1. In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar's reign...when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother, Philip, was the tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene...
2. And when Annas and Caiaphas were the High Priests, the word...the revelation...the message concerning the manifestation of the Christ, and of His Kingdom...and of His complete salvation...came to John, the son of Zachariah, out in the desert wilderness.
3. And when this revelation overtook him, he was compelled to go into the country on both sides of the Jordan, preaching the necessity of a paradigm shift, and illustrating his message of change by baptizing people in the river.
4. And this portion of his life was a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy which declares, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness...shouting in the desert, 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make His beaten paths straight.
5. Every valley...every ravine...shall be filled in and filled up...and every mountain...every hill...shall be completely leveled; and the crooked places shall be straightened out, and the rough roads shall be made smooth;
6. And when this process is at last complete, all of mankind...the entirety of humanity... will see, behold, comprehend, and understand the absolute salvation of God!"
7. But when he saw many of the religious leaders in the crowd coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
8. Produce fruit in keeping with the real changing of your minds, and do not think that you have the right to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.
9. Even now, the ax is already poised at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into God’s purifying fire."
10. And the crowd was greatly affected by the message, and responded by saying to him, "Tell us, then, what we should do!"
11. And he replied to them, "Whoever has two tunics, or undergarments, let him share with him who has none...and whoever who has food to eat, let him share it the same way."
12. Even tax collectors came to be baptized, and they said to him, "Teacher, tell us also what we should do!"
13. And he said to them, "Just collect no more than the fixed and legal amount appointed you."
14. Those serving in the military also came to him and asked him, "What about us? What should we do?" And he replied to them, "Never act as terrorists, don't abuse your power and authority, and always be satisfied with your rations."
15. And the people were so moved by his directness, and by the simple yet profound way that he spoke about fairness and equality and ethical behavior, that everybody reasoned and questioned in their hearts concerning him, whether he perhaps might be the Christ...the Messiah.
16. But John answered them all by saying, "Look, I baptize you in a river of water for transformation through the changing of your minds. But after me comes One who is much more powerful, whose sandals I am not worthy to even carry. He will purify you, not in a physical river of water, but by baptizing you with the Holy Spirit in a spiritual river of consuming fire!
17. His winnowing fork and fan are in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn, and burning up the chaff in your lives with His unquenchable fire.”
18. So with many other innovative appeals and admonitions he preached the Good News to the people.
19. But Herod the tetrarch, who had been openly rebuked by John for having Herodias, his brother's wife, and for all the other dishonorable things that he had done,
20. Added this to the list of corrupt deeds...he had John arrested and shut up in prison.
21. Now as all the other people were being baptized, Jesus also submitted Himself to John's message, and was baptized, as well. And while He was praying, the visible heaven was opened,
22. And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the incarnation of a dove, and a voice came from the heavenly dimension, saying, "You are My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I take pleasure and with Whom I am completely and absolutely delighted!”
23. So this experience, in a sense, officially began the public ministry of Jesus, who was thirty years of age at this time, and was generally known to the community as the son of Joseph, the son of Heli.
24. (And to give the earth-life of Jesus proper historical context) Heli, Jesus' step-grandfather, was the son of Matthat, who was the son of Levi, who was the son of Melchi, who was the son of Jannai...the son of Joseph...
25. The son of Mattathias...the son of Amos...the son of Nahum...the son of Esli... the son of Naggai...
26. The son of Maath...the son of Mattathias...the son of Semein...the son of Josech...the son of Joda...
27. The son of Joanan...the son of Rhesa...the son of Zerubbabel...the son of Shealtiel...the son of Neri...
28. The son of Melchi...the son of Addi...the son of Cosam...the son of Elmadam...the son of Er...
29. The son of Jesus...the son of Eliezer...the son of Jorim...the son of Matthat...the son of Levi...
30. The son of Simeon...the son of Judah...the son of Joseph...the son of Jonam...the son of Eliakim...
31. The son of Melea...the son of Menna...the son of Mattatha...the son of Nathan... the son of David...
32. The son of Jesse...the son of Obed...the son of Boaz...the son of Salmon...the son of Nahshon...
33. The son of Aminadab...the son of Admin...the son of Arni...the son of Hezron...the son of Perez...the son of Judah...
34. The son of Jacob...the son of Isaac...the son of Abraham...the son of Terah...the son of Nahor...
35. The son of Serug...the son of Reu...the son of Peleg...the son of Eber...the son of Shelah...
36...The son of Cainan...the son of Arphaxad...the son of Shem...the son of Noah... the son of Lamech...
37. The son of Methuselah...the son of Enoch...the son of Jared...the son of Mahalaleel...the son of Cainan...
38. The son of Enos...the son of Seth...the son of Adam...the son of God.
Melissa Geter said...
Awesome really know how to simplify the word, thanks
Chuck Day said...
Hi Bishop! Awesome translation! Where can I find a copy? Bty, it was great to see you at Cliff Hancock's church.
Thanks, Melissa...Chuck, you can get a copy when I finish writing it...Matthew In The Now and Mark In The Now are both finished (John In The Now was published a couple of years ago), and as soon as I finish Luke, all of them will be published in one volume called 'The Gospels In The Now' which will be out before Christmas...
I think it's really neat that today's word in AYITN is STRONG SPIRIT, this coming on the heels of Patrick Swayze's death.
I heard that he did his best to be very strong and positive the whole time of his cancer battle, even laughing and making jokes at his barbeque a few weeks back.
I put most of today's devotional also on my blog Bishop, with a couple pictures of Patrick.
also, the song "oh the glory of Your presence" on a video over on my blog Kingdom Quest: which has some wordings also from Sept. 12 AYITN about INNER LIGHT.
Blessings and peace and God's presence in all here today!
Thank you Bishop for being diligent and continuing in Gospel in the Now... I am excited to get my hands on it once it is published...
Your revelation of the scripture is breath taking... I've enjoyed all of it...
Can't wait to be ITB tomorrow night... The expectancy of what God is doing is huge!
Bishop I will catch up on the reading when I get a new monitor. My monitor went out about a week ago and I'm using my TV for a monitor now. In order to do much reading I have to stand in front of the TV, read as much as I can see, then go back to the computer and scroll down some and then go back and stand in front of the TV and on and on...
It's just too much trouble. I should have a new monitor by the weekend.
At least I can still stream the services.
Geez Donald...does that "tuna" diet have you a bit lazy ?
Hello ALL,
First – the below is true and experienced in our experience NOW. =
6. And when this process is at last complete, all of mankind...the entirety of humanity... will see, behold, comprehend, and understand the absolute salvation of God!"
The process IS complete AND ALL of mankind ,the entirety of humankind HAS ALREADY seen and beheld the absolute salvation of God. Period.
We are living in that post revelation. --- 8. Produce fruit in keeping with the real changing of your minds, and do not think that you have the right to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.--- It has already happened, this is a past history comment. True that love !!!!
17. His winnowing fork and fan are in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn, and burning up the chaff in your lives with His unquenchable fire.” --- Remember that the pronoun he or she is transferable, The Holy Spirit and God is S/He , ignore the reference that is singular pronoun, that is unGodly. True That Sweetie.
All that ‘Son of ‘ stuff is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT because Jesus , as we see Son of God/Man was Son of The Holy Spirit, of ALL of US, so NO bloodline. That is just window dressing for those who needed some lame male paradigm belief system. It was for those scared males that need to believe everything comes (in multiple senses) from them. Scared men always have to make it about them ( just ignore the male paradigm and recall God is equally both female and male, and allowing the lesser minds to think God is primarily male, -- those minds are trying to catch up and WE can allow/suffer their limitations).
Overall – God is in EVERY heart of EVERY belief –Nuff said, - How Beautiful is God in every manifestation of experience – every connection with God is EQUALLY VALID. - Any Questions ? See EQUALLY VALID and rethink. Nuff Said forever…..
Perfect song playing on song list is ELO – ‘Hold on tight to your dreams’ – This is my dream, ALL see what is clearly before us -- see above.
There is NOT ONE religion system that fully explains God nor ONE that can EVER explain each person’s experience of God. All Religions fails always. Give NO heart to any of them. Allow them to be ONE piece of YOUR Individual relationship with GOD, only defined by YOU.
----- I started to ask if I can ask this, but then I realized I was asking myself, so YES, I Can ask. We as CITN and expanded with The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, have moved the yard markers , so, since There IS No One Like God, and in Our Experience there is No Comparison, The expression of God has uniquely manifested with Us here and now, we need the original songs from Pstr. Jimmie to express who we really are. These pass me down songs mostly do not cut it for where we have come. -- Know what I mean ???
-- Oh Happy Day’ is the song playing on the playlist now, go figure, for all those deciding the next few weeks. You know my thoughts, -- in case confused – keep going with the combination – great peace and clarity id the fruit of it. – Amen
Let me say ONE MORE TIME, son of Yahoo is same as son of David, son of whomever is equal to son of Man/God. Capicshe ?(understand?) forever? (however Capishe is spelled) . --- Just forget ALL else, and Just Celebrate Another Day of Livin’ , and thank and praise. Amen .
V.24...I like the addition of "and to give the earth-life proper historical context". We can never know all that God has planned for the use of His Word.
I got hold of this after hearing about a missionary who was having no success with the people he was called to. Finally deciding to trust the Word, he started reading in Genesis. As he approached all the geneologies of Numbers he was concerned about completely losing them. On the contrary, the people lit up! This was how they kept track of their tribes and it opened them up to hear "the rest of the truth". Nothing in Scripture is there by accident.
Speaking of which, I also appreciate v.29..."son of Jesus"...helping to show the common-ness of the name. I checked about 12 others and only the Amplified and Rheims also made the choice.
So many cool clues in the mystery of the Word in LITN...I also enjoy the more loving portrayal of John. Too often characterized as a reclusive, weirdo, LITN gives us an understanding of what its like to be overtaken by a revelation so vast it consumes and to care about people enough to want them to have a paradigm shift and "be saved", show the fruit, answer sincere questions about the now.
My favorite pearl...v.21, "Jesus also submitted himself to John's message". More than just declaring "the Kingdom of God is in you all"...Jesus submitted. Wow.
Off topic-
Was just thinking this morning about the discussion if there is one God, how do we reconcile Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the Old Testament slant of God being "many". I have never had a problem of thinking of father, son, spirit being one, I guess I'm just wired that way in my head.
I was musing on John 14:20:
"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in Me , and I am in you."
Then I went to Eph 4:4- "There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
Then Eph 4:12- " that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."
I believe the mature Body of Christ will see the oneness of the Body just as we can see the Father, Son and Spirit as one- it is this unity of purpose, love for each other, no-walled communication that will accomplish the awareness that will open our eyes to see the truth- all are One.
God has brought us back together in Him to the Garden- "And he openeed his eyes and looked around him and realized he had been placed back in the Garden...and there beside him was his Beloved, his Creator walking with him."
"Instead speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Eph 4:15,16
"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me." John 17:20-(part)23
Blessings, peace and joy,
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