MkITN IX, Verses 1 - 13
1. Then He took this concept of the revelation of the Kingdom to another level by saying, "This is the absolute truth...some of you who are standing right here are going to see it're going to see the Kingdom of God arrive in full force and power."
2. And, sure enough, six days after this, His prophecy came to pass for three of them. He took with Him Peter, James and John, and led them up to the top of a high mountain, apart by themselves, and was transfigured right in front of their eyes...His appearance morphed and changed from the inside out, becoming luminous with near-blinding brightness.
3. His clothes began to glisten with a white intensity...whiter than any launderer on earth could bleach them in a thousand washes.
4. As this was happening, the Prophet Elijah suddenly stepped out of linear time...out of the perceived past...out of their history, and into their now...and appeared alive to them. Amazingly, he was accompanied by Moses, and both of them entered talking...they broke through to where the disciples physically existed, already in mid-conversation with Jesus!
5. And somehow Peter instinctively and instantly connected with transcendence, and joined right in this cross-dimensional conference, saying, "Master, it is a beautiful thing for us to be here to witness this! Let us make three for for for Elijah!
6. He spoke before thinking, but when he said these words, it dawned on his mind what he was seeing and saying, and "reality" set in. And this perception took him immediately to a place of violent fright and dread, connecting him with the fear that the rest of the disciples were already experiencing.
7. But before any of them could begin to process any of this, a cloud threw a shadow upon them, and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My Son, the blessed and beloved One! Listen to Him always...listen and obey!"
8. And in an instant the disciples were looking around, rubbing their eyes, trying to mentally accept this seemingly surreal experience, and seeing nothing but blinding cloud...only Jesus.
9. Then, as they were coming back down the mountain, He swore them to secrecy, saying, "Listen...right now I really don't want you to tell anyone about what you just saw here. But after the Son of Man rises from the dead, you're free to talk about it."
10. So they faithfully kept the matter to themselves, as He had instructed. In fact, keeping quiet about the strange experience was easy for them, because there really was no way to adequately explain it, anyway. The part of what he said, however, that they did have a problem with was the thing about "rising from the dead". They really had no idea what on earth He meant by it.
11. Meanwhile, they were asking Him, "Why do the religious leaders and scholars insist that Elijah has to come first?"
12. And He said to them, "Well, they're right about that...Elijah does have to come first to restore all things and set them get everything ready for the revealing of the Son of Man, who will suffer many things, and will be despised and rejected by the people.
13. But in reality I tell you that Elijah has already come, and the people abused him in much the same way, just as the Scriptures predicted."
"Be ready in the morning to come up to Mount Sinai and present yourself to me there on top of the mountain..." “No one else may come with you…” "Moses was up on the mountain forty days and forty that time he wrote the terms of the covenant on the stone tablets." "When Moses came down the mountain...he wasn't aware that his face glowed because he had spoken to the Lord face to face." Ex.34:2-3,29-29 NLT.
"So he(Elijah)got up and ate and drank, and the food gave him enough strength to travel forty days and forty nights to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God." "Go out and stand before me on the mountain, the Lord told him. And Elijah stood there and the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain." 1Kings 19:8,11 NLT.
"...His appearance morphed and changed from the inside out, becoming luminous with near-blinding brightness.
His clothes began to glisten with a white intensity...whiter than any launderer on earth could bleach them in a thousand washes.
As this was happening, the Prophet Elijah suddenly stepped out of linear time...out of the perceived past...out of their history, and into their now...and appeared alive to them. Amazingly, he was accompanied by Moses, and both of them entered talking...they broke through to where the disciples physically existed, already in mid-conversation with Jesus! "MkITN 9:2-4
My assumption has always been while reading this passage in Mark, Moses and Elijah had appeared to Jesus from where ever they went after dying and/or leaving this dimension.
But what if, "stepping out of linear time...out of the perceived past...out of their history, and into their now", they actually visited him from their own experiences on Mt. Sinai while still in their physical reality? Both accounts in Ex. and 1 Kings tell the story of a "new" covenant, or promise of sorts, and , of course, we all know who, according to Christianity, ushered in this “new” covenant. Instead of the two instructing Jesus as to his mission, as I have always thought, maybe Jesus allowed them a glimpse of what the “old” covenant had become. Maybe, on some transcendent level, Moses did indeed enter the Promised Land after all.
Way outside the box,
Most excellent job on this one Bishop!
v.1 - The announcement of seeing the Kingdom of God arriving in full force and power is interesting.
Can't tell you how many times I heard lessons on humility, citing Isaiah 42:8: "I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols."
So, I didn't understand how to make v.1 fit.
Why would Jesus need others to usher in the kingdom with full force and power, when He was/is the ultimate sacrifice and has the Spirit without measure?
Remember, God described His own name as Jealous.
Look at His conversation with Moses in Exodus 6:3.
He explained how He appeared to the patriarchal forefathers. But, they didn't know Him by His name JEHOVAH: the unchanging, eternal, self-existent, I AM, that I AM, covenant-keeping, God.
So, now, I wonder... what if Moses and Elijah aren't "others"?
What if they are personages of the Christ, during His other earth sojourns?
Moses = drawn
Elijah = whose God is Jehovah
I'm thinking about what Jesus said in Matthew and Luke (how all things were committed to Him by the Father, and how no-one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and how no-one knows who the Father is, except the Son, and whomever He chooses to reveal him).
Allowing Peter (hearing), James (supplanter) and John (God is gracious) to witness this unfolding is huge! A divine mystery.
Moses, Elijah and Jesus were enveloped in that glorious, luminescent light bubble.
They all had to learn obedience: Moses was reluctant to be God's spokesman. He had a speech impediment. Plus, he didn't always follow through, the way he was instructed. (striking the rock, instead of speaking to it)
Elijah challenged the people with, "How long will you halt between two opinions?", then lodged in a cave after God's supernatural smackdown with the prophets of Baal.
Wonder what Jesus' issues were. (Romans 5:19)
Was that the point of the object lesson? Seems to fit v. 4's, "they broke through to where the disciples physically existed..."
I don't know how to properly exclaim!
This has the heart of my soul in it. It is as real as the air that we breath to me that all souls exist in an eternal continuum. I have thought this way about this very scripture ...stepped out of linear time... not to mention some other encounters of the spiritual kind. There is much to recieve here. The whole idealogoly of the heavenly realm is exposed in this rendering and now you have made it very real to those in the now with your marvelous languge. I read PM's statement and yes he is right on. Moses not only entered the promised land but probably high fived Abraham and Hammurabi.
This kind of falls into some of what I was talking about yesterday, but this is a fascinating article with some really great thoughts. Thought I would post it for all you enlightened thinkers out there to ponder. Take the wheat and spit out the chaff. dawned on his mind...
oh, the depth of the truth that is encapsulated by this phrase.
..."reality" set in...
I like the hint that placing reality in quotes gives.
Peter's "reality" then connects him with fear.
Anything is possible...drowning, walking on the water...walking in unbelief, walking in the full power of the Kingdom...I keep wondering if the balance of the awareness of "anything"--in both directions--holds a key to walk in the power and peace of the Kingdom...feels a bit like a Zen koan.
Avatar, re ...a key to walk in the power and peace of the Kingdom...feels a bit like a Zen koan...
I think we'll probably talk about this, someday.
Izumi/JOY... Yes.
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