Sunday, April 4, 2010

Celebrate! Jesus Is Alive!

It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if the alive-and-present God Who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, He'll do the same thing in you that He did in Jesus, bringing you alive to Himself? When God lives and breathes in you(and He does, as surely as He did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With His Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ's!
(Romans 8:11 - The Message)


Celebrate the fact that the real, living Jesus...

...the outspoken, passionate, confrontational, provocative, liberating, counter-culture, strong and brave and totally secure-within-Himself, fully integrated Jesus...

...the Word made flesh who became Jesus, the Christ...Jesus in the now...

...the One who embodies the "I Am," the God who defies definition and description...

...the manna or the "what is it?" that came down from heaven...

...the One whose humanity is every bit as beautiful and intriguing and wonderful as is His divinity...

...the God-man who cannot be bound or limited in any way by religion or philosophy or doctrines or dogma...

...the firstborn among many siblings in the family of God who live in the 21st century is alive!!


Celebrate that, because He lives, you can be fully alive in your life! Allow your natural senses to be quickened by God so as to heighten your awareness of His beautiful creation surrounding you! Hear, by the Spirit, the trees of the field clapping their hands in adoration to the Most High, and declare with the Psalmist, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord"! (Psalm 150:6).

Don't be afraid when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Know that He is with you, and that His rod (to protect) and His staff (to guide) will aid and equip you to walk out of that valley, to successfully climb the mountain of the Lord! Celebrate that He is alive in the earth!


Listen for the word of the Lord to you, specifically. You cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds (present tense) out of the mouth of God, so make every effort to find your rhema word in the now. His words will create an eternally living fountain within you, producing an effect that will be obvious to all who come into contact with you, including the ones who have no spiritual sensitivity.

Even non-believers will sense that there is something different and life-giving about you! The living word in and to you will re-create you to be a living epistle written on their human hearts, and you will become a manifested confirmation to them that the Word works! Because He lives, the spirit of death is rebuked, so allow the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus to continually make you free from the law of sin and death!

Celebrate resurrection today, and celebrate that He is alive in you!


Anonymous said...

He is Risen, indeed!!

Anonymous said...

He is alive in me and you!

Brenda said...

Yes, I celebrate today because He indeed has risen in me. I am alive and well and living the abundant life because He is alive and well. I'm learning the truth of Him; not because somebody read and told me but because somebody tapped into what I already knew from the beginning of time. When He awoke in me that which had laid dormat for so long, I saw the leaves on the trees to be greener, and the skies were blue. I looked across the lake and saw the wonder of Him as the waters came up to shore and stopped in perfect timing before it went back out again. Yes indeed he is alive!! and I will rejoice that He knows my name.

Anonymous said...

David Smith said...

Great words for a great day!

Anonymous said...

Linda M Curtis said...

HE is Risen ~ HE is Risen INDEED ~

Erik said...

Yes, celebrating The Life within Us. God comes through us to the degree we allow ourselves to be open.

Any construct that confines how God expresses, is flawed in some degree.

I am in Utah traveling. As I got here, the semi annual conference for the LDS was broadcast on NBC.

I bring that up because many of the speakers focused on God's Love unrestrained, and concluding with the only loss we experience is the lack of fully experiencing God as available in this life and reality. Amen !

This is the bottom line regardless of any doctrine or dogma any group may profess. Dogma and Doctrine is dead and stagnant. No matter who's dogma or doctrine it is.

The Christ is Alive, and that alone supercedes any dogma or doctrine in any sense any where. any time.

Erik said...

OK, refinement of last comment.

The Christ is alive, breathing, moving, expanding and fluid.

Any thing that can be defined as a doctrine or dogma that is codified, resistant to breathing and growth, fluidity, is essentially dead.

Better ? I hope so.

River said...

Word verb is cropping.

He is cropping us. We are His garden. As we grow we will produce seed and our comunity will spring forth showing those the way to Him. Showing those He Is Alive
All over the world.

Awesome Service Today!!!