If you’re angry with someone today, just go ahead and forgive them if you can, because what you’re mad about is, more than likely, not worth it. This time next year it probably won’t even matter to you…you might not even remember it. One thing is for sure, if you knew that this was your last day on earth, you would definitely wouldn’t care about some petty offense or hurt feelings.
If you’re dealing with disappointment today, get things in perspective. If you can move away from it a little and try to see the situation objectively, you’ll probably realize that the perceived disappointment may, in fact, be a blessing in disguise. Who knows? Something may have been removed from you to make room for something new and better.
If you are dreading or fearing something that is coming up, just stop worrying about it. Things are rarely as bad as they first appear, or as your anxiety makes you feel that they will be…and if it is actually a negative thing, worrying about it isn’t going to make it any better. Just deal with it when the time comes.
It’s a beautiful day, so make the decision to enjoy it and make the most of it.
Something really wonderful may be on its way to you right now. Don’t miss it. Opportunity may knock today, and if it does, you don’t want to be distracted by a lot of unnecessary noise in your head…you don’t want opportunity to have to leave a note that says, “I knocked, but no one was home so I moved on”.
Get into your day…live in every moment…Carpe Diem!
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.’ (Matthew 6:34 – The Message)
Good Morning,
Carpe Diem! Thank you for your Blog today.
I was dreading going to work today, all week. I will be dealing with a very negative person all weak. Someone who feeds negativity. A very difficult person to get a long with.
I need to be able to feed my body, mind and spirit. I am responsible for me. I make my day for what it is. I am choosing to have a wonderful blessed day. When things get out of wack, all I need to do is raise my hands up to the lord and give thanks for this beautiful day and everyone in it. Even the negatives one. I have to remember to pray for me and others.
When my heart and spirit are closed I lose so many wonderful gifts that God have shown me. Today will be wonderful, it will be filled with joy, laughter, humility, honesty and compassion.
May we all see the greatness in all we see and in each other. Have a wonderful blessed day.
This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I choose my day by the words of my mouth. Live in every moment of this day. I love starting my morning, my day, my week off with this word. I am reminded to stop and smell the roses. Stop and enjoy the sunset. Laugh with my family and friends.
You got that right!
I'll yak later, can't right now though.
The dice of God are always loaded in my favor! I love todays DITN! Coat of many colors....Dolly Parton wrote a song about her coat of many colors, it is very touching. Michelle, you have the wisdom of the lord...Holly, keep smiling, you will always have plenty of your annointed smiles to give! Bishop, what can i say..I love you and thank God always on your behalf...giver of hope that you are!
Thank you for today's words. They confirm for the 100th time that you are my Bishop and why I have been placed under your voice ---- so on the same page! I trust and support your vision.
I lost two wonderful friends over the past two weeks; but for the first time, while knowing I will miss them, I was truly able to acknowledge the loss in joyful memories and sincere thanksgiving for God having placed them in my path.
Joy is a daily option.
Carpe Diem!
Thank you for the encouragement Bishop. I love the fact that you constantly point skyward to help us stop looking down and at the earth. It's good to be reminded daily that the universe is vast and time endless; it puts our little problems in persepctive. With God's help I will look up and live!
Carpe Diem! It's my favorite, favorite! Nothing is going to stop me from soaking in all my heart can hold! I will not waste this day holding grudges or being disappointed! Make your day GREAT!! AHHH!! I love it! Thanks Bishop!
P.S. - Happy Birthday Christina! xoxo
Ahh thanks I needed that! The world of International adoption is getting very ugly and it is hard to keep bearings when your children are waiting for you and people are stirring the pot. God is so good and this too will be won! I will seize the day Seize whatever I can cause life slips away just like hourglass hands. Yep I have that song in my head now! It's a beautiful day in Indiana today and I see My Father all over it!!!!!! Happy Monday Family!!!!!
Hey Bishop,
It was good to here the great report on your journey with the Holy Ghost. The sermon particularly spoke to me about the NAME of Jesus causing so much friction many times. But that the Spirit rarely does; that’s OK though because I believe the Spirit IS Christ-Jesus. So when someone welcomes the Spirit they are in reality welcoming or excepting JESUS whether they realize it or not. Jesus will come to their party whether they fully realize who He is or not yet. He is not insecure at all He knows who he is; and knows eventually you will too. It’s the same as ALL being saved whether they realize it or not, that does not change the fact. Everyone will come to a knowledge of this truth eventually. Two plus two equals four and always will – even though the younger immature yet-to-be taught may not know or understand that yet. That formula works every time all the time whether you believe it or not. And so with out younger brothers, sisters and children we do not try to make them understand this principle when we are calculating the right amount of medicine for them. They just trust us because THEY KNOW THAT WE LOVE THEM and that is enough. And the medicine and the formula work even though they do not understand it or have to be concerned with it. They will understand in due time, in due time.
This knowledge and understanding of our Heavenly Father/Savior/Spirit frees me to enjoy fellowship with all my terrestrial (smile) brothers and sisters. It frees me to live, laugh and love with all; and enjoy this day that the Lord has made and all the blessings He has brought with it.
The way I see it,
Good morning!
Just when I want to be all weepy about "the stuff of life", here this is... helping me get the perspective I need to have on my day!
It's a beautiful day, and I am alive!
God is so good! TTFN!
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Michelle, I've got you're back today!!! I'm gonna be praying with you about this person and also for you, of course. You know what we are? Bridge builders. To all peoples. And YOU WILL HAVE A WONDERFUL AND BLESSED DAY AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!! Because YOU are chosen of the Lord and so are they, though they haven't a revelation just yet. GOD BLESS! I LOVE YOU!!!
(fyi: Before blogging I had just been thinking and praying for one of my dearest friends, who also happens to be named Michelle and lives 6 hours away. Her youngest daughter is getting married this coming weekend, and she is emotional to say the least. So just continued with the flow of praying for 'Michelles'.)
PS I miss her dearly. Oh yes, we will be attending the wedding! can't wait
Happy Cinco De Mayo &
Happy Birthday Christina
Wow!!! What a beautiful day!!!
I've been working on book number two. I had taken a really long break on it because I lost interest so I gave it a title, wrote the dedication page, & wrote a poem about the author. I find it hard to express myself through normal words but easy through poetry.
Now I am seeing the glass half full. I see a light at the end of the tunnel & even though things may get rough I will stand tough.
Carpe Diem
I've experienced disappointment in my lifetime and have overcame all the obstacles.
But this morning as I was getting ready to come to work I got in my little truck and cranked it up and just when I think I can conquer the world with all its ups and downs, the radio started blaring out a dad burned Bee Gees song. You know if I can get through that I should be able to get through anything.
Carpe Diem...
Just reminds that today is really all we have, tomorrow is promised to no one. Live it up!!!
Hug someone...
Kiss your kids...
Appreciate every blessing He has given us...
Eat some ice cream...
Donald, just for you...
Stop the Jive Talkin' man. You Should Be Dancin',yeah,glad that you're Stayin Alive. If you're not grateful in everything, you might bring a bad case of Night Fever on yourself and that would be a Tragedy!!! Remember that no matter what your ears are being assualted with, He Love(s)You Inside Out!!
Whew... that may be a little over the top... truthfully tho', can't get Too Much Heaven...
y'all, please don't banish me for that...
Much Love...
Donald, I wouldnt take that ide shoot back some ZZ Top!!!!
Big, Beautiful, Gorgeous Day to Y'all! Awesome day after an amazing service yesterday...how cool is it to be in HIS Presence! OMG! I am awestruck and at a loss for words once again by HIM Who Is, WHO Was, and IS TO COME...His infinite Love...His glorious Light...FREE FOR ALL!
Today's post emphasizes the need for our FREEDOM from offense...I believe it should be so very difficult to offend us that people are not quite sure what to do with us (it keeps them on their toes and let's them know the Status Quo doesn't live here anymore). I grew up seeing most everyone in my church get offended over what seemed like everything...every other belief was a "heresy"...and every one who did not come to our church or have identical beliefs was eternally damned.
When Bishop spoke of that being "unseemly", my heart nearly broke for the part I played as an adult continuing the same attitudes my ancestors had begun...thinking that other beliefs were anything other than another's glorious connection to God Almighty. Anything not of Love makes us less than who we are...less than who we need to be. Thank you, Lord, for saving and delivering me and for bringing me here!
When a people "move with the cloud" they reflect that cloud and have no time for offense. The only clear interpretation might be LOVE/LIGHT/LIFE! RISE UP TODAY...& MOVE--Let the steadfast LOVE of the Lord flow through us ALL and into ALL around us--it's the UNI-VERSE and we’re singing it today...Let’s TURN IT UP!
I Love you, Lord! I Love you, CITN/BITN--Carpe Diem!
(Donald...OMG...LOL! You had me in giggles before I began...THANKS!)
Funny you should mention the Bee Gees! Just yesterday I was thinking about John Travolta. Why was that?... Oh yeah, someone had mentioned the show (and song) Welcome Back Kotter. So that got me thinking about Horshack and his incessant hand-raising... "oooo, oooo, uh, oooo..." like he'd just DIE if Kotter didn't let him answer. And then, of course, Vinnie Barbarino (John). I was in 7th grade when that show was on the air and Travolta became so popular. I was definitely in the minority back then. All of my fellow female junior highers thought he was so sexy... all I thought was uggh, what a dumb-dumb. I know it was a character, and he played it well, but goes to show how much better we get with age! Back to the Bee Gees. Whenever I think of them I think of Saturday Night Fever. I was in high school then, but not yet seventeen. I was LIVID because my parents wouldn't let me go with my friends to see it! Funny thing is, I never did see that movie, and at the time I thought I'D just die if I didn't get to. Mind you, I've watched bits and pieces on TV a couple of times, and Johnny boy sure did learn how to move. But I find myself wanting to scream, "EAT SOMETHING!" to the television. Yep, he certainly has improved with age.
Don't ostracize me for this, but I did actually like the Bee Gees back then... and (whisper) disco, though I never learned how to do any of those fancy dances!
Ah, memories...
It's becoming very clear to me that the very things I've been teased about for years by those close to me are really a very healthy way to view life. Its been said I have on "rose colored glasses" and tend to see things and people in far too good of light or see the good in most people or at least the motive behind what they do. I've also been accused of potentially running the car into a tree trying to look at a bird or a butterfly or not to hit a squirrel. I am thankful now, however, that I've never lost that childlike wonder of God's creation, it does help me "stop to smell the roses" and "seize the day".
Your blog also reminded me of something a friend once said about forgiveness that is so true and I believe is like God sees us. When asked how to act when facing a person their had been an offense with, they said, "act like nothing ever happened." Isn't that what God does when He sees us through the rose-colored glasses of Christ blood. No wonder He ever lives to make intercession for us until we get it that all the things He did we are to do and greater works of mercy, forgiveness, and bringing healing and unity.
God has always been good. I guess I'm just beginning to realize how good He is and how much He loves every living person He created.
Happy Birthday, Christina!
After picture reviews last Saturday, and today's title this morning, I knew LindseyP would be ON it!
I didn't want to go too much longer without checking in. Just have time to squeeze in one question, what's wrong with the BeeGees, Donald? Careful, or your magnet just might draw in The Dave Clark Five! That just might be an unovercomeable Tragedy!
[Banish famman87? No way, that was most creative, dude!]
Back later.
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
Touch me
Take me to that other place
Teach me
I know I'm not a hopeless case
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day!!
Happy Birthday, Christina!
Dear Bish,
Can I still come to the Body Builders on Wednesday? I don’t want to come just like that, because the information on the bulletin stated “only ordained Ministers please!” I know I am not an ordained Minister, but coming to the Body Builder has taught me so much about the Holy Spirit. A thirst and yearned to want and know God more.
I am not saying all this, because I want you to say “yes”. No matter what your decision is, I will accept it.
No need to print this “It only applies to you”.
Thank You
God Bless,
P.S. My E-Mail address is: lovekekette@yahoo.com
I was just thinking about the phrase "Seize the Day." Good days are not always just laying there for the taking, they have to be fought for sometimes.
Take today for instance. I knew when I got to work today that I was going to have to give some answers for something that got screwed up over the weekend. Yesterday (Sunday) I got a couple of calls from a guy that works for me so I finally got ready and rode down to the plant to look at what he was talking about. He was right, something had definitely gotten hosed up pretty bad. And it is going to cost a bunch of money and manhours to fix it.
When my boss (the COO's son) found out about it this morning, he went ballistic. You can believe that I can't quote a single one of his sentences in its entirety. Why, he needs his mouth washed out with soap!
He's a young fella' and I understand that he's still got a lot to live for and needs to make a name for himself so I just played along like I was equally as frustrated.
When he finally settled down a little bit I said, "I guess this probably isn't a good time to ask for a raise is it?"
That did help alleviate some of the stress (his stress, gehenna, I didn't have any). Like I said he's young and I'm sure that as his experience level increases that he will come to realize that there are alot of problems to face but very few of them are really showstoppers.
Famman87, that was cold dude!
Right on with the ZZ Top Dennis. Have you ever seen them? They put on a pretty good show.
Avatar, DC5! It's been a long time, but I remember a little bit about them. Not alot mind you, just "bits and pieces."
Elle I will reluctantly admit that I too once enjoyed listening to the BeeGees. If I do still like some of their stuff I will not say it here though. But then I used to think that the Village People were actually macho too. I think what really turned me against the BeeGees was when they messed around with Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Big mistake.
Good Monday evening to all. Thanks for the affirmation Bishop, there are so many things we can do with our lives and our time, may we make every minute count.
Happy Birthday Christina and Feliz Cinco de Mayo to all.
Michelle, your comments were a welcome first post this morning…
Holly, I always appreciate your sunny remarks…
Donald, is the picture permanent or temporary? I prefer the nice one with you and Her Highness…
Ronnie Lee, I like that…“the dice are loaded in my favor”, and I love Dolly’s song…
Thanks, Mayam…I speak peace to you in your loss, but I appreciate your attitude…
Just doin’ my job, Sweepea…
Love your spark of life, Lindsey…
Shout out to Indiana, Lisa…tomorrow’s going to be a big day for you guys…stay strong…
Dennis, your confirmation is always a blessing…
Good for you, G8trgrl…
Amen to “Bridge Builders”, Anna Lynn…
Congrats on Book II, Laura…
Donald, why are you hatin’ on the Brothers Gibb?
That was funny, Famman…
Really good stuff, Mystic…
Elle, don’t apologize for appreciating disco…it was a part of the 70’s experience…
Hey, Avatar…
Nicely done, Nancy…
Kettly, I posted it because I forgot to mention BB on Sunday, and yes, of course you can come. If anyone asks, tell them I personally invited you.
I do agree about Sgt. Pepper’s, Donald…a travesty…
And DBA, I’m not exactly sure what happened, but Sahib misses hearing from you…your seat at the table is still unoccupied…
And, you're welcome and thanks, Ebony...
Thanks Bish! I have my strenth here with you all and am I ready!!!
I've been given a directive that the picture is indeed only temporary, and it had better be very temporary.
OK. You folks better listen and listen good because this is the only time that I will ever say this. I used to listen to the BeeGees. There may still be something there. I used to go to discos. I used to wear double knit polyester shirts with collars so big that you could have used them for napkins and had it unbuttoned 3/4 of the way to my belly button. I used to have to buy my double knit polyester pants six inches longer than normal just to go over my high-soled high-heeled shoes.
So there!
Bishop I like the whole idea of plucking or picking as a definition of Carpe Diem,it suggest that our day is what we choose for it to be.If we choose we can eat the good of the land or if we choose we can pluck and pick sour grapes to eat,the choice is ours.God has set before us blessing and cursing,life and death,therefore choose life.I personally believe God has hidden treasure's in our day and if we will look with the eye of faith we will see them.
Donald I'm with you on the Bee Gees.Their right there with Barry Manilow,it takes a lot of long-suffering to get through that.
Peace and God bless.
Glad I could give some of you a smile today...
Donald, sometimes that old devil just gets ahold of me...LOL. I'd like to think there is a kingdom message there tho', in a VERY odd sort of way.(scary that I could even remember those titles. I was like 10)
Every day is worth fighting for...Somedays it's like getting in the ring with Tyson, but if you can make the 15 rounds, you're something special.
ZZ rocks! The Bee Gee doing Sgt.Pepper is kinda like Winger doing Purple Haze. WRONG,WRONG,WRONG!!!!
Going for my ice cream now. Who's hidin' the warm caramel?
Hey, Bishop!
DONALD! Say it ain't so. AnnaLynn, make him stop!
That was hysterical, D.
Bell bottoms. You didn't mention bell bottoms. Hip hugger, plaid ones. Those were some fun times. Needed to be.
Tom? That's NOT C3PO.
g8trgrl, wiki showed me the huge difference architecturally. Duh.
from today's post: Something may have been removed from you to make room for something new and better.
Gross out warning: stop here if you don't like gross.
Though I didn't call it rhema at the time, God sunk this concept into my spirit with an article on burn patients. Skin re-growing over deep burns has to be removed daily, so the better skin can form from deep inside. I'll stop with the detail; it grosses me out too much.
Anyway, what I took away was how a "too sympathetic" nurse could set a patient back from days of healing if she gave in to the pleading and didn't remove the imperfect skin for even one time.
(probably a good thing I waited till late to share this)
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