Sunday, July 17, 2011


What a great day today at CHURCH IN THE NOW EAST! In case you missed it, here's the acrostic/outline from my teaching...

D - are to keep believing in what's left of your dream...
O - wn your mistakes and then move on from them...
N - ever say never...
T - rain yourself to rise above it all...

G - et up after every fall...
I - magine the end result...
V - alue the investment you've already made...
E - xpect the best, but be prepared for the worst...

U - nderstand that time is not your enemy...
P - ush yourself to try once more...


Anonymous said...

Jere Luck said...

Thank you for giving the outline again. At the risk of being the "high maintenance" cyber congregationist... I just have to say... Was I the only one with a GIANT echo? I really hate to bring it up after the hostile emails about cutting us off before the end of the blessing... But there was a huge echo for me today. And really really happy you posted the outline again. :) thank you. I'm gonna order the msg on mp3 (if we can still do that) to hear it all again. Great word today! Love you!! :)

Bishop Jim Swilley said... far as the end blessing complaint, you definitely weren't alone on that...all the other ones thanked me on private message...and we need to know if there are audio problems, so I appreciate you letting us know...moving all the equipment into the KITN building has presented some challenges in that area, and we're working on it...I'll let the media people know about it...and yes, you can still order everything on you, too...

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Fuller said...

Bishop, I haven't been able to get audio for last Wednesday and Sunday. I live within the area of the church, but because of family obligations, unable to ITB, so I am just wondering if it is my location that causing me not to hear. I am definitely glad you gave us your outline from Sunday. Fortunately for me, some one called me it read it to me, but it is much better in writing. Thank you

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

You're welcome...don't know if there's an audio problem, but I'll ask about it tomorrow at staff meeting...