Friday, January 16, 2009


Is it just me, or is yesterday's miracle on the Hudson River a prophetic sign to us all?


peacemaker said...

"The things I do, you will do also. Even greater things will you do because I go to my Father."

Looks like lots of people are just walking on water.

I hope we all awaken ourselves to the constant flow of miracles that surround us daily without a potential tragedy being the alarm clock.


Amalia said...

Oh, yes...even members of the media did not hesitate to call it by its rightful name - miracle.

If you can see it, you can be it............hmmmm...when it's cold outside, I've got the month of May...I guess you say, what could make me feel this way? God, talking 'bout my God...

Anonymous said...



Have a miraculous day everyone!

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it - prophetic miracle indeed!

Anonymous said...

Just got through reading e-articles on the crash. Way too many events fell in place just right for it not to be a miracle.

If we could see the passenger list we might find there were people of faith on board that are also people who know they are destined for a purpose that has not yet been fulfilled. Part of their purpose called into action the elements needed to effect this outcome.

There are people all over the planet getting it concerning the power of perfect love.

All glory, all power, all honor to Love.


Anonymous said...

Yes, prophetic sign indeed. The first thing that came to my mind was walking on water. Then the song how great is my God, and all the world will see, how great is my God.

NTL said...

Prophetic sign.

The world around those people has crashed, but they're still standing, still moving forward.

Lise said...

MONTH OF MAY... ooohhhmmmm... MONTH OF MAY... ooohhhmmmm...
(my mantra on this frigid Friday morning)

And, miraculous? You bet! Pretty awesome pilot, too!

Anonymous said...

Definitely a prophetic sign to us all.
When I heard the news yesterday, I was thrilled at God's grace and mercy. But one thing stood out to me yesterday is one of the reporters saying that everybody was smiling. And yesterday's blog was about cool was that. Our father who is in heaven is watching us day and night.
Thank you Lord for the miracles of yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Everything this morning...miraculous, skillful work by the pilot, how everyone came together immediately to help, praying, embracing each other, saying "we're gonna make it, we're gonna make it", the pilot announcing "brace yourself for impact"....





Anonymous said...

John 21:5! (last Sunday's service!)

Now, Jesus calls out to us, “Beloved children, are you catching anything?”

We answer,"Lord, You know!"

6. He says, “Cast your words star-board. You'll haul a cache."

So, we do. (Some shrug and murmur, "What's the point?", while a little acorn plink, plink, plinks, "For souls!" See? A son's river called hud.)

We caught 155!

Firefighters, paramedics, police officers; every branch of rescue and recovery; every facet of hazard control; every representation of faith is/was present and fully equipped for good success.

Look! There's the shore. Someone's waving. Simon Peter's pulling us forward.

Oh, Jesus!

Peace like an ocean, reaches to us.

His campfire radiates a warm glow. Smell the fish frying?

Love offers His wooly blanket and nudges, "Find a place beside Me. Have some fresh bread. Let's talk awhile."

River said...

God Is So Good
He's So Good
To Them & Me & You

Anonymous said...

What a redemption for the people of NYC (and of course the whole country) to see a plane crash as a miracle of life!

Peter, do you love me?...

NTL said...

This time the world rejoices for what happened in New York City.

Anonymous said...

Looking at successive pictures of this airplane, listing after everyone has been rescued, the miracle that I see is that everyone stood on the portion of the wing that they were supposed to stand on and the plane stayed in balance. Some had to stand in freezing water in order to maintain the balance. That'll preach. So in addition to the pilot and crew, praises to the God in each person on the plane are due. Those who stood in their perfect place faithfully and did not consider acting on a thought I imagine they had...that those near the body of the plane were "out of the water and warmer and maybe I'll just join them". Their choice was evidence of the Christ in them to me.

Anonymous said...

A prophetic sign to me:
--to trust that the pilot of THIS plane knows how to fly the plane
--to always remember why we got on the plane in the first place
--that dry bones can and ARE coming to life
--that the Christ IS resurrected and revealed...everywhere
--and that 2009 IS the year of manifestation of the new wine's reality and power!

Linda Luke said...

I hadn't thought of it as being a sign but it sure looks like it was! A MIRACLE! It's comforting to know He is in control!!! He who created the earth out of nothing...just by speaking...and most miraculous of all...each one of us! His works continue to marvel me day after day in each and every detail!!!

Ready to do the BIGGER things PM!

All heavenly blessings and life flowing like a river~all we have to do is step in and 'BLEIEVE'.!

Linda Luke said...


Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Avatar, it's intersting that you mentioned the dry bones...I attended a clergy breakfast hosted by Senator Ramsey yesterday, and then some of us went with Bishop Long to hear him address the Senate...he spoke to them about dry bones living again (relating the concept to some of the things they were voting on yesterday), and there was a real anointing on it...I've been thinking about it a lot since then (when I haven't been thinking about my word for this Sunday)...

Speaking of this Sunday, this will be a service that you will definitely get more out of if you are ITB...I'm just sayin'...

JR said...

It most certainly is. Especially considering NO ONE was lost which
wasn't the case about 26 or 27 years ago in the winter of 1982/1983 when a plane crashed into the Potomac River by Washington D.C. and that one courageous man saved everyone(I think) but himself. On a lighter
note its my mom's 47th Birthday
and I would appreciate a happy
birthday from you, Bishop, to my mom if you aren't to busy and one
from some of you guys on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Most cool, Bishop.

Following my habit, I'll be ITB...knowing there's more for ITBers, a given...bloggers knowing there's especially more , priceless!

Happy 47th Birthday, JR's mom!

JR, I thought of that guy today too. I remember that several people wondered if it was "their" relative. One story was of a man who was always known as "the late Mr. Smith" [I'm guessing on the "smith" part]. It was a flight that did not have assigned seats. Since the survivors were all in the rear of that plane, his relatives thought it would have been him because: 1)he would have been late, and therefore seated in the back of the plane, and 2)he was always late because he took time for whoever needed it...which made him a good guess for who the helper in that accident might have been. I guess you can tell by my memory of the details that "I" decided it must have been him, too.

JR said...

Thanks Avatar, I'll tell my mom you said happy birthday. I didn't
know that about the story.

Anonymous said...

Prophetic sign?

It just jumped out at me how much the picture of the plane on this blogspot looks like a smiley face.

veriword - sible - so is believing Love effective?


Anonymous said...

The first thing that came to mind when I heard what had happened was: "they ALL survived?"
God has surely said:
"I don't think so!" when the odds of survival for any of those people was quite questionable...
It was a plane crash after all!
A big bird like that probably cannot stay aloft under 200+ miles per hour - airspeed would have had to have been close to that, the water temperature (had any of those people been forced to be in it) would drain survival strength in a matter of minutes, the fuselage staying intact to avoid a mass drowning is incredible - need I continue? God was all over this one! He is great and greatly to be praised!

Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder how many people were praying in tongues when the engines quit.

Friend4Life said...

Yes, Wow!! I typed what I expected in 2009(Looking for Miracles and Revelation) Yesterday was a Miracle and Sunday & Wednesday ~Revelation~!!

Happy Birthday 2 JR's Mom!!

~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~

Anonymous said...

Happy (freezing cold but spring is on the way) Birthday to your mom.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey JR...Happy Birthday to your mom...tell her that I speak a special blessing over her, and that I declare that this will be her greatest year, ever...

BTW, I listened to the song you suggested for the playlist the other day...interesting choice...

And thanks, everyone...enjoying yur insights when I have a chance to check in...

Gotta go...we're going to see Chandra in Jesus Christ Superstar tonight!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

your insights...

Linda Luke said...

AWESOME...the more I look and ponder the picture you posted of the plane and boat! It looks like the plane is in shallow water. AMAZING to see all those people standing on the wings!

It's great picture to frame as a reminder of the greatness in store for all of us in this New Year!!!

HAPPY HAPPY Birthday and blessings to JR's mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Think about the ripple effect this splash is going to make. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen

Erik said...

The Prophetic sign, no matter what happens, we can land smoothly and allow minimal injury. A REAL lifeskill for Real People experiencing The Real God. What is within makes the difference. The remainder covers a few days but ties in. --

Lifeskills, keep smiling, Peyton Manning responses, net on the other side of the boat, - all ties in. let me share a meditation- daydream-vision at 35000 feet today, looking over the snow covered mountains, the cities and land below, the continually advancing horizon.

Icarus believed in his fashioned wings, when they melted, he fell. We do not believe in our ‘wings’ but in God within us, which transforms all things and wings we are and touch. We often see the images of meteors or Space Shuttles as they move through the atmosphere, the fire intensifying as the engagement increases. At some point, some shields may fall off as the vehicle trembles. The meteor decreases volume as it sheds layers.

As I pulled up my net from the other side of the boat, I hauled in a catch bursting the net. Some of the haul included things I had been avoiding fishing on the alternate side and front and back of the boat. What to do? I had been tacking my ‘boat’ along the wind, measuring the exposure to the sun/Son, tacking along the Pur. After the haul, it was time to go head on into the Pur,. The Consuming Pur burns the tethers through, shields fall away, layers fall of. Cool thing about the Pur, is what falls away becomes further fuel, becoming part of the transformation process. As we transform, who we are, each a unique expression of God, is more clearly evident. We become more of who we are, unveiled and highlighted.

The heavy yoke is what burns away, the yoke of doubt, guilt, shame, feelings of undeserving – ‘We are His Portion and he is Our prize ‘ Love is the core of all and Love is beyond the cosmetic natural world system of drama, positioning and defense. God and our neighbor, others and ourselves are beyond the world system.

As We press in to God, The Lord, The Christ that is within Us, We engage others, God and Ourselves. The ride can appear turbulent, as it did for Icarus, since he believed the wings were what enabled him to soar. We know it is God within Us that provides the vitality and lift. Sometimes the things that the world system, social expectations are seen as critical, like Icarus’ wings. However, as they melt, it has no effect on Us, unlike the unfortunate Icarus. The Source is God, The Lord, The Christ Allah, summing it uo- God is Love. The source being Love makes the world system an attractive bauble, pretty, enjoyable, and an accessory.

So, turning to face the Pur head on, no more tacking, the haul from the other side of the boat goes with. Whatever is burned away, becomes fuel for the full manifestation of each person, engaged with all others, which goes to the source of all that exists – God, back out , transformed, into the detail .

God said to Peter ‘Do you Love Me’? Our resounding answer is YES !!!! We Love God, not the wings of the world system. The system serves Us, We manifest God within Us.

JR said...

Thanks everybody for wishing my mom a happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

What could have killed them, is under their feet.

Donald said...

After reading some of the comments my mind is spinning concerning this situation. I'll get back to this tomorrow morning after I've had time to gather my thoughts.

Ebony said...

Darwin Hobbs and Israel Houghton say it better than I could"

"Thank you for your grace, your amazong grace, your amazing grace. Great is your mercy, thank you for your grace"
"Your Grace" by D. Hobbs (Pastor Nancy can the "His Hands" ministry team PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE perform the sign/mime to that song again?)

"Grace that releases miracles"
"If not for Your Grace" I. Houghton and A.Lindsay

Anonymous said...

And after this...

dgm2007 said...

random quote that i like
In the New Testament, religion is grace and ethics is gratitude.

LarryC said...

When a plane of this size goes down in the natural the results are total destruction of the plane and all on board are lost but add the supernatural hand of God and you have a different result. I feel we must all remember that In God All Things Are Possible.

Donald said...

Avatar, it was your comment that really got me to thinking. Well, I've actually thought about things before, but it got me to thinking about a particular subject.
Having worked in the shipbuilding industry all my adult life, I have learned alot about what it takes to make a ship sail properly. Ships have huge tanks for fuel, oil, and freshwater and then they have some tanks that at times remain dry. Those tanks are there primarily for ballasting.
When a ship leaves port it usually has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel onboard (depending on the size of the ship, of course). This accounts for a huge amount of weight.
As the ship travels it gets lighter due to having used some of this fuel.
Ships are designed to sail as if those tanks are always full except when they are coming into port and will usually dump all the ballast water so that they can sail "high" to maneuver through shallow channels and bays.
While they are in open water, as the fuel is used, there is a constant transfer of fuel from one tank to another in order to keep the ship balanced so that it will travel without listing.
When needed to maintain its proper traveling weight, seawater will be pumped into the ballast tanks in order to maintain the ship's proper draft.
When so much fuel has been expended that even the ballast tanks cannot maintain the proper draft, seawater will even be pumped into partially filled fuel tanks. There will actually be fuel and seawater in the same tanks at the same time, but due to the difference in volume of these two elements the seawater will stay above the fuel.
That is a sermon in itself from the point that you have two dissimilar elements working together to maintain balance (a task that they can do together) while being totally unable to run the ship's engines together. If the tank is allowed to run too low on fuel, the saltwater will enter the engine and destroy it.
So much for shipbuilding 101. Avatar you noticed how the people were standing where they needed to be standing in order to keep the plane balanced and how each of them did what needed to be done. When those people boarded that plane, I doubt that very many of them knew any of the other passengers. They probably came from a myriad of backgrounds and held an untold number of beliefs and ideologies.
If they had been thrown together in a different set of circumstances, they may have not been able to have worked together in such a unified manner.
But, in the absence of penny ante BS when everything depended upon them doing what was essential to survival, they did what really mattered and worked together as instructed from a trained and qualified leader.
What they did not only saved them as individuals, but each other's actions resulted in the group being saved. All those people are alive today because a blend of elements that possibly couldn't have worked together in other conditions found out that they could work together when everything mattered.
I would hope that not only they, but the rest of the world not only saw a miraculous event (which it definitely was) but also saw the power of working together through uncommon personal attributes to achieve a common universal goal.

Son of Zadok said...

Cool Post Donald, and Happy Belated Birthday Izumi/Joy! Just go ahead and celebrate the rest of the weekend as well.

Anonymous said...

Excellent description of unity Donald. You also hit a key element here because if they had not worked together the miracle would not have been completed.

The synergy of oneness between God and humanity was shown here and well described by your post.

continuous blessings to you,


Anonymous said...

They all got on the plane as strangers, a few families, and some business associates. When they got off the plane with a new bond. Amazing what little water can do to clear your perspective.

Erik said...

The River landing has many prohpetic rays.

One shows us that the current challenges facing the world and our country can resolve, even with a controlled crash landing, we ALL walk out alive and well. Maybe a transition vehicle, a construct, has to be ditched, to serve the real value, Us. In the air of apparent death, shared goals unify and calm manifest success. Many of the passengers were smiling afterward, renewed. One was quoted as saying, ‘This was the best day ever!’. This is the best year ever! - Renewed, blessed, successful, healed, revived.

Donald, Amen.

We do what really matters, trained by The Spirit as penny ante BS falls away in ashes. We express the Love that transforms everything.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have to admit I haven't read everything. Just want you to know you are on my mind and in my prayers. things are pretty crazy around here right now with selling the house and moving and all.....



Ebony said...

Happy Satuday everyone.
I hope you're all staying warm, I was watching awakenings and I saw a commercial for a "vision board", a magnetic board where you take picures of things you want in life, and place them on the board, tying into the idea that if you can visualize something, you'll work to make it happen.The idea came fom the author of the secret, and the board is really pretty with the clounds in the background(but I think a plain white board from Wal-Mart or Target will work just as well) but it made me think of things you tell us in church all the time, so I'm going to get myself and my friend one so he can keep his dreams alive. And I want to say that to all of you, don't lose your "vision boards" and keep them safe. I've also comeup with (what I think anyway) is a cool tattoo idea. My brother is drawing it up for me. It'll be a dreamcatcher with a dove resting on it, and a cross hanging from the dreamcather itself. So I'll have a permanent reminder that With my faith and the Holy Spirit, my dreams are safe and will come true (or the Holy Spirit will "catch" my dreams that I thought were lost)

Erik said...

One of the great things about CITN, is that EVERYONE is welcome !

Those not fitting in elsewhere, of course. Beautiful part about that, like David, Peter, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph (OT), Mary, ( JC Mom) , Mary M, Samuel, Solomon, - all knew their own challenges, understanding humility. With humility, judging others dissolves.

So, of course, those often judged find peace here, - The various struggles fear, addictins, sexual issues/identity, ‘fallen’( whatever that means to each) , feeling lost, living to a different drummer, those who know God is bigger than their thoughts, the idea that seawater and fuel can be mixed in the same tank and understand it – that two different processes exist at the same point. With the one that can damage if too far, actually provides the necessary balance. The wheat and the tares ?

Possibly, one of the most critical reasons CITN is here is not for the ‘fallen’(as the world system sees that), but for the rigid, judgmental, Pharisees, those with a religious spirit who define God in their limits. Those that consider heretical or dangerous any revelation or relationship or favor with God outside of their limits. They may be in Ministry or not. They need CITN desperately. Erected walls and righteous indignation results in separation from people and therefore from God.

So, of course, addicts, doubtful, gay, adulterers, criminals, liars, conservatives, liberals, the defiant, the outspoken, artists, rebels, revolutionaries, peaceniks, and others such as Paul, King David, Solomon, Peter, John, King James, Simon The Zealot, Abraham, Mohammed, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King – the usual cast of heathen are all welcome.

What is really amazing, and God evident is that the religious spirited and Pharisees, walled up ministers, and those limiting God are welcome! Clearly this is a hospital so needed to break the virus of judging others, diminishing others, with replacement therapy, edifying, building up, entering into agreement for The Spirit to entwine with every person how The Spirit sees fit.

That is what CITN is in agreement for each person everywhere.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Great stuff, people...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...
