Also, I believe that LifeSkills In The Now is really going to develop into something great, and I want to create a menu for it (titles and dates), so if you have a topic that you'd like to suggest for it, put it on the comments page...(I'd even like to make a blog for it, but that's probably too much, right?) Anyway, I know we're all busy, but slow down a minute and write something. Peace...

15. Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place to keep a lower profile, but a large crowd followed him, anyway. And when the sick ones among them approached Him for help, He didn’t turn any of them away. In fact, healed every last one of them.
16. But He warned them not to tell others about Him, or of the miracles that He performed for them.
17. And this scenario fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
18. "Here is my servant whom I have personally chosen…the One that I love so very much, and in whom I absolutely delight; I will put my empowering Spirit on him, and He will proclaim justice to the all the people of all the nations.
19. He will not have to yell louder than anyone else to be heard, and no one will need to hear His voice crying out in the streets, because His message will resonate with the heart.20. A bruised reed – that one who is fragile and weak, broken, or about to be broken - He will not break. And a smoldering wick – that one who has no strength left to bear up with what life has been throwing against him or her, and has been left battered to the point that he or she has lost the sense of self-worth - He will not snuff out. He will minister in compassion, sympathy and empathy, till He brings justice to all...till He leads that justice to victory.
21. In His name all the people of all the nations will ultimately put their hope."
Bishop, I love this passage of scriptures...a bruised reed...which I have been from time to time, always reminds me of the unfailing love of God which endures forever.
He is so faithful and as always you make the scriptures come to life with clarity. Thank you!
Your...little by inspiring and reminds of a word for winners at the beginning of the year when you posted the article about fulfiling your goals...focus on your 3 major projects alhtough you may have 10 and work on each one a little each day. That is what the bible in the now is ongoing masterpiece.
Life skills- Is it love or is it lust = obessive realtionships and Love doesnt require a bandaid= domestic violence.
May be too harsh for life skills in this arena (Wed nights)but really needs a voice. Just a thought.
Great words-MITN
I believe that Life Skills In The Now is transformative for many if not all and would be amazing to share it on the internet as well. If it is to be done, God will provide the way for it to be done with ease, not strain.
I know that with the many projects I have going right now, the only way to accomplish all that I am supposed to is to release the flow to Him. Through this release on my part, it flows seamlessly as I am Spirit-led. I can do all things through Christ and for that I believe and am continuously grateful!
Pic 2 - why am I surprised? I've had this on my 'fridge for over 3 years, courtesy of one of my sons-in-law (who personalized it by inking in moustache, goatee & tattoos on the mallet holder)!
Interesting juxtapositions. The Word (hammer) supports the mallet holder (so Jer. 23:29), the gospel feet of Peace, clearly visible while the assailant's are concealed. And Jesus, the lily amongst thorns.
What I enjoy about MITN (and all your writings, Bish) is how easy it (they) is (are) to follow. If I need to refresh my memory, I just scroll down the page. That's what I did after reading the first three words.
Aware of what? Oh yeah. The plotting Pharisees. ("Healings? Miracles? Bah! Man, you just dissed us! We're outta here! But we'll be back!" God probably slapped His knee laughing, "Hey, check this. Me, too!")
Actually laughed out loud reading, "to keep a lower profile." Thoughts raced across my mindscreen. Jesus the servant, washing the feet of others. Jesus at the mount of transfiguration. (an aside to the crowd, "Ssh... now, don't tell anybody, OK?")
I appreciate how verse 18 seems to complement Ps. 37:4, and causes me to wonder if God was thinking aloud to Himself (via earthen vessel) in His pre-world-creative cosmos-garden studio)
Looking forward to reading your LifeSkills In The Now blog.
Just got through winning a victory over establishing a Google account. That is one more thing I can mark off the loser list.
I probably caused the problem myself with a mal attempt in the first place but it seemed strange to me that the account already existed under the name Johnny Brumlow with a password that I didn't know. O well it is fixed now but just in case anyone recieved anything by that name, it was not me.
I completely love and relate to the picture of Christ supporting the broken man with the hammer and spike in his hands.
This section of scripture also makes me think of the only description in the Bible, I know of, that describes perfect religion. I believe it is found in James or Isaiah or maybe both but it fits well with the thought expressed here concerning the compassion of Christ.
My blessings and faith are directed to all going with Bishop Jim to the Phillipines to minister with Bishop Tommy.
pic#2 really spoke to me. The fact that you can see the veins in Jesus' hands and the wrinkles in the man's shirt show that Jesus is struggling some to hold him up. It's not a gentle hold like craddeling a baby. This is Jesus the man, Jesus the friend, who picks us up ONE MORE TIME.
Sometimes it's hard to continually have to pick your friends up, but we do because we love them. Thank God Jesus is all things,especially our friend! Teila
You're absolutely right aobut life skills in the now Bishop.
He will minister in compassion, sympathy and empathy, till He brings justice to all...till He leads that justice to victory.
21. In His name all the people of all the nations will ultimately put their hope."
Verse 21- My continious prayer
For all mankind to know that Jesus will NEVER leave them or forsake them, that they put their trust in HIM---
and the peace that passes all understanding shall be theirs
Hi Gang!
Thanks for the post Bishop, evoking thought as well as deeper things of the Spirit.
18. "Here is my servant whom I have personally chosen…the One that I love so very much, and in whom I absolutely delight; I will put my empowering Spirit on him, and He will proclaim justice to the all the people of all the nations."
To hear these words spoken by God to ourselves should give us pause, until we realize who dwells in us!
Amazing grace!
Speaking Spirit...not to mention the smoldering flax- something about the last few embers in the fire...could it be there is...hope?
JB- I gotta say I'm prouda ya, for those of us somewhat digitally challenged, we are all increased today! ;)
Teila- that's the thought I had as well. We are crucified with Christ, yet we live! Christ in us the hope of glory(to me the most important revelation!) When your friend has taken up residence IN you, there is no divorce, no separation forever! Good to "see" you on the blog! Don't be a stranger!
Hi Pastor have a heart of gold. "He will minister in compassion, sympathy and empathy", that says it all. The ultimate identification with His created ones- "Amazing love, how can it be, that you my King would die for me?"
I bless you all in Jesus' name, you are increased, you are loved, you are SO valuable...each one worth more than a billion galaxies!
Cool Lenticular cloud pic!
Welcome back Bishop, I love verse 20, there's something so beautiful in the way you worded that, and that picture is one of my favorites, anything that expressses the grace/love/mercy of God will always find a special place in my heart. As far as the life skills, everything you've covered has been good so far, have you touched on anxiety/depression at all? The was you paraphrased verse 21 could really minister a lot of "bruised reeds" out there.
I read the verses and you are on it, keep them coming. I really love the lifeskill classes just what I needed. So glad to be in the place at this time.
Slow down just a minute?...okay, five.
Who am I kidding? I heard a writer's quote the other day that seems appropriate for blogging. "Writing? Oh, it's easy! You just open a vein and let it out drop by drop."
I like the way verse 15 states what Jesus did NOT do...turn any sick ones away. I went to AW4W first tonight so seeing the winner/loser aspect of this passage seems easy. Bracketing the winner behavior of Jesus with the corresponding loser behavior is powerfully compelling...quietly revealing the great compassion of God..."I don't need the affirmation of these crowds but their pain is like the cry of a baby letting down his mother's milk...I just can't stop it! Here, come to me, ALL...just come."
I also like the "why" answer in verse 19...why does He not yell to get His message across?...because His message will resonate with the heart. MITN has that same "living Word" quality. And, it resonates with the imagination as well! It is fun to let the details of MITN inspire the mental pictures of what might have been going on in each scene.
Continuing Kudos, Bishop!
Hi back, Lar!
Hey Bloggers! I like the pictures you used, Bishop. Really like the first one. Song that came to me was "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Jesus is my Friend4Life!
Love what you wrote-- ~Teila~
LifeSkills Blog--Hey, why not? What's one more blog, aye.
Well, need to head to bed. I'll come back later.
~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~
Ok, at the risk of sounding stupid, I know that's a chess piece, but which one is it?
It's ok, Ebony. The piece called a "bishop". I notice that the light reflection makes it look like it has eyes and little smirk.
Yeah, it's a bishop...I thought everyone knew that I use the chess bishop symbol a lot (it's been my profile photo)...but I don't see the eyes and the smirk...guess it's all a matter of perspective...
Yeah, it's a bishop...I thought everyone knew that I use the chess bishop symbol a lot (it's been my profile photo)...but I don't see the eyes and the smirk...guess it's all a matter of perspective...
oops...didn't mean to hit that twice...
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