Here's an article I wrote for Streaming Faith...Wisdom has built her house...hewn out and set up her seven [perfect number of] pillars. She has killed her beast...mixed her [spiritual] wine...set her table...sent out her maids to cry...“Whoever is simple...turn in here!”...[God’s] Wisdom says to him, “Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the [spiritual] wine which I have mixed...[forsake the foolish and simple-minded] and live!...Walk in the way of insight and understanding.” (Proverb 9:1-6 AMP)
You have within you the Spirit of wisdom (Isaiah 11:2)—wisdom is the ability to use knowledge correctly—Jesus is made unto you wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30) and you are daily growing in it and in revelation
(“For I always pray...that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him...” Ephesians 1:17 - AMP).Wisdom has built her house on seven pillars, and a well-rounded life in Christ comes from embracing each of them.
1. Walk in the
KNOWLEDGE OF GOD (2 Peter 1:2; Philippians 3:3-10). It’s not enough to just know about God…you have to make the effort to get to know Him, and that comes from spending time with Him, communicating with Him on a regular basis, and experiencing a continual manifestation of His presence. God wants to be known, and you can know Him!
2. Walk in the
KNOWLEDGE OF HIS PLANS AND PURPOSES. He made his ACTS known to the children of Israel, but He made His WAYS known to Moses (Psalm 103:7). Learning the ways of God is far superior to simply being aware of His acts!
3. Walk in the
KNOWLEDGE OF THE SCRIPTURES. Study to show yourself approved unto God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed of his ignorance. Learn to rightly divide the logos Word so that you are able to receive the rhema word (2 Timothy 2:15). Wisdom is found in the written Word!
4. Walk in the
KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE—the kind that only comes by experience—by learning through trial and error…from your own mistakes…and by graduating maturely and soberly from the school of hard knocks. Jesus LEARNED obedience through the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8)…Paul LEARNED how to be abased and how to abound (Philippians 4:11). Each new day is a learning opportunity if you know how to look at it correctly!
5. Seek to grasp a
KNOWLEDGE OF PEOPLE so that you can deal wisely with them. (“But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all men...He Himself knew what was in human nature [He could read men’s hearts].” – John 2:24, 25 AMP). Be wise as a serpent/harmless as a dove…be people-smart!
6. Embrace the
KNOWLEDGE OF SELF—the truth that God desires truth in the inward parts (Psalm 51:6). Find your true self in the revelation of Christ…the more you know Him, the more you’ll know you!
7. Love
PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE—to be, like Moses, “mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). Remember that knowledge is power!
Seven >?
Of course...and having just finished watching the movie Seven Pounds, through these puffy eyes, I see Seven Pillars~ ah..
Well, simply said.....perfect. I loved yesterdays Transition and these 7 Pillars as well. Good words!
Northern Light
Great stuff but #6 really hit home with me ,how true how true
Joel Nunn said...
Yes. Great article. The deeper I push into any one of these pillars of wisdom I see that they are all One and that advancement in one equals andvancement in all. Indeed, because I know The One I know myself I know The ways of The One I know the life of The One I know the voice of The One I know the hearts of men I know all. ...for The One is all.
Al Wiggins Sr. said...
Wisdom applied to knowledge is a life sustaining force. Thanks for the revelations.
Can't say one is better than the other because it looks like a package deal.
Gotta have all of it going for you if you want it to work right.
I do love this entry. There is not much to add other than what inspires me the most about it at the moment. Probably walking in the knowledge of the scriptures is the most thought provoking for me right now. Romans chapter eight is among my most often read and meditated upon scriptures of all time. I tried to memorize it many times and finally gave up one day when the Spirit spoke to my spirit and my soul was convinced to change my approach from knowing the scripture to being known by the scripture. I memorize technical things like numbers and mechanical procedure quite easily but lines of words not so much. I have great admiration for people like Bishop Swilley who have that wonderful gift. What is even more admirable is the ability to relate the information to modern social concerns and teach people living in this present time how to appreciate the value of scripture as an excellent source of wisdom.
Being known by the scripture is to me the true measure of having a good name. The whole scripture sets the soul free rather than enslaving it to the letter of the law. Those who have a natural way of living according to the ideal of caring for their neighbor as they care for themselves and their lives are full of evidence that they are actively seeking a close relationship to their loving Creator, Source, God and Spiritual Guide are the same that are known by the scripture. Those same folks are always comfortable to be around and even make the area around them feel good in a noticeable way to perfect strangers that happen into the same space they are in. That is what walking in the knowledge of the scriptures means, well at least it is for me.
As I was sitting thinking about what I wanted for myself going into this next year after my birthday today, I read the blog and that was just perfect for me. As I strive to have a well-rounded life in Christ I shall embrace each of those pillars. My desire is to walk in the fulfillment of the vision God has set out for me and I shall do that through the Knowledge of Him.
When I come to CITN the scriptures are opened up to me and the truth of His words directs my path.
As I embrace people and my love for them I release them to be themselves and I walk into the knowlege of myself knowing that I am made perfect in Him. I release the past and I reach forward to the richness of my future because you have not seen anything yet. I have just begun and its all good.
I am getting ready to go celebrate my bithday with 2l of my closest friends and we will become as little children as we play games, eat and just laugh (which was my word) at Dave and Busters.
Then tomorrow I shall get up bright and early so that I can worship with all my sisters and brothers at CITN.
Happy Birthday Brenda ~
Live Love LAUGH....go girl !
#2 is my favorite.....
As everything is laid,
Wherever you are,
Whatever you've seen of then or tomorrow,
Whatever is in the Now,
I just briefly noticed these phrases:
let the scriptures know you, from a viewer, and wisdom is within you, from Bishop.
At first I thought, I need to paste and copy this to a certain child of mine. Then I realized, I need to look at myself first. As I was reading, I realized a specific thing I need to do about my work and career!!! The spirit is active on the blog!! Thanks for everyone’s participation and thanks, Bishop for posting great new things this week. I need the spiritual food, and don’t have time to twitter!!
Looking forward to the word on streaming faith in a few minutes!!
Anonymous in North Georgia
I had to stream using my phone as a modem tethered to my lap top today. in this particular area the signal must be very poor. In order to see and hear it I had to slow the video down till Bishop was a blurry object jumping around on the screen talking in robot voice. But the Spirit, even in this spoke to my heart and mind; Praise God.
we must embrace Christ humanity as much as His divinity or we miss the whole point of His coming, now we must embrace our unity as the body of Christ before Christ will fully manifest in the earth
Todays Message was....
Eph 4:12-16 NIV
(12) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
(13) until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
(14) Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.
(15) Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
(16) From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Loved and needed to hear it.
ver. word is heed+i - no kidding
Words can not convey the anticipation the I feel in my spirit...I believe that the merging of two great reconciliation-based ministries will create something very special and unique.
I am very excited to be a part of this and am looking forward to the unfolding of God's divine order and the impact generated by the synergy of this alliance.
I welcome the new look...
Welcome to all from the Cathedral!
I never mentioned how much I like the pics. Plus, I keep going back to the second point. For fun, I imagine what God's ways are for Moses. (Elijah and Jesus, maybe?)
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