ommunication is life…that’s why we come here to this blog site every day…we come to meet in cyberspace to exchange ideas, to edify one another, to create an environment of faith, and to proclaim the Kingdom of God as we prophecy to the Blogosphere. I’ve used this Scripture before in reference to the purpose of BLOGINTHENOW, but it’s one of my very favorites, and should be repeated often:
Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another; and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who thought on His name. (Malachi 3:16 – AMP)…in The Message is says it this way…
Then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened in God's presence and minutes were taken of the meeting, with the names of the God-fearers written down, all the names of those who honored God's name. I love that…"God saw what they were doing and listened in…” God is listening to us right now, and we are listening to him through each other. My favorite quote by Confucius is
“Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand.” A blog is all about involvement, and, indeed, nothing is better at creating understanding than simple involvement. Communication is involvement...
pening lines of communication creates vulnerability in a sense, but being vulnerable doesn't have to be threatening. Some of you blurkers and ex-blurkers have said to me that you have to deal with a certain kind of intimidation about blogging here. You worry about not being able to sound clever enough, or smart enough, or profound enough to engage in this dialogue…but I don’t accept that. You are a member of this community, and this is a safe place. No one is going to judge you…get over yourself! Just have the courage to be sincere, open and honest. You have something to say…a valid contribution to make. And when you step out in faith and write what is on your heart, it opens the door to deeper communication all around. It creates self-empowerment and the kind of connections with others we all want in life. Most importantly, it builds up the Body of Christ. Speaking from the heart frees us from the secrets that burden us, because we all want and need to be heard, and we all need to be a part of something that is bigger than our own individuality…
etworking, in the business world, is all about creating more possibilities in the workplace, and networking, in general, can open up whole new worlds in relationship potential. Here on the “net” the possibilities are endless, which is why social networking sites like Myspace, Friendster, and Facebook have literally exploded in popularity in just a few short years. Everyone wants to know and be known on some level. God made us that way. And, previously, I’ve shared statistics with you about the number of existent blogs on the internet (the number of them is literally mind-blogling!), which only further confirms that communication and the need for it is alive and well in the 21st century…
o man is an island. This famous phrase is part of a quotation from John Donne (1572-1631) which appeared in Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII. The full quote is this:
"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." The meaning is simply that human beings do not thrive when isolated from others. Donne was a Christian but this concept is shared by other religions, principally Buddhism, but certainly the Apostle Paul grasped the concept when he said that we are the Body of Christ, and that the eye cannot say to the hand “I have no need of you.”
very day you have a golden opportunity here before you to connect with others in a meaningful way…a chance to be blessed, and to be a blessing. Don’t ever take it for granted. Make the effort to stop by and say hello, even if you don’t have time for a long visit. It saddens (and insults) me when people in my life (especially people in my church) tell me that they’re not really interested in making a connection here. I can always tell when someone is disconnected by some of the things they say, and by some of the questions they ask. But I do believe that more and more of you are beginning to realize that BLOGINTHENOW is Church In The Now (and cyber-CITN) in microcosm, and are starting to appreciate the value of it…
hurch In The Now, as you know, is more than just a church in the conventional sense. As we have deconstructed the definition of ecclesiastical “business as usual”, we are being forced to write new definitions of what church is, and what it could or can be…to do, as has been prophesied, what hasn’t been done before. Church In The Now is an idea in the mind of God, manifested through the dreams of those of us who are called here for such a time as this. I’m writing this because the word “CONNECT” is so strong in my spirit these days. We are called to CONNECT…to connect what? I’m still discovering the answer to that question, but it has something to do with reconciliation…the reconciliation of all things which is, basically, the CONNECTION of all things…God and man…the old and the new…the sacred and the secular…the familiar and the unfamiliar…black and white…
alk to me about this…tell me what you think. Why are we here? Where are we going? Are we on the right track? As the Pastor of this church, the Seer in this House, and the Bishop of your souls…am I leading you in the right direction? Do you think that the people are “connecting” with the vision? Are they “connecting” with their sense of responsibility to it? Are they “connecting” to one another? Are they “connecting” with my voice as I follow Christ? What role does this blog play in the connectivity of this community? Why is connection so important, anyway? As an individual, are you “connecting” with your own, personal “best destiny”, and, if so, how is this ministry helping you to do that? And, most importantly, how “connected” are you to God at this point on your journey? Make the time to respond to this, because this is important, and I want to hear from you. I have set my faith for at least 100 comments on this article.
Jeudi 24, Avril 2008
Thursday April 24, 2008
Challenges can be a stepping stones or tumbling blocks. It’s just a matter of how you view them.
Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. (Henry Ward Beecher).
Don’t be afraid to take big steps. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. (David Lloyd George).
In His Image: Everyone who comes to know Jesus stumbles because of Him. He fails to meet our wrong expectations. He calls us to do impossible things or to become something we think we could never become. This is His way teaching us how much we need back together in His image.
The Home is where it happens!
The home is the greenhouse where wisdom is cultivated. The power of consistent Christian living in the context of family relationships is the primary spiritual classroom authentic Christianity. The home is where the majority of behavior traits, good and bad, are learned, reinforced and passed along to a future generation.
A home is …filled with fragrant and appealing spiritual riches when each member adopts a savant’s spirit. Most family arguments and dissension stem from a failure to yield personal rights. A person filled with the Spirit of Christ strongly desires to serve. He does not seek too established his own emotional turf but freely edifies and encourages other family members through his servant spirit.
Thank You so much for trying your best to make us family.If we don't love one,another it's not you fault,because you truly go to the extend for us to get it,and to recognized."The beautiful the thing called "UNITY IN LOVE".
Bishop,you're truly a very special "MAN OF GOD".For whatever reason, this person gave you that false prophesy,I just want to thank the LORD,for you,because you did not allowed your Spirit at that time,to received this prophesy.I want you to know like this song say"If anybody leave you,Fritz and I will stand with you,because we believein(YOUR)this vision,and in the glory of God in the House.
This saying from Helenkeller:Iam
only one;but still I am one. I
cannot do everything,but I can do something;I will not refuse to do the something I Can do.
Love & Peace!
La pais Joie et sante`a tous.
Good morning beloved Universe,
In response to your questions, Bish
Q). Why are we here?
A). To praise our Creator, Abba Father
* To share some Good News
* To be a bandage to those who've been critically injured
* To shout LIBERTY and abolish the prisons inside every captive
* To proclaim THIS is the Lord's year. If He deems it acceptable, I want to set out my welcome mat, anticipating its perfection. Justice belongs to Him.
* To be an encouraging word to those who've never known favor
* To appoint singers with instruments to lift up their voices and praise. To appoint a time, a way, a day for cities of refuge.
* To offer beauty to those who are burnt out. And slather on the JOY paste for the moments when grief seems to win.
* To be living sacrifices and human transformers. When our thoughts get renewed it proves that God's will is good, acceptable and perfect.
* To clothe others in praise. Box up the heavy stuff & and leave it at the curb. Let's dress them royally. Say, like, with emeralds. The whole earth will recognize them as trees.
Trees whose limbs stretch out & become shade for weary sojourners. Trees whose extradordinary fruit feeds nations.
Trees whose seeds are swept afar through a Godbreath and reproduce the strongest and best of their kinds.
And from those sturdy timbers, we build again. Cities that were desolate long ago will experience new life. Generations will taste and remember God's goodness; like it's always been and ever will be.
The world will step back and say, "Now, God, that was pretty righteous!"
We're here to do the works that Jesus did and more. To glorify God. Yes, we're on the right track.
And He loves us a little really.
So many things to say! I need to get to a bigger screen, but first--I want to share a secret with any blurker on the edge waiting for "inspiration". We ALL appear smarter here than in non-blogland (well, except Bishop, he really does remember everything). Here you can remember a snippet, google fills in the rest! May take a while, but no one is standing there tapping their foot to speed it up. Very cool, this place is. Jump in!
“God saw what they were doing and listened in…” I understand that. Last fall Her Majesty and I went to Starkville to watch Mississippi State kick the “you know what” out of Alabama in football. Outside the stadium thousands of canopies were set up and people were tailgating everywhere. And believe me, there are some professional tailgaters in this world. But anyway we hung out before and after the game for a good while. This was really the first time that I had had the opportunity to see Gabe (my son, who attends MSU) in HIS world. State is a fairly large school for this part of the world and it was just so amazing to watch him interact with his new friends as they would visit his little tailgating setup.
He performed like a diplomat! I would stand back and watch him work. I walked over to where Her Majesty was standing and whispered to her, “Check him out, he’s so full of ‘stuff’.” But it was truly gratifying to watch him conducting himself as a man. He was no longer the little boy that I used to take fishing on the seawall or pitch the baseball to in the backyard, etc. He had grown up! And I was watching it and I was so PROUD!
I can understand how God, OUR Father, must get thrilled when he sees us hanging out and having a good time together. I believe he wants us to kick up our heels together when things are going good and cry on each other’s shoulders when things are not so good and help each other through those times.
This blog topic speaks to me deeply, but I’ve got to go for now. All this came from the first “C” and I think I could say as much about all the other letters also. 100 posts? Way low number Bishop! Way low! I think I could cover that myself.
Thank you Bishop for your heart and inviting everyone to come and taste and see that the Lord is Good. I would like to say this is my first time Blogging here and I can't say thank you enough for all that you do and encourage us to be. I am fairly new to CITN, and since joining have become busy! I have never in my life been associated with or knew of a ministry where the love, sincerity, and genuiness was so evident and contagious. So thanks for what you pour into us. In the last 7 months I have been here I have learned so much, that I am having to reintroduce myself to people and to myself because I am so new! I find myself not being able to start the day properly without reading the devotional and scripture of the day.
Bishop your dedication to advancing the kingdom here on earth, encouraging us to unite, to walk in love and challenging us to tap into the well that springs forth life is what this blog represents for me. The time you take to write and pour into us daily for that, thank you seems to small a word.
To Izumi, I selah what you have written, because that is exactly what I have experienced from being here at CITN. To all the on-lookers who are trying to shed religion as they new it, we invite you to partake, your life will never be the same, guaranteed! as you should want it to be!
Okay, I am going to respond as transparent as I can...I know this is a safe place and if this does not need to be posted then I trust bishops discretion. This blog has been very healing for me, I feel very connected for the first time in five years with beleivers...so many of my convictions about Gods love and inclusion would never be accepted in the averedge church..The sacred feminine has seemingly no voice in the church. I have been studying the women of yeshuas ancestrel line,Tamar.rahab,bathsheeba...women insane from molestation,prostitutes,Adultress..God could of chose any generational line to come through..He chose to show himself to a women first after he rose from the dead (former Prostitute at that, how credible was she received from society.) God , to me..never reveals himself in some sweet little tidy predictable way, i am glad..To me this is a community of Gods expression, acceptance, revelation..A sanctuary where the seer of the house is not threatened by the sacred feminine aspect of God..much like Yeshua, He chose a women as the first evangelist of the resurection..I have much more to share about Inclusion and the experiential circumstance that God brought me through that lead to my conviction on inclusion. I may have got off track to the actual blog questions..hopefully you will pick up what i am laying down . This blog to me is my church, extended family and a safe place of connection...I appreciate the creative, loving spirit in all of you! Oh! and thanks for loving me through all of my typeing errors.
I don't know what you came to do
But, I know what I came to do
I came to clap my hands! (clap, clap)
I came to stomp my feet! (you can't hear that because my socks are thick)
I came to get up! GET UP! GET UP!
GET UP, ALREADY, why don'cha!
Craaaaazzzzzzy praise! Praise that don't make no sense! (wha? whattya mean restraining order?!)
To Aleta, thank you & welcome!
Good morning everyone,
This is my first time blogging here but I have such a desire to be connected that I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I only have a few minutes to chat but I just want to say that I want to be in tune with all of God's creation. Thank you Bishop for creating a community at CITN that encourages us to connect with God and with each other.
Emphasizing connection is obviously where the flow is today. I wrote about the importance of connection in an email I sent out to a few folks this morning. I said that at no time are we ever alone. God is always present with us and never at anytime past, present, or future have we been separate from Him. We only thought we were. I feel the same way about our connection with one another. If we feel dis-connected, the alienation is only in our minds and that can be very painful. If you don't believe me, try and disconnect your pinkie from your hand. Your hand, though very limited in function, can survive without it because it's still connected to the rest of the body, but the pinkie, physically, will die.
Amputees sometimes experience phenomena called phantom pain. If an appendage or limb is missing, somewhere in the cellular memory, it is still connected to the body. Those who experience this claim pain, itching, or even numbness where the missing part used to be.
My point is this: in the natural/physical realm, we may seem cut off from everyone else, either by circumstance or choice, but on a much deeper level, we are really never disconnected. We are one and because of that, real separation is impossible.
So, just accept it. Give in to the truth, "No man is an island" and realize the hand and the eye are supposed to function together. Don't subject yourself to the excruciating pain of separation when you are just going against the super-natural and the meta-physical.
Try and avoid the temptation to use the prefix "dis" if possible. You may not always agree with someone, but try and not dis-agree. You may not have the greatest respect for someone, but please don't dis-respect them. If you have someone in your life you no longer hold in high regard, never dis-regard them. All these things and more really just imply dis-connection.
Cherish and maintain all your connections and connected parts.
Bishop needs you...
CITN...needs you...
BlogintheNow needs you, and...
We need you...
I think Blog in the Now is great. The internet is amazing and to have the ability to communicate in this fashion is very fulfilling and even life saving for so many. I also believe that this avenue is the right direction for CITN and that you, Bishop, have done an amazing thing putting it together, making it happen and keeping it going. It is without a doubt a success. The One On One was very good, but it did not create the community that has developed here and it seems that daily the number of comments rise.
However, I am an admitted blurker. I read it daily because I want to know what you, Bishop, are saying and where you are that day. You are the visionary of this house and you set the path for where we are daily headed. It is very important for me to be on the same page with you both personally and professionally.
I have blogged a few times. Maybe one or twice anonymously and also as A Disciple and then shortened as A.D. But no one recognized that as me. Even though I thought it sounded just like me – but then again I would, wouldn’t I.
To you other faithful and committed bloggers – I only briefly, sometimes scan what you say . . . .Don’t be mad. I think it’s great the way you have connected and I really love that those who can’t be here – like you Donald – can feel connected through this medium.
CITN is huge. What we think we see is only the tip of the iceberg. I believe that within the universal CITN community is a lot of communities that can actually go house to house and break bread. But really we are way too big and broad and vast to all fit it one house. What makes us a community is our acceptance and love for one another. What Blog In The Now does for me is keep me connected to the visionary and makes me want to connect even more with the people in this community that I labor with – the staff, the tech crew, etc.
Bishop I am very conflicted because it grieves me more than you know that I, as one of your staff/blurkes, have offended you. OMG that’s the last thing I would ever want to do.
This is what I think I would like if its ok -- please let me stop by the house and get a quick cup of inspiration and direction for the day – let me get my fill of prophetic caffeine from Bishop and I promise you all that I will daily do my very best to labor where God has planted me for such a time as this. To all you faithful present and future bloggers – please love me and once I get my cup ‘o morning inspiration – if from time to time I can stay for just a minute and have a bite with you – welcome me in - is that ok? It might not be very often. Believe me -- there is a feast of a table set at this house and we are all partakers together in it.
I love you all,
Robyn Darby
Bishop, I want to be part of your "100 fold responses"!!
This blog helps me feel that I am not on an island... (at least not the kind that I would like to be on!).. you are nurturing a sense of connection... not to be obnoxtious about it, but there is a "one up/get it factor" that I feel when you speak in service about those of us that are connected here!... even more reason for more people to connect, because that is going to put us all on a new level. This blog, and what you educate us with (can't use the word preach... too religious!) is forcing in a not-always-pleasant-to-realize-fashion, me to reevaluate and change things about me. We can't expect anyone or anything else to change if we don't work on ourselves first. There is a lot of reconciliation that I feel is going to happen when I do get together with my family with all the stuff going on with my brother... I see myself as that bridge, and hope and pray that I will be a "Godbreeze" to them in the midst of their storm.
Thanks for fostering us in a home where we can all "be".
I just received this in an email... thought I'd share, since we are striving for our childlike rebirth(s)...
When did we stop asking questions about things we didn’t understand? When did it happen that we got so bored with life? When is the last time you really looked at a ladybug? It’s really a shame that we have lost that sense of wonder, but if we allow our children to show us how, we can recapture it again. When you have a curiosity about life in general, you can never really have a bad day. You can see every obstacle as a chance to grow and every mundane task as a chance to learn. Children are so resilient when faced with obstacles because they can always find something fascinating about any situation. The next time you have to clean out the gutters, stop for a moment and really breathe in the air. Think about how crazy it is that trees know when to shed their leaves and how boring life would be without all of the colors they provide. By looking at the world through the eyes of a child, you can recapture that amazement, which will in turn allow you to be thankful for the very things that are right in front of you – even if (like both leaves and children) they do have to be cleaned up.
Hal Runkel, LMFT, author of ScreamFree Parenting:
Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool.
Good Morning Bloggers. I am so relating to the posting today Bishop. I am really good at trying to "be an island" (in my own little world, doing my own little thing). I think you hit it on the head today...I want to "know and be known" but I must have the courage to step out in faith (be vulnerable) so people can know me and I can know them. How am I do'in? It's very comforting to hear that God made us this way, and I'm not just freaky (well, in this area anyway, hee, hee). Looking forward to Sunday !
Morning roomies!
Gosh, I think it was me that forgot to put the cap on the toothpaste. Sorry... another late night/early morning!
Still have chaos awaiting me in the studio, but should turn to order by the end of the day. A rather small closet, indeed! I still don't know how all of that stuff got in there in the first place, but after rearranging a bit, it's freakin' gehenna trying to put it back! But yeah, I'm getting creatively inspired again, so it's all good!
Bish, I love that you included the entire John Donne quote. I'd never heard that in its entirety, and the part about the preacher/sermon and the congregation reminds me so much of how you say that your congregation 'pulls' revelation out of you. I think that's why you have a well-fed though never satisfied flock. We see that God has given you the manna with which to feed us, and even though we may still be uncomfortably full from yesterday, we don't want to miss the manna for today. Manna du jour... hhhmmm, what is it? What could it possibly be?!?
I'm betting that spiritual gluttony is OK in God's eyes!
And for those who have yet to partake in the feast, just let me say that I get my manna here everyday... not just from Bish, but from ALL who participate. So, if you're 'homeless' out there, come on in. This is a big 'ol soup kitchen with a lot of volunteers, and the pot is always full... we'll even let you stir it! :)
Joe and I have some super busy weeks ahead, but we've been kicking around possible dates to visit CITN. Then, as I was streaming last night, I noticed that you're doing the art festival again. I think the weekend of set-up is actually the one weekend that BOTH of us have free out of about the next 7 weeks. So, I'm gonna try to participate. Want to so badly!
Joe will be knee-dragging this weekend (Sat) in Nashville... motorcycle races, for those who don't know. And the following Sat. at Barber Motorsports Park in AL.
This is year # 7... DEAR GOD, HOW MUCH LONGER?!?!? (bad wifey... bad, bad wifey :{)
Anyway, safety prayers would be appreciated! Always get a tad nervous around race season...
I SOOOO have to go. Chaos to order... glory to glory...
Definitions of connection on the Web:
• a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between ...
• the state of being connected; "the connection between church and state is inescapable"
• an instrumentality that connects; "he soldered the connection"; "he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers"
• (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship); "he has powerful connections"
• association: the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association"
• a connecting shape
• a supplier (especially of narcotics)
• shifting from one form of transportation to another; "the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta"
• joining: the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet"
Oooooo……..a connecting shape.
• Shape of things to come
• What kind of shape are you in?
• All sizes and shapes and colors
• In any shape, form, or fashion.
• Ship shape
• Shape up or ship out
How am I being shaped by all of you? It’s part of the connection that is quilted together as if by the hands of a loving granny. As “Connection” is spelled out today, let me return the favor and speak words that shape you as you have done to me….
• Peace
• Joy
• Universe
• Self-Awareness
• Self-Forgiveness
• Empathy
• Sympathy
• Symphony
• Synchronicity
• Simplicity
• Elasticity and
• Electricity
Trying to stay current.
Ain’t God Good?
Morning Bishop, Morning everyone;
What a family!!!
I have the opportunity to work one on one with people everyday. Many times throughout the day our conversations may turn to God, and that is when I light up. Understand that not all peoples are 'church folks' which actually makes conversing about our Lord or 'a God thing' that much easier.
I am connected with humaninty when that person sits across from me. Each client & each story is different. These people need someone to listen. When it's all said and done I rely on the 'nudging' of the Holy Spirit to pray for that person or proclaim a blessing. NO ONE has ever refused!! Now, that is my blessing!!!
More on being connected later. I'm gonna be late. aaahhh!!!!!
Hey Bishop, tell Jon hey!!! And enjoy your day, you lucky thing you!!!
I am a active blogger, although sometimes I really want to be a blurker. I mean it really does take a caring about the daily manna and the body of Christ to take the time (we all have the same 24 hours) but in my spirit, I believe that nothing is more important than connecting with your family. Your family (albeit spiritual) is where you get your strength, your encouragement, wisdom, understanding, your worth. I love all of the blurkers but I embrace all the bloggers in the spirit.
When the bloggers met the bloggers on this past Sunday, it was like a great surprise to see what that face looked like and to feel the spirit of the person behind the words. It was absolutely wonderful. You know there was a famous successory poster that used to say,
Some people watch things happen while others make things happen. I believe we, the bloggers are movers and shakers in the kingdom. WE may not have a title or position in the church per se, but we certainly have a voice in the kingdom of God. Other bloggers give validity to your voice.
You begin to feel appreciated and loved and it moves you to respond. That is the body of Christ, supplying each joint.
This blog is very interactive and like anon. I too, what to know what the visionary of the house has to say and I do give him (Bishop) double honor and love him dearly. However the blog makes you realize the importance of the body, after all what is a head without a body. It is the opposite of a chicken with its head cut off. Just a head, I don't think so.
Bishop has made it clear that he needs us, all of us. He has made it clear that he couldn't do what he does without Pastor Debye, the Board, the Care Pastors but all of these wonderful people would be a moot point without the regular folks who give and tithe and work and pray and intercede and serve not just in the body of local body but within other settings in the community, like our jobs and non-profits and stores who are re-presenting (that is to present again a true church and body of believers) to everyone outside our walls.
It is not that hard to put on a little sweet fascade ITB but what are we saying and doing on the outside are the secret things God will bring to the light. But I digress.
Blogging can be equated with ITB when you really want to stay home in your robe with a good cup of coffee and your slippers on. It takes a little effort but you know what, there is a great reward to the regular bloggers.
I also want to say to blurkers is that your voice counts, you count and what you have in your spirit is valid.
GLYASDI (god loves you and so do I)
Love the message today! I’m all about connecting. Bishop, I know that you are leading us in the right path. I realize, as I’m sure others do also, that connecting takes a lot of time and energy! Many times, you have to sacrifice other things to connect. You have to push beyond your comfort zone. You have to be vulnerable. You have to give rather than receive. That’s hard work! I believe that’s why we have so many relationships gone sour…friendships, marriages, parents & children, pastors and members, churches with other churches, denominations and religions, countries and nations…. We are not willing to work!
I can see more people connecting to this vision, to this house and the message that you give Bishop! Indeed more and more you and the rest of us at CITN are changing things. I saw a Pastor on TBN last night (an acquaintance of yours) and there was so much talk about Now and the Nations that those of us watching said, “Wow! Bishop has had a profound impact on him!” Also, as we happen to catch other ministries we notice more talk of the nations. What God has started in you, He will perfect and others are beginning to perceive the direction the Holy Spirit is leading. CITN is here for “such a time as this”!
Let’s keep connecting and showing the world that it can be done!!! Relationships CAN be restored because God is a miracle working God! We need to hear each other speaking our own language…and that can only be done as we communicate the message of the Holy Spirit!
4 May Flowers
Good Morning Bishop and my blog family,
You know the saying, everything that can be shaken, will be shaken? Thats kinda how my life has been lately. everything from death, losing your job, dealing with serious issues with your children. I mean some very serious stuff. But through it all, I know that I am not alone, that God has his hand on me, and that the only way out is through, I know that everything little thing is going to work itself out.
The way that I know this is because of CITN. I listen to you Bishop, everyday, I download sermons on my mp3 and I listen as I walk or drive, I attend every service that I can possibly get to and now I have this lovely family of bloggers to vent, talk, read and be inspired by. I don't think that I am one of the more profound bloggers on the sight but I blog anyway. And, I enjoy reading what everyone else thinks and writes. It is like I now have an entire other family that has my back.
Bishop to you personally, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have your voice in my life. where it says that my sheep know my voice, I know that as far as this lamb, I pray I'm not a goat, I do know that you are my shepherd, and your words and the words that come out of your house are life to me. I have listened to you for 14 years, and for 14 years I can hear God through you
As far as being connected to God, lately, it is like I am in a never-ending conversation, just open to the Lord, what do you want to share with me. He doesnt speak aloud or anything, but I just know that I know that I know that He is here and that He is pleased and that He will never leave me.
I love this church, I love this blog and I love you all
Linda :0)
Great post everyone. I really enjoyed Kettly's post. love the quotes. Being a part of this blog is so awesome. Just reading and truely being connected to such a huge congregation. I love the post about being child like.(G8TRGRL) I am currently a student and when your taking philosophy and sociology along with expository writing you can really start to think. what do we actually know? how do we exist? I find that the more i search for truth on a deep level the harder it is to understand anything. By questioning everything I have learned that all we can do is believe. I have brought this up to profs and they say well you must know that we are talking now and that we exist. but how can we truly know anything.I feel like truth and knowledge are bound together through justification and to know one you must know the other. that being said it has made me much more of a believer and it helps me to accept diffrent beliefs and question my own. I love this blog and the openess of the community. has anyone else found taht by not claiming to know you can expand your belief system?I beleive that the only being capable of truth defined as teh most infinite infallable knowledge would be the most infinite infallable being nameley God. Does that make sense to anyone here or am I nuts? :) I feel like there are some great thinkers on this blog and would love to hear the opinion of ppl with common and diff beleifs concerning knowledge..
Well, see you gave us some homework, teacher.
I liked that Confucius quote too, "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll understand." You're right...there shouldn't be any excuse not to get involve in the blog.
Bishop, you put your heart on this blog today. Diffently, don't want to let you down.
"You raised me up" to more than I can be!! Oh, its easy to hide away from the world. I'll admit I have been there.
I want to stay connected. Sometimes the flesh might not want to..but diffently my SPIRIT does. My heart gets so excited when we commune together. (As the Body of Christ)
Q:Where are we going?
A:We are going to higher places, dimensions unmeasureable!!
Q:am I leading you in the right direction?
A:Yes, you are moving us forward in ALL directions. Expectally, in relationships with others and God on a deeper level.
This song by Whitney Houston "Step by Step." I love the Chorus:
Step By Step (you know I'm taking it), bit by bit (bit by bit, come move),
Stone by stone (yeah), brick by brick (brick by brick by brick by brick mmm...)
Step by step (step by step uh-huh), day by day (day by day-ee),
Mile by mile (ooh), go your own way.
We are taking this blog letter by letter..page by page..disconnect to connecting!!
Love you all very much,
P.S.-by the way since we have E.A.C.H @ CITN. Can we come up with something for the Cyber congregation? {Just a thought}
Hello cyber siblings,
Very full day today, just wanted to come by and see what’s happening. I would like to ask you all to pray for me today I have another appointment at the Pain Clinic today at 1:45. He is going to try to do some nerve blocks…….dono, hope I get some kind of relief somehow.
Just to let you know Bishop I am totally on the same page with you about Spirit-cyber-space as you probably have already read in some of my previous post. We are “going to were no man/church has gone before” as we explore the new worlds of communication.
I will try to come back and add some other thoughts I have later.
Grace, Peace, and Love,
Wow, there are so many wonderful comments, insights and revelations! DBA, thank you for expounding on the various ways to communicate or build a community.
I am an active contributor and helper in the ministry at CITN. I believe in the vision of Bishop Swilley and "talk it up" as much as I can. The ministry that I am involved in at CITN on a weekly basis is a community in itself. Equally as vital as BITN, in fact, we discuss the latest awesome service and revelation of Bishop Swilley. We will meet for coffee or lunch outside of church services, pray for one another and consider our area of ministry an outreach to those who are seeking love, acceptance and family.
As I was reading all of the thoughts I realized that CITN is a many membered body. There are multiple ways that we can connect and express ourselves around the prophetic voice of Bishop Swilley.
From one part of "the CITN body" to another, my part needs your part, and together we will realize the heart of our Shepherd.
Bishop Swilley, thank you for reaching so many people on so many diverse levels. It is an honor to serve at CITN.
Hello everyone, to answer some of Bishop's questions, I feel that I am usually on the same page with Bishop, and when I am not Bishop's words are usually exactly what I need to guide and direct me, presently, I have a strong desire to connect with others by doing more for others and demonstrating more compassion towards others,Bishop requested that we fellowship with each other on May 4th- that night for dinner- because we will not be in the building for Sunday night communion, I think that is so wonderful, I think that it is so important to demonstrate love to each other, Bishop alway say that the cross is vertical and horizontal, and this is why we have to connect and love each other, what I know for sure is that I have a great desire to be closer to God, and that is because of the teaching I receive from CITN, I also know that because of Bishop's teaching I can communicate to anyone and not judge them, but just love them, I am so bless to be a part of this body of Christ, and it's all good
I hope this link works! It is pictures captured by the Hubble telescope of two galaxies colliding . . .natural manifestation of what is happening in the spirit realm? The pictures gave me chills all over. Just incredible!!!!
Oh yeah - connecting going on ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!!
Can't stay long, just wanted to say hello to you and everyone.
I'm running a lot today, ya'll please send up a prayer for this weary body part under stress, k?
I still have to run to the airport, which is for a good reason, to build up relationship with my dad, and his relationship with my son Zachary tonight, but lots to do, while taking care of my son, too.
I love this blogsite and all the connections made, haven't been able to sit down quietly for a few days, but hope to soon. "give me the peace Lord that frees my soul..."
I prayed shortly outside in my backyard yesterday and as I was saying "amen" and lifting my hands, a hawk flew right over me just above the rooftop, it was so cool!
Bishop, when you prayed over me in tongues last Sunday down front, I know you might not know or remember what it was for, but the desires in me were for REVELATION of revelation, and more revelation/understanding of Christ in me and His love. Thanks!
Love you all!
-God bless and may this little blog sown be multiplied 100 fold so that you get your hoped for 100+, in Jesus' name!
-Karl Cobos
I have tried to blog a few times, but can't seem to get the message to post for some strange reason. All this technical stuff can be frustrating. Anyway, Bishop your writing truly move me and I guess I can try to be transparent and let out some of my real self and struggles here with everyone else.
I just read your blog Linda and wanted to tell you that I was inspired by your words: But through it all, I know that I am not alone, that God has his hand on me, and that the only way out is through. I, too, have been going through some serious stuff lately and have felt quite disconnected from my emotions which is out of character for me. I am either on top of the mountain or down in the valley and I can identify with David. I am one of those people who struggle with seeing only in black or white and the grey shades are usually nonexistent. The service last night enlightened me when Bishop spoke of the dying process inside and the grieving that can follow when something dies…. I realize that is exactly what is happening inside of me and the only way to the resurrection side is to allow God to complete the process in me. He said He will never leave us or forsake us. He knows the numbers of hairs on our head. He knows our struggles and carries us through the dark times. He is our hope. He is our refuge. I find myself right now encouraging myself with this and also thinking of all of the times that He safely brought me through the storms in the past and He is the same today as He was yesterday. Nothing is too difficult for our God. My heart has broken over my daughter’s situation for so long but she is an adult and God is perfecting His plan for her life and there is absolutely nothing I can do. I have to let it go. I can’t kidnap her out of the situation she is in. I can’t kill her abuser. No. I must let it go and lay it before the Lord. I must command the nightmares to stop. I must rest in God and trust that He is the author and finisher of my life and my daughter’s life and what man meant for evil God will turn into something beautiful and good. I must move forward and allow God to take my life and mold it into his perfect will and leave my daughter’s life into His hands believing that He is also molding her life into His perfect will. WOW. I feel a little better sharing this. I surrender all…I surrender all.
Love to all.
I see the words vulnerable and intimidated used in “O”. Since the acrostic is “connect”, it’s probably not coincidental that those two words are connected. If someone feels vulnerable (which is only a self-inflicted perception), they will also feel intimidated when they are in the midst of people who they think are more intelligent or affluent or any other characteristic that they believe is more superior to the ones they themselves possess.
It’s a chicken or the egg dilemma. Do they feel vulnerable because they are intimidated or are they intimidated because they think they are vulnerable? One really fuels the fire of the other.
If you feel vulnerable and/or intimidated you are less likely to put any effort into networking, the first “N”, because you can’t get out of your self-imposed shell to get out there and break that ice with people who can help you either socially, spiritually or otherwise. And if you can’t network you may very well end up being an isolationist, which is included in the second “N”. That one reminds me of the story about the pastor who visited one of his members who had not been to church lately. There was a fire burning in the fireplace and the pastor and the member were sitting in front of it. The pastor took the fire poke and pulled one of the glowing embers away from the mass of embers in the bottom of the fireplace. The mass of embers continued to glow while the single ember quickly began to cool off and darken. After awhile the pastor pushed the cooled ember back into the pile with the hot embers which resulted in it regaining its prior splendor. The pastor never had to say anything to the member about missing church, but the member got the object lesson and told the pastor that he would see him Sunday morning.
This is a safe haven folks. And if you still can’t get the victory just use an alias. That way, if it turns out that you are in fact a dummy, we won’t know who you really are, so we can’t properly make fun of you and talk about you behind your back anyway. That’s just a joke brethren and sisthren. If you were a dummy you wouldn’t be reading this stuff in the first place.
Hi, my name is Pastor Jimmie and I'm a blurker. I do read Bishop's post every day, but don't often have time to read all the comments. I really love what's going on here and feel like I'm certainly a part. My opportunity to connect with most of you is during the worship ITB. I'm kind of in the same boat as Robyn. It's great to drop in, but can't always stay. Love you all and I'm glad we are connected in the Spirit! Bishop, you know I love you and hear everything you say! Hopefully, the love is felt through deed as much as word as I'm not the most talkative of the bunch.
Love you all! Looking forward to the corporate anointing Sunday. See you ITB yall!
Pastor Jimmie
I hear you Ronnielee and so feel the same way!!!
Peacemaker yes I so know what you say my son and future son are amputees so it is so true.
To those who are ITB and blurk mostly please don't feel negativly about us cyberhounds of truth love and bread. I was a an ITB member but had to move and have never been able to find my niche here and this blog is my way of staying connected to my Shepherd and to find what I had when I could be ITB I so miss that place and that fellowship. Someday God will get me back but in the meantime this is my daily fix of what is yet to come.
The other night when I seen the vision of words typed on miles and miles of pages wow with what was written this morning by you Bish of the book God is writing and taking minutes of what we are saying and sharing. That was what I was seeing when we all laid hands on the screen. Wow wow, God is so good. What a wonderful gift he has given us with this connection. This is so real so now and so needed. Thank you!
Blessings to you all!!!!
Connect(ing) – Last night’s message ( 042308) , displayed the connection in CITN (ITB & Cyber). I imagine many if not everyone received a very personal message from God last night, through the message and prophesying Bishop did during and at the end of the service. The whole issue of turbulence in our spirit as changes happen, as we are transformed, where the are new births, along with ‘deaths’ . That excitement of new parts of the transformation, and the loss –even if it is something beneficial to lose – the adjustment of the whole system as the part dying is drawn out, and the new piece is incorporated into our selves. As it happens at warp speed, the complimentary although disparate pieces – those solidifying while others dissolving - Both occupying some of the same space, passing through each other. Death and Birth passing, wafting through the other. Common experience in the spirit, somewhat different in the natural, although as we give top space to the spirit, while seeing the natural with new eyes – in it, not of it, this lightheadedness, the turbulence, settles or at least becomes unsettling.
This is happening to our community, each of us, to me. I wrote about gold refining recently. A knowledgeable friend explained the process was that the gold is heated slowly to get all of the dross out. Each type of dross apparently needs a different temperature to separate it form the gold. It passes through the gold already refined as it reaches the temp it needs to be separated. The stuff that comes out last needed to most heat, but it also had to heated to that point , and apparently needed the lower temp stuff gone before it could go out. I do not know alchemy, however this makes a lot of sense in the spiritual. The more the heat, the deeper those things dying, birthing. The dying parts seem to pass through the already refined, making it a little ‘messy’ for a bit. The deepest stuff seems so much a part of the whole, when it begins to loosen, it almost seems damaging, even if it is actually producing drag or limiting. But still the same, it has been part of that deeper area for awhile. Then that part adjusts to the exit and transformation. Then the dross still passes through what had already been refined. Yick.
I do not know if anyone else thinks this (at least there is some comfort in what Paul wrote about it) but, do you ever think, how can both these different things all be me? I really appreciate ‘this’, but then ‘that’ freaks me out, especially when I see ‘that’ was a part of ‘this’ and kind of still is, at least until it is all out. In the midst of all of this, daily life happens. All the strengths I ever had are still there, although at times a bit wonky. The stuff clearing out is somewhat awkward, as the void gets filled with refined me, at times seems so far removed, me but not me, I tremble inside.
I was told that master goldsmiths know the gold is completely refined when they can see their clear reflection in the gold. That makes me tremble .
Hey All
If one is connected to one another then it is everyone who is connected to keep each other going. If a sheep wanders away from the herd, the shepherd should lead him back. If you ever have really seen a heard of sheep one very seldom leaves the herd. Why? Because of predators. It is not only the responsibility of the shepherd but also those who are connected to him.
Everyone needs someone to talk to.
Making your way in the world today takes everything you got
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot
Wouldn't you like to get away
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And their always glad you came
You want to be where you can see
The troubles are all the same
You want to be where everybody knows your name
You want to go where people know
People are all the same
You want to go where
Everybody knows your name
Cheers theme by Gary Portnoy
That's a bunch of questions Bishop, but I'm getting answers. It may be later tonight before I can get back at it.
Overcomer, please don't think for a second that I am making light of your situation because I am not and I hope and pray that everything works together for the good of you and your daughter, but if God knows the number of hairs on our head (which I know that he does), he should be able to start spending more time with you because he certainly doesn't have to hang out around me too long anymore when it comes to hair counting.
For whatever reason, I am tired of being anonymous. Todays blog says to me - BE WHO YOU ARE - STOP BEING AFRAID - CONNECT AND MOVE FORWARD. This form of connecting has been challenging for me, but the more I log on, the more I feel like I have to be here. One thing that keeps ringing in my spirit is that our Bishop has provided all of these opportunities to connect and we have no excuse. We need each other whether we realize it at this moment or not. I am so thankful for this blog so that I can connect in a very different way than I am used to.
I will be out of town today and through the weekend but I pray that Sophia has an awesome 1st Birthday Party and that the service on Sunday is more than we could ever ask or think. I pray that the building is packed and that more connections are made. I pray that the Holy Spirit is blessed by our praise and returns the blessing 100 fold.
Live and Love-Holly Thurmond
I do love the blog, especially the many quotes you include that bring knowledge to me that I otherwise do not have the time to seek out for myself. Yes, I do believe you are leading us in the right direction and I think the people are more connected now than in the recent past. You asked how connected I am to God at this point: in Revelation 22:18 in the CLNT, it uses the word "appending" in talking about adding to or taking away from Scripture. I looked up "append" and it means "to affix to; attach" - an appendage is something that IS attached (a finger/a toe) and that is what I am doing - I am attaching myself to God like never before, hoping that when people see me (the finger/the toe), they will barely notice the appendage (me) because it is so greatly in the shadow of the large and awesome God that I am appended to! And you and the people of CITN constantly help me accomplish this.
I blogged here anonymously for the first few times and then I felt safe enough to use my name. Then I decided to always be transparent on here so it was clear to everyone that this is me, the real me..no big words, a few bad words,a little laughter, a few tears. I cannot even put into words how much the interaction on this site means to me. I feel welcome here. You don't have to be the smartest or the most enlightened, just share what you got. I tell Bailey stories because that's what I got. When I tell the good stuff about Bailey it minimizes the struggles and my own perception changes- it makes me feel connected because ya'll get it.Also, I agree with PM and Donald and whoever else said that any disconnect felt is perceived wrongly. This is a great place to be and especially for some reason today I feel it so strongly, the only peace I have felt all day has came from right here. So- thank you Bishop for creating this venue to connect our dots and create something wonderful.
Good to see you here Pastor Jimmie!
Hey, I just thought of something;
ITB -(In the blog)
CITB -(Church in the blog)
S-say it
T-text it
R-read it
E-experience it
A-act on it
M-make it happen!
Karl Cobos
eLove the blog and want to be a part now! Been blurking for a while, Bishop
Why are we here?
To praise our heavenly Father!
To be salt and light to the world!
Everything else that "izumi" said!
He really, really loves us
Thanks Bishop for so much revelation, inspiration and love.
I love BITN..I love to be a blurker...but I am trying to jump in...I do want to be connected and it does feel safe and like a family.My brother is coming into town this weekend for a speaking engagement and he will be staying with us..I feel more comfortable here than I do about my own blood relative coming to stay in our home for the weekend. I love the family feeling here and really enjoy getting to know some of you just through blogging..Gotta go, Dacia
I am so relating to Miraclegirl about being on my little island. I like my box and I get stressed when I get that feeling that I KNOW I need to step out... I am really wanting and tryig to step out. By my blogging here I feel like I am making an effort. I want to be connected and I want to pull things out of me I didn't even know were there. Stepping out here will help me to grow more and to think in ways I haven't.
I also like what one of the Anonymous writers wrote about realizing how important the body is. Bishop said I think it was last Wednesday that the sermon doesn't stop when he delivers it. It continues on with us. That was so awesome to me, b/c of how different we all are. When we "marinate" on what the word was all different vines (that's what I see in my head) branch off. Then when we share it helps us all to grow a lil' bit more.
Something that Bishop writes or that any of you write might be exactly what I need to hear to bless someone else with. I always pray for God to give me the right words to say to someone. I want to bring people to the light and share with them how great my GOD is!!
AND... I feel like I might be able to relate to someone who I never knew I could relate with before. The oppurtunity is here for me to have new friends. Can't tell you HOW EXCITED THAT MAKES ME.
I want to grow and be a better me and I feel that by my opening up here is the start to that.
I am who I am... Love me for me.
Hello again,
Bishop, My Fellow Bloggers,
Remember, when you were told that to walk in the Spirit you should set aside an hour each morning to pray and read the bible.
In order to be ready to start my prayers at 6 a.m., I had to get up at 4:45 a.m. And I did it. Day after day I dragged myself out of bed to pray and study my Bible for an hour or two.
But one day, I could not do it; I was simply too tired to get up. And throughout that whole day I felt condemned!
The day came when I discovered that if Christ lives in us, we can enjoy a continual dialogue with Him.
At first when I started to have fellowship with Him (Christ) all day long, I got on my knees at 6 a.m. as usual. The difference was when I got up off my knees I kept on talking with Him.
One day after I had got up after my Morning Prayer time, He asked me, “Why do you kneel down? Don’t you talk with me all the time, even when you are not kneeling down?”
It began to dawn on me that, when I talked with Jesus all day long, that was a part of real life; it was a meaningful relationship. But praying an hour each morning was not life to me. It was bondage to a religion. I enjoyed my conversation with Jesus all through the day, but my prayer time was a duty.
I believe that a great many people are under bondage to a religious system in their lives because they don’t realize that to walk in the Spirit is to be continually conscious of Christ’s unending presence within us.
Today I find that I have an attitude of conducting a continual dialogue with Him.
As soon as I wake up in the morning, I stretch and yawn and say, “Good morning, Lord Jesus. How are?”(I am in bed, not down on my knees!)
He answers me, “fine. And you, Kettly?”
“Wonderful,” I reply. “I slept so well last night.”
“Yes, I saw that.”
“Oh, I think I will stay in bed a few more minutes, Lord.” Because He is my friend He wants my day to go well so He urges me, “Kettly, get up. You know that when you stay in bed, you end up having to rush. Why spoil the morning by rushing? You are awake, aren’t you? You can get up in plenty of time.”
“Yes, Lord, but…”
“Come on, get up. Perhaps Saturday you can sleep in. But today, get up so that you don’t have to rush.”
So I get up and I go to the bathroom to take my shower. As I do so, I continue to dialogue with Him.
“Lord,” I say, “While I wash myself outside, why don’t you wash me inside?”
“You really need it, kettly!” he tells me.
When I finish my shower He begins to teach me how to be a good wife, a good sister, a good friend,and a good prayer warrior. As I was about to leave some hairs around the bathroom sink, he says Kettly, clean them up. “Lord,” I reason, can I do it later. I’ll have more time. “He says do it now kettly.”Come on I am teaching you how to be a better wife, friend, and better sister. After, you done with tasks for your husband, call your sisters pray with them. Pray for your Church and your friends.
Then He asks, “How do I feel now?” “Great, Lord.” It is a really good feeling to show love to other people,by praying for them.
When people hear me, tell about talking with Jesus they ask, “What do you find to say to Him?”
Do you think that Jesus comes into ours hearts just to speak to us about baptism or what? He wants to teach us how to live-how to love your wives, loving your husbands, loving your brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues. So He talks with me all day long, and I talk with Him. We talk about everything.
If we listen to the way in which many of us pray, we would see that we don’t really know Jesus as our best friend. When you have a friend, you talk with that person by sharing the ordinary things of life. Your vocabulary, your sentences and the themes you discuss are different with a friend, than with someone you meet only occasionally. Drop the protocol and become intimate. He must be really bored with all that protocol. Sometimes I think He must ask Himself, “Is that a cassette playing, or is it the person? How can we always say the same things to the LORD in our prayers? God is our Father. Jesus is our Brother. He lives within us! He wants to experience a relationship with us.
Believe it or not that’s what our Bishop wants to do with us. To create a place where all of us can still be in connection with one another, besides the Church. What a shepherd we have! What a friend! What a faithful servant in the Lord. To be doing exactly what Jesus has asked him to do? “Feed My sheep’s.”
Listen. If we don’t do this stay connected with one another view of the blog, then we know nothing; because those who are led by the Spirit, those are the sons and Daughters of God. If it isn’t as clear as clear can be of how Jesus,and Bishop Swilley want us to be, "Connecting." Its like we are starting to have a look and a taste of how “Heaven's going to be like. "One big happy family.”
Bishop! Can you finish the words for me: “ALL OVER THE WORLD THE SPIRIT IS MOVING?”
Grace & Peace & Love to you ALL
Forgive me for that long comments.
Hi Bishop,
I want to let you know that you are definitely leading me in the right direction. This is looking to be a long and unfortunately painful journey for me. I needed to hear what you had to say on Sunday and yesterday because I am definitely in a struggle in my soul. Almost everything that is most important to me in my life is in crisis. I am trying so hard to be quiet and listen to the inner voice of the holy spirit. I've finally learned to love God and in doing so have had some things revealed to me that are almost unbearable. It is the little voice and my times on Sunday and Wednesday that keep me going. I am going out of town for a few days and will miss the next two services and am actually afraid. I believe in you, debye and the Church and feel so blessed to have received what I have so far.
Hi Bishop,
I want to let you know that you are definitely leading me in the right direction. This is looking to be a long and unfortunately painful journey for me. I needed to hear what you had to say on Sunday and yesterday because I am definitely in a struggle in my soul. Almost everything that is most important to me in my life is in crisis. I am trying so hard to be quiet and listen to the inner voice of the holy spirit. I've finally learned to love God and in doing so have had some things revealed to me that are almost unbearable. It is the little voice and my times on Sunday and Wednesday that keep me going. I am going out of town for a few days and will miss the next two services and am actually afraid. I believe in you, debye and the Church and feel so blessed to have received what I have so far.
Hi Bishop,
I want to let you know that you are definitely leading me in the right direction. This is looking to be a long and unfortunately painful journey for me. I needed to hear what you had to say on Sunday and yesterday because I am definitely in a struggle in my soul. Almost everything that is most important to me in my life is in crisis. I am trying so hard to be quiet and listen to the inner voice of the holy spirit. I've finally learned to love God and in doing so have had some things revealed to me that are almost unbearable. It is the little voice and my times on Sunday and Wednesday that keep me going. I am going out of town for a few days and will miss the next two services and am actually afraid. I believe in you, debye and the Church and feel so blessed to have received what I have so far.
Hi Bishop,
I want to let you know that you are definitely leading me in the right direction. This is looking to be a long and unfortunately painful journey for me. I needed to hear what you had to say on Sunday and yesterday because I am definitely in a struggle in my soul. Almost everything that is most important to me in my life is in crisis. I am trying so hard to be quiet and listen to the inner voice of the holy spirit. I've finally learned to love God and in doing so have had some things revealed to me that are almost unbearable. It is the little voice and my times on Sunday and Wednesday that keep me going. I am going out of town for a few days and will miss the next two services and am actually afraid. I believe in you, debye and the Church and feel so blessed to have received what I have so far.
What a feast is laid before us today! Where to start? It's like an international buffet--or the Gold Buffet, which may not even exist anymore, but it was literally room after room of different food. Just amazing. That's what BITN and especially today's feels like. I may not make it to all the rooms in one day--aaacckk! Over 40 posts at this point and I've only fully read 4! Oh my~~~
Bishop, for me your comment on "C" -- "listening to Him through each other" is the who/what/where, and mostly the why & how of connection. It is especially easy here.
I've always loved that the when can be whenever, but its VERY fun to be in on a "developing word" like Tuesday. I'm also remembering "Saturday play day" and a really fun Friday when you told us to stop being so interesting! Seems that no day here is shallow but these deeeeep ones! Like NY cheesecake, some only want a sliver, others can process the whole cake. [what is up with all these food references--Erik, are you cooking right now?]
Kettly, "He fails to meet our wrong expectations." amen. Even if we whine, cajole and threaten to eat worms!
Izumi, very cool why answer. I'll be back to enjoy your post again and again. Can't even pick out just one to comment on.
Avatar, oh wait, that's me.
Donald, I feel ya bro, on the first "C" and the way low number! I have an appointment tonight. Trying to figure out how to cut it short. I've watched our children like you did and totally get your comment--"I can understand how God, OUR Father, must get thrilled when he sees us hanging out and having a good time together." Amen. At the restoration of ALL things He's gonna show up. Do you think He could come a little early just because He wants to join us? That's an empowering thought!
Gotta get a project out of the way. Back soon.
debbie, hold on tight!
It's hard to tell if you just pressed "publish" four times trying to get your message to post or you REALLY wanted to get someone's attention.
HE perfects all things that concern you and bears your stuff too. Got a cd you can take with you? Internet cafe' on the way? Many here will cover you in prayer. Me too. I say He gives you peace, that your trust increases and that you return with more than one story about how you clearly saw God encouraging you on your trip!
Are you saying that the only way to be fed is by the blog? Bishop Swilley's voice is spoken over many different mediums....the services, cd's, dvd's, his paintings, his books, to limit hearing his voice or even connecting through one avenue seems limiting. There is much dialog taking place all over CITN about the wonderous works of GOD. Just a thought. Connecting is possible in many ways. To say that there is only one way takes us back a few years.
Ew Avatar! You so crazy,…Oh wait, that’s me.
Now where was I? Oh yes, “E”. I look so forward everyday to see what new stuff has been posted on the blog and to read the responses. It really makes me feel like a part of something worthwhile again. I don’t respond every day. There are days that I am busy or don’t feel like I have anything to add to the dialog. I guess I could at least say howsyourmamaanem.
The last “C”. As I was reading this my mind went back to an editorial I read in our newspaper today by Cal Thomas. If you can read it you should. Try to factor in the fact that Mr. Thomas claims to be a devout Christian. Dude! He can say what he wants to say but I heard a lot of hatred in that article. He just flat out said that there would never be any reconciliation between Jews and Muslims or Muslims and anybody else for that matter. He obviously has a big problem with Muslims and he darn sure has a problem with Jimmy Carter. On second thought, maybe y’all shouldn’t read the article. It depressed me and I’m usually upbeat about just about everything.
Why are we here? A: Because we have something within each of us that is familiar.
Where are we going? A: All the way!
Are we on the right track? A: If we’re not it will do until the right one comes along.
Are you leading us in the right direction? A: It feels right to me.
Do you think that the people are connecting to the vision? A: Yes
Are they connecting with their sense of responsibility to it? A: Some yes, some maybe.
Are they connecting to one another? A: I think so.
Are they connecting with my voice as I follow Christ? A: I think so.
What role does this blog play in the connectivity of this community? A: We’re the bricks, it’s the mortar.
Why is connection so important, anyway? A: Since we were created in God’s image and he is all about connectivity, I guess it’s in our DNA.
As an individual, are you connecting with your own personal best destiny, and if so how is this ministry helping you to do that? A: This ministry has encouraged me to make decisions that I would have been terrified to have made earlier. There’re other things going on in this head right now that I feel fairly confident in saying that this ministry has sparked, but I’m reluctant to talk about it yet.
How connected are you to God at this point in your journey? A: I feel like the connection is getting stronger. For a long time the connection I had with Him was sort of like AM radio, but I believe it’s more like FM right now. Maybe tuned to a station that is not totally in range so there is a little bit of fuzziness sometimes. But, I think I’m heading in the direction of the station because the signal seems to be getting better.
Actually, I have been cooking. Improving my chicken curry, really getting into curries lately. This one is good, still trying to get just the right blend. Finished a bunch of it yesterday, need it to go somewhere…..
Also, to let every one know, Pork Loin is on sale at Kroger for 1.99/lb. Made a nice little jerk BBQ with it yesterday.
I have been experimenting w salads too. Came up with a great spinach & cilantro salad with avocado, almonds, sesame oil, lemon, s & p, red onions in a Red Bell pepper boat. Very refreshing, especially if you like cilantro.
Made a fun desert w strawberries & blue cheese, with reduced balsamic vinegar, butter and honey sauce. This was actually a joint creation.
And, just recently I was showed a great southern green bean preparation. Green Beans (bacon (cooked first) or ham hocks) sweet onion , s & p, all then cooked in Coca Cola. Really good.
Summer is coming, have to get the summer menus together.
Now I am getting hungry….. what will it be tonight?
Hi Debbie,
Saying a special prayer for you. God is bigger than any situation. Look up and count the stars if you can. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think. He knows your name. He knows your struggles. He sees you and He will lead you through any storm or crisis you are facing if you reach out to Him. He is GOD! Awesome and amazing! Nothing is too difficult for Him.
P.S. Thanks for the prayers Donald.
Bishop as I've said before, one of the reasons why I like this blog is because it gave me a chance to get to know you better, and have an actual relationship-something I had all but given up on when I made the decision to join. But here not only do I get to know you, but I get to know a great group of people who make me laugh, cry and think. Most of you who've been blogging for a while know I'm a teacher, well my subject is sometimes called a "connection" class. And it's true, when the kids are on team they're often separated by academic ability, they separate themselves in the lunchroom for various reasons, but in the gym, the Home Ec room, the Spanish classroom, is where they all come together in one learning community. Some of my colleagues are not comfortable with the idea of exceptional children in the regular education classroom because for some, it will be for nothing more than social interaction. But, that's exactly the point. For a few hours out of the day, they feel like a regular middle school child, they connect with kids their own age, and their difference goes away. Fraternities, sororities, and (in its most extreme form) gangs are all about the same thing, finding a place to belong. We have that here.
Thanks Avatar!
Dear Erik,
Dude. You just said the wrong word. I hate cilantro. You are no longer my brother in Christ. (making extra intercession for you and your worldly ways - hehe)
I forgive you.
Night all,
these are some great comments
overcomer, praying for you
Linda :0)
Hey Pastor Jimmie,
Never got to tell you in person but you are one of the most gifted worship leaders I have ever had privilege to hear, thank you
I wanted to add a few things to my earlier post which was not a finished work, but a work in progress like me...
Jesus forgave His abusers and as His disciple, I am called to forgive others...Sure, I could argue my case and justify my thoughts about this individual.. But the fact is that God loves all of us and we are all created in His image and He desires that not one should perish. Who am I to judge...Each one of us holds the power to bless or curse, love or hate, do good or evil, etc. We have been given the gift of "free will" because God, our Father, is love in the truest form and He does not control us. He lets us choose light over darkness. He calls us to love not hate, to bless not curse, to do good not evil....I have seen the redeeming qualities in my daughter's abuser and the rage...I have prayed for God's perfect will in his life and I have also reckoned with God for him to not be destroyed but placed in a "time out" so he can't hurt others. I have been disappointed that nothing seems to be happening...but God is God. Who am I to question His wisdom? He knows the beginning and the end. His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts far greater than my thoughts. He sees the "big picture" and I am looking through a dark window. So I open the blinds on the window and clean the glass and ask for God's light to shine through with clarity, and I ask for prayer. For it is the light of God that will destroy the darkness in this world and I pray for more light.
O.K., ya'll, we're 1/2 way there! 50 comments!
My brother got home today, and they are all together (except me) I'm still believing for the miraculous, but have peace as well. My particular circumstances have me not being able to get down there till after the 1st of the week...A pretty cool thing is happening tomorrow. My sis-in-law arranged for the principal of the high school to come and do a bedside graduation ceremony for my niece so my brother can see his daughter graduate. WOW.
I have become the official CONNECTOR in this whole thing-- my brother has 2 other daughters, who have a very "strained" to put it mildly, relationship with their stepmother. My Mr. Wonderful likened it to an Abraham-Isaac-Ishmael scenario..grudges have been held, forgiveness not given... I am so glad to be "making a connection" with them through this all... anyways, thanks for this place to come bare/bear these things...
P.S. Oh, and to top it off, (insert Debbie Downer close up/music here) our kitty cat unexpectedly died last night. Had to do the whole bury/memorialize/make grave marker thing with the children this afternoon... :o(
Thanks tons, for the forgiveness AND intercession. I need all of both I can get, such darn worldly guy I am. Just seems to come with the package. Strange, no one has ever said I am too pious… hmmmmm.
This is funny, because of the people I work with and clients, there are 2 in particular, that I will be seeing next week. One is Mormon and the other Muslim. So, when we got out to dinner, there is a lot of intercession. We all love each other, but I just can’t help it (hehe) when we are out, and they are so staunch on their dietary restrictions, I can’t help but go overboard. Every time, they tell me together, that they are praying for me. Even funnier, (respectfully) after dinner at some point, they each take me aside separately, and tell me that ‘they’ individually, are praying for me even more, just in case the ‘other guys’ prayer is not quite it.
SO, I end up doubly interceded when I am with them, certainly with The Latter Christ and also w/ Allah. I figure, the Buddhists are fine with whatever, I have ancestral roots to Hinduism, plenty of Pagan ancestors (some still alive). I almost married a Jewish woman, (I think she still prays for me). Also some Wiccans that keep me in their thoughts. So , the good news is that a lot of people who cover a lot of ground have felt similarly , that my worldliness needs to be prayed for to keep me in one fold or another. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. Abundant blessings to you all, and I need every possible intercession I can get. One thing I don’t get called -- A Saint. I never can figure that one out. I can come up with a lot of qualities that put me right in the running. Humility right at the top!!! Life really is wonderful!!
hello again, i am doin pretty good , learning to blog at this time in my life! You make it seem so vital! So my comment is: the quote "tell me and I'll forget, show me and I'll remember,involve me and I'll understand" is profound...and honestly true...also Mal 3;16....what a thrill to know he is listening in..it gives me the same thrill about the fact that in heaven there are golden bowls full of incense of the saints"..I believe that is literal too..so what if our prayers can, in fact, be captured by God and placed in actual "bowls"? Imagine that!...so this blog will give me a misisterial outlet at times...I do appreciate the opportunity to be involved...therefore....I am understanding ...(.wonderful!)much love, Darlene swilley (mother)
Good Evening Bishop,
This will be my first blog ever. I have tried but to no success but my best friend walked me thru so I will be able to get this thru.
1. Why are we here? I am here to be filled the spirit of God. To learn of him, to know him, to be a part of him.
I have been a true believer of "God". I grew up in fear of him. I fear him no more. I have imbraced him for the last 20 years. My spirit has let go of him for the last several years. Since coming to CITN I have heard, felt, believed that my spirit didn't go away. He has loved me thru everything I have done. Dishonesty to myself. I have become a better person since coming to CITN. My spirit is being filled everyday. I am making good choices for myself, becoming a better friend, employee. I am so much happier inside and out. You don't know me but trust me I am.
I see the love, acceptance, trust and compassion, belief, honest in CITN. The first I have seen in a church.
I am here to be a part of this wonderful experience of a wonderful gift of getting to my God. To become a healthier person in knowing God. To walk in faith and to become the person God knows I am.
2. Where are we going? We are going to a place i have dreamed about. We are going together with God by our sides. We are a big family depending on each other to get us thru difficult time, the good times and to learn togehter what God wants us to do, be. I just wake up everymorning and believe today is the day I have and I will make the best of it. If I slip up. I can stop, pray, get off my knees and start again. God will walk with me everystep of the way and so will CITN.
I am a very simple person. I am learning more every week about my God. I am understanding things about him that I never did. I use to refuse to talk with any one about my God in fear they would judge me because I din't know as much as they did. I still don't know alot, oh boy! I am know. There are times I leave church and not quite sure what some things were. I call my best friend "Patti" and she will talk with me about it. There are also times my head may not get it. My spirit did. I could feel it and in time I would be going thru something and it would hit me.
If we can't share together, what do we have? Nothing. We may not agree on some things and levels, that is okay. We can talk and discuss and come to an understanding with one another We still may not agree but we can respect one another opinions, beliefs. It doesn't take away what my are. That is how I grow.
This is how funny commication is. I have been feeling guilty of not signing up to do something in my church "CITN". I have talked it over with my best friend. We kept discuss how and what I could do. Well, today, it has happened. I have found something I can do. I believe I will good at it. I will love it. It is because my BF and her friend were talking. I don't have to work this Sunday. Everything is falling in place for me do something. To give back a little of what I have gotten from you Bishop, Pastor Debbie! and from the new people I am meeting. My God works in weird ways. Patience. Give it to him and he shall make it happen in his time.
Thank you for believing in your ministry and never given up. Wanting more for all of us and CITN. Wanting us to be the best we can be. Wanting us to be with God in our life's. Wanting us to support the CITN as it is our child. Wanting it to be best it can be.
Hey Bishop
When we make the 100 are you going to make it 101?
Can I talk?
Bridge Building In Progress
Keep Praying
Pastor Jimmie - Did you read mine on Tue. If not it seems
that way and yes I did leave out that part. I agree with LeRoy
That was then this is now . You know we need to shake the
foundation once again. That’s maybe why Kim Clement is
on his way back . You know I only say what is in my heart.
I feel a great shaking of our spirit mindset is about to be
No turning back . It’s Scream Machine time .
Bishop about Kim Clement you know spirit calls to spirit.
It's time.
Everyone else - Leave Comments
My name is Sissiedo and I am a blurker. Perhaps I should say I was a blurker but now I will be a blogger. I have the name Sissiedo because that is what my brother has called me since we were children so it is comfortable to me. Maybe I will write more later but right now I am just getting me feet wet.
Love you too, Bishop
I'm home. Does it count if that's all I say? Been watching email alerts come in during my appointment. Since there were only two of us I thought it would be rude to actually read them--(smile).
If I remember correctly, I'm up to post #5 on my reading. I feel a little bit like I used to feel before a big test in high school--56 Chapters by morning? aaaaaahhh! I knew I should have been reading all along!
Dear Bishop,
In answer to your questions..well, I can only answer for myself right now...Your blog site has helped me purge something inside that I needed to release openly. Something amazing has happened these past few minutes. Nothing has changed but everything has changed if that makes sense. I feel like my burden is now lighter and someone else is helping me carry the load and praying for me. I feel renewed strength. I lifted my arms that were hanging down and got up and slow danced with my sweet Lord. The tears I had bottled up and shoved deep within me could not be contained there any longer..the damn broke and the river flowed from inside... I am stronger now because somehow I know in the spirit that somewhere someone was praying for me and holding me up. I hope that I will be able to hold someone else's arms up and help them carry their heavy load by words of encouragement or silent prayers. This blog is an extension of the body of Christ in a powerful way. Thank you Bishop.
I have enjoyed all of the voices in the choir today. The pencil written "love you" at the close reminds me of something you would do when we were dating....I hope you are having a marvelous time, I must admit, I am a Bon Jovi fan and would love to have been there....but, I am not bitter...:)...I am ready for you to come home. Jetaime'
I hope I have made myself clear as to most of these answers in previous posts--I do believe in you, Bishop, and your perception of God's voice and in CITN/BITN.
Q: Where are we going?
A: Unto ALL the World. Though there may be some uncertainty about the how, there is no uncertainty about where.
Q: Are we on the right track?
A: How can we be on any track when we are the ones blazing the trail and laying the track on which others will follow?
I think this may lie at the heart of the matter...this may be why we sometimes feel somewhat "disconnected" though we are not. Those of us who were called here are firmly tethered to God, to our Bishop, and to each other...but that is all to which we are connected. While that connectedness is, I believe, the purpose of our existence and of our being brought/led here, it is also what makes us feel as if we are not connected...ah, the double-edged sword and the wheel within a wheel. If you have seen the photo Earth Rise then you may understand what I mean...there we are, adrift in the vacuum of the blackness of space...a gorgeous blue and white marble filled with thoughts and hopes and dreams; of life and love and light--filled with God. God framed, shaped, formed, and maintains His worlds, our world, through His words of Faith...just as we must maintain ours...but because we are unique in vision, in purpose, and in composition...it is often as if we are free floating.
I don't envy you, Bishop, but I do admire, respect, and support you while you stand before us and seek His face to tell you which direction to go in these uncharted jungles. They say there are places there where the natural light never reaches...I guess that's because only the Shekinah glory, that pure Light of His Presence, will do; we are the bearers of THE LIGHT.
This blog has brought us together on an even deeper level...those of us who hear you are connected/connecting with the vision of CITN/BITN, but as with Jesus, some doubted. In God’s shaking (even evidenced by an earthquake in southern IL for goodness’ sake!) they will either become tethered or they will fall away...they will probably find a pew to warm elsewhere as it is a bit too uncomfortable to try that here...they will be saved so as by fire...I call down the fire...BURN ME NOW, LORD! Make me pure gold!
Q: How connected am I to my personal best destiny and to God in my journey?
A: I am hoping and praying that I am doing all I can and being all I can be...but Magic 8 Ball says “Ask Again Later.”
I am so glad you told us about others who stated they were experiencing an emotional rollercoaster...it made me realize that mine was not unique and that leads me to understand that it is only another death/rebirth and that when I come out the other side, the glass will be a little less dark.
I love this place...I love these people as individuals and as the Body of Christ, and our fearless leader; and I support them with my time, money, effort, and prayer...and will continue to do so. Keep on blazing the trail and boldly going where no one has gone before...Lead On, Bishop, Lead On!
Bishop Swilley,I've been gone for almost a week and I've come back to a whole new world.You had begun to change the look when I left but I really like the spirit of the blog too.
Its funny that your subject is connection today,because this past week I have been reconnecting with people from my past that I went to school with.The funny thing one of the women I went to school with told me she always wanted me to ask her out and I always thought she was and is the prettiest girl in school and wanted to ask her out but didn't,because I was to shy and insecure.She was one of the popular people and I was just there,so I thought she would say no.
My point is that you don't know what you might be missing out on.If you would connect you might find the answer you have been seeking.
God bless and I like the new look Bishop Swilley,peace.
Oh yeah...and Bon Jovi?!!! I'm so happy you got to go...but could you at least say something like, "I've always been a big fan and always wanted to go to this kind of concert...I've always dreamed about it!" Do you have to say, "I didn't ask for it but here I am going with a bunch of Hindus to see Bon Jovi!" Just kidding...love you, Bishop! (I feel ya Pastor Debye!)
I am only one but I am one of 100 or of more than 100. I don't know what the number is - I do believe that 100 is a small step on the way to many. VERY MANY
Thanks for the alert Bishop. I am so thankfull for what u and my CITN family bring into my life.
Good night everyone and sweept dreams!
Speaking of dreams...after you prayed Wed. night for all of us to have dreams/visions, both my wife and I had interesting dreams. I forgot to get up and write it down so I forgot most of it, but I thought that was neat. Tonight I'm putting a pen and a piece of paper by my bed, being prepared for things in the night.
Also, eventually a recorder because like last night sometimes a song I've never heard will come into the dream, last night it was an actual christian music video I was watching on TV in my dream, a band and a song I had never ever heard of before, and it was really cool!!!
Keep praying for dreams and visions, maybe we can share some here Bishop, and see if anyone has a thought about them or interpretation?-hmmm...
Gotta go!-Karl Cobos
Ohhh...we're halfway there
aah-aah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
aah-aah, livin' on a prayer!
--Bon Jovi
(1984 or somewhere thereabout)
G8trgrl I'm sorry to hear about your pet. I learned a long time ago not to make smart remarks to someone who just lost a pet. When I was about 20 years old, there was a woman from work who had flung a craving on me, which at that point in my life, didn't take much effort. But anyway, she had a horse that she had had for quite some time and over the weekend it had died.
Wisdom not being one of my strong points back then, I jokingly said that she ought to have it stuffed like Trigger and then she could have him mounted somewhere in the yard.
That woman slapped the ever-loving crap out of me and my hard hat went in one direction and my safety glasses ended up sort of diagonally positioned on my face. Yeah buddy! A lesson was learned that day.
Oh yeah, I forgot you were going to that concert tonight.
Wow man, like pass that joint on down here, dude.
I'm too Hyper it's getting close to midnight. Come On people leave more comments.
Pastor Debye - Glad to see your on board .
I can't wait till 9am for the hour of prayer.
You want to talk about connection my prayer is that when I put my father to rest a reconnection with my brother will happen.
Connections don't have a time limit. Bridges can be mended. The lost can be found. There is hope in a hopeless situation. A new day is right around the corner. The rain flows into the river. Flow with the river. He lives in you.
27 minutes to go for 100.
Leave a comment
And another thing...I have really enjoyed everyone's comments today...especially all you first-time bloggers. You have all taken that first step into the blogosphere and we have all been enriched because of it. I think most of our regulars here will join me in saying thank you for flying...I mean...posting with us at BITN; please come back and post with us again. And thank you...to the lifers and the newbies...Brilliant!
(And to that one special first timer...AWESOME! You know I love ya!)
Blessings Blog Fam!
Alright, I've done my part. I made the serious posts earlier today.
Now Bishop, I have no desire to dis you or anything like that, but is that a crease I'm seeing in your dungarees in that picture of you out by the pond, I mean lake?
Livin' On A Prayer...even Bon Jovi is prophetic...God really does speak through everything and everyone, huh? ROCK ON!
Blessings Blog Fam!
It's getting about time for me to have my bedtime story read to me.
This is so much fun, to see we ALL are still up to see that 100!! To experience right NOW!!
Hope you had a good time at the concert. Did Bon Jovi sing "You Want to make a Memory?" I love that song.
Anyway, going to bed when the comments make it to 100. LOL
Dear God, please don't strike our friend Donald down for asking our Bishop to pass the doobie...and then please have him send it my way...who said that?! Sit down and shut up, Adam!
Y'all forgive me...please? *grins*
Oh we are so close and it is almost 12! I should be sleeping but want to see that 100 mark. The last 2 days of being blessed by you all has inspired me to connect more with my International adoption groups. Wow it is amazing how giving a part of yourself and just being a light can change the atmosphere and make something that has been so dark a gloomy the last year into something with hope. I feel so free to be!!!
Oh and I am so jealous too. Love Bon Jovi. Take it in take it with you when you go. Who says you can't go home!!! Ok enough of that!!! Sweet Dreams BITN Fam
Once upon a time Bishop and some Hindus went to a Bon Jovi concert...
I must be tired...why else would I blog such things? If I have offended anyone...please forgive me.
Blessings Blog Fam!
You all are cracking me up!!!!! Thank God no one has mentioned the barley pop yet!!!! Now I can't get BonJovi songs out of my head!!!
Yo Bishop
That picture by the lake was it Easter Sunday?
Almost midnight & The Simpson's is about over.
Oh Well
Love it even your mama got on board.
I get looney around midnight.
Just pray
Uh oh...Donald? You still with us, Dude? :o
(Y'all see why I love this place? Where else would you get such deep spiritual perception and interpretation and have such fun at the same time? I've searched all over can't find nobody like y'all!)
Blessings Blog Fam!
{Mystic}--your so funny. Keep telling some stories. Once upon a time in Blog world..we stayed up to see the comments reach to a record 101...he he he
Then before we ALL headed to bed..we all put our hands on the screen and said.."Thank you Lord for today, that we have all connected and shared stories with each other." "Answer every-1's prayers and Bless the 1's that stepped out on that limb." "For the ones that haven't, you'll have a chance again." "Let every-1 know they are loved here." Amen
Me too, Lisa...I'm a cowboy...on a steel horse I ride...I'm wanted...dead or alive!
(I'm still wondering about Donald though :( )
Mystic Maybe ooo he's a little runaway.
I'm sorry it just popped into my head when you asked where Donald was That is a way back Bon Jovi
Thanks Friend4...I'm having a good time at least...and who said we had to hit 100 by midnight anyway? He said 100 comments to this article...so it's all good.
And yes, I placed my hand on the screen and prayed and STILL the power is undulating through the blogoshpere! I love y'all!
Mystic- Your right. He did said he wanted 100 on this article. I wouldn't be surpised if it goes higher than that.
Q:And, most importantly, how "connected" are you to God at this point on your journey?
A:I am very "connected" to our Heavenly Father. He knows my beginning..stands at the end. This year has started out a year of new beginnings for me. A time to connect with people. To not feel disconnection from the body. Love you, Heavenly Father!!
Y'all are a trip! You're right, Mystic, I didn't say by midnight, but thanks for the effort. You definitely broke the record by midnight. Awesome...
Concert was amazing...virtualy sat on the stage. Hindus were great and very open to the things of the Spirit, as was a very bright young Muslim from Yemen who was in our party. They all went out afterwards but I took a cab back to the hotel (up all night last night writing...ready to crash)...young cab driver from Somalia asked me to pray fr peace in his nation which is at war.
During dinner tonight Pastor Murray called and said Israel trip is for sure last week in May so we're going.
Tell you more later...I've thoroughly enjoyed you all today.
Swet dreams.
When my Bishop says he wants 100...I'm gonna do my part! Glad you had a good time, Bishop!
Nite Blog Fam!
Hey everybody,
The Universal Peace Federation gathering on the mall.. not on their website yet, decent hotels near the mall still reasonably priced and Delta has airfare sale until May 6, $79 each wat ATL to DC
Get 'em while their hot!!!
Hmmm...I knew you wouldn't be going to bed just yet...lol.
There will be some who come late at night just before the ship heads out to sea...yet they will not miss the ship...mind if I get on board?!
So...since this particular topic is about making a connection it's about time I stopped blurking and get back to blogging...I've only glanced at a few entries but just to cover all bases and all people...welcome to those who are new...to those who are, as the Baptists would say, "seasoned saints" and been wondering about me i'm still here.....to those who are in need of guidance or help in any area/aspect of life I speak the name of Jesus over your situation....to those who need healing I say that by the stripes of Christ you are healed...God is perfecting all and everyone that concerns you according to his Holy will....you are the head and not the tail...above only..never beneath...the enemy is under your feet so shout unto God for your victory as well as the victories of those that concern you....God loves no matter what you do or who you are so show the same love to others.....your praise and your worship are your best weapons...you are better off worshipping and praising your way through and out of a situation that worrying and/or fretting about it....stand still and know that God is God and because of this truth you will be alright....
God's been so good!!!
I didn't mean to post that three times...and on second thought, have SWEET dreams, instead!
I didn't mean to post that three times...and on second thought, have SWEET dreams, instead!
I didn't mean to post that three times...and on second thought, have SWEET dreams, instead!
Much better than swet dreams...lol.
Thank you, Bishop, I really do love CITN/BITN...and hear you.
Blessings to the Bish and Blog Fam!
I did it again! I didn't bring my laptop so I'm using one of those TV/internet things and for ome reason when I hit the publish buton it does it three times.
Did fine that time. Goodnight Every-1!! Been fun! LQQKing 4-ward to every-1's comments tomorrow. {Which is today!}
Nighty-night DREAMERS!!
Wow! Every time I close my eyes, I see Bishop! Where am I? :o Well you always were surreal ;)
Hi Bishop,
I keep seeing your face every time I look at the blog, it’s like the Twilight Zone, or Groundhog Day, can’t decide Rod Serling or Bill Murray, your funny enough for SNL and Serling enough for well… Rod Serling, .. … ‘Your stepping into..’The Twilight Zone’…. It’s been a long time since going back was an option. How Fun !! Glad you are in the front car of the coaster.
Y'all are hysterical! In every sense of the word. Been a bit quiet for me here, since I use my phone to connect to the internet at home, alerts can't come in. Have to refresh to see what you're doing. Didn't realize the big ball had dropped until I was finally getting to your posts. I felt like I imagine west coasters feel on New Year's--what are they doing? It's not midnight yet!
Mystic, I had a very special first-timer tonight too. I won't repeat the comments that were made about all the word verification requirements. I did overhear this being muttered--"don't be negative, don't be negative." Had to go laugh elsewhere! Too funny.
g8trgrl, WOW. A bedside graduation so your brother could see it. Very powerful act of love.
Going to refresh--and see what y'all are doing. Anybody still up?
Thank you for the venue and opportunity to have a voice and communicate. I have heard you say in the past that people have listened to something that you said and been offended and left the church. I never really understood that. I nearly agree with everything that I have heard at CITN. Somethings have caused me to think and rethink beliefs from mama 'nem. Recently, I have become aware of the fact that God is listening in on our conversations and paying attetion to what goes on in our lives. I feel like you are speaking directly to me at times and my comfort zone is being challenged. I know that in order to serve the Kingdom, I have to make some adjustments. Your teaching has caused me to explore the word of God and watch the words of my mouth. I am much more accepting of the differences around me. I believe that you are leading me in the right direction. Ultimately I want to eat from the tree of life. What you teach is leading us there. There is no good or bad, right or wrong. There just is. It is what it is. All of it. And it does all work together for our good when we walk in God's purpose for us. The biggest revelation that I have had is that I need a relationship with God. I have to seek Him. What I have learned at CITN causes me to yearn for a closer walk with God. I find myself longing for Him, wanting to spend time and praise and worship and bless Him. I need to give to the Lord through this ministry. I have to invest my time and money here. Divine order manifests in my life when I give. The message and vision of this house has caused me to search for my true destiny and I have begun to walk in the purpose for which my life is intended. I am growing closer to God through my connection with others in this place. Don't stop doing what you do.
Yeah Avatar,
We are still up, what, it’s barely after 2 AM. ‘ We’re just some boys tryin’ to do good, Oh Lord please don’t let us be misunderstood’
So, Why truly are we all at CITN? Maybe, just possibly, kind of, maybe, unless someone feels otherwise, -- we each know we do not quite fit in anywhere else, maybe because we embrace that we are ‘damaged’, ‘different’ , ‘on the fringe’ (maybe the fringe of the fringe for some of us, -no one I know,- just sayin’ maybe) and we find solace here. Without going too far (like I would ever) even Jesus could have been institutionalized by His fam. Over the edge can be that we do not fit into the world flow, or that The Christ is breaking out of us, and actual sanity is with The Christ – imagine that !
I know for me and my house, ( which is me and 6 pets, so they got to do what I decide) we choose the institution that includes The Christ, that reconciliation of ALL, including every ONE that any ONE thinks should be excluded. In fact, ANY that ANY ONE thinks should be excluded will be welcomed before any ONE else. Last are First – Praise God. That is why I cannot exclude any ONE. Of all that I may not know, I do know that.
I'm sooo late. But.. Better late than never...right? I love spending time here. My promise to myself is to make sure I contribute more often. Wonderful posts everyone! Sissiedo you rock!
And I love you too Bishop.. ; )
Yes sir "communication is involvement". I am very involved at CITN, so I see this blog as one more way for me to connect with the Body - to feel its pulse, hear what its saying. Most important, I want to know what the head is doing, which direction you are taking us. I don't want to miss a thing - and that's why I take the time to check in here.
God bless
I guess I'm just a big sissy. I get up pretty early in the morning, and usually late at night I start seeing stuff that's really not there. You know how when those native Americans would go off by themselves and smoke peyote and try to connect with their ancestors? I sort of get like that around bedtime. I really tried to hang with y'all but when my typing started looking like, "eiqoetg hrt3oradfg; hg5i4op2" I figured I had probably had enough.
Avatar that was undoubtably the most hilarious joke I have ever heard when you said you still have dialup! You oughta cut that out!
Good Lord, do y'all have one of those reflective triangles on the back of your buggy? You know it's the law now, don't you? Just kidding.
Really I appreciate you using the word dialup because it caused me to remember a song that I used to hear alot when I was a kid. You folks may know it and if you do please feel free to join in at anytime. Y'all pray for me now as I try to sing,....."Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they're the modern stone age family...
But I'll tell y'all one thang! From some of the "stuff" I saw y'all talking late last night, I'm kinda' glad I missed it. Trash talkin' bunch of heather-uns! Get thee behind me!
Erik, "of all I do not know, I do know--" Amen.
El, your post with izumi's are like bookends on this topic.
Kettly, very interesting to read your post AFTER all the connections.
Gotta get on the road. I'm still pondering all the connections made last night, and your questions too, Bishop.
The Blood of Jesus, The Body of Christ.
Erik, Check out www.globalpeacefestival.org for the info in August. UPF is one of the main sponsors of GPF along with "Points of Light" and others....click on the "Location" icon and you will see the map of the GPF's all over the world...it is pretty cool. Actually, check out the entire site because they do some great things.
Ya'll have got to stop it! Cut it out already, I HAVE GOT to do payroll and my flesh is weak! I keep seeing what everyone has to say and it is getting me way off course!
"Erik the overly Pious"... hmm...you're right...doesn't work. Peculiar. (you must belong @ CITN)
Forgiveness and intercession -> ditto that for me. By some standards, having friends outside stereotypical Christian standards makes others wary. (doesn't mean they're not seekers or believers)
Btw, it isn't true that you don't get called a saint. Elsewhere, I blogged that you are patron saint.
Good morning to you Bishop!
Hope you got some rest, but everything sounds like such a great adventure!!!
Like you mentioned about the American Idol, "are you kidding, you can sleep when you're dead!"
Just a brief hello to all before going to work. Please remember us and our son Zachary, EVERYONE is having a really difficult time with his behavior and not listening and bothering other kids at school. We have to have a meeting with the teacher and vice principal Monday morning. I'm believing for God's touch on him, and to help us too through all the incredible stress it is causing there and at home. Thanks guys, means a lot!
Karl Cobos,Natasha Cobos, and Zachary
Hey Karl,
First of all, I've never mentioned (here, at least) how much I enjoy your posts.
Yes, I add my prayer of agreement for Zachary. (maybe you'd believe me if I told you -that name came up in conversation only yesterday!)
I believe there is no time or distance in the Spirit.
As the whole body is joined together and compacted, every joint supplies what it can, in the measure it can, so that love can be edified in His body.
Wherever the deficiency - and that goes to anyone lacking, divine providence is available. (and I claim that for myself, too, Lord)
The Blood is still fresh on the mercy seat.
Don't know why I'm typing this: God is in the enzymes, God is in the water, God is the soil. (this is very good soil - thank You, Lord)
Thank You, heavenly Father, for Zach and all others in need of Your miraculous touch. Thank You, Father, that it's in Karl & Natasha to search a thing out.
Whew... thank You for the healing of MANY, from one prayer request. (didn't you share that you just asked God for more revelation?) Get ready!!
Amen and amen and amen
Hello Blogger Family:
Just dropping in to say hello and I love you. Today is good. Had a conference with my daughter's teacher, got a new set of tires put on the car, made the 45 mile commute, and was only 15 minutes late to work. Now, tell me God wasn't all over that! He had me check the DOT Navagator site yesterday so I knew about the mess on 285 westside (ALL lanes closed), so I could cut through downtown and not be late to see my little girl in the Reader of the Year Awards ceremony in Henry County. I thought about Him parting the Red Sea and how cool it was how he skirted me around Atlanta traffic (water, cars.... whatever).
How sweet he is !!
Hi blog family,
I just heard from my family that my brother passed this morning at 10:00. Dad had called around 9:00, and held the phone to him, so I was able to say what I needed to him. God is good-- all 3 of his daughters were there, together... restoring, connecting.
... I'm with you, Tracy! AS IF I'm not zig zagging around the house enough as it is, trying to stay "on task", but this keeps me coming back!
Have a great day... He wants it that way!
Lordy, Lordy, I just found out that Stevie Wonder is going to be at Jazz Fest in New Orleans. Three guesses where I'll be next weekend and the first two don't count.
I've never seen him before. Now that I think about it, heck, he's never seen him before.
Lord I apologize for that.
G8trgrl I am so sorry. We're praying for you and your family.
G8trgrl I am sorry for your loss and pray for your family as they go through their grief
Yes, Avatar, we have awakened the nations...speaking of which, being allowed to see/hear that word given to you by Dr. Chironna was awesome--that was really inspirational! It definitely brings that scripture in Malachi you used to life..."God saw what they were doing and listened in..." This "book of remembrance" just happened to be a DVD.
Thank you all for last night...I'm still full of *grins* (lol).
Izumi/joy...Patron Saint...perfect...he asked for it...and I agree with the whole cilantro issue too...ewww.
And Erik, I'll have to add my amen on that one too...damaged, flawed, outside the lines, incompatible with the rest of the world, out of step with the crowd, different...those are all terms society uses for those who need "special help" or belong in an institution. Isn't that what the religious world says about us? Maybe that does best describe us. Bishop? You asked for the heathen...you ok with the "damaged"? CITN really is Rehab in so many ways, but perhaps there is none necessary for the things God values most in us...the things we have always been told do not belong in polite society...maybe it's the best part that God will use for His greatest glory.
Look at our ancestors and role models in the Bible alone...these people were definitely "fringies" and I'd be proud to be listed in the "book" with them...oh wait...I guess I am there already...cool!
Karl...I add my amen to Izu/Joy's for Zachary and your whole family...that they all be whole...and that prayer just poured out and through me too, Izu...thank you for being obedient...I love when you do that!
Once again...I do so love my CITN/BITN family...I receive, receive, receive from all of you and I pray it flows back out through me to you all. I glean revelation here, I am healed here, I am refreshed here, and my merry heart is enlarged here...that alone tells me just how connected CITN and BITN are.
God I love this place and all of you!
Blessings Blog Fam!
Whew! yall are wearing me out with all this reading. No really it's great. love hearing from everyone, especially the newbees and blurkers.
short report on the visit to the pain clinic and the so called nerve block yesterday. well I am worse than I was. I haven’t talked much about this and will not. I don’t like to make things worse by acknowledging certain things verbally. But to be honest I am sick of all these Doctors and test, with no results. I hate to say it or do it but I think it might be time to see a lawyer. You all pray for me.
Donald you crack me up! I apologize for that Lord. :)
g8trgrl, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother..You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dacia
You seriously throw down in prayer.
I agree. Amen.
Karl, you and your family are so covered. Love.
G8trgrl, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother..You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dacia
G8trgrl--"together... restoring, connecting" Clearly you have eyes to see the Kingdom during any season. How awesome that your Dad included you. Through you your brother is connected to us. Bishop recently said "last words are important". Did your brother say anything that you can share with us?
You know we're here for you. May the time be short before the memories of your brother outweigh the pain of your loss.
izumi, karl--ditto what erik said.
Gr8grl...prayers for you and yours.
Miraclegirl...thanks for the praise report.
Donald...so glad to see you are still safe and with us because I was sure you had been struck down last night when you disappeared, Bro :o
Dennis...prayers for you.
And prayers for the whole blog fam.
God has given us a Friday...it will be what we make of it...as for me and my house...This is a day the Lord has made and we will REJOICE and be GLAD in it!
Big Brilliant Baffling Blessings Blog Fam!
When I was young I had a very bad temper and was very aggressive. Well I thought that all that was under control till now. Because I have become very angry about all this and you would just have to hear the whole story to understand, which I won’t go into here as I have said. Then again I am a FIRM believer in Gods Sovereignty and that there is a good purpose for everything. I really do believe that and know that He is working in my life for my good even now. Maybe He allowed all this so that it would bring out that aggressive side of me that has been buried for years so that I would take action. I have become quite passive for many years and wouldn’t think of stirring up anything. Maybe God knew that this is what it would take for me to take action. Sometime you just cannot be nice as much as you would like to. There are several places in the bible where God/Jesus were not what you would call nice, but they were always RIGHT and it was NECESSARY in that situation. What’s right is right and what is wrong is wrong. (Within the perimeters of the present situation, judging all factors)
You all pray for me to have wisdom and the Spirit of Christ in all this.
Grace, Peace and Love,
g8trgrl: I pray God pours out His grace and mercy on you and your family in your time of grief. I lost a good friend in January and did not get the gift of getting to say good bye. I'm so glad you did. Also, don't forget (I believe) your brother will always be watching over you (love NEVER dies). God bless you and your family.
Random thoughts.
Sparkle, cool name.
Lindsay, "I want to grow and be a better me and I feel that by my opening up here is the start to that" You're awesome now! Look out world!
MO-OM! DA-AD! DONALD IS PICKING ON ME! [for real tho, Donald, I love it. I grew up in a house that showed love by picking on you. Takes some growth to get through the teen stage of hating it, but I learned to like it--especially when my ear got tuned to catch the deep love. selah.] And yes, we know about the triangles--btw, that would be on John Deere's! "These are my people!" [well, if "my people" are the people who live around me. It's a thankless job but SOMEBODY has to be light in the darkness! (smile)
Dennis, [real question] have you received any rhema word related to your healing? Need agreement to call one in?
Robyn, coffee's on. How will we know you when you are here--A Disciple, A.D., Robyn?
"Hi, Pastor Jimmie." [I guess this is B.A., since A.A. is already taken--smile] ditto on Laura's post.
Erik, delta.com--here we come! Cilantro works for me. Leave some at the corner of Iris and Flat Shoals at 3pm. Bring no one with you! I'll be watching.
comments deleted. Hmmm. Party was good. You had to be there.
Linda, "I just know that I know that I know that He is here and that He is pleased and that He will never leave me." [cue Ben Harper]
Karl and Bishop, that quote, "sleep when..." I notice my chest tightens on hearing it. Sensing I need to check out what that's about. Thank you.
Gettin' to the questions. Requires some quiet time for me.
Love y'ALL.
Don't beat yourself up too bad Dennis. The rest of us haven't always been perfect.
Thank you everyone! Avatar-I know he is with us... I just had to bear a friend questioning "where" my brother is now, if he "knew" Jesus, and that he is in H-e-double hockey sticks if he didn't! ARRRGGHHHH! Can I just dump some SOTB in her lap?...I bless 'em AAALLLLL.
...He was aware of me speaking to him, but couldn't respond with words, but my Dad said he acknowledged me. That's enough for me.
The principal came first thing this morning, and did the graduation as well... totally cool.
This has taken 4ever 2 post... fielding phone calls, etc.
Peace to you all!
Hi Everyone!
I was reading the latest blog from Bishop on Connections and wanted to share something with all of you.
Wednesday, Bishop gave a word that we might have a phophetic, God-inspired dream or a night vision. Well, I was disappointed because I did'nt have a dream Wednesday night. It happend Thusday night!
I woke up at 2:30am which is kind of a usual occurence with the new baby, and was remembering my dream. When I had recounted the dream, I realized that it was "The Dream".
I have been trying to digest the total meaning of the dream all morning when I found myself reading Thursday's blog on connections. Bishop said that He has been feeling "connect" in his spirit and believes it to apply toward reconciliation.
Instantly, I knew the full meaning of my dream. I'ts all about reconciliation and using my past experiences to help people overcome the hurtles in their mind/life and move toward their true identity in Christ. Aka " The Ministry Of Reconciliation"
If any of you have ever been through some horrible experience, then you know how easy it is to allow that experience to cloud your judgement or damage your self-image. This fractured self-image will often impede our effectiveness in completing our personal mission.
Therefore, I know that it is part of my particular Charge to help others with similar "experiences" to recover their missing self-worth and once again see themselves as complete.
Sorry if i did'nt elaborate on my dream. It's not a happy, feel good kind of dream. Regardless, God got His point accross to me.
Bishop, Pastor Debye and CITN family, We love you and miss you!
The Tomlinsons
RE: Big Brilliant Baffling Blessings Blog Fam!
Kettly's submission: The home is the greenhouse where wisdom is cultivated... Growing up, we moved a lot (military). My siblings & I began using shorthand to describe experiences, memories, etc. by the color of the house we occupied @ specific times. Many interesting events occurred when we lived @ the green house. Amazing. Thank you.
Condolences to G8trgrl.
Doubleback Alley - the connector for me, in your words for bloggers: shape, elasticity. And by that, I mean, my jogging pants. :(
Dennis - understand about chronic pain. You're in my prayers, too.
Peacemaker - loved that part about the cellular memory. (Kirlian photography reveals that)
Anonymous - a work in progress. Yes - aren't we all!
Mystic - Patron saint - hehe. Cilantro tastes like soap. Don't ask how I know that.
Re: Prayer for Karl & Natasha's Zach - major hesitation (like, "Dear God - what did I just do?!") while hitting, "publish comment". Thanks for your added agreement. A merry heart is a continual feast!
Donald - on our walk around the block last night, somebody was blasting Stevie Wonder ("for once in my life") in their back yard. Very cool.
Re: Prayer - thanks Erik! I nominate you & Mr. Speedwalker to grill the brontosaurus ribs.
Tomlinsons - you are SO MINE (heart smiles)
Are we going to 200?
I would have made it to prayer this morning but my car had a flat. Just happy it happened in my driveway than on the road.
g8trgrl- I pray peace over you & your family during your time of loss.
avatar- Ya last night was crazy and I did delete my last comment. I didn't end it the way I wanted. I can't wait till the kid gets home . Tonight is the play Godspell at Eastside. They also have one tomorrow afternoon. You can call the school for times if you want to go.
Hey Matt glad to see your on board.
We miss you dude.
Isn't today a beautiful?
Sorry for your loss g8trgrl and remembering you in my prayers. Glad you had a chance to talk with your brother as I am sure that brings you some peace.
Matt..good word...I had a dream last night and a vision of my daughter very healthy and confident talking with me about joining my firm...(I have used her as a paralegal long distance to help her gain skills and self-esteem). I asked her if there was any chance she would go back to him and she said no. That's all I remember but it was so real and I am at peace for now.
Peace, joy and blessings to all.
Going out of town for a few days.
My honey just informed me of your loss. I am so very sorry. You can believe you and your family will be covered and surrounded by our thoughts and prayers. Love you!!
Karl - Just wanted to tell ya...Zachary was in my 4 and 5 yr. old class in Adventure Land on Wednesday nights. He is so smart and such a special kid! I'm praying for your family today.
G8TRGRL - I'm sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. I think it's sooo cool that he got to see his daughter receive her diploma... You're an encouragement to me at your outlook on the entire situation. Thank you.
Thanks for the shout out Avatar!!
Matt & Christy Tomlinson!! Hi!!! When's the next trip to GA?? We miss see you guys!!
can't get this song out of my head... wanted to share..
I'll Never Stop Loving You
Isreal Houghton
Humbly I bow, needing You now
Drawn by my desperation
Do I deserve this time You reserve
For friendship and conversation?
Your voice, unmistakable
I believe You when You say to me...
"I'll never, no never...
I'll never, ever stop loving you
My precious possession
There is no end to what we can do
Unconditional forever, I'll never stop loving you..."
Boldly I stand, taking Your hand
Still drawn by my desperation
Longing to hear You calling me near
For friendship and conversation
Your voice, unmistakable
I believe You when You say to me...
Peace for your family. It is so good that you were able to speak to your brother. Please share our prayers for salve with your family.
OK, one more thing & then, I really need to finish some stuff around here:
* To proclaim THIS is the Lord's year. If He deems it acceptable, I want to set out my WELCOME MAT, anticipating its perfection. Justice belongs to Him.
OMG - Tomlinson!
Guesss I got so cought up in my own stuff that I forgot to tell you G8TRGRL,that I'm feel for your loss and Pain. You all are in my prayers.
Now! I have fixed a cup o'tea and am going to kick back and read the blogs. After applying the "Evelyn Woodhead Speed Reading Course" I realize, WOW, I need 'to slow down, take it easy,...' cause I am missing too much of the good stuff. This is my Friday song I sing to ONLY my family and my best friends (&you guys are blessed to fit in that group, also this is usually via voice mail. Thank God I can type it and not voice it! Just ask Donald): "It's Friday! It's Friday! Oh What a Happy Day! Oh what a Fun Day!!!"
Enough nonsense for now. I must read. Will connect later!!!
its friday:-) :O :.)
Our condolences to G8trgrl and family. Our prayers are with you.
Anna Lynn, don't ever do that again in public.
g8trgrl: I'm stunned "a friend" actually said that to you about your brother... (H-e-double hockey sticks if he didn't....). I'd like to bless them with a hockey stick up side the head, if ya know what I mean (joke, of course). Do people just not know what to say or what? They should just shut UP!
Again, may God pour his mercy and grace out on you and your family.
love never dies.
Anna, based on Donald's response [oops, your MIDDLE name, yikes!] I'm thinking I'd like to see this on YouTube! Let me know when you post.
(oooo, payback for the dialup dis. YES!)
I'm praying for peace for you too, g8trgrl...and for the 'friend' who I'm sure meant well but is, like many of us once were, clueless...btw...apologies for the misinterpretation of your blogdentity...but you're a gr8grl too :)
Avatar...I think the way you said that--it was very cool. Thank you.
To All those "Working for the Weekend"...it's HERE!!! Sunday is just around the corner! You know, it won't be long until we're going to have to "camp out" for tickets just to get in to CITN. As Micah said (4:1-2), "But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." Hal El to Jah!
Peace, grace, salt, light, strength and joy for the journey to you all...blessings blog fam!
Q: As Pastor of this church, Seer in this House, Bishop of our souls,
Are you leading me/us in the right direction?
A: I don't know, but I trust that you are.
What I do know is:
--that I feel protected by your knowledge of Scripture, your balanced view of the world, your transparency and candor, your willingness to share that you don’t know something, your trust in God, your willingness [and demonstrated obedience] to turn on a dime if you believe God tells you to, and your over the top commitment to doing whatever it takes to get us to the right place, no matter what it costs, no matter how long it takes and ultimately, no matter what we think.
--that you love God more than anything
--that God loves you and us so much that He can and will turn anything you might do “in the flesh” into something golden and part of His plan
--that I trust God in and for more than I trusted Him before I was protected by you and I trusted Him for a lot before.
--that I know how to worship Him now in ways I didn’t think of on my own, with more understanding of the depth of each type of worship and praise.
--that I sense a connection to all the saints before and those to come that I did not before.
--that I am “full” after you speak
--that I no longer wonder “isn’t there more?” I know there is.
--that I trust that I’m being led there.
That’s probably the answer to several of the questions, but I know there’s more. Got a dinner date. Won’t eat dessert so I can stay awake in the quiet and pull out the rest.
Good afternoon Bishop and blog family
Had a busy day, had to buy tires, I go through tires like dryers go through socks.
Bishop, sorry to tell you but I am jealous, I love Bon Jovi. Back in the day I hit every concert I could. You remember those right??? back when ya colored your hair because it looked good, not because you need to. Not so much the case now.. much more salt than peppa. Glad you got to go to the concert anyway. Hope it was great :0)
g8trgrl: praying God's peace for you on the loss of your brother.
Dennis: praying for relief for you and also some ANSWERS and solutions from the doctors
Karl: I have a son named Zach as well, praying that this meeting goes well
Avatar: amen and amen
peas, peach, peace
(now I'm hungry)
Linda :0)
Hey Cyber Siblings,
I guess when I think of what we are doing here in the interconnection of people all over the world via the net. I keep getting into the star trek mode for some reason. But here are some thoughts that literally just came to me as I typed. I had no idea what I was going to sat when I started each sentence. Kind of weird, never done anything like this before but I felt led to.
We are going to go where no man/church has gone before.
We are about to embark on an adventure that is going to change the religious world and flow out from that into the secular world.
We are a part of a company of messengers sent out to the entire world to see that the world knows the True nature of out Creator, God and Savior.
We are being CONNECTED by the Living God through His Christ Spirit for this purpose.
We are taking the term “the body of Christ” to a new level that traditionally has not been realized.
We have begun this journey completely by faith in the leadership of the Holy Spirit of Christ. And God will perfect that which He has initiated.
May the Force be with you,
Definitely did not mean to post so many times. I thought that my post wasn't going through because it looked as if I had forgotten my password or something. just getting used to this blog - lol, so sorry.
Thank you so much Avatar for the kind words. Even though I am having a hard time, I am more aware than I ever have been in my life how much God is within me and structuring all that I do. If I did not have that knowledge, i would not be able to go on. CITN came into my life at the exact right time. It's because of Bishop, this community and all of the beautiful people i realize are out there that I know there are good things to come. I am going to hold on and never let go!!!
God Bless
p.s. i'm having the same problem again with google. i'll try anonymous. Debbie
Gah Avatar why you always gotta run and tattle! Gah!
And no you do not want to see that on YouTube. You most definitely do not. You don't want to see that ever, anywhere.
Hey Gang
Just checking in. The play Godspell was really great. Eastside's drama did a great job.
They have one more performance tomorrow at 1:30 tickets are 7 dollars for adults and 5 for students. At the high school. Just if you want something to do.
Now really are we going for 200.
Bishop - Cool we got the biggest ad in the program & also center of program. I also see Mamie's Kitchen had an ad. MMMM bacon & cheese biscuit YUM! Ok enough of that.
linda - I too had tire trouble but at least it only got a plug.
avatar- Be Nice to Donald. Love your brother even though he called us heather-uns. LOL
Donald it's really heathens. Really my daughter would be upset with you calling us Heather-uns. LOL
Talk 2 U L8TER
Howdy,Howdy. Sorry to have been away so long...
I was afraid I had missed my chance to remark on this most awesome of topics...
It seems that a nerve has been struck by this particular post, judging by the vast number of blurkers and newbies signing in.
Here's my thoughts, if it's not to late...
It is often said that our sole reason for being created was simply to praise Him. I think that it's much more than that. I beleive that we were created as a connection for Him. No one like to be alone, no matter what they say, and I beleive that is true for our Father as well. No connection is as good as a family connection. Why else is He called Father?
This forum allows us the opportunity to be family with people that we have never met, don't know we have met,or even may never(unfortunately) meet(physically) in this realm. Even so, as we regularly connect with each other here the bond that grows between us every time we join in the daily conversations feels so REAL that you just know that you are with true family, maybe even more so than with blood relatives.
One more Richard Bach quote:
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof."
This love and affinty for each other here is what truly makes us the Christ...
Love, acceptance, Love, caring, Love, joy in each other, Love, feeling each others pain, Love...
It happens here every day... I don't even have to touch my screen, it just radiates off of it...
g8trgrl, sorry about your brother. He's smiling down on you, knowing how much you love him...
Scribe38 asked me to pass on a message. She misses us all, but right now has very sporadic internet access. She'll post when she can... God is moving her, and it's all good she says.
Bish, I too am jealous about the Bon Jovi thing. I've said that I could probably preach a sermon from their lyrics. The kingdom shows up in some strange places...
Here's some lyrics from a song I haven't seen any one mention here. Pretty deep stuff...
"Welcome To Wherever You Are"
Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be
If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are
When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say
When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around
Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star
When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes
Much, Much Love...
Hi y'ALL. We're home. Good meal at a new place, well, new to us.
Okay, Dennis! High Five! Your prophecy speaks to me big time.
I used to know pretty much what I wanted to "say" when BITN first started too. But lately, I've needed to "just type" [and erase and retype]. It is a bit like Julia Roberts in "Runaway Bride", tasting all the types of eggs. "Is this it?" nope. What else ya got? It seems as if God wants me to do something, do anything, and THEN He'll bring something to mind.
That's another thing--I appreciate when Bishop explains the way he hears God and the way God talks to Him. I don't hear Him like some people say that they do--it used to bother me, but not so much now.
I think the parmesancheese grits are getting to me (came with crab stuffed sole Erik--very tasty). Eyes are crossing and I've had to erase a few "kjowiuernls" sentences. I really want to answer another question. This subject is important and I'm wanting to see what I type! (smile) I'm thinking it will be a lot more coherent in the morning.
nitey nite. Did I just say that? Oh my. zzzzzz.
Thanks Avatar, I think God is dong something new with us all in this Cyber family; as He takes us up to the next level. Yes I Believe that we are really being called to a higher spiritual plane than we have experienced heretofore.
Good Morning all
Laura, glad to know that I am not the only one who faces tire challenges(smile)
famman87 I love that song, it really says it all doesn't it, the life that we are living right now was created by us through the choices we made yesterday, choose wisely today and you will reap the benefits tomorrow
Avatar: I feel ya, I thought that I was the only one who didn't hear God speak, my sister talks all the time about God told her this and God told her that, I would just fake it cause God hadn't told me nuthin. But I finally realized that God doesn't speak to me like that, it is more of a prompting or an intuition. when Bishop spoke about that it really helped me, cause I thought me and God were okay but I sure didn't hear (audibly) his voice.
Peace out
Linda :0)
Bishop, I believe that I owe you an apology. I made a comment on this post that, looking back, was disrespectful to you in my opinion.
I felt weird after I hit the publish button and have felt uneasy ever since.
You may not even know what I'm talking about, but it concerned the picture of you by the lake. Then, after I saw the picture gone, I really felt like an idiot.
The subject matter of the comment is an inside joke around here, but inside jokes don't always translate across other lines, and I ask that if any offense was caused that you forgive me.
It's cool...don't worry about it...that's not why I removed the picture...it's all good...
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