Hey bloggers...still working on Chapter 13 of MkITN...will have it finished soon...maybe later today...
Had a great lunch yesterday with Chance Mason, President of Streaming Faith...we've been tweeting each other, but hadn't ever met in person...very cool and smart guy...
I've been going back and forth between writing and setting up a Facebook site...I know, I know...I said I hated Facebook...what can I tell you?...the times they are a changin'...I'm changing...everything's changing...
Those of you who use FB know that it re-connects you with people that you haven't seen or heard from in years, and in my case it's made me aware that I have some unfinished business with some of those people, and that I owe other people an apology for things like not returning their e-mail when they've tried to get in touch with me over the years...Facebook sort of forces you to have to "face" people (hence, the name) that you thought you'd never run across again in your lifetime...but it's all good...man, looking at the pictures of friends you haven't seen in three decades is really something...
Anyway, FB is fine, Twitter is fine, but the blog is still my first cyber-love, so don't worry...it's not going anywhere...special shout-out to those of you who still participate...
Happy Birthday today, Pastor Jimmie...
And a special Happy 50th Birthday today to PEACEMAKER, who has been a part of this blog from day one...
Have a blessed day!
I'll come out of anonymity to join the facebook club with ya'll. Anyone here send me an invite if you'd like.
We're all sons and daughters of Zadock. I'm Scott Blankenship here.
Grace and peace to you all.
P.S. Bishop & everyone
I've been just, "making my requests known unto God", and it's working like crazy. I'm getting prayers answered in unusual ways. Theirs really something to the spirit of what you said Sunday. Also two Wednesdays ago you had a word of knowledge about a healing of an abscess tooth on the right side of your mouth. That was me, and I'm completely healed and pain free now. Awesome!
Glory to HS!
Some HS for everyone this weekend.
P.S.S - I'll always blog when I feel like it and share here though. It's never a burden and always a privilege to be here. Theirs a reason and a season for everything.
Here's a wonderful word from Gary Sigler I read tonight. Have a great day everyone.
When we begin to be unveiled to the reality of the substance of God within us we will follow the spirit within. We begin to function from our intuition, by what we really know is the truth of our being. When I really know that the truth of my being is love and compassion and light and all the essence of God I then know how to deal with my ego and my intellect.
How do I deal with my ego? How do I deal with anger, resentment, bitterness and the like? Death and life are in the power of the tongue. You don’t like your life? Tell another story. There is a song some friends of our wrote recently called “Tell Another Story.” I love that song because I began to tell another story back in the early 70s. I told another story for quite some time before I really had a life change, but I told the story. When I got angry I’d say, “Father, I’m so mad right now, but I’m so thankful that I know there is another life in me. Father, I know that as I turn” to the deepest recesses of my being, even though I am experiencing this anger, I know Father that there will come a day when the compassion and the essence that I know that is in my being, will be manifest and come forth.”
Whatever negative thing you are experiencing, you can tell another story. I used to spend a couple hours in my room at night all by myself, telling another story. I’ll tell you folks. It is so true: death and life are in the power of the tongue. What story are you telling? They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. What is your testimony? What story are you telling about yourself? Are you looking at the failures and the inabilities and the anger and the resentment? Is that the story that you are telling? I told that story for a long time. Eventually I changed my story. But my story used to be one of failure. “God, I’ll never be able to measure up, because I know me more than anybody, and I know that I have no ability to walk this life that I know is so available.” But when I began to go by my intuition, by my deep knowing; I knew that I knew that I knew that I had met the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I had experienced this love that would come to me in my deepest failures and minister life and love to me. God does not ever look at your failures. He looks at the light that you are. And if you’ll allow Him, if you’ll repent and change this mind and realize that you are the most precious being. You are so much more than you know!
Happy Birthday, Pastor Jimmie! May you live forever...cos the world needs you and the music that is yet to flow from your belly.
And PEACEMAKER? 50? Really?
No way...no possible way! Happy Birthday......whippersnapper...
Well, then, wordver...THAT was funny, but you'll have to tell PM yourself...I'm not repeating you!
Going on record to say I'm not "against" facebook. The joy on the faces of those who shared "Bishop is on FB!" was cool.
Never say never...but for now, my plate is full. Hopefully the FBers will continue to share their joy. Later, blog fam.
I set up a facebook account when my daughter was on her cross country trip after she graduated from college.
She kept at me to do it so that I could see the pictures she was posting of her trip.
After I set up the account I think she posted pictures one more time.
I remember when I first set it up and before I had added her as a friend that when I hit the friends tab I got the message, "You do not have any friends."
Kinda hurt my feelings.
I was reluctant about setting it up though.
I told her that I had always thought guys my age with facebook accounts were pedophiles. But, you know, that just simply isn't true.
I take good care of my feet.
Donald, that was perhaps the best and funniest comment yet...I didn't know I could still laugh that hard...
Pastor Jimmie and Peacemaker,
Happy Birthday to you both!
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
Donald... LMAOROFL!!!
Donald... what a laugh... I'll always be a friend to someone who takes care of their feet... So if you still don't have many friends... I'll sign up...
Still laughing...
nothing beats the blog
great FB humor Donald
awesome to see Bishop on FB, its a great place to be real and that seems to be his strength
veriword - unistair makes me think of Zepplin's stairway to heaven. There is only one stair thus unistair and thank God the purchase is made already and for everyone to boot
happy birthday P. Jimmie and PM. You are both tops in my book.
Bishop Jim, I have been on facebook a long time for the same reasons you posted. I have been using twitter and facebook more than the blog in the last few month because my world went crazy with caring for my family and if is just quicker to post on those and go...... it is sad to say but with the passing of my uncle things will get better. also the Dr's say that mom will be better than she has in years after rehab. still have a lot of loose ends to tie up but things are looking better. I havent even been posting on my own blog much or making many videos. there is a time and a season for everything and the seasons do change. I do love and miss my corrispondence with you all on this blog and I do read it but dont respond much because of the above reasons. I am even running late right now in gettng to the hosp. to watch CITN streaming with Mom in her room. I dont know what is in the workings of God but it seems "everyone's" life has accelerated lately????
things will get back to some state of normal according to our Fathers will. there is a reason for everything, God is Good all the time; and God is GOD! all the time!
Hey SOZ, I'm friends with you on FB! didnt know it was you.....
BTW, I am Dennis Caldwell on facebook
Beautifully said this morning. We must forgive it is our responsibility as members of The Christ. I am excited to hear you push deeper...I know. It is love...You are love.
Hey Excellent Universe,
This morning’s service (Sun 080209), re the scars.
I recalled some, maybe all of my scars, physical, emotional, spiritual, and I was pleased as I rewound them, that they had all come from my own actions. None were laid upon me by some outside circumstance or effort, instance, fluke, etc.
They are all from my own adventures, specific decisions(arguably not always the wisest, however I usually came through, without a scar ), carefree attitude. I saw that although I have some scars in the various areas, there are 99 adventures that had no scar for every one that did.
So, I am pleased at that. For the scars I have, I did what was in me to do, think, challenge, or self dare.
They remind me that marks may be left from time to time, and that is part of it.
I am so thankful for the vast majority of times no marks/ scars were received, and that the ones present, were clearly of my own making.
Wordver: entuxbdu
"In tuxes or bdu's"
(BDU is an acronym for B-attle D-ress U-niform - i.e. "fightin' clothes")
Interesting...since I came here to comment on today's teaching...on Jesus' scars...that were given to Him...by people, on purpose.
Years ago, I noticed the scripture "take up your cross and follow me". The class leader smiled when I asked what it meant and said "God will show you." Yeah, well, He did. And I know now why that was her answer.
Anyway, the scars caused by people who turn against you...heck, even start out against you...to me are the most painful. I think its because we have eternal unity in us...deep in us...and even when we don't understand that, we just know disunity is not the way its supposed to be. We put on the BDU's, forget about the unity and go to battle for our thing, our territory, our whatever.
I'm not saying that's not necessary sometimes, maybe even most of the time (I'm definitely not a "nothing is worth war" proponent), and yet there is this thing that we're offered in "Follow Me"?
"The Kingdom is in your hands."
--"Healing comes horizontally."
--"When you see your kids gettting along, you can understand why God loves unity so much."
--"Your scars are beautiful."
"The Kingdom is in your scars!"
In each and every one of us there is the horizontal question, "will you love me, anyway?"
There's not a whole lot of conclusions in this post. Just a statement and a question. It seems to me that when one person in a battle can, by the Spirit, take off the BDU's and just absorb the sins of others [Dr.Chironna called it "transition is going through you"], then it seems that person puts on a tux...and changes that corner of the world.
Could a Tux be "proper wedding clothes"? If so, one Tux at a time...we could be getting dressed for an amazing celebration!
Our Scars are the proof of our ability, purpose, and love......
Thanks to everyone who gave me the facebook add. Glad to get know ya better. Just got home and getting ready to watch this mornings service.
Love ya Pastor Dennis. Keeping you in my thoughts. Great things ahead.
WHAAAAT's happening ?
I go away, (to Atlanta no less), for a week and you join FB ? My word, change is surely all around us all. HA
I have alot of days of blogs to catch up on.......but I have to admit, because I want to take my time and "savor" every item on the plate here, I did quickly run through my FB already. Now I have to go BACK and hook up with some more of ya'! I have mine for the kids in the Youth Ministry, but truth be told, the 50ish age group is the larger part of the crowd.
Northern Light
Bish, re: "The road to Emmaus" topic. At lunch today, hubby & I discussed today's teaching; scars, resurrected Body, and Christ's appearance to those who formerly "knew" Him.
Guess I've never realllllly thought about it. Hubby mused, "But He was ONLY gone 3 days! Where did He "go" that would have altered His appearance so drastically, that those closest to Him wouldn't perceive Who He was/is?" (then, cited instances of one or the other being absent for a couple of days without any difficulty recognizing appearance, voice, mannerisms, etc.)
I wondered what "form" He took, and... the whole space/time continuum, of course. (a la, what's even one day to Spirit?)
So, I went back, and read Luke 24:11, again. When I got to the word, "nonsense", it seemed significant. The apostles shared this common impression after the women brought them good news.
That word, (nonsense) reminded me about something I'd previously read of Einstein's "beginner's mind". (in, "The Dancing Wu Li Masters")
Zukav wrote that Einstein's mind told him that since we cannot argue with what IS (my emphasis), then, our common sense must be wrong. (in context, the emperor's new clothes)
OK, Bishop dude... there. I said it.
* Happy belated birthday to all the celebrants!
Night, beloved Universe. ZZZZZZzzzzzzz
No worries Bishop! The blog will always be our 1st love! I didn't use my FB account until School of the prophet closed their forum and most of my classmates started a group over there. With the Z team being busy little beavers it is easier to just post a comment for everyone to see and get back to chasing. I have pics of Zac in his new leg over there BTW! I haven't even posted on my own blog in forever and am starting to get phone calls! 16 days until school starts and then I won't know what to do with just 1 child at home..... Hmm when in Uganda maybe you can find a 3 yr old little girl so I can have 2 sets of virtual twins!!!!! LOL!!!! I'm ready for number 4.
Thanks, everyone...
Love you all...
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