"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid; ONLY believe.'" (Mark 5:36)

Today I will not be devastated by any bad news, or negative report that I may hear. I will not overreact, because my heart is established and I walk in the illogical peace that passes understanding. I will believe the report of the Lord. I will overcome all obstacles to my faith by His word spoken to my heart.
Today I will prevail over my emotions, and will conduct myself according to what I believe rather than by what I feel. I will resist the temptation to be anxious or fretful. I will not waste my time worrying, because the Lord, my Shepherd, will make me to lie down in green pastures, and lead me beside still waters. He will restore my soul.
Today I will be calm and steady in my mind. The circumstances around me will not distract me. I will focus on what God is doing in the now, and in the now I will find my confidence. I will rise to the occasion today. I will accomplish my goals for today. I will win!
Today my words will reflect that I ONLY believe. I know that I cannot believe and doubt at the same time, any more than I can travel north and south simultaneously. My words will be words of faith, victory and success today. My tongue, like the rudder on a ship, will guide me through dangerous waters into safety all day long. I will have what I say.
Today I will avoid negative people and their influence as much as possible. I will not believe the words of those who do not ONLY believe. I will attract faith-filled and positive individuals who will inspire me to continue to believe, and will confirm the truth on which I stand. Our speech together will be seasoned with salt.
Today I will understand what the word ONLY means in a whole new way. Because I declare the end from the beginning, I call this day a good day even before I live it. I will not dilute my pure faith with compromise. I will be radical in my ability to believe, and things will change in my life for the better because of it. Today I am fearless! Today I will ONLY believe, and today I will live in the now!
Father, help me to ONLY believe today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Today got a phone call from an accuser...settled that with a calm answer..
Phone rang again...an ONLY BELIEVER...
Makes a BIG difference
"Today I will avoid negative people and their influence as much as possible. I will not believe the words of those who do not ONLY believe. I will attract faith-filled and positive individuals who will inspire me to continue to believe, and will confirm the truth on which I stand."
Thanks Bishop
Chad Smith said...
No doubt...and I believe in you...and, starting to, everyone else.
I read this daily devotional first thing this morning - apples of gold in settings of silver.
Grayling Chestnut said...
Bishop, I am studying the ministries of Peter, Paul, and John. All unique, yet all connected - not in competition, but complimenting and enhancing each ministry as they grow into each other from Peter to John. I believe that we are in a time of restoration (John) - so I BELIEVE!
Timely word today Bishop and great service on Sun & New Years eve. Thanks!
Thanks be to God who causes us to triumph in His Name!
And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe.... (Eph 1:19 AMP)
Avatar!! Saw the matinee in 3D. Wow!..that was really cool...effects/visuals great. I'm sure people will be talking about spiritual analogies and parallels they saw for quite awhile, too.
How many people are on this blog?
Answer: ONE
Good word today!
Bishop, I read on yesterday's blog you have a good word for your people Wednesday night. How about those of us who are here in cyberspace?
Dennis, Good to see you up and running!
Karl, I liked your joke! Just wanted to tell you I still pray every day for you and your family!
! \o/ ! \o/ ! \o/ ! \o/ !
To believe first you have to trust in what your believing for. I believe 2010 will be the beginning to an end. Think about it what held us back will push us forward. Believing Blessings will be unlocked because we put action into 2010.
As the song says Don't worry
Be happy
Linda M Curtis said...
BELIEVE is the word I had in 2009 and I got it again for 2010 ~ I accept and receive that, as I have plenty to be believin for !!!
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