Several of you have asked about how the service at Church Alive International went yesterday. I mentioned it on the comments page when I was at the airport, but let me reiterate that it was totally awesome! I’ve been ministering there for several years, but this time was absolutely the best experience I’ve ever had there…full house…lots of visitors…powerful praise and worship…strong anointing…lots of laughter (the people at CAI have an amazing GIF, and they definitely drew out my comedic side…in fact, several told me afterward that they were physically healed during the laughter…we sold out the book table, including School of the Bible (first church I’ve ever taken it to)…I wasn’t going to bring it, but they requested it…Pastors Ernie and Avery went with me, as they have done several times before, and I’m sure they would agree with me that this was our best time there…
I love Roanoke and Pastors Carey and Vannie Harrell…I’m so proud of them, and expect great things for them…
To any of you who were there yesterday, thanks for receiving me and for being so open…I love you (and thanks for buying the books!)
Also, I talked to Bishop Tommy Smith in the Philippines today…please keep him and Ging in your prayers…they’re doing great, and the ministry is growing (just started a school), but they’ve experienced some transition similar to what we experienced here about a year ago, so surround them with your faith…and if you support them financially, make sure that you are caught up with your giving. I am planning on going there sometime in late October/early November…
B. Tommy reads this blog regularly, so if you want to give him a shout out, you can do so here…
And then God answered, “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on the way.
It will come right on time.”
(Habakkuk 2:2, 3 The Message)

Today I will have faith in my goals and in my ability to reach them. I will write a petition, which will give my faith a focal point, and I will find a Word on which to stand to make that petition come to pass.

Today I will have a positive outlook, anticipating the arrival of a long-awaited answer to a prayer. I will not be weary in well doing, knowing that I will reap in due season if I do not faint.
Today I will run with the vision, because the vision is alive and growing—mobile and evolving—and running to keep up with it will be good and healthy for me. I will abandon my comfort zone and stretch toward the bigger and better breakthrough that is bound to become mine!
Today I will be appreciative of the little things that are a blessing to my life as I increase my capacity for accepting even greater outpourings of God’s love and affection for me. God wants me to be blessed even more than I want to be blessed, and He has written a vision on my heart to make sure that I receive all that He has in store for me!
Today I will not be moved when it looks like I am having a setback. All things are working together for my good, and God’s timing will ultimately be perfect, so I will walk in the faith and patience that enables me to obtain the promises! I will not become discouraged, because I will keep my eyes on the big picture.
Today I will keep hope alive by believing for the impossible, seeing the invisible, and feeling the intangible. I will speak of the nonexistent things as though they already existed, because the vision in my mind is increasing with the faith in my heart. Something’s coming, and it could be here any minute; I will be ready for it today, and today I will live in the now!
Father, write Your vision on my heart today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Bishop Jim Swilley said...
DGM2007, I had to repost this and I lost your it is again...
DGM said
Good word.. For this entire month ive been joking with my mom doing my TD Jakes impression of the get ready get ready get ready.. lol.. i just feel thats the word. I just had a dream where as soon as i would get outside of my destination it would just pour rain then stop when i got to the next place.. and what was weird is that was the forecast that day and i tried to prepare with a borrowed umbrella that totally crumbled under the forceful wind and rain and i was like oh well. and in other news i decided to climb stn mtn the other day and it has never been so hard.. i always laugh at ppl who cant climb it b/c i would normally climb up and run down.. but this time i had some baggage with me i hadn't prepared with the right food and i was wearing the wrong attire.. i type that to say that it was such a parallel to my spiritual walk right now. its like im back where its once was so wasy but i am totally unprepared.. and it just reminded me of how God adds his super to our natural.. so as much as i want to make it to the top it may be different since i haven't fed myself the right spiritual foods if u will.. or prepared in his word.. all the time.. i dunno where im going but i hope im making sense.. but cool that you would post this.. since ive been home so since may ive said something big is about to happen... and this week will be the best week of my life.. and next week will be better.. everyday should be.. Thanks and i hope the trip was awemazing.. im sure it was.. and yes i just made up a new word.. awemazing.. all for effect.. :)
June 9, 2008 12:30 AM
That's funny! Not all that long ago that cloud was the size of a mans hand. I haven't been paying it much attetion lately, but I did just now take a look/see, and oh my, I think I just felt a drop, oops there's another and another. Sorry, gotta go, 'cause it's starting to REIGN.......
Me soil tester.
Bishop! Good one. When I consider it, writing the vision does a few things for me. It clarifies what I see as opposed to what I think I see. It keeps my motives honest and cuts away most of the selfish fat. It makes me accountable to the God-given vision and responsible for execution. I find that a good deal of the questions I think I need answers to have already been answered by the Father when he impregnated me with the vision. Just like with a pregnancy, it will be birthed at the appointed time and when that time comes, ask any mother, it will not lie. It will be apparent and a blessing and a challenge and a victory. When its time comes, it won't be late, it will be now. Ask Abraham and Sarah. "Now" is what we live in anyway, right? Thanks Bishop for always being "on point".
Oh yes Amen it is comming! I anticipate spectacular things this week!!! Agreeing with you all and waiting like it was Christmas Eve and Santa is on his way!!! The cookies are out and waiting Holy Spirit.
Bishop, I really needed that word this morning. Often, I come to your blog before I go to AYITN but this morning I needed that prophetic word, and then it was on your blog also, I thought how timely. The timing of this masterpiece is without words.
have been juggling some projects and working really hard (in the natural) and was feeling out of sorts about what I thought was the results or non-results. And so the word "helped" to put things in prospective this for this day! Your obedience to God is a blessing to the body!
Ironically in my travels...the whole issue of vision and making it plain and running with it keeps finding it way into conversations and yet I forfeit the wisdom of planning your work and working your plan which is key to the success of a ministry, business and many other ventures. Plan your work and work your plan. It will work if you work it.
So, I was thinking about your admonishment on Friday at intercessory prayer concerning praying all the regards to the specifically what is the vision and goals the Holy Spirit has imparted to you, Bishop and Pastor Debye, you are requesting intercession for NOW?
We will address your objectives by using prayer points but mostly praying in the spirit, as you direct.
Pastor Debye touched on some yesterday, requesting prayer for the Kim Clement meetings this upcoming weekend!
I would be amiss if I didn't say that Pastor Debye threw down on yesterday and we feel her! WE want the power too and the greater works! Prayerfully, you had a great day on yesterday!
We love and appreciate you both!
Vaughn Evan
YES, YES, YES and AMEN Bishop! AYITN and your illustrations on your blog are like apples of gold in pitchers of silver to me today. Thank you for the encouragement. Like Hal said in 2001: A Space Odyssey "I can feel it..."
AND PS.. after service i said to my mom... i just want to hug Paster Debye.. and just saying that i felt something totally lift off of me. i came to service so amped to hear the word.. I love her energy. and was so blessed shes got it.. :) cant wait for weds.. and sat and everyday this week.. so blessed.. ahhh.. thats how i feel.. with my hands totally extended
OMG!!!!!!!!! Pastor Debye you and the Holy Spirit were awesome. You two Rocked. The only regret I have is that I only bought one cd. I got to get some more to hand out to everyone I know. I can truly say I will never be the same. I receive everything the Holy Spirit has for me and I can't contain myself. I was listening to it last night and this morning and I am on fire and we are on the brink of total revival at CITN. If you have any doubts, just get on your knees and ask the Holy Spirit to touch you and remove any doubts that He can do ANYTHING!!!!!The gifts of the Spirit are here to help us to guide us so we can do his work. It is thru the Holy Spirit and our faith that we can reach beyond the 2nd Heaven and claim what is in the heavens and bring it to the natural on the earth. With the Holy Spirit we cannot fail to do God's work. I love you guys, Pamela
The windows of heaven are open
The blessings are falling tonight
There's joy, joy, joy in my heart
since Jesus made everything right
I gave Him my old tattered garment
He gave me a robe of pure white
I'm feasting on manna from heaven
And that's why I'm happy tonight
It's reigning,
It's pouring.
Who in the now, wants to be snoring?
Don't go to bed,
Throw out some bread,
And expect your flood in the morning.
I love the scene in "Twister" where Bill says "It's not coming, it's already here!" That's the kind of excitement that is flowing at CITN!
I remember when I was driving my moving van down from Nashville wondering "What the heck am I doing?", the following song popped up in my head and I knew I was making the right move and that everything was going to be alright!
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
I just feel like something good is on its way;
He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven,
And brother, it could happen any day.
When God's people humble themselves to call on Jesus,
And they look to heaven, expecting as they pray;
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And brother, it could be this very day.
I have learned in all that happens, just to praise Him,
For I know He's working all things for my good;
Every tear I shed is worth all the investment,
For I know He'll see me through, He said He would.
Yes I've noticed all the bad news in the paper,
And it seems like things get bleaker everyday;
But for this child of God it makes no difference,
Because it's bound to get better either way.
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
I just feel like something good is on its way;
He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven,
And brother, it could happen any day.
I have never been more thrilled about tomorrow,
Sunshine's always bursting through skies of gray;
I just feel like something good is about to happen,
And, brother, it could be;
Better watch and pray,
What if it could be this very day!
I just feel like something good is about to happen, and you know, it could be this very day! Yah!!
It's not coming, it's already here!!!
Blessings from the present Kingdom of God,
Pastor Debye:
You are the (WOW!)Man! You spoke of and to the fullness, passion, purpose and power of the Holy Spirit. What a mighty God we serve; and what a magnificent destiny-driven gathering place has He established in CITN!
Divine Anticipation is the Manna of Hope; Hope is the fuel of Faith; Faith is the Conduit of "Suddenly"...and "Suddenly" is always worth the Wait - more abundant than anything we could ask of think.
Thank you for today's beautiful message...and for imparting anticipation.
Rest easy,
Dr. AA
"Something's Coming" I also can feel this in the atmosphere...the something is "CHANGE" The world cannot exist in the same realm of existence.... When people cannot grasp the positive and goodness in people, but tend to believe that goodness does not exist. It's time for the world see that God is still in the world aqnd in his people. When a Black man and a white woman are running for the President of US, Something is coming.. God is doing something. The atmosphere of change has to come from every pulpit, every home, every family, every adult, every young adult. It's been a long time coming, but we all need to sense a change is coming.....That is the something.... So get ready, get ready! Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard
Thanks, DGM for your comments… “awemazing” as always…
So I’m assuming, Soil Tester, that you are “Me”…give me a call…
Cool, Machion…how is it going with the protection of the vision that we talked about?
Lisa, aren’t you in Indiana? Did you get any flooding?
Thanks, Vaughn…I really don’t know what else I could spell out about the vision other than what I already have, but I appreciate the continued intercession…
SweePea…I always love a good 2001 reference…
Thanks, Pamela…I know Debye appreciates the props…
Good stuff, Anonymous/Anonymous…
Thanks, Larry…
Mayam, I really liked the thing about Divine Anticipation…is that original?
Well said, Faith…
Great observations, all…keep it up!
Bish, Yep we are in Indiana land of the lakes that used to be cornfields. Miraculously we have not seen much flooding recently but alot of our neighboring towns have. The storms have been pretty awsome to watch~ God is good as we sat at our 4 yr old daughters tball game tonight and watched a huge really bad storm pass right over the ball park before it let lose again! That was way cool to watch~ There are towns in Indidna completely under water it is such a difficult time for many. That means great things are comming.
Could be!
Who knows?
There's something due any day;
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannonballing down through the sky,
Gleam in its eye,
Bright as a rose!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree.
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!
Could it be? Yes, it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
With a click, with a shock,
Phone'll jingle, door'll knock,
Open the latch!
Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon;
Catch the moon,
One-handed catch!
Around the corner,
Or whistling down the river,
Come on, deliver
To me!
Will it be? Yes, it will.
Maybe just by holding still,
It'll be there!
Come on, something, come on in, don't be shy,
Meet a girl,
Pull up a chair!
The air is humming,
And something great is coming!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Maybe tonight . . .
We are in God's mind.The GOALS we have and the DESIRES we hold dear are important to God.
First Off
Hey Bishop Tommy
Our prayers are with you.
Next talk about things coming your way, Heather has been looking for a job since school let out. Today we went to check on an app. that she had put in last week. She had a couple other apps. to put in but she said no I want that job I applied for last week and I'm believing I am going to get it.
Long story short she starts Wed.
When we got home I read her todays blog and she said that was just for her today.
Everything is starting to turn around and I'm Believing Things are turning around For CITN and it's members
It's time for the rain of His Reign
Get Ready
Get Ready
Get Ready
Hi Everyone,
I apologize for my lack of participation in the blogged… Lots going on… and then when I found time to blog my internet has been down… So here I am sitting at a friends house using their computer… Just had to say Hi, and I am still here.
Today’s post reminded me of a song from West Wide Story… I know you know it Bishop… I think that it is appropriate for what is happening in the spirit at CITN and everyone connected to it….
Could be!
Who knows?
There's something due any day;
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
It may come cannonballing down through the sky,
Gleam in its eye,
Bright as a rose!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Under a tree.
I got a feeling there's a miracle due,
Gonna come true,
Coming to me!
Could it be? Yes, it could.
Something's coming, something good,
If I can wait!
Something's coming, I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
With a click, with a shock,
Phone'll jingle, door'll knock,
Open the latch!
Something's coming, don't know when, but it's soon;
Catch the moon,
One-handed catch!
Around the corner,
Or whistling down the river,
Come on, deliver
To me!
Will it be? Yes, it will.
Maybe just by holding still,
It'll be there!
Come on, something, come on in, don't be shy,
Meet a guy,
Pull up a chair!
The air is humming,
And something great is coming!
Who knows?
It's only just out of reach,
Down the block, on a beach,
Maybe tonight . . .
YEH!!!! I’m ready… How about you….
As I was sitting under a small pine tree on top of Stone Mountain today, taking a break from the heat and thanking God for the breeze I observed two turkey vultures coasting by on the thermal currents. A thought came to me that they certainly couldn't be looking for me as I was alive & they eat carrion as a rule. Then I thought about how God even created the "waster" and how his "job" if you could call it that seems to be reserved to devouring that which is dead or dying in us, leaving what remains the unshakable. Even doctors will use maggots to clean out an infested wound knowing that they will only eat that which is dead and leave live tissue untouched.
Pastor Debye yesterday referred to Niagara Falls in an analogy with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the "net" which would slow the overflow down to a trickle. Vanquishment must come to that which is dead within each of us but it is not an easy or simple or necessarily pleasant procedure; in fact it is often agonizing like resetting an improperly healed bone break. God grant us the grace and the mercy imperative to accomplish this end! This is why humor is such a healing commodity essential to salving the wounds caused by the tearing away of the old dead garbage in our souls.
Thank you Lord for new wineskins and for your word in Hebrews 12:11:
"Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."
Chasten away Lord!
Love to all,
The more I thought about this Something's Coming... I could not forget this thought that I had about Senator Obama. Whatever your views may be; there is something that is happening that only could orchestrate. You have a man that is not totally black, but in his veins there runs white along with the black. I believe that for a change we need someone that has seen the world from many colors or perspectives. A man that knows how to be abased or abound, a man that knows how to walk the halls of the most prestigious schools , but can play a mean game of basketball, a man that in the midst of confusion and atack, has walked in peace and love, a man that is a loving father, husband, brother, and grandson.
For all of us that have walk in peace and love for years,have fitted in every room, that saw the good when only the bad was showing, have reached out and forgiven others when they had refused to acknowledge their wrong, when the world saw your weakness, but you knew that God was preparing you for this great change that is happening in the world in 2008 and beyond. Through all those years of feeling awkard and useless; God is going to use you to facilitate this change.
I take my hat off to all those that have loved not just those that look like them and believe like them, but have loved across all barries. When we as a generation can be in the minority and still come to the party;or in the majority and can make others feel accepted to come to the party; people something is happening and you know that it begins "NOW" and with YOU!
Bishop, I got in to late to call, so I'll try tomorrow. Ole
Yes sir Bishop, you do spell out the vision but something's is coming (and then some..) so we will pray in the spirit. The ghost knows...
It's our reasonable service...and I believe God will heal the land
love, Vaughevan
Yes sir Bishop, you do spell out the vision but something's is coming (and then some..) so we will pray in the spirit. The Ghost knows...
It's our reasonable service...and I believe God will heal the land
love, Vaughevan
In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established...thanks Kettly and Iris :)
Shout out to CAI and to Bishop Tommy and fam...y'all are in our prayers.
Just wanted to stop in and say Hey before I turn 'Hey!' Long day but a very good day. God is good and His mercy endures FOREVER!
Awesome stuff y'all...sweet dreams...see you on the dark side of the moon...thank you and goodnight...
Blessings Blog Fam!
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