MkITN VI, Verses 1 - 13
1. Then Jesus left there and went to His hometown of Nazareth, accompanied by His disciples.
2. And when the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard Him were utterly amazed and astonished, saying, "Where did this Man get all this? What is the source of the intelligence, insight and wisdom which He has obviously acquired? And how has this wisdom given Him the ability to work these mighty miracles?
3. Isn't He just a local carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son...the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Don't His sisters live right here in the neighborhood with us? Who in the world does He think He is?" And they were offended that He attempted to be something that, in their opinion, He was not...the natural knowledge of Him was an unavoidable roadblock to their being able to acknowledge His authority...and so they just shut down on Him, mentally and emotionally.
4. But Jesus said to them, "You know, only in his hometown, among his own relatives, friends and acquaintances, is a prophet without honor."
5. And because of their limited collective perception of Him, He could not do any miracles least none of His more impressive manifestations of power. He was just able to lay His hands on a few sick people, in order to help them feel a little better.
6. And He was astounded at their unbelief...really surprised by their lack of faith in Him. But He let it go, and went around the surrounding villages and continued teaching.
7. And He called to Him the Twelve, and began to send them out on their own, in pairs, as His personal ambassadors. He also gave them authority and power over rebel spirits, and any other evil opposition.
8. And He instructed them to basically take nothing with them on their external that they would have to rely, solely, on the internal gifts which He had imparted to them.
9. He allowed them to wear their sandals, but told them not to even take a change of clothes with them, wanting them to keep it simple, and to learn to use their own faith for their self-preservation.
10. And He encouraged them to make real connections with the people to whom they would minister, telling them, "Wherever you go into a house, just stay there until you leave that area.
11. But if any community will not receive, embrace and welcome you...if they refuse to listen to you...then get out of there. And when you depart, make a grand gesture of shaking off the dust from their streets that is on your feet, for a visible testimony against them."
12. And when this unlikely and somewhat limited group of men hit the road under His authoritative command, they preached a powerful and urgent message, joyfully proclaiming the possibility of a radical life-change.
13. And their message was effective...rebel spirits were expelled everywhere they went, and they brought wellness and wholeness to the sick, anointing them, and healing them, spirit, soul and body.
2. And when the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard Him were utterly amazed and astonished, saying, "Where did this Man get all this? What is the source of the intelligence, insight and wisdom which He has obviously acquired? And how has this wisdom given Him the ability to work these mighty miracles?
Okay, I only read this verse and I HAD TO say this....I feel like the exact same thing happened yesterday at CITN at service !
I'm not just saying this or blowin' smoke, cause we both know I don't roll like that. It was something....
okay.............I have more to read~
Northern Light
Think this was meant to go here:
Pamela said...
OH MY GOD IS GREAT. AMEN, AMEN, AND AMEN!!!!! Your sermon,service was totally awesome, I believe it was one if not your best. OMG, The way you tied it ALL IN. The Tree of Life and The Tree of Good and Evil, How God saw us, How he sees us now, First Adam , Second Adam. The Power of the Blood. Wow, Wow, Wow, I want to see myself and others as God sees us. My prayer life will never be the same. GREATER WORKS ARE YET TO COME IN THIS CITY! IN THIS NATION, IN THIS WORLD. BISHOP YOU ROCK.
You have told us all this before, but never like this and it ALL CLICKED, IT ALL FELL INTO PLACE IN MY SPIRIT. I just can't stop thinking OMG. FYI, I tried to twitter but could not figure it out.
!!!!The CORN IS IN CONYERS!!!!!!!!
God Bless YOU, Love, Peace, Favor, Greater Works, Pamela T (Spencer's MOM, LOL - NO vocals) here)
Not taking on the Jesus moments, but bringing it home today to some people I can think of i(n this reality.)
I think it's a proven fact that we limit others by what we think and how we relate to them. How sad to think of a parent stifling a child's creativity or an adult, feeling lonely and insecure because of the self-esteem created by others.
Yet, these same people can seem talented and productive to others outside of their "circle". Why >? Because they are seen for who they are.....not for who those closest to them PERCEIVE them to be, in their own minds.
How sad that is.
Word Ver : kingi
love this one,
8. "would have to rely, solely, on the internal gifts which He had imparted"...
9. "wanting them to keep it simple, and to learn to use their own faith for their self-preservation."
...I like these phrases.
Everything else I've tried to type about them hasn't worked and is apparently unnecessary...
Today, reading it from v. 13, scrolling upward made me glad.
Bishop,this chapter is absolutely incredible! It sounds as if you were hanging out being a fly on the wall in my home town- amongst all my relatives and people who THINK THEY KNOW me. This chapter really speaks quite LOUDLY to me, probably because I've LIVED this particular "Jesus Experience" that Mark writes about.
It is quite liberating when WE KNOW WHO WE ARE ALREADY and aren't swayed or deceived by the mis-perceptions of others. When we KNOW WHO WE ARE- not out of conceit or arrogance, but out of being fully confident, convinced, comfortable in our own skin and in WHO GOD SAYS WE ARE, which comes out of a Deep, Personal, Intimate Relationship WITH the Father- then none of that other stuff can squelch the fire within us. Even when others attempt to hose us down with water and send out the barking dogs to chase us away, the Holy Spirit IN US is far greater than that / those coming against us. Perhaps, that is what is meant when it says in the word that "None of these things shall move me: not plague, sword, nor famine, or pestilence, or any sort of evil shall prevail, for the GOD at work within us (The Holy Spirit) is so much greater than all those other forces that exist outside. Instead of being discouraged by those that don't receive us, then shake it off and go pour out the blessing into those that are eager to receive, not because they care about who we are, who we are related to, where we came from- but simply because they are hungry enough for the moves, works, and power of GOD that it matters not the vessel, package, or resource the blessing comes through. Just like the person who was blind but was granted sight by Jesus- when they asked him whether Jesus was good or evil, the person said- I cannot say whether he was good or bad, all I can attest to is that through Him, I received sight and was healed!
Oh, I once was blind, but NOW I SEE! Amen. I have found that even when we tend to lose hope, it doesn't prevent the power of GOD from operating through us, for even when we are depleted, worn out, and many times cannot see our hands in front of our faces because our perception of darkness- OTHERS CAN STILL SEE THE LIGHT and be Healed in the process! The Light IN US is not FOR US, it is at work to shine into the lives of others. And if everyone stirs up the gifts within them with their most holy faith and spending time with God- how glorious that would be, for every person and place that each one would encounter would shed light into / on the dark places of another's life, thus illuminating the world- ONE LIFE, One Touch, One Encounter at a time. It only takes a spark to start a fire! And when the fire starts, let us not forget to stay connected / plugged into the ultimate fuel source- Our FATHER- God Almighty via the Holy Spirit, which was only made possible as one departed (Jesus)who dwelt among us and made way so that the greater one (The Holy Spirit) our Comforter, Advocate, Helper could come and set up residence WITHIN US. Jesus said- "Even greater works than these shall YOU (we) also do / perform / operate in.
So, what then shall WE SAY to all these things? Because GOD is with us / within us, who shall dare rise up against us and be successful in their plans and schemes of evil... For if OUR LIVES are IN THE WORD, then let us live according to the Words of LIFE. We must CHOOSE THIS DAY whose report we shall believe and what master we shall serve....
v.3 is hilarious! ("Who in the world does He think He is?") It's so, John 8:23!
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