Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MITN XI, Verses 27 - 30

Hey bloggers,

I'm going out of town tomorrow, and will be gone for a couple of days, so I may not post anything new until the weekend (whether or not I do, I'll keep the blog open, and will check in on what's happening here) I needed to finish out this chapter for the sake of closure. Here's the rest of it for those of you who are following along. I hope you don't mind me using another old school, "Euro-Jesus" pic, but I've always liked this one (I identify with the guy clutching His robe). Also, thanks for the connection with the other site that some of you are beginning to make...

27 . After the prayer, Jesus resumed speaking to the people, but with a change in tone. He said, "Try to understand that all things have been committed to me by my Father. Whether you think I am the One that you have been expecting or not, the fact is that no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him…and I choose to reveal Him to anyone who will listen.

28. So just come directly to me, all you who are weary of labor…who are tired of trying to take the kingdom by force, and are burned out from the violence that that effort requires. Just come to Me, all you who are burdened heavily with these same questions and frustrations expressed by John, and I will refresh your spirit, and will give your mind the rest that it needs.

29. Take upon yourself the yoke that is on Me…be yoked to Me as I am yoked to the Father, and learn from me. You will find that, in spite of things such as John’s probing questions, or these ominous, prophetic warnings to the unrepentant cities, that I am personally serene, and peaceful of mind, because I know who I am. This is why My internal world is unaffected by the external, and so, in learning from My example, you will find for yourselves serenity, and quality rest for your souls.

30. For the yoke that is upon me is pleasant…it allows me to live stress-free…free and easy…so if you connect yourself to it, you will live the same way. And even though the responsibility of bringing the kingdom is very great, the burden that is on Me is actually quite light."


Anonymous said...

Dear Bishop,
I Love You. Your The Best Jesus Teacher. Your Cool,nice And You Always Like Teaching Jesus Eah?
Your So Great
P.S. I think Jesus Is Really Great Too!

Anonymous said...

yep, that was my boy...he wrote that all by himself. I'm glad that he wanted to...may it bless you.

word ver: franta

NTL said...

30. For the yoke that is upon me is pleasant…it allows me to live stress-free…free and easy…so if you connect yourself to it, you will live the same way. And even though the responsibility of bringing the kingdom is very great, the burden that is on Me is actually quite light."

For me, the other verses led up to this one. As I read it, I could feel a release go out from me. Awesome! Very therapeutic.

May we as believers always realize who we are, in the One who also realizes who we are.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Tell Zachary I said thanks, Karl...

And thanks, NTL, I'm really happy to know that someone read it...

Teezy313 said...

Tonight was absolutely amazing as usual!

As far as next year's Wednesday nights are concerned I have a few topics that I think would be interesting to cover in the Life Skills series:

1.Accountability:To God, To others, and To yourself
2.Owning your own business according to the Word of God
3.Dealing with Stress and Anxiety according to the Word of God

Have a safe vay-cay Bish and P.Deb! Love you both!


Anonymous said...

"I believe in God, the Father Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth.

Anonymous said...

Proof that DNA was designed by a mind: (1) DNA is not merely a molecule with a pattern; it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism. (2) All codes we know the origin of are created by a conscious mind. (3) Therefore DNA was designed by a mind, and language and information are proof of the action of a Superintelligence.

We can explore five possible conclusions:

1) Humans designed DNA
2) Aliens designed DNA
3) DNA occurred randomly and spontaneously
4) There must be some undiscovered law of physics that creates information
5) DNA was Designed by a Superintelligence, i.e. God.

(1) requires time travel or infinite generations of humans. (2) could well be true but only pushes the question back in time. (3) may be a remote possibility, but it's not a scientific explanation in that it doesn't refer to a systematic, repeatable process. It's nothing more than an appeal to luck . (4) could be true but no one can form a testable hypothesis until someone observes a naturally occurring code. So the only systematic explanation that remains is (5) a theological one.

To the extent that scientific reasoning can prove anything, DNA is proof of a designer.

Anonymous said...

Proof that DNA was designed by a mind: (1) DNA is not merely a molecule with a pattern; it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism. (2) All codes we know the origin of are created by a conscious mind. (3) Therefore DNA was designed by a mind, and language and information are proof of the action of a Superintelligence.

We can explore five possible conclusions:

1) Humans designed DNA
2) Aliens designed DNA
3) DNA occurred randomly and spontaneously
4) There must be some undiscovered law of physics that creates information
5) DNA was Designed by a Superintelligence, i.e. God.

(1) requires time travel or infinite generations of humans. (2) could well be true but only pushes the question back in time. (3) may be a remote possibility, but it's not a scientific explanation in that it doesn't refer to a systematic, repeatable process. It's nothing more than an appeal to luck . (4) could be true but no one can form a testable hypothesis until someone observes a naturally occurring code. So the only systematic explanation that remains is (5) a theological one.

To the extent that scientific reasoning can prove anything, DNA is proof of a designer.

Larry Usher said...


I think the reason you don't get as many responses to the new interpretations is simply because this has to be chewed and tasted for a bit before commenting. I find it more challenging to sit down and give a quick read on what really is quite deep. I think most folks would find this the case. The other night I spent several hours musing on the 23rd Psalm, and most of that on three verses, before I was ready to write down some gleanings. So it is with your renditions- they are like fine wine- meant to be savored and commented on after thorough enjoyment!

Have a blessed adventure where ever it is God takes you!

I'm blessed to have you as my pastor and head chef!

Bro Larry

word ver: SCRITYR- "Search Carefully- Render IT Your Reckoning"

2nd word ver: "OVINIT"!

Anonymous said...

Natural Selection is perfectly valid and has been proven time and time again. But most people will be very surprised to discover that no one has ever actually demonstrated that random mutation can create new information. Information theory shows us why this is so: In communication systems, Random Mutation is exactly the same as noise, and noise always destroys the signal, never enhances it.

In communication systems this is called information entropy, and the formula for information entropy is exactly the same as thermodynamic entropy. Once lost, the information can never be recovered, much less enhanced. Thus we can be 100% certain that random mutation is not the source of biodiversity. A tool is provided,, that allows you to experiment and see for yourself that random mutation always destroys information, never enhances it.

This observation is also confirmed biologically by Theodosius Dobzhansky's fruit fly radiation experiments, Goldschmidt's gypsy moth experiments, and others. Decades of research were conducted in the early 20 th century, bombarding fruit flies and moths with radiation in hope of mutating their DNA and producing improved creatures. These experiments were a total failure – there were no observed improvements – only weak, sickly, deformed fruit flies. Giraffes may have evolved from antelopes - I never said that couldn't happen, and I remain open to the possibility that it did. But it certainly wasn't because of Random Mutation!

We have proof that life on planet earth was designed by a mind - and that if life did evolve, the capacity to evolve had to be designed in. The word “Evolution” in the English language always refers to an intelligent process (in business, society, technology etc.) and the only usage in which it allegedly doesn't is naturalistic Darwinian evolution. But communication theory shows us that Evolution by Random Process is a hypothesis without proof.

Finally this presentation concludes with a brief observation: There is an interesting correspondence between Judeo-Christian theology and modern information theory, the statement words and language are the essence of creation: “And God said… In the beginning was the WORD;” that the worlds were spoken into existence.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Larry...

Anonymous said...

Euro-Jesus is cool; reminiscent of similar depictions I saw growing up.

But, I've gotta tell ya, Bish, maybe it's a perception thing - just seems like an ironic intro to verse 27. So... wouldn't it be funny, if Jesus was really the child... or one of the women... (accccck! Blasphemer!) Don't be incensed, everyone. It's just how my mind works. ("yeah... but then, what if...")

Verse 28 - Wonder what would happen if I prayed that at meal times.

Verse 29 - "Take upon yourself the yoke that is on Me…be yoked to Me as I am yoked to the Father, and learn from me." Like a double helix, maybe?

Love those words, "...because I know who I am."

Verse 30 - I like wondering if the burden is radiant energy.

Anonymous said...

Were Those scriptures for me or what. Leaning on Him for stress free life.

Last night the kid and I decorated the kitchen. I feel the best part of this holiday season is the fun we have had decorating. Today we are going to put the finishing touches to the front room.

You know no matter what is going on with the economy you can't take the joy out of spending time with loved ones decorating for His day.

We put the big tree in the kitchen because the living room is small. When we turned out the lights and turned on the Christmas lights both of us just sat back and enjoyed it.

I still love that line from the Alabama song Candle In The Window.

Now it don't take a lot of money
Ohhh to know what riches are
A simple candle in the window
At Christmas
In Your Heart.

Anonymous said...

veriword, proves -

I can't lay off this one mainly because it is so in context with the conversation at present. My favorite interpretation of the word prove is, to establish the genuineness of.

To know the Father and the Son may be as easy as knowing one's own heart.

The study of information transfer via dna or even by artificial inteligence in the form of historical documentation passed through generations of time is similar to the spiritual process of renewing one's mind in Christ.

When information proves to be good for life it is embraced and used for an improved structure. Likewise when it seems to be non supportive or even destructive it is disected and studied further for the good that can be used from it and then the remaining non productive parts are discarded.

This is not needed to prove the existence of God but is an observable proof that humankind is evolving toward an expression of what God is.

Time has shown that humanity has formed a consensus that there is a guiding force outside the existence of humanity itself involved in the process of life. This may be reflected in the religious belief systems of people or in more recent times the discovery of repetitive patterns in both the observable macrocosm and microcosm. There seems to be a message from the Source of Life that we are intended to be or become like the One who created us rather than become too preoccupied with what we were created from.

For me this is very clear in this chapter of Matthew in the Now. Knowing the Father (or Creator) as the Son, who existed in our realm as we do and spoke plainly to us about the goodness and mercy that is ever present, is like seeing that same God in ourselves. The power and presence of the Holy Ghost is now better understood by truth seekers who recognize that we have not yet attained the prize but are coming closer to it through the renewing of our minds in Christ.

Time as we see it may frustrate us when we do not see the change that is desired but when we look back at the brief amount of time that we have kept records of our progress in relation to all that has passed through the time space continuum before we started then our evolution toward the destiny we were created to reach is faster than the speed of light. That seems even more real to me in my own lifetime compared to the collective lifetimes of the many generations before me. The rate at which we are progressing toward the destiny of truly being like the Creator, in Whose image we were created and by Whose Word we are intended to be conformed into the image of, is truly increasing exponentially.

For me this proves the reality of what I know in the spirit as a son who is a brother to God.

Bishop, you are a brother who is closer than a friend.


NTL said...

The high today in the Atlanta area is predicted to be 67, and blown up Santas are everywhere. I love it.

G8TRGRL said...

Yep, feeling like the many Florida Christmases of my childhood... so much that my Dad would put the air conditioning REEAALLLLY COLD so that on Christmas morning we could have a fire in the fireplace!

Anonymous said...

Yay!...More revelation on not forcing the Kingdom to come. MITN XI makes it so easy to imagine what the Kingdom would really look like NOW...that peace really could refreshed spirits and resting minds...that are trusting in His leading to metaneo..

Add a line of last night's unutterable word, and more "how" is filled in [loving always yet distance from some is okay]. The "how to do it" picture is becoming more clear--less in a glass darkly--with every precept that is placed in line.

More from Wed.: the can come to God.

There is power in presenting anything to God......wordver: lestion..."lest I on" something else rely...and fail to come to the awareness of the change of mind, the secret Kingdom power, that His positive reinforcement enables me with, to change--effortlessly.

This translation makes it particularly clear how heinous it is to condemn the progress of another fellow body part [dang--MORE stuff to take to Him].

Ditto, NTL...that great responsibility of manifesting the Kingdom actually lifts with every reading and meditation on these verses!

Bisihop, I also particularly like the v.27 bridgebuilding line: "Whether you think I am the One that you have been expecting or not, the fact is..."

Been playing with grandkids in the snow [yes, 10 degrees, 4 inches of snow and more on the way!] so I haven't kept up with the flow of comments the last few days, but I will later, blog fam.

Anonymous said...


You’re so right!!! I truly need some time to chew on it.

Verse 27 and verse 30 really speak to me today.
I need to go in prayer and have my Savior take all my burdens away, not really burdens but rather some worries I put on myself by myself.
Thank you Lord Jesus for letting me knows I can give you all my worries.

I love you Lord Jesus!
And Bishop I love you too.

Peace to you all


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vs. 27….”but with a change in” tone really sets the scene for what is about to be said.

Anyone who has been on a religious treadmill for very long is going to love reading your translation of Vss. 28-30 “tired of trying to take the kingdom by force,” “burned out “ “questions and frustrations” yes after all the rat-race of religion what comes next is very soothing to the soul especially in LITN we can really relate to.

“My internal world is unaffected by the external, and so, in learning from My example” Amen Lord Jesus!

BTW I like those Euro-Jesus pictures too. Guess it’s hard to get those images out of your mind. Just shows how strongly we are influenced by our heritage.

Peace on earth,

Friend4Life said...

Me 2--Anonymous @ 3:25pm.

G8TRGRL said...

Anon @ 3:25.... ME THREE!!

MY profile pic... THE Waterford Crystal Ball that drops in Times Square... that I got to see up close @ Macy's Herald Square a few weeks ago on a surprise day trip to NYC!!

... the smells of the chestnuts roasting from the street carts... sunset atop 30 Rock...the lights on Radio City... a wonderful experience for the senses...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just uploaded a 4 part series on YouTube called ( Mat. 25:46 Eternal Punishment? )

"Then these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life"

many people I have spoken with about my belief in Universal reconciliation or salvation say that because this verse uses the same Greek word for Punishment as it does for life it proves that there is eternal punishment. Well, in this video series I just unloaded there gun. haha

My channel link is:

Peace on earth,Good will toward mankind,


NTL said...

Donald, where on earth are you, or where in the world are you, or are you there, or can you hear me, or are you just chillin' or what can we do to help, or what sup?

Dude, we miss hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!

Anonymous said...

Away in a manger,
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head

The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

The cattle are lowing
The poor Baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes

I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side,
'Til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray

Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to heaven
To live with Thee there

JR said...

Dear Bishop Swilley,
My real name is Josh R. Hejlik
(well my middle initial is actually
A but I prefer JR over JA) and am 19 year old member of the Body of Christ. While I am not new to Church in the Now or reading your blog sites, I just got an account for your blog, and this the first blog I've written. I have known about Church in the Now since about 2002, when my mom and stepdad (their names are Tom and Julie Pavuk if you can remember them because they haven't physically at CITN in a while but all 3 of us still love watching the Sunday and Wednesday night services online) started going to CITN. The reason I say my mom
and stepdad is because I live in a
nice town in northern Iowa called Clear Lake with my dad, but my mom moved down the Atlanta area to be with her new husband. The first time I came down to Atlanta in the summer of 2002 to spend time with my mom and stepdad was the first time I went to CITN. Ever since then my mom and stepdad have either been at or watched one of
your sermons, and for the last
6 years I've done my best to catch your sermons online as much as I
could, but since may this year since my mom and stepdad have been back in Iowa I've watched almost all of your sermons online except a couple of times our internet was on the fritz. I would just like to tell you thank you for your inspiring and uplifting messages and that your beliefs almost completely lines up with mine.
Also I would just like to say that other than our common beliefs that we have some other things in common in our personal lives that I would like to talk about in my next blog/s.
Finally I would just like to say God Bless you Bishop Swilley
and that the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you.

Erik said...

Yes, it is Choice to reveal to all who Choose to receive.

Available, with the only cost Desire, Choice. Refreshed mind and spirit, by The Spirit, The One Anointed for The Universe that we can comprehend in our perception, across all dimensions, and those we do not.

We know who We Are, Love and Peace define US. His example, is Our blueprint, which We manifest each day.

Great responsibility with a light burden, yoked together We are, -- In Jesus name , Amen.

Donald said...

NTL, I didn't "sniff, sniff" think anybody cared!
Actually, I have been busy, busy lately.
I had to go out of town last weekend to a graduation at Mississippi State. My son's girlfriend graduated so we went up there and also caught a basketball game while we were there.
Mississippi State beat the sh-tuffing out of South Alabama.
Then we've had some ferocious deadlines at work trying to get some units built for one of the Navy ships that our customer is building.
Then of course we're getting ready for Christmas when we'll dance with jing tinglers tied onto our heels, and blow our sloop fluters and bang our tar tinkers and blow our who hooters and bang our gar ginkers and beat our blum blookers, well you get the idea.
Anyway, as far as I can tell, we're still going to make it up that way on the 28th.
Looking forward to meeting you and seeing everyone else that we have befriended over the years.
And Bishop I have been reading your translation and have been quite captivated by it. I apologize for not being able to put my two cents worth in on it lately, but it is thoroughly enlightening.
Dennis, I glanced at your blog for a second or two the other day. I'm trying to get over there and digest some more of it. I always get edified by it.

Teezy313 said...

Hey JR,
Welcome to Blog In The Now! You are gonna love it here! Hope you make yourself at home!

Teezy(also 19)

NTL said...

Donald, looks like you've been busy. All of what you said reminds me of that old saying, a womans work is from sun to sun, but a mans work is never done. lol

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,
I just put up an article on my blog showing "PROOF" THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS BEGOTTEN OF THE HOLY GHOST ON DEC. 25. I found this years ago and it has given me great comfort after coming from a Christmas bashing indoctrination.

All the Christ-mas haters out there can can it - you know, file 13......

I have a special anointing of peace and joy in this season that my Lord became flesh and dwelt among us. And no one will take that from me. If you feel the same you now have even more reason to celebrate this Glorious Holy-Day

If you feel differently then excuse me and my blog, I am sorry I offended you.

To all else.....



linda said...

This part:... For the yoke that is upon me is pleasant…it allows me to live stress-free…free and easy…so if you connect yourself to it, you will live the same way. And even though the responsibility of bringing the kingdom is very great, the burden that is on Me is actually quite light." ... That is some of the most wonderful words that I have ever read. What causes me to ponder and also to wonder, why then do I behave so badly under stress.
thank you for taking the time to do this.
Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Very refreshing post. Be blessed.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey...just checking in. Thanks for the comments, and welcome, JR!


Anonymous said...

Jesus was a master of caring confrontation. He practiced nonviolent resistance to evil, and it was his teaching and example that would inspire Gandhi and the great African-American Christian leaders of the civil rights movement. Jesus asked Peter to put down his sword; he said that those who live by the sword die by it. But he also confronted spiritual hypocrites and the many moneychangers who had set up shop in the Temple. He was constantly challenging people to think and act lovingly, and this meant that he had often to take the risk of confrontation when he saw destructive attitudes and behaviors around him.

Prayer: Lord, strengthen us in the courage to confront evil with wise love rather than malice.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:59
Just a thought along with your post. In the story of the sheep and the goats in mat. 25:31-46 Jesus Separated the sheep from the goats. I found in my studies on this story that the shepherds that have sheep and goats together (this is a common practice) one of the reasons they had to be separated was that the Goats were very aggressive with the sheep when feeding and would not let the sheep eat. While the sheep being non-violent and meek by nature would not resist. So they had to be separated. I found this interesting and thought provoking.


Anonymous said...

We can't win them, until we win them, with love.

Anonymous said...

w. v. bching (no comment)

Larry Usher said...

Just a quick hello!
The threads of the Kingdom are all around us- say hello to someone and see what thread they hold that can weave into yours. Makes a beautiful garment!
Hi NTL, Karl, Izumi, Laura, Pastor Dennis, Donald, GTRGRL, Teezy, Erik, Friend 4 life, Avatar, Linda and to the newbie JR a warm welcome!!

Hello Bishop! Shout out from the peeps!

Hi Kettly! Say hi to Fritz for me. You are never far away from my heart!

Hello to all the Anons out there, sometimes I R 1 2! ;)

Blessings to all and to all a goodnight!

Bro Larry

word ver: DUCTS, as in tear ducts. It's alright to cry and bring your whole heart to the Father...He knows what you are going through...and is complicit in your steps...

Larry Usher said...

Word ver just popped up...PATHW, He IS the Pathway...

Pic- Beautiful people in Kampala church...

Anonymous said...

In the words of a Pink Floyd song from The Wall..."Is anybody out there?" - it's 1:50 am...stayed late in Douglasville and visited my friend Herbert in the hospital, who will probably be staying until at least Monday.

PattiL007 said...

Yes, I am out here...but only for a few minutes and then its back to work or lights out...whichever happens first.

Bishop, I know y'all are having a great trip...favor and safety and peace...look forward to your refreshed return.

As for MITN:
..."Whether you think I am the One that you have been expecting or not, the fact is that no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him…and I choose to reveal Him to anyone who will listen.

28. So just come directly to me, all you who are weary of labor…who are tired of trying to take the kingdom by force, and are burned out from the violence that that effort requires. Just come to Me, all you who are burdened heavily with these same questions and frustrations expressed by John, and I will refresh your spirit, and will give your mind the rest that it needs."

I don't even know how to tell you what your translations do to my spirit jumps for my heart fills to the brim with my mind digs in and tries to wring every drop of water out so it can run freely over my mind and renew me.

It is so wonderful, it is so honest, it is so clear and uncompromised, it is so CITN/ is so You and So God! Thank you, Bishop...thank you!

There are more incredible and amazingly deep comments here in addition to the steak of the Word in MITN, we have sides and bread too! Thank you all for your input and your always being here when I get a chance to come in...I do love y'all!

I have so been talking perception with my classmates that I have them thinking about it all the time...even in a class that revolves around fact and factual statements and comments has to take perception into account. Just as Bish has said...if it's not real to you, it's not real in your life...perception...that's the key!

More of you Lord...that's my love like you love, to see like you see, to hear like you hear to speak only what you speak.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with...
Blessings Blog Fam! :D

Anonymous said...

Greetings to JR!!!

Bishop, I wrote twice today but the connection was messing me up somehow and I forgot to save.

If I'm remembering correctly, I mentioned that it looks like Christ, in a sense, is saying..."anyone else?"

I also love the look on the man clutching Jesus' robe...the same look that was probably on my face when I called out to Him in my dorm room in Tennessee in 1984.

I think it's neat that the man from the tombs is there to the right.

...the words where Jesus says He is serene and of a peaceful mind because He knows who He is, really leapt off the page to me, saying, "you can be serene and full of peace...just see who you are IN ME."

uh...we just got our tree tonight and will probably begin decorating tomorrow...oh yeah, and I had one of those yummy Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts today.

To Erik..."Happy Birthday to you!"
..."Happy Birthday to you,...
Happy Birthday dear Erik...
"Happy yooou!"

Today my mom saw a security office, I believe, take the purse of a woman who had come out of a store...she wasn't stopping or coming back in like she was asked, got in a car and sped off with another person...shoplifting I assume.
What's cool is my mom was near and got their license number, so when my mom went into the store and saw them talking, she produced a nice written note of the number.

She came home and told us of her exciting morning. I think it made her feel really good.

word ver: iraesslo
In scooby-doo language that means
"I guess so"

Anonymous said...

just a cool word ver: guess

Anonymous said...

oops, security OFFICER, not office, in the shoplifting story.

Well, if anybody is still up, it's been great reading the blogs lately, especially since my friend lent me his laptop for a few days. I've really enjoyed connecting! --it's 2:30am, good night.

Anonymous said...

I had some broken links at the beginning of the article on Dec. 25 on my blog. these links are for the calculation of the dates and how it is done. I fixed them this morning and put a note at the top.

just so everyone will know that this date actually can be calculated as such.

Merry Christ/mass,


gotta go shopping.......

Donald said...

Did I happen to mention that I turned 50 today?
Well, the first third of my life was been pretty fantastic. I can't wait to see what great things are going to happen in this second third.
Bring it on!!!!!!!!!

Donald said...

So what's up with getting your yard rolled when you turn 50?

Is that common or is it just a south Mississippi phenomenon?

Donald said...

So I'm sitting back in my recliner working the puzzles out of the newspaper when Her Majesty walks into the livingroom with my breakfast on a tray.
It includes bacon and the grits have butter running off the edges of them.
Oh Hallelujah!
That is just not allowed to happen any other day.

NTL said...


HBITN Happy Birthday In The Now

In celebration of your B'day, I'm wearing a party hat as I mow the leaves in my yard.

Have a great day.

NTL said...

I hope you and the fam' are getting all the R&R (refreshing restoration) you can get.

G8TRGRL said...


Happy Birthday today... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO!! :o)

My children cooked me my breakfast this morning... (even though I got to flip the eggs!) and we just returned from a soccer game victory! 1 more game to go today, and then off to a family Christmas party.

My DH sent me some beautiful petite roses in red and white from the family... we anxiously await his return on the 23rd.

December-close-to-Christmas birthday peeps are extra special... not that we have to toot our own horn or anything...


Have a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Must be so. Mississippi, Donald--Happy day of entry in this dimension day! where are you going to have dinerat?
Wordver needs some grammar lessons

Anonymous said...

Happy Birhtday Donald and G8TRGRL.

Gotta love them grits.


Anonymous said...

Well, happy birthday to ya'll, I guess I should say.

Donald, please tell me Her Majesty didn't give your eggs to G8TRGRL.

Maybe for my next birthday when I'm asked what do I want...bacon, eggs and buttery grits are sounding pretty good...oh but someone will have to pick up the biscuits and sawmill gravy at Cracker Barrell, if they'd be so kind.

Anonymous said...

Hey all

Just needing someone to talk to.
Husband at work and kid is crashed out on the couch.
Just finished making cookies. Wish I could have done enough for everyone but this year I made them for family. When I was making them I felt like my mom was in the kitchen with me. Every Christmas that was what we did together.

Christmas Eve is going to be great. I got a sneak peak at His Hands as they rehearsed after the choir on Thurs.They are awesome.

Boy it's hard to believe Christmas is just a few days away.
You know another year is before us.
Another birth is coming into focus.
To me every year is a new birth (spiritual).
We are being called to a new level.
Don't look back.
Make ready your heart
Overcome the past (really it didn't last).
Victory is in all of us.
Everyone has a part in this new year.
So Get Ready!!!

Happy Birthday
G8TRGRL & Donald

Donald said...

Karl I didn't have any of them good ole' chicken eggs this morning so maybe Her Majesty did give them away.
G8trgrl, gimme my chicken eggs back!
I'm back home now. We went up in the country in Alabama to have our little family Christmas lunch today.
Now, I'm going to a surprise birthday dinner. I'm not supposed to know about it though.
But thanks for all the kind words and Happy Birthday to you too G8trgrl.

Anonymous said...

Donald, just act so if you could lay your OWN EGG!

word ver: illysk
I think I see the word silly in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bishop,
I've been checkin' out your other website, enjoying it already.

The list there reminds me of a song by Martina McBride.
Some of the words, I think are...I dream, I love, I sing, anyway.

I really enjoy the music...used to listen to Jazz Flavors here in Atlanta years ago on 94Q.

Zachary right now is dancing in the kitchen to Miles Davis, and John Scofield...I'm at the table.

I'm sure more people will eventually come to this encouraging site. God bless!

ps. anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, go ahead, go on, ok...stop stallin'. Here it is again:

Anonymous said...

Laura...I'm sure mom would be proud!
The kitchen must be smellin' great!

Set out a few cookies for the kids and daddy, and have the milk ready, just in case.

I agree, I definitely want to be ready and push some awesome things into the world this new year...OK, who's going to be the 2009 baby?

God bless your evening.

w ver: gumme

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

We're home...great trip...

Happy Birthday, G8trgrl...

Happy 50th, Donald...

A blessing on you both!

Teezy313 said...

Welcome home Bish!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Bishop!...looking forward to the travel stories.

He gives His beloved sleep...yes,
sleep in heavenly peace.