and I have taken together in over 25 years, so we're really looking forward to it. Thanks again for praying, because the Lord has definitely worked out the details.

I'll be going there at the end of January to do the UNITE! Conference for the pastors and leaders who network with him. For those of you who might be interested in going with me, I'll be leaving on Monday, the 26th (1/26/09), and the meetings will take place on Wednesday through Friday (1/28 - 1/30). Then I'll stay and preach at The Sanctuary (his church) on Sunday, February 1, and return to the states the next day.

I really love connecting with pastors in this way. In fact, I prefer these types of meetings to the typical crusades that most American pastors hold in foregin countries. To me, building relationships is what it's all about, which is why I want to do an annual leadership conference in both the Philippines and Uganda, indefinitely. I haven't firmed up the exact dates for Uganda next year, but Pastor Ben and I have discussed the first week in September.

Now, I want you all to be informed, and of course I want you to vote...but more than anything else I want you to pray...and to set an example of love and harmony...and to build bridges...and to be peacemakers. I love the Republicans and I love the Democrats (and the Independents and the Libertarians)...but more than that, I love America, and I don't want to see it divided on November 5 (I'll actually be flying to Korea on that day, but I'll be here in spirit).
Anyway, vote your conscience and your convictions in the election, but do what you can to promote unity. And whoever moves into the White House on January 20, make the decision to respect him as your President, and to pray for him as the Scriptures tell us to do.
"We speak to nations, the Kingdom is coming near to you, we speak to you... BE FREE!"
Have a blessed day!
Hi Bishop,
The experience of connecting, sometimes called missionary work ‘in the field’ foreign or domestic, is to me ---
Missionary work -- telling people they already have everything within them, without any foreign installation of belief, it is what their dreams and hopes are already made of, and mixing what they have within, intact, with what others have. Literally experiencing spiritual synergy that manifests material synergy. To bring out who they are, not re-install programming over what they know. Installing over is man, drawing out what is within is God.
--- You already exemplify this, and it is indeed the definition of missionary work.
Godspeed in ALL. Covered.
To each and every precious child of God, called by His Spirit who is working in you; God’s serenity, and joy in the Lord to you, even in the midst of any challenges you face.
I marvel at the goodness of God’s working in us. Surely He is completing that which He has already begun; the manifestation of the fullness of Him in us. May we accept in humility and long suffering any trial we face in this moment, for we know it is being used to draw and mold us into His image.
I must admit since being with you all I’ve sat on the edge of my chair at the words of life spoken from this ministry. However, today while watching the service, maybe from burning to much midnight oil or from the Lord, I fell into a light sleep while the service played. Every time I woke up Bishop you were praying in the Spirit and I could feel it ministering to me. Perhaps sometimes God just puts us under like that to hear the word with less of our mind involved. When I woke up I felt refreshed. Now all you Georgians don’t get any crazy ideas, I was ITB at my local church today, wink. It is so good to be in the house of the Lord. Please keep Paradox in your prayers:
God, plant Paradox at the location where you would have them to be planted. Place us (we are all one body) in the building that you have fashioned for us. All things are from You, and by You, and for You. May Paradox be wholly unto you. Your will and purpose will be done!
Bishop, your words about the state of our nation are words of truth.
"Set an example of love and harmony...and to build bridges...and to be peacemakers."
God's will is surely going to be done. No matter what, on Nov. 5th, I will celebrate!
Pamela, thanks for the word to tune into Kim Clement’s gathering last night, which can be viewed now any time on his site. Many good things were said. It really was a confirmation to me that God is good. God has plans for this country and the world and they do not involve it’s destruction. I know the prophetic can illicit a lot of skepticism and manufacture a lot of nonsense, but I do believe this man hears what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. Let the doomsayers and doomsdayers all cry out to each other with their fear and loathing; we will place our trust in the Lord! As Pastor Scott said, "Don't give up on your dreams." God is going to bring us into roaring prosperity, but first He must shake certain systems in the Earth that are not in alignment with His plans. A strong word that stuck with me from the video Pamela was, “The raven will not longer feed the eagle”. The interpretation of that was that America would overcome their dependence on Mid-East oil, but I see something even greater in those words. America will come out from the feeding of the doomsday church and anything that compromises and minimizes the glorious victory we have in Christ and His glorious and true Gospel of Peace.
Great days lie ahead for us saints. I believe we have already entered into the millennial reign of Christ. May He continue to reign in us all this week as we live by His Spirit, nurturing the seed of Christ within us, cooperating with Him as He continues to work in our lives. You are overcoming all things in Christ!
ver: masess - You speak to the nations, you speak to the masses!
Don't Forget TO Make Haiti part of "WE SPEAK TO NATIONS"
Continuing amens to to all posts in support of peace being delivered through the Christ that is within us all.
Both you and your Dad will remember this from the present moment and through the continuing now into following ions.
This is the breath of God, breathe deeply into it.
This blesses the heart of you both and our heart also. You will both experience renewed health and vigor.
You both have a love for God that is greater than the perceptually fallen who quake in fear because of self alienation.
Your love transcends into the place where Christ's creation already knows the goodness of our God's heart.
Your actions reveal the peace that is hidden in our hearts.
Let peace be revealed.
I feel peace just coming here! The positive energy is grand!
What an impact to see the maps of different nations and what CITN is doing! Refreshing!!
Happy Monday! ~We have another day to be about the Fathers business and impact the world for Christ!!!
I just received this request for prayer from Rosette Nadiope in Uganda and told her I would post it for her:
Hello Friends and sisters in Christ,
I hope all is well with you in Christ Jesus. I know we haven’t been in touch for a while, and just when I was thinking and planning to, I got a call from Pastor Ben saying the church structure had been demolished this morning. Obviously this is not good news, and everyone is physically broken and disappointed, but spiritually, they are hanging in there in prayer and letting God fight the battle. This is land we were renting before the owner decided to sell it. So the new buyer just couldn’t be patient with us anymore and decided to dismiss the church the way he thought best.
My humble request is to please pray for the ministry and the mantle bearers to stay strong and continue believing God for the best. You know this is a volatile community in a ghetto which really needs to be kept encouraged and motivated to stay and trust in God, and such an incident could easily get many of them falling back.
Avery, its beautiful seeing Uganda on Bish’s blog, it makes me smile and feel good at a time when my heart is literally crying within me. Unfortunately I have failed to log in to send a word or two to the bloggers, but tell Bishop its really good seeing him in Uganda.
All the best and God bless you all.
Yours in Christ
Rosette Nadiope.
Let's not forget the nation of those in the housing projects where Pastor Scott and the Street Jam Team love on each week.
What some think of as a dead end place, is becoming being known as a place of spring board beginning because of demonstrated love, destiny with planned direction, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Miracles, Peace and Love to us all.
Rosette, Pastor Ben, and for everyone at Good Shepherd’s Touch Ministries,
We are in agreement with you for strength and faith, and for the community God has engaged you in. This event is one in which God displays further miracles, for you and the community you and we love.
Hearing that your Dad can accompany you to Korea brings me great joy. After reading your post before, there was never any doubt in my mind whether he should go or not. I knew it was destiny-so the passport issue would be no issue at all. Seems, as it turned out, it wasn't.
I have similar thoughts about his going and being involved as I had when you started this journey. This is much larger than either of you can see now. What is manifesting is the next stage of evolution of your involvment with all concerned. His going is more than just a Father-Son trip. That part is just the icing on the cake. So savor every minute of that part. Because, in your external experience, it just dosen't get any better than that.
JB articulated it perfectly: every moment you two spend together will be the Present moment...the continual Now.
Love the post today. Love the maps of the parts of the earth you have and will influence. It just reiterates...
The World is yours!
Thanks, everyone...
Thanks for letting us know the situation. I am going to try to open another e-mail account today, separate from the church's, so that Pastor Ben can make contact with me without trying to get through our securety system.
Please let us know what you need, and what we can do, if anything, to help.
In the meantime, however, please let your husband know that when I first read your message this morning, I immediately had an impression that this thing is going to turn out, somehow, to be a major blessing for you. You may not be able to see it now, but all things really do work together for good, and Good Shepherd's Touch Ministries is going to be just fine...you're going to go to a greater glory through this!
P. Avery, pleae e-mail our sister and make sure that she reads this. I don't believe that it's an accident that I posted about Uganda this morning.
You're absolutely right. Part of the purpose of CITN, I believe, is to re-write the definition of missionary work.
A major component of the evangel is to bring about the revelation of how connected we already are.
Very cool, SOZ.
Paul said that he visited the Corinthian church "in the spirit". I believe that you were ITB yesterday.
I haven't forgotten Haiti, Anon 1:53...I speak a blessing over your nation today, in Jesus' name!
Thanks, JB...I/we receive it!
Glad you're enjoying the peace, Crownjewel...I love the maps, too...
Absolutely right, NTL...each local housing authority is, indeed, a separate nation unto itself...if I had maps of them, I would post them, as well...
"To Jerusalem, first, then to Samaria, then to the uttermost parts of the earth..."
Peacemaker, a flood of peace washes over me every time I read thosse words...thanks.
those words
DBA, good to hear from you yesterday...I wrote something to you here a few days ago, and since I didn't hear back from you, I assumed you were no longer around...glad to know differently...
I greet you Sister Rosette with the holy word of Peace. In my fathers house there are many mansions. There is a place for you and the ministry that God has given your husband and you.
I have been involved with grant writing and researching for a little while now and lately, the Lord blessed me with grant information for the people of Uganda to help with farming, water supplies, food, that appears to be very generous. I am not sure if there is someone there who can write this grant for you, I just believe that God will provide the right person to assist you. He is our provider.
I wrote a email a couple of weeks ago to you, asking you to get in contact with me, if you were interested in this information, and there seems to be some security issues, so you probably didn't receive it. I pray that Pr. Avery can get this to you, if you can't receive the blog entries.
Because we share grant emails, my daughter came across the same grant and sent it to me, and of course, that caused me to remember the grant information.
This hardly ever happens, so I forwarded it to Kettly a couple of days ago. She probably didn't have the opportunity to read this information yet, but I know that God orders our steps and I believe this information is for your ministry in such a time as this.
Please feel free to contact me via email at reconciliationoutreach@gmail.com at your convenience and I will share the grant information as well as the non-profit organization that supports your work in Uganda. Also, Pr. Avery, if you need me to give you this information and you forward it, feel free to call me. I am in the church's directory.
Pr. Ben and Sister Rosette, God is working on your behalf behind the scenes and He knows the plans He has for you, plans to prosper you and it is for your well-being. No weapon formed against you, or your ministry shall prosper and remember that although it is God caused some of this havoc, His love endures forever. His love is the one thing that will not be shaken. He allows things to be torn down, so that He builds the house. Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain.
Divine Health, Divine Peace and Prosperity to your ministry, your family and your country. God is the lifter up of our heads...
In His Service, Yvonne
Bish, you don't have to post them on here, they are already posted, on your heart, and we here the maps when you speak.
Thanks, P. Avery...I'm going to go ahead and post this (I don't think she'll mind)...and I sent you the new e-mail address for them to use...
She is sometimes limited on going to the blog at work, so I copied your blog to an email and said:
“Bishop asked me to let you know that he posted a message to you on the blog.
In case you don't have time, here is a copy:”
This response arrived at 12:06
Thanks Avery.
Truthfully, I haven’t had a great day because my spirit was quite downcast within me, but I kept calling up Pastor Ben and he was strong all day. I am glad I have read this just before leaving work. I am going to pick up Pastor Ben and share this mail with him. I just got so encouraged and I think for the first time this day, I laughed and grinned, to the amazement of my neighbor at work.
Thanks to you Avery
You’ve made a difference to us just through this mail, Tell Bishop we appreciate, and I’ll check out the message on the blog.
Love you all.
Bishop Tommy brought what I've been feeling for awhile yesterday.
I know it's hard when you get blindsided by life situations but he is going to prosper.
I know we are all going to prosper because whatever doesn't destroy you will make you stronger.
I am speaking this also to Rosette,Pastor Ben & everyone at Good Shepherd's Touch Ministries.
Our prayers are with you all.
Today I speak POWER to all who read this comment.
Today new life flows in you.
There are new blessings all around. Reach for your blessings and you will receive.
Yvonne, I appreciate your commitment to health...the events of last week have made me more aware than usual of how important it is to care of our physical bodies, and to be good stewards of them...
Amen, NTL...
Thanks, Laura...
I love this place and I love this post! I wish I could commit to being more involved with this every day. Pray for my strength.
T. Blurker...just do it!
T. Blurker, it's easy. Think what you'd type, then type what you think. You can do it.
Tear down the wall! - Pink Floyd
Like a bridge over trouble water -
Simon and Garfunkel
God in the midst of us
You are mighty
God in the midst of us
You are near, and Lord, you are here
We wait for You
We're watching for things
That You might say
We're standing still
We're staying still
ohhh, be still...be still
be still...be still
What a thrill to hear you will be speaking at the "Toward a New Paradigm of Leadership and Good Governance" meeting. You are so in the flow that you will have the exact "on time" words that will truly ripple throughout the world.
Love to all, Lisa
Hi Bish
Yesterday's service was wonderful, Bishop Tommy was right on key. Loved today's blog, it is so great to know that I get to be a part of something so awesome. I woke up this morning thinking about the nations and how what they (and us) need is just to know, I mean to really know God. We speak to nations.
Erik, your definition of missionary work is true, true, true
Let there be light
ps. my verification word is plowitiz, Plow up the dead, dry soil, because itiz time for a harvest
Karl odd (haha) you should use "mighty" in your post. That has been in my spirit for several days. Great and MIGHTY is HE, what a MIGHTY God we serve. It helps to just remind ourselves that HE IS MIGHTY!!! I LOVE that word. It makes me feel so taken care of!! Wordver unqual-there's not one equal...
While it's still today, I add my agreement to today's blog topic & yesterday's sermon. (difficulty logging on @ home, so this is short)
Wordver: dation
I speak to daytions... be open...
MIGHTY-MIGHTY-MIGHTY-MIGHTY.......yep still love it and still feeling taken care of!
Thanks, everyone...and LisA (in Fla..right?), I receive it!
I meant LisaA...
BTW, bloggers...Judah and I just voted (his first time...I'll probably write something about it), but the lines are already quite long...don't let it slip up on you...make time to VOTE!
Hey Clark Kent,
When believers lay down their lives for their brothers and sisters, it is an awesome thing. Thank you for being that bridge over troubled waters.
God is troubling the waters in many of our lives, yet we stand, as long as Jesus is in the boat.
Great word, Bishop Tommy. God's got ya, and we feel ya.
Water Walker
dation -http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/dictionaries/difficultwords/data/d0004256.html
Wordver: ablate. I ate ablate of sketti.
I voted last week on my 5oth BD and it will always be memorable for me. It was awesome around 4pm on last Wednesday. There was no line with great efficiency from all of the volunteers.
I strongly urge you to vote early. Many African American have died fighting for this right as have women in the Suffrage movement in the 1800's and 1900's. It is your right as an American.
The lines will be crazy next week.
Just a little suggestion...
Bishop, I think if the phrase "word in season" were defined in a dictionary, your picture should be next to it. I read your post this morning about prayers for America being united, and this afternoon, news breaks of an assasination plot against Senator Obama, so regardless of your political leanings, prayer for these men is needed now more than ever. It's so cool to see how this ministry is branching out all over the world, and in this community too. You are a true shepherd, with a heart for your flock in Kenya, the Phillipines, and here in NewRock counties, and we are all the better for it.
"Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done..."
We are all a bunch of ables, overcomers looking for a place to happen.
word ver...ables...
And we are growing.
word ver...biging...
Well, time to go. Later, aye.
word ver...latera...
Thank you Bishop, I am trying to get there. I have just taken it up a couple notches after I worked extensively with senior citizens all over the state selling Medicare Advantage as an insurance agent and I realized that many many seniors had multiple diseases and had no idea of what they were taking. Many seniors would have literally "shopping bags of pharmaceuticals" and one dis-ease seem to "beget" another "dis-ease and it looks like a vicious cycle.
When my children were young, I decided to be responsible for what "drugs" I gave them and for the most part treated them with natural remedies and preventive or alternative herbs and supplements, and of course watched their diet.
My children always excelled in school and had great mental and physical stamina. I strongly believe that diets with a lot of produce, lean meats, little sugar and good carbs are key to our children's health. Experience has showed me that many of our youth suffer with ADD, and other dis-eases because of the addiction to sugar and chemicals in our foods.
Anyway, I still have a long way to go but having the information about foods and preventive or alternative health is key to understanding just how much propaganda and deceit is being subliminally institutionalized in our every day lives.
We can start by something as simple as shopping the perimeter of our supermarkets. That is where the fresh foods are, the produce, the fish, the meats and reading the side panel.
Having this information is like the movie the Matrix, once you know, you can never see supermarkets or foods quite the same way. There is a new birth that takes place.
And I am sure you know that sugar is one of the most addictive drugs you can imagine.
Anyway, I will share more at another time. I hope someone is helped by this.
Yvonne, I was reading about how model Jenny McCarthy and a few other women made HUGE strides with their autistic children by changing their diet (McCarthy believes a gluten free diet cured her son) so my interest is definitely peaked.
(Word verification:diziest, Bishop remember when you said "things would happen so fast youe head would spin?"
Chapter 3
How the work of contemplation shall be done; of its excellence over all other works
This is what you are to do: lift your heart up to the Lord, with a gentle stirring of love desiring him for his own sake and not for his gifts. Center all your attention and desire on him and let this be the sole concern of your mind and heart. Do all in your power to forget everything else, keeping your thoughts and desires free from involvement with any of God's creatures or their affairs whether in general or in particular. Perhaps this will seem like an irresponsible attitude, but I tell you, let them all be; pay no attention to them.
What I am describing here is the contemplative work of the spirit. It is this which gives God the greatest delight. For when you fix your love on him, forgetting all else, the saints and angels rejoice and hasten to assist you in every way - though the devils will rage and ceaselessly conspire to thwart you. Your fellow men are marvelously enriched by this work of yours, even if you may not fully understand how; the souls in purgatory are touched, for their suffering is eased by the effects of this work; and, of course, your own spirit is purified and strengthened by this contemplative work more than by all others put together. Yet for all this, when God's grace arouses your enthusiasm, it becomes the lightest sort of work there is and one most willingly done. Without his grace , however, it is very difficult and almost, I should say, quite beyond you.
And so diligently persevere until you feel joy in it. For in the beginning it is usual to feel nothing but a kind of darkness about your mind, or as it were, a cloud of unknowing. You will seem to know nothing and to feel nothing except a naked intent toward God in the depths of your being. Try as you might, this darkness and this cloud will remain between you and your God. You will feel frustrated, for your mind will be unable to grasp him, and your heart will not relish in the delight of his love. But learn to be at home in this darkness. Return to it as often as you can, letting your spirit cry out to him whom you love. For if, in this life, you hope to feel and see God as he is in himself it must be within this darkness and this cloud. But if you strive to fix your love on him forgetting all else, which is the work of contemplation I have urged you to begin, I am confident that God in his goodness will bring you to a deep experience of himself.
Pastor Ben, Rosetta, and all of our family in the Good Shepherd’s Touch Ministry.
As I told you while I was there with the team… I hold a piece of you all in my heart. I have a deep love for all of you. But more than that God has a deeper love for you. He knows you, He sees you as if you were in the palm of His hand. He cares for you.
Don’t be dismayed by the things seen in the natural. Like everyone else has said here on the blog today, “It’s all good!” God has great things in store for you. Sometimes He has to move things around or move things out to allow for the new. He wants to take you higher. He has set you high on a hill, for all to see His glory. I believe that God has allowed this to happen, because He wants you in a bigger place to hold all of the people that are going to flock to Good Shepherd’s Touch Ministry. This is all part of His divine plan. He knows what He is doing. He is preparing the way for the new. Or as Pastor Debye said a few weeks ago in our Sunday morning service, “God is preparing the new wine skins, for the new wine.” The old wine skins will not hold what the new wine of the Holy Spirit is going to bring. So get ready. The Holy Spirit is going to show up in a way that is new, and mighty, He is going to reveal Himself in a way that you have never experienced before. He is preparing the new wine skins to contain the out pouring of His Spirit on the people in Uganda and Good Shepherd’s Touch Ministry. God is doing a work. His hand is all over this thing. Start rejoicing even now in the midst of this… Get ready… The blast of the Holy Spirit is coming, and He is preparing a place for you so that “all will see how great is our God.”
I look forward to hear about the mighty things God is doing there. Please keep us posted, so we can rejoice with you as God unfolds His plan for you.
Love from a very deep place in my heart.
Referring to Bishop Tommy, "I really wish that he had shown some pictures of what they are doing there, because you would be very impressed to the see the pictoral evidence of the fruit of their labor."
Wish Granted!
Love ya Bishop!
As I was gazing out the vaulted ceiling windows this morning at the effulgence that is our mother star, "The Sun", I spotted a perfectly circular shape on one of the panes that, heretofore had gone unnoticed. Now, this particular pane has had a crack in it since I painted my house several years ago and had accidentally broken it. What was interesting about this, was that the crack bisected the circle as perfectly as the circle was round. Last week I had watched the movie "Signs" several times and blogged about some of the observations I had made. This circle I had not seen before yesterday even though I have looked through these same windows numerous times in the past week. The line formed by the crack basically made a "No signs" message on the window. Instantly, the scripture came to mind about "signs":
1 The Pharisees and Sadducees approached, and as a test, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.
2 He answered them: "When evening comes you say, 'It will be good weather because the sky is red.' 3 And in the morning, 'Today will be stormy because the sky is red and threatening.' You know how to read the appearance of the sky, but you can't read the signs of the times. 4 An evil and adulterous generation wants a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah."
-Matthew 16
The Lord said "signs will follow you, don't seek after signs, seek after Me."
Many are watching this election, and other events for a sign of things to come; YOU BE THE SIGN!, YOU BE THE WONDER! As Bruce says in "Bruce Almighty, "Be the miracle." Let's roll...
Bro Larry
word ver: MITUS: "Miracles In Those Unexpected Situations"
2nd word ver: (I'M not kidding!):
BYPEER- By Peer, in other words, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." Holy Cow!
Word Veri... ctlwpp
Choosing to live with purpose and passion.
Mailed Pastor Ben on Sat., his email from today:
Hello Larry,
Its really nice to hear from you. Actually, we were in the process of writing a report for the conference and working on a DVD, but unfortunately, right now something else has come up. The church structure has been demolished, and we are really in a serious situation. Like you saw this place, these people are the kind that need alot of encouraging and mentoring in the Spirit, and this incident could affect them greatly. The person we were renting land from sold it, and now the new owner wasn't patient with us. So that is what is happening for now. Members of the church are in prayer for this period, and we are waiting on God to fight his battles as we pray and seek the way forward.
Otherwise, send our love to all, May God bless you all.
Pastor Ben.
Bro Larry
We will pray! God will answer!
Loved all the posts today! Lots of love.
Got a chance to go down to see Joe Satriani in concert with my daughter last night at the Variety Playhouse in Little Five Points. Great concert with special guest Mountain, with Leslie West. Had an opportunity to speak with lots of folks at the show including a couple named Mike & Sandy. Mike is in a wheel chair after having an accident when he was younger- they are both Christians and have great spirit! It was great to see Mike have the opportunity to be on the front row with us "crazies". Wahooooo!
Stayed afterwards & got pics with all the band members & everyone was very accomodating- couldn't have been better!
Later at my daughter's college dorm highrise, met a real nice lady from Ghana & had a talk about the open & intimate cultures of Ghana & Uganda...America could & should really learn a lesson on civility!
word ver: MOLAMED?? The "L" must have gotten ticked off & sent the "H" packin'! ;)
What a MIGHTY God we serve, angels (Nations) bow before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him.....WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!
Thanks, Josh...good to hear from you, but I actually was referring to him showing them at the service on Sunday because he didn't say anything at all about the work going on there. Many people in the church don't read the blog and/or aren't online, and I'm aware of the YouTube video and have referred to it here before, so there is no "wish" to be granted...
But thanks anyway...again, it's good to hear from you, even if you misunderstood me...
Love you, too...
Cloud - Very Nice.
- Forgetting all else , fixing our Love on God, spur the saints and angels into action Favoring us. That enriches ALL others marvelously, and as we release all that is created from the throne of God in our lives, ALL of creation is available and engaged within us as the handiwork of God, not God, but God’s expression. So, to fully focus on God, releasing all else, engages all else. Focusing on all else, disengages from God.
Seek God first, and all things become new and available. It is the focus, and as God is beyond all definition, the focus is always adjusting. As it adjusts, all else becomes clearer, even as the focus to encompass God continually expands, seeing the horizon, and once that horizon comes into focus, a new one, farther away rises, the focus needs to shift again, broader. Everything previously seen is then more within the expanded borders, received, enjoyed, known even as the focus continues to be on indefinable God.
Do we ever know the breadth of what we do not know, and the depth of what we do ?
And Larry or P. Avery or someone who is able to communicate with P. Ben...please let him know that I have tried to e-mail him, and have even opened a new account that he can access, but have never heard from him once since the Uganda trip.
I have absolutely no idea what "the owner wasn't patient with us" even means, since he has never communicated about any problem with the property to me.
As I've already said here today, we would happy to help if we know about a problem, but I can't read minds.
So if some of you who can get through to him can let me know when there is a problem (since he apparently won't), it would make being his Bishop a little easier, and make me feel a little less out of the loop.
Thank you very much, Ebony...I appreciate your words...
Bish and Pastor Debye,
How thankful I am for the peace I experiencing during these very different times we are living in.
I just want to say thank you to you both for doing your part in working with the Lord, and making it easy for me to understand how to live in it.
Hey Bishop,
Rosette's work day ended about noon our time and I expect she will know of your message in a few hours. I have not received a response since that time either.
If I recall correctly, Pastor Ben uses an internet cafe' to correspond so I suspect when your messages are received and news of a way to get his messages through to you reaches them both there will be great joy and lots of correspondence.
HIS eye IS on the sparrow and I know He watches me...& you! (just played) =)
Can you see the stars? I can too!!!
Nighty Night and sweet dreams all you lil nation changers peeps!
Bishop- I will email P. Ben and see if he is having probs with email or anything else.
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