"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matthew 6:34)

Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I know that I can seek first the Kingdom of God only by refusing to take thought for tomorrow. The Kingdom does not exist in the future, because there is no future or past in the eternal "now." Because the King is eternal, the "I AM" reigns in my life now as Lord now!

Today I will make the effort to keep my thoughts, my focus, and my attention on what is happening in the immediate. I will be aware of my surroundings. I will live in the moment, for this is the day the Lord has made. I will live this day like it is the only one I have to live.

Today I will not be distracted by an obsession with the past. Today is a day to clean house . . . to erase tapes . . . to delete files . . . to break ties with that which is negative and contrary to a now mentality. I will remember what needs to be remembered . . . my testimony of God's goodness to me . . . pleasant memories . . . the lessons learned from past mistakes . . . traditions that do not make the Word ineffective – but my memory will not bind or hold me. I forget what needs to be forgotten.

Today I will not be preoccupied with the future. I will make necessary plans. I will speak prophetic words. I will call those things which are not as though they were. I will study. I will prepare. I will look forward to good things coming up. But I will not worry, fret, toil or spin. Because I also consider the lilies of the field, I can relax without anxiety, knowing that the Father knows that I have need of all these things.

Today the Kingdom will not only come in my heart, it will also come in my mind. My mind will not be my enemy today but, rather, His will shall be done in my mind, on earth as it is in heaven. My effort to think "now" will open new doors in my thought-life. I will discover new possibilities . . . new potential . . . new wisdom.
Today I will speak differently because I will think differently. I will surprise the people in my life, and will even surprise myself, by my new way of reacting to the world around me. I will prevail over tormenting, familiar spirits by simply doing the unfamiliar.
Today I will hear God's voice and will discern what He is saying. The heavens will declare His glory to me today. His Word will be a lamp unto my feet (for what is happening in my immediate circumstances), and a light unto my path (for what is happening with my purpose and destiny). He is speaking right now, and I am hearing Him right now. I will think "Kingdom" today, and today I will live in the now!
Father, help me to think eternally — to think “now” today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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