Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

Hey bloggers...Happy Lincoln's Birthday! Thanks for the blog birthday shout-outs from yesterday...your beautiful words really touched me...I left the post open for any of you who didn't get a chance to write something...

Please log onto and click on "My Community"...when the drop down menu appears, click on "Devotionals", and you'll see my article for today. I'll be writing stuff for them all year long. I'm not technically requesting this, but if you'd like to make a good comment on their site about the article, I would really appreciate it...

I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have helped Judah get things ready for the premier service of PROJECT 404's going to be really exciting, and I think we may even do an open house for the whole church soon, so that everyone can see what's going on down there...thanks for the good words that some of you wrote about him on the new prayer blog...

Today's AYITN is "MOVE ON!" (click on "Devotional" on my blog menu)...I think it's a word for someone here today...

I speak a special blessing over your day today...keep your mind stayed on Him, and He will keep you in perfect peace...and listen to the Holy Spirit speak within your may be very close to a major breakthrough in the next few hours, so keep your eyes and ears open...

Oh, and one more thing...remember that the Cafe' will be open tonight for parents who bring their kids to P-404 (doors open @ 6:30)

I love you all,


"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."
- Abraham Lincoln


Anonymous said...

Wow! Brand new posts on six of your seven blogs! How do you do it?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Well, Disciple, it helps to still be on Philippines time...since I've temporarily given up sleep, altogether, I get a lot more done while everyone else is snoozing...but I think I may have overwhelmed my bloggers with too many options since no one is commenting today (thanks, LHollow, for what you wrote on Streaming Faith)...anyway, I believe the family will grow to the bigger house...peace...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Correction: there is activity on the prayer blog...

Lisa said...

So many blogs so little time!!!!LOL!!! The Move On word this morning was very beneficial for me this morning Thank you!!!!!
You gotta Love Jet Lag! I always get so much done while everyone is asleep! The trick is to not look like a zombie while going through it. I like to grocery shop at 1 am when I get home from China. No one is there and the shelves are freshly stocked. Praying you get your clock switched soon. I hear melatonin helps.

Anonymous said...

Good word..........

And no,for me, not overwhelmed and not knowing where to's
1:00pm here in MI.....we've been without power since 5am.....winds, rain and hail, now that we got rid of the piled up feet and feet of snow ! Gotta love the weather changes, every day a new possibility.

Anyway.........Blessings to Project 404 & all those involved. I'll be prayin for all tonight!

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Isn't it 8 blogs?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Actually, now that you mention it, Anon @ 1:01, it is 8 (not counting the CITN blog)...when I alphabetized the menu for each one I didn't include, obviously, that it is technically 8...but, really, the BOOKS blog is really more of an online ad for our products than a functioning blog, so I'm going to say it's're very observant...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Lisa, I was reading your prayer request at WHERE2OR3RGATHERED, and I must say that I marvel at your attitude...with all you have going on, you never whine or sound negative in anything you write here...and you clearly have a grace for raising special needs children (except that the special needs of your kids are in a whole other category from what we typically think of as special needs)...what you are doing is, in my opinion, the ultimate pro-life statement...and thanks for the confirmation about the Asian jet lag...I was starting to think it was just me...anyway, peace to you and your amazing family...

Anonymous said...

Excitement builds with Project 404
My kids are ready for something fresh and new.
Has the question been asked about adults observing the "new dimension" in seeking God at 404?
I would be interested myself. I have two of mine that are directly involved.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Glad you got your power back on, NL...hang in there, spring will come to Michigan...

And thanks for the good thoughts about PROJECT 404's opening night tonight...I just came from down there, and it is a veritable beehive of activity...CITN won't even recognize the building...

Plus the parking lot is already full because they are shooting an indy film in Crawfordsville with Robert Duvall and Sissy Spacek, and they are using our parking lot for all of the crew and extras. It's a low budget film, so we're no being payed for the use of the lot, but we are getting a credit on the film...and Debye just met Duvall's stand-in...

Oh, and thanks for your interest in starting a CITN home group...when I have a clearer vision of what I want to do, I'll let you know...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, LauraB, for what you wrote on the Streaming Faith site...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Dreamer, I'm not sure exactly what you mean...expound a little...

Anonymous said...

Streaming Faith sends the inspiration to me each day and I have been awaiting yours and finally I got to read it and it was awesome for lack of a better word. I will write somethimg on their site after this.

I want you to know that the Life Skills message really was on point for me last night. I was in some kind of space and couldn't figure it out and started not to come but I'm so glad I did because you hit it on the nail. So many things happening so fast that I was feeling do I deserve it and now I have the tools to work through this.

Keep talking about your sons because I'm proud for you. We hear so much negative about the preacher kids that I find it refreshing that your kids are showing that not all preacher kids are going to jail and on dope. I say keep the good work up and I only look for good things to come out of Project 404. I have put them on my prayer list and will be praying daily.

Anonymous said...

OH Bishop,
I can feel your excitement. So cool.

I want to be there tonight! And I have teenagers that would love it too ! HHmmm

Maybe I can make the next plane and catch the tail end......hey,it should be STREAMED! That's what I'm talkin about.....haha

Have a blast...can't wait to hear.


Lisa said...

Thank you Bishop! I am humbled. I have to give thanks to you and P Debye for being my teacher all these 14 years. I am so greatful to have a piece of my home here to come to when I am feeling emotional and all alone. I thank GOD for you all.
Fake it till ya make it!!!!!!
How cool to have a movie crew in and out of the parking lot!!!! Awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

P Nancy went to the service to see what the group has put together since ours are involved in it. Some kids want to get away from their parents - My kids generally like to have their's around -
It was announced that the cafe would be open for adults who brought their kids to the 404 service... some of the adults may be interested and wonder if they are welcome to observe and see what it's all about?... since it was not mentioned as a possibility.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Dreamer...I hadn't planned on going to P-404 in order to give Judah some leadership space, but I went by his office before it started to have a prayer with him and P. Scott, and the energy from everyone I talked to on the way out just sort of sucked me in and kept me there. I just came back to my office from being down there (the service part just ended, and now the kids are playing on all the new arcade games and eating)...but let me say that it was a full house, and everything exceeded expectations!

I haven't even talked to Judah and P. Sctott yet, but in answer to your question, there were a lot of parents down there because of the interest and excitement of the first night, and I don't know yet what the situation was in the cafe, but I imagine that in the weeks ahead that parents will let their kids have some time without them around. There are plenty of chaperones, lots of security, and an on-duty police officer on site.

But I'm sure that parents aren't banned...if your kids are cool with you being there, I'm sure it's fine with Judah.

Hopefully, some others who were there tonight with post something about it, so that I don't just sound like a proud father rambling on about his son...but I have to say, I can't imagine how it could have gone any better. The music was great, the kids were awesome, Judah and P. Scott were funny, yet still anointed, all the hard work that they have done on the building in the last few weeks was evident, and the vibe was totally positive. I got to meet a lot of kids in the church that I don't know (and see and talk to some I haven't seen in years)

I'm just waiting here until it's over to take Jonah home, but again I want to thank everyone who helped make tonight the success that it was!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

I'm sure Debye would like me to add that she was here, as well, but she left a little while ago because she's going to pick up Sofia tomorrow for the weekend, and she just ordered a new crib for her, and had to go home to put it together tonight...

Anonymous said...

Bishop, you're not just a proud father...P-404 WAS electric, full of hope, promise and just plain fun. The collective roar when Judah added to the list of "we're gonna's" the comment "help you find the gifts inside of YOU and together we're gonna change the world" was gut level stuff. I wish I knew a word for it. I've sensed it before...sort of agape-future-is-now-are-you-getting-how-important-this-is-? Afinayghiti...okay that touches the surface of it!! I will boldly declare that this was in Lincoln's top ten favorite birthday celebrations...if not his all time fave! His quote that you posted says so!

As Lisa said above, I'm also humbled and honored at your Birthday comment, very.

Speaking of collective actions...that sound you heard at 9:23pm, following your birthday post-closing comment was the universe sucking in its breath all at once! Durn, addicts need a little foreshadowing for even hinting at stuff like that...!

Anonymous said...

What a great quote by Abe. To be in the will of the Lord...

The Project 404 was beautiful. The Holy Spirit is doing GREAT things at CITN and it is time for evry one to get involved.



Anonymous said...

On second thought...I believe it is more correct to say "Kingdom Addicts"...(smile)!

Anonymous said...

word ver just said "reeli".
Yes, "really"! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.