Thursday, November 5, 2009

Arise, Shine...

ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!
(Isaiah 60:1 - Amplified Bible)


Son of Zadok said...

The Word was thick tonight. A very real message about very real devils that we all must understand and allow to be subjected to Christ. Another great realization of the internal reality of our existence verses an external view of what besets us.
We agreed to come here to learn these things. The struggle births us into new existence. Creature great and small may lurk in the depths, but my struggle is within; for when I am at peace, my world is at peace.

Have you considered my servant Job?

We are so truly and single-heartedly considered by God. We are considered fortunate enough for this gift of life. For this responsibility of the knowledge of good and evil, and the continuing revelation of our unending breath and inspiration from Life. We are considered in the sufferings, and resurrections, and realizations of Christ. So what can we say to this?

We are destined and designed to overcome! Our struggle is our way made alive unto us. Our best and worst situations dictate a full unveiling of God's loving working power in us! We are learning of God.

We Become Love.

There is no place for your Satan in Love.

Let the Beloved Come and whosoever will, Come.


Anonymous said...

Wow...inspiring have in an arsenal of probation officers...

Absolutely,Wordver: "foreva"...amen!

Karl said...

And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
-from Heal The World (Michael Jackson)

...after last night's talk I'm sending out a posse against pessimism!'s round-up time!

River said...

Cool pics and much needed words.

SCRIBE said...

Thursday Afternoon
05 November 2009 @ 1430 Hours

Arise, Shine~...
Shout unto the Lord with renewed praise and fervor- for there is no GOD greater than the One True Living JEHOVAH GOD. So, as I bless the LORD of the Universe with all my heart, mind, spirit, body, and soul--- even greater and more magnificent than ever before shall HE reveal Himself unto Me in unusual and incredible ways!

Let everything that have breath praise the LORD, for He alone is worthy to be magnified and exalted over all the nations. Let not your hearts be troubled, for I alone am the Lord of Hosts and never sleep or slumber. I am all-seeing, all-knowing and there is nothing that escapes my sight or presence. Therefore, as my people begin to praise me emphatically for WHO I AM and IN MY AWESOME PRESENCE, while minimizing their problems and woes in comparison to my Goodness, Grace, and Mercy-- then surely they have set the stage for remarkable changes to come about- Quickly! Yet, in these times, they must be vigilant and violent / radical in their praise, worship, and pursuit of Me. Those whom are hungry and thirsty enough for fresh impartation of My spirit and whom dare come after Me with all that they have and are, even if it means knocking others out of their way and pushing aside familiarity and throwing caution, reputations, and piety to the wind, they / these are the people who worship Me in Spirit and Truth without regard for how they shall be perceived by others. For their relationship with Me should take precedence over everything else- include social proprietorship! Selah...

Now- may the Redeemed of the Lord Almighty boldly take a stand for Me and say so what to the institutions of religious bondage by which they have been incarcerated. I AM the Lord of Hosts to the utmost and I have never seen the righteousness of God through Christ forsaken, nor my Faithful, Pure at Heart Sons and Daughters whom worship Me in Spirit and Truth out begging for bread. Amen. Now is the time to abandon those comfort zones.

I AM the Lord Almighty- so my precious people are to choose ye' this day whose report they shall believe and what master they shall serve. Those whom KNOW MY VOICE when they HEAR ME are not easily deceived nor mislead, for I do not leave them ignorant nor allow them to wallow in the darkness. Those whom are AT ONE and INTIMATE WITH ME are oftentimes misunderstood by they who have chosen to be led by their own personal agendas and selfish motives. Yet and still, I AM GOD ALMIGHTY, Creator of those who believe as well as those who do not believe... However- I am not LORD to all, nor a Father to all. I AM Father to those who choose to see and ACCEPT Me as such and willing to receive and adhere to My Loving Touch as well as my Correction and admonishments. for one is not a stable and effective Father when they only tell their children what they desire to hear then allow them to run awry in foolishness, deceit, and rebellion without imparting wisdom to guide through life. I am the Lord of Hosts and I am not in the business of spoiling my Sons and Daughters just to keep them happy and pacified to prevent them from taking tantrums and pouting. For this manner of doing things would bring about destruction. Selah...

I AM the Lord Almighty and MY Plans, Purposes, and Precepts are foolproof. I chastise those whom I LOVE, and hope that they may accept appropriate direction, take ownership and responsibility in life, while developing a WILLING HEART OF LOVE FOR ME to follow the instructions that shall lead them into fruitful life--- growing into well-watered vines that provide nourishment for others in need of sustenance. Shout Hallelujah, for MY LOVE and Mercy endures forever! Selah...Amen.

Shout Hallelujah and REJOICE, for I am the Lord Jehovah: Faithful and True Forever More. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...


Anonymous said...


Needed this today.