LITN I, Verses 39 - 56
39. So Mary, realizing that the big picture of this miracle involved much more than just what was happening in her, wasted no time in making her way into the hill country to a town of Judah.
40. And when she got there she went immediately to the house of Zachariah and, entering it, called out with great excitement for her cousin, Elizabeth.
41. Now she was in another part of the house, but at the instant in which she heard the sound of Mary's voice, the baby in her womb very forcefully jolted, and when this occurred, Elizabeth was filled, energized and thoroughly permeated with the power of Holy Spirit.
42. And this simultaneously spiritual and physical action and reaction somehow released a prophetic cry out of Elizabeth, as she approached Mary, and exclaimed to her, "Blessed! Favored of God above all other women are you! And blessed and favored of God is the supernatural Fruit of your womb!
43. And how is it that I have been so honored as to have the very mother of my Lord come and visit me?"
44. My dear, the very instant the sound of your sweet voice reached my ears, the baby in my womb literally leaped for joy!"
45. Then she went on to say, "Blessed is she who believed, without reservation, the creative word of the Lord...impossible as it may seem in the natural realm...unexpected as it most certainly are forever blessed simply for believing!"
46. At these words, the music of Mary's internal praise and thanksgiving was released into an audible anthem of adoration, and for the first time she fully acknowledged the enormity of what was happening. She sang out, exuberantly, "My internal self...magnifies and worships the Lord,
47. And my spirit...the very essence of my eternal self...rejoices in God my Savior,
48. For He has looked upon the very simple and seemingly unimportant little life of His handmaiden, and has created an entirely different existence for her. From now on, all generations...all ages...will call me blessed, and will recognize the very special and unique place that I will hold throughout all of human history!
49. For He Who is absolutely almighty has done great things for me...and holy is His name...excellent is His reputation!
50. And His mercy...His compassion...His kindness toward the disenfranchised and the forgotten...the ones who think and feel that they are completely on those who worship Him with a sense of awe, from generation to generation and age to age.
51. He has flexed the mighty muscle of His arm...He has scattered the abusers of the defenseless through sheer intimidation, exposing and thwarting the imaginations of their hearts.
52. He has put out of position the seemingly invincible ones, and has promoted those whose value has been hidden to the public eye.
53. He has filled and satisfied the hungry with delicious things, and the rich who have built their fortunes on the backs of the oppressed He has sent away empty-handed.
54. He has embraced and supported His servant Israel to help him, to remind him of His mercy,
55. Just as He promised our Abraham and to his descendants forever.
56. When Mary finished the song, she decided to stay with Elizabeth for a while, and so she did for about three months, and then returned to her own home.
Wow! Favored for just believing. This past week has been met with challenges and opportunities. The one thing that stood out the most GRACE. We spent the week with family prior to and surrounding a funeral. The memories good and bad it evoked brought pain and healing. We tend to remember people the way we knew them or through the eyes and paradigm of someone whose opinion we value. The problem with that is it frequently holds people to past behavior or mistakes not leaving room for growth, change or GRACE. As we listened to the eulogy and family remarks the person we heard about was different than we knew. We must allow people to change, we don't want to be held to past mistakes or remembered only for childish behavior.
I Cor. 13 - the Love Chapter tells us that even the author put away childish things when he became full grown. As Christians religion tends to judge a person before it knows the entire story and it also sees people are held to their "sins" long after they have repented. Even some prominent Bible characters are remembered more for their errors than their faith like Rahab the Harlot or Doubting Thomas, etc. Isn't it time we stopped holding onto erroneous history and fallible religious traditions that leave no place for GRACE. That is why the Savior is still amazing; He does not see as we do the things we see as unforgivable or damning. The woman caught in adultery He told to go and sin no more, and He forbid them to stone or judge her. The woman with the alabaster box was seen as a sinful woman, He saw her as a woman forgiven much who loved much.He said her act of love to Him should be remembered not her past.
It is high time who we are, our love, our fruit be looked at not juvenile religious mumbo jumbo that points fingers at non-essential stuff that either we don't understand or agree with or that have no bearing on eternity, remembering that God is the only righteous judge and each of us has only Him to answer to.
I am reminded of a statement made by a dear friend, "we all have 12 months a year; 6 to take care of our own business and 6 to stay out of everyone else's. GRACE - Yes, still amazing.
Watching Sen. Ted Kennedy's funeral and the use of Mary's Magnificat in honoring his noticing of those listed in verses 50 thru 53 seems interesting and incredible timing for the posting of this anointed rendering of Mary's praise...
I'm watching it, too...just thinking the same thing...
I'm watching it too...
I have to say, there are many beautiful & unique aspects to a Roman Catholic Funeral Mass that I love, respect and will always treasure.
Reminding me of my mother's 9 years ago.........and I can't believe it's 9 yrs already. Her name is Maria and "Ave Maria" was one of her favorite songs...ahhh
Northern Light
Ah...and the incense. I'd almost forgotten about the incense. It is a most holy moment to the spirit when it fills the church. Yes, it has real meaning...for those who don't know of it, I will share.
Simply;as we read in the Psalms, incense signifies our prayers rising to God as a sweet fragrance:
"Let my prayer arise in thy sight as incense, and let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice."
There's real biblical basis to symbolism & ritual in the Catholic Church. Not to debate or argue anything, I just love when I can support any of it, because I know my fiber and past isn't all "made up rules and regulations" is GOD !
Northern Light
NL, as a non-Catholic I'm somewhat familiar with the rituals. But I had not ever seen women place the cloth over the casket. If its not a connection to the women anointing Jesus' body for burial, that's the way it spoke to me.
On the scriptures, this may seem small...but I like the "my dear" in v.44. It gives me the feel of Elizabeth's advanced years that I've not gotten before. Along with "your sweet voice", Elizabeth sounds just like a beloved Aunt would sound. Cool.
But v.46..."the music of Mary's internal praise and thanksgiving was released" ... that's my favorite phrase.
That's what I was hearing in my head...thanks for picking up on it...
We sooooooooooo could be true "in -person" friends if we'd met for real. We see things in the posts and like that alike, I've noticed often.
YES>>>I think that was such a perfect display of that honor. (however, not sure why "they" did it, except the Kennedy women are a strong bunch we've been told)
Actually, the "pall" is the white linen cloth that covers the casket and is in remembrance of the white clothing (Catholics)worn at Baptism. The pall, as a reminder, then, of the garment of Salvation, gotten at baptism, is laid on the casket before Mass,usually by any close friends & family members.
As a strong woman in my family, I EXACTLY feel like it is a symbol, also of what you interpreted. HOW COOL IS THAT ? Next family funeral, I am suggesting the women do that..and with that additional explanation; now how awesome would that be. Even just to start a tradition....might be what exactly happens in the Kenneday family, or perhaps the reason behind it. They are very deep and strong Catholics in their faith, we're told. A special opportunity for the women of the family, seeing how "traditionally" the pall-bearers who accompany the casket are men. (although in my family, we have seen both, depends on the closeness to the deceased and the willingness of the girls)
Ahhh.....this has been a bitter-sweet day; but a perfect example of how much the "religion" isn't the real deal, but the FAITH. The sharing is an opportunity to be reminded, even with the "specialties" of one denomination, we are all one family.
I LOVE MY GOD>>>>>>>and I LOVE ALL MY CITN FAMILY...that's all there is.
Prayers for all of you going to Uganda, I will be watching and praying over you tomorrow as I stream in service. Prayers daily until you all come home safely; with blessings and stories to share.
Northern Light
43. "And how is it that I have been so honored as to have the very mother of my Lord come and visit me?"
I love that this was Elizabeths response...instead of making Mary feel like she had no idea what was going on b/c she was sooo young. The picture you have is perfect and so full of love and excitement.
verse 45 "you are forever blessed simply for believing!" that's all it believe even when you don't understand.
I love LITN...awesome!
Lindsey Pettite
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