Hey bloggers...Several of you from the currently-suspended cyber-congregation have asked me through text, e-mail and Facebook what the good news is that I will share tomorrow night ITB, since you will not be able to be privy to the information...so I will go ahead and say something about it here...the bottom line is that,
as of today, the immediate financial crisis seems to have been averted...
HOWEVER!!!...before everyone starts throwing confetti, I need to say that, yes, it's wonderful that the people of CITN have stepped up in the last few hours to do what they should have been doing all along...and I am certainly grateful for that...but everyone must understand that this has not really been a "crisis" in the conventional sense...this has been the revealing of the need for a paradigm shift in our community...and I will say that I can see it happening...but right now it's a cloud the size of a man's hand...so...SO FAR, SO GOOD...
BUT!!! we're supposed to be going
from glory to glory, not
from crisis to crisis...so, just because we're not out looking for another location today, it doesn't mean that everyone can go back to the way things were...all the good that has happened in the last couple of weeks has been the result of more people (not everyone yet) simply doing their part, and believing in their church...
And, no, this doesn't mean that we're about to go back on streaming just yet...I've really got to build the congregation that meets on the campus right now, so those of you who are out of state will have to do mp3's and CDs and DVDs for the time being...thanks for understanding...
Again, I need to stress that we are still doing everything we can to be good stewards of what comes in, and if this trend of responsibility and cooperation doesn't continue, we'll be back in the danger zone in just a few days...
SO...thankyou, tithers, givers, and partners...
PLEASE DON'T STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!Well, I said more than I meant to...and I want to see a good turn out for tomorrow night, because we're still walking this thing out, and your demonstrated support is essential...but that's the good news...as of right now, there is still a Church In The Now in Conyers...see you tomorrow night! (exclamation point)...
Love you all...
! x 1000 = !000 etc. etc. etc...
Katrice Mccrary-Clark said...
To my CITN family,
"You are, in a sense, the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost the strength of its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is then useless...not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and walked on by oblivious people.
"You are also the light of the world...a well-lit metropolis built on a hill that cannot be hidden or ignored in any way.
"Think about it: no one lights a lamp and then covers it up and obscures its radiance. On the contrary, a lamp is made to be lit and then fixed somewhere up high on a lamp stand, so that it can burn brightly and illuminate the entire house. MITN 15:13-15
CITN family---continue to be salt and light to the world. Love you all.
Darlene Runner said...
Bishop your good news means that "we do" have ears to hear. Stepping up to "continue" to hear, see and do are the good habits in our daily walk. We all know what can happen when we fall off the band wagon and the good habits become good intentions and later broken promises......
Jeff Thames said...
God is faithful to His word.
Isaiah 55:10-11 (The Message)
Just as rain and snow descend from the skies
and don't go back until they've watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom,
producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,
So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed.
They'll do the work I sent them to do,
they'll complete the assignment I gave them.
Aubrey Gallimore said...
This was definitly a wake up call! I felt like I almost lost my home and I am sure many of our fellow worshipers felt the same. And since you have spoken...I will try my hardest to be in the place. I'll make sure you see me. Love you!
Linda M Curtis said...
I was blessed to be there ITB and faithfully stepped up, as I will continue from Michigan,HOWEVER, (grin) when the local ITB every Sunday peeps keep steppin up, those of your CITN family out of state & country, will be celebrating when streaming for us is restored ! Thanks for the update. Peace~
Ebony Thornton said...
Can I still do the Dora and Boots "We Did It" dance?
Not just yet...still need to get everyone on board...gotta put the "E" in E.A.C.H...
Ebony Thornton said...
I'm really tempted to write one when we are ALL on the same page. And now because of High School Musical everytime you say "we're all in this together", i think of the song and want to start dancing.
If/when we're ALL on the same page, I'll learn the steps and lead it...
Ebony Thornton said...
LOL, I don't know if I always did this, or I do it more since going to CITN, but I looked at the lyrics again and chessy as the franchise is, good unity lyrics are there
"Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong
We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true"
Ebony Thornton said...
"We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it"
Linda M Curtis said...give notice....there's another flight in order to be ITB ~
AMEN and Amen! Hallelujah! God has always proven Himself faithful and NOW so have His people stepped up to assume responsibility for "their"part. For we all "know in part", yet if and when we refuse or neglect to "share in part", while graciously PARTING with what we deem is necessary to our own livelihoods / well-beings, then we have decided to be isolated as individual islands as opposed to serving as drops of water in the vast ocean of possibilities. For we all know that water is the sustenance for life form. And those who have chosen to live on islands, instead of pouring our cups of water into the greater bodies of water that touches, nourishes, hydrates, and supplies all life forms in some way or another, then that mentality is justified by the "me, my 4, and no more" survivalists instinct.
I am truly excited and relieved that so many others have stepped up and decided to start BEING THE CHURCH--- lively stones that build the foundations of the Kingdom of God, and made conscious efforts to stop PLAYING CHURCH or having church. WE ARE THE CHURCH and in order for us to continue to reach the hurting, dying, and those who are trapped in darkness, we MUST do our part--- not only when we are put on blast or in a crisis mode, but always simply because WE LOVE, WORSHIP, and HONOR GOD with a pure heart and out of RIGHT RELATIONSHIP with Him. God is our Father in Heaven, yet He has set Bishop and Pastor Debye over us to serve as our Parents in the Faith. They LIVE what they preach! So, should we not want to HONOR our Heavenly Father by doing what is right and just unto Our Spiritual Father and Authority Figures, simply by DEMONSTRATING OUR LOVE for the home that they have built for us and so unselfishly provide everything needed for our growth in God? How can we say that we LOVE GOD if we behave as spoiled and self-absorbed children who only run to their parents aid should we feel that we are going to lose our inheritance and then quickly nurse them back to health, when we should have been humble, caring Sons and Daughters who loved them enough as to not only look to them for what is in it for ourselves. They have worked, labored, and poured into humanity and have graciously given us the BEST PART of themselves that we may learn and grow to become mature believers (DOERS in the Faith). Therefore, they deserve nothing less of us than that which they have sown and toiled over for the betterment of humanity.
I am pleased that many are beginning to see the light, hopefully get a true revelation of WHO GOD IS in Bishop, CITN, and in ourselves. GOD is LOVE-- not simply LOVE in / by word alone, but LOVE DEMONSTRATED, Personified, and LIVED OUT through our doings / deeds. It is one thing for our intentions to be made known, but as my elders used to always say "The road to hell is paved with Good Intentions". So, from this point forward, I implore of all, let our intentions be voiced through ACTION, not meaningless words. GOD provides seed to the sowers and bread unto those who feed HIS SHEEP. A Good Shepherd is one that is better able to care for and FEED HIS SHEEP, when the shepherd himself is amply supplied, watered, and nourished. And when the shepherd is taken down by calamity, the sheep are scattered, stolen, pillaged, or even taken to the slaughter houses for they are without effective leadership and proper guidance. As well, we as the sheep-- want to do OUR PART so that our Bishop is not left by the wayside to be slaughtered by the mockers, scoffers, and naysayers. With every level of promotion, comes greater responsibility. Everyone wants promotion and increase, yet very few rejoice and embrace more responsibility. To whom much is given, MUCH MORE is REQUIRED!
(to be Continued in Part 2)
(Part 2)
Anyone can own sheep, yet the Shepherd that is of Excellence has a heart for God, and therefore takes pride in properly caring for His Sheep. So, let us all be obedient, loving, and Praiseworthy sheep that have a heart towards God and thereby making our Shepherd's Job easier so that He is better equipped to take on broader pastures and to TEACH other owners, rulers, and overseers HOW TO SEE, HEAR, and Discern God in these times, empowering them to become SHEPHERDS with a Heart for God with effectiveness to simply whisper to their sheep and the sheep will gladly comply without bridle or bit--- for it will be out of hearts of Love and right relationship that bridge the gaps and span the distances for the Ministry of Reconciliation.
(And I speak from that which I LIVE, not from simple head knowledge or empty words.) In one of Maya Angelou's books, I distinctly remember a quote / principle that has always stuck with me: "People tend to do what they know how to do at the time, yet when the LEARN BETTER,they ought to aspire to DO BETTER, then LIVE BETTER, and upon progressively DOING BETTER, they should graduate to doing what is right and just ALL THE TIME, not for recognition from others, but simply because IT IS WHAT IS RIGHT! " Now, how many witnesses are there in this place? Selah...
Charles Martin said...
I love your candor, faith and hope...as you lead the people to see the greater picture. I'm experiencing similar concerns at my church. God is our provider. Thanks for the leadership you are providing to the people!
Amalia Amaki said...
Thanks for the update. While I very much miss streaming, I respect and support your decisions, and look forward to the day when there is no need to make such appeals - you deserve the right to walk in that liberty.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. CITN a Strong City Set On A Hill
Bishop Swilley A Stong Man Who Leads A Strong Nation
Is that THE Charles Martin from the DHS (go bulldogs!) class of 7T6?
Charles Martin said...
THE One and only! And, would there, or could there be any BETTER year than 1976?
Absolutely not...Bicentennial graduating class was the best...I actually went to two DHS football games this past season (the homecoming game was sort of rained out), and one basketball game in their new sports complex...I still feel very connected to Decatur...love it and am proud of it...it's been cool to connect with old friends from there on FB...will be in agreement for a breakthrough in your church...stay strong, bro...
Praise God!
We are ALL necessary in every part. We ALL are the ONE, connected in innumerable ways. CITN is the experience ALL of us here, that are part of it have sought this out as we have been sought by each other. We are here on our purpose, and a shared purpose. We share our Spirits in this defined way, we find the Peace in the expression of this CITN community.
There are other communities that like minded find a similar Peace and belonging. This is the one we have sought and been sought by.
We live HERE. We believe HERE. We connect HERE. One of the beautiful parts of this CITN community I enjoy is that it is purely by desire and choice. There is no tradition that brings us together HERE, no automatic path. We ALL choose on purpose to be HERE, activating an inspiration in Our Spirit.
That alone is worth supporting .
Deana Furnish Malone said...
YAE!!! so Glad to hear it!!! I can hear you say, Give us THIS day our daily bread....Love you Bishop!!
I do not always give based on my income….Sometimes I give based on my Need and in faith regardless of my income. I am a business owner who has seen without a doubt that my success has been based on my giving! My giving is not based on my income, but my income is based on my giving. When I see my bank account is low….sometimes it is real scary because I have payroll and rent to pay besides all of the other business expenses… That is when I give more because God will Always honor my faith and bless me back. My revelation has been that if you give from your heart, even if you only have 2 dollars to give, God will honor your faith and increase your ability to give more....I am a strong believer that the tithe is not always about money...it can be a simple act of kindness to someone who is hurting and in need of comfort…giving a smile… speaking a kind word to a stranger.. tithing is giving a coat away to someone in need.. it is giving a TV, etc. away to someone in need…it is the ability to “see” a need that someone has…it is taking time out to listen to someone else who is struggling... making a phone call to someone who hasn't been at church and you let them know you miss them and care....the tithe is your gift in whatever way you can give it to someone else who is in need.
I was one of the ones on Sunday who gave the extra 201.00 with my tithe...my business account was low and I have thought about cutting back and possibly laying off this year, but I gave anyway...I received a check for 5, 219.00 the next day...God is faithful and He sees our heart. Giving opens the door to success, good health, God’s favor, etc...To me, giving is what God has called us all to do… I would rather give to God's stock market than any other market because the return is eternal!!!
I Pray that someone reading this will have a revelation from God that will set them FREE and finances and money will no longer be an issue of bondage and fear… God showed me years ago about yhr principal of reaping and sowing.. Sow goodness..reap goodness. Just that simple...He showed me that He was a giving God and if I was truly his child, I would be a giver too to those less fortunate. I PROVED HIM AND KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT YOU CAN NEVER OUTGIVE GOD!
Bishop Swilley,
Thanks for keeping us posted on everything taking place in our home. The wise said " If they set fire on your father's house run faster to apprehend the arsonist or else you're the next victim to the arsonist" I have never been accepted anywhere in the world like CITN family, what concerns you/family and your ministry touches me and all that is mine.
Surely i would love to give and surely one day we will be able to gather our tithe from Good shepherd, Uganda small as it will be and wire it to the ministry account. As it comes in small bits from this growing congregation, may be we will be sending it after every six month. Tithe is tithe however big or little, it has no substitute.
You Noted vehemently that let each one of us continue doing what we are doing right now, also you added, we're doing what we could have done years back. You added also we're supposed to go glory to glory and not from the flying pan to the fire.ALL THIS REMINDED ME WHEN THE LAW WAS READ ONCE AGAIN BY EZRA TO TO JEWS IN THE BOOK of Nehemaiah. Dear CITN family, let's continue praying and giving till when the Bishop will let us know that all is very good. Let's move this year 2010 to another level of excellence in CITN. Thanks tithers, givers, intercessors and otherwise. May God reward you continually as you continue to give continually and praying unceasingly..
All must be thankful to the divine transparency of our Bishop. In many churches Bishops and church leaders use the opportunity to rob the congregation. Can you imagine Bishop has come out this soon to give a word of hope that the situation is changing? Think about It. Thanks Bishop for being that good steward.LET'S CONTINUE DOING WHAT WE'VE STARTED DOING IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS.
Pr. Benard Nadiope.
God is Good!
I live 95 miles from the church, but I say-
this year/how about we all give better this year,
get out/or stay out of personal debt/ get the CITN out of debt.
With God all things are possible.
God is a BIG God.
Then/How about let's go for our dreams this year?
How about the money given to CITN be a seed of
Dreams to grow for individuals and for CITN as a whole?
Anyway- this is MY New Year's Resolution. Anyone want to join me?
There is strength in numbers.
Anon in North GA
To:Pr. Benard Nadiope.
Thanks for the comment--It is wonderful to hear to me to read what you wrote! May our BIG GOD bless all you and your church dream of this year!!!!!!!
May any money you send be a miracle seed to grow your dreams.
Anonymous in North Georgia
I'm so glad all of our eyes have been open... CITN is so imortant, needed, wanted, loved, unique, full of life, a light in the darkness, flowing with mercy and grace....
Bishop, tonight when you mentioned the natural man not responding until he sees and hears from the spirit man, immediately the Holy Spirit said to me, "THAT's agreement!"
How can two walk together unless they agree? So when the natural part of me aligns itself with the spiritual part of me we walk simultaneously.
How powerful is THAT agreement!
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