Friday, August 7, 2009

Enjoying Successful Transition

Here's an article I wrote for Streaming Faith...will get back to MkITN XIII in a minute...

So much is changing in our world right now. Advancements in technology and science, a constantly evolving political environment, along with uncertainties in the world’s economic situation…all these things are causing more and more inevitable transition in our lives. Here are some things that can help you deal with it.


aking risks (Psalm 18:29)...

To successfully deal with transition in your life, you must consciously become comfortable with being in a state of flux...of going with the flow...of growing and stretching. Change is good and transition is a necessary part of life, so embrace it without the fear of the unknown, believing that God will perfect that which concerns you!

eaching forward (Philippians 3:13, 14)...

Embrace the fact that this may be the best time for you to let go of things you’ve been needing to release, so that you may move on to the next the new current in the river of your life. God only brings you out of something in order to take you into something better.

ccepting change (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)...

Dare to think differently than you’ve thought before, so that you can be different than you have been before. You can change and you can change for the good! It is never too late for you to become everything that God has ordained for you to be!

eeding more (Isaiah 54:2, 3)...

Always be in the moment and enjoy what you have while you have it. Don’t ask for more than your daily bread. But if your godly contentment has devolved into a sense of complacency, it may be time to admit that you really do need more in your life. And if that requires a shaking up of things, then so be it!

eeing opportunities (Romans 8:28)...

Meditate on what Jesus meant when He said that he who loses his life shall save it. Humble yourself before Him and offer your body as a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service. But when you perceive that you have lost something, decide to see your loss as a new opportunity for growth.

ncreasing vision (Proverb 29:18)...

Celebrate being a new creation and do not mourn the passage of old things. Be fully mobile in Christ and, as you keep your eyes on Him, you will see an increase in vision. The KJV says, “Where there is no vision the people perish,” but a better translation of that verse is something like, “Where there is no prophetic revelation, the people cast off restraint.” In other words, your vision and goal will help you discipline yourself through your time of transition.

rying again (Proverb 24:16)...

Transition offers you the chance to try again.

magining possibilities (Ephesians 3:20)...

You are in charge of your life but, ultimately, your future is in God’s hands, and there may be a reason why He’s moving things around in your world right now. Remember that the Scriptures say “In Him we live and in Him we MOVE!” But if you see change as a way for Him to do more than you can ask or think, you will be able to imagine God-possibilities within everything that happens around you.

utlasting difficulties (Matthew 7:24-27)...

It’s an old cliché, but it’s true: TOUGH TIMES DON’T LAST, BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO. Successful transition involves just hanging in there, taking it a day at a time.

ever quitting (Ephesians 6:10-13)...

Remember that if you respond to it appropriately, the transition in your life will take you from glory to glory, so that ultimately you can and will be transformed into His image; so don’t ever quit, and don’t ever give up! And all of us, as with unveiled face are CONSTANTLY BEING TRANSFIGURED into His very own image...from one degree of glory to another . . . (2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP).


Donald said...

Life without transition wouldn't be much of a life at all.

Son of Zadok said...

I'm going to print this and put it on a wall. What a great message to get into your heart.

Anonymous said...

I didn't remember this post from Streaming Faith Devotionals, so I went to look for it and sure enough...there it is. I'm still astounded that it's not new for this month!

Bishop, I don't know if its the manna aspect of your writing or I've been through that much change or both...

funny wordver: wignmin...
"wiggin' man?"
Well, yes, wordver, I am. It's all good...very good actually...but I have a new perspective on the "what is it?" experience of the question that is the word "manna".

"N-eeding More"...I don't know how to articulate what is in me on this one but I really like the point. It feels like it needs to be savored, rolled around and sensed with seven senses. [There's only 6 senses, Avatar] I know. That's my point!

Northern Light said...


What I've learned (or maybe recently ACCEPTED)in the process of "Transition", is that it only hurts when we're trying to control it. It doesn't only happen when "we" decide it's about to. So, when it comes from a Godly, or another human place, it still is can be surely for my GOOD........That is where I'm going with it~ I'm in major transition, and it's ALL GOOD and I'm going to respond graciously...ALL FOR HIM ! AMEN

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Word ver: flopo...

Give up resistance to transition, and your life will stop being a flop-o!

PattiL007 said...

I was checking out the photos of CITN on Facebook and I found them very encouraging...if you haven't seen them, I suggest you do so. There are a few unusual views from different vantage points and it just makes me happy to look upon it! I never drive by without looking at the most incredible and most amazing church in the universe...the supremely beautiful buildings that make up the CITN campus! It really makes me joyful just looking at it...there's nothing like being ITB!

Then I stopped in here to read the article and the wonderful comments from all you wonderful anointed peeps and I just got happier! Anyone else feel like shoutin'?

On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever. (Psalm 100, The Message)

Is it any wonder God loved David so? I love him, too! I love him for his humanness, his passion, and the fact that he did everything with reckless abandon. I love him for his praises, his declarations, and even his laments…he knew God like no one else ever had, spent time with Him every day, and gave us a blueprint for entering the Throne Room! David was real and demonstrative and showed us the REAL GOD!

God is Our Mighty God, our Strength, our Refuge, our Defender, our Protector, our Provider, our Strong Tower, our Salvation, our Father, our elder Brother, our EVERYTHING and our ALL IN ALL! Whom should we fear? TRUST in the Lord and the Power of His Might! He SUPPLIES ALL our Need because HE IS the fulfillment of our NEED! As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my heart, my soul, and my mind for YOU O LORD! To Him be Blessing and glory and honor and power FOREVER! YES AND AMEN! Hallelujah!

If you're still sittin' need a boost! WooHoo! Praise the Lord!

Blessings Blog Fam!

wordver: in Norman Vincent Peale? He was one POSITIVE person!

Anonymous said...

Jean de Sousa said...

Love it Bishop, the way you have with words. It truly speaks
to my heart. Thanks so much...Love you and CITN

karl said...

Thanks for these words because it feels like I'm going through a lot right now, and more fully understanding "transition" I believe will help me. I felt connection on many points.

“Where there is no prophetic revelation, the people cast off restraint.” In other words, your vision and goal will help you discipline yourself through your time of transition.

I think I'm in real need of clarity in my spirit to more fully see/understand my visions/goals, to help keep me from the "giving up feelings and thoughts".