"That which is now, already has been; and that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks out that which has passed by so that history repeats itself." (Ecclesiastes 3:15 - AMP)

Today I will celebrate my triumph over time. It is not too late to receive the miracle that I need, and God is showing me how to redeem my time as He restores to me the years that have been eaten away from my life! My personal "Lazarus" can still be raised from the dead, four days after the funeral!

Today I will free myself from the stress of time limitations and restraints, and I will escape the trap of being dominated by deadlines: "My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net" (Psalm 25:15).

Today I will explore the possibilities presented to me by believing that I receive WHEN I PRAY — not waiting to believe when I see the manifestation later. Walking in faith is all about living in the now, and I live my life by my faith!

Father, I thank You that the future is now!
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prepare for the prophetic...
In complete agreement with the powerful declaration, today I am endeavoring to go with the stress-free Now flow, take the bumps and continue moving forward, celebrate the redeemed time and restored miracles, laugh out loud, praise dance, love unconditionally, sing, shout, dream, pray, believe, prophesy, and say my name with a fresh awareness of who I am, whose I am and where I must eternally be.
There is an abundance of expectancy within the body at CITN as a great prophet comes...praise has already begun...we are somewhere in the future...Now.
and ps.. i think the ppl that are really involved on this blog as far as posting are truley water walkers... i mean there is something a happening.. and we may not know it all but were really searching.. and posting here is such a way to give.. learning is a form of worship.. so cheers to all u bloggers.. and thanks bish for giving us this space... im sure u need to get it out..
and about todays post.. wow.. great stuff.. i have been halfway putting my faith towards something that ive seen God do a bazillion times in my life and really just letting time get in the way.. how lame is that.. i had finally jsut decided that yeah God is going to do this what is time? God teaches us regardless of time.. he is not limited.. the future is calling.. i think there should be a show entitles"so u think u can worry god" like this strange mix of so u think u can dance and the 700 club.. just imagine.. lol.. who going to make it this time.. im sure some pat robertson story will always kick drop some poorly executed break dance.. i dunno.. wow im all over the place.. love this place..
And now for the weather in Conyers and the surrounding area from now until Sunday night: Today a light REIGN will start to fall, HOWEVER, the REIGN will begin to intensify as Saturday approachs. By Sunday night it shall be REIGNING so hard that you should be able to walk on the water with very little effort.
And now for sports. The BRAVES shall win the World Series again this year...............
Free Bird
...I'm somewhere in the FUTURE, and it looks much better than it looks right now...
WOW-that's about all that I can say. I still feel there is an anointing over the World Wide Web that has yet to be tapped.(anyone see Senator Obama's new website?) Strange things have happened this week not only in my spirit, but at work with the www. I have been reading the blog posts and everyone appears to be in a weatherly holding pattern. Expectancy is in the air.
For all of you women who have birthed children, about 1 week before give birth to your baby, there is a calmness that falls. After you have cleansed everything there is in your home.....you get a peace about everything. The fear is gone and some how you have a renewed strength. "Expectancy"
According to expectancy-value theory, behaviour is a function of the expectancies one has and the value of the goal toward which one is working [expressed as B = f(E ´ V)]. Such an approach predicts that, when more than one behaviour is possible, the behaviour chosen will be the one with the largest combination of expected success and value.
What behavious are we chosing to "expect" today?
-peace, lhollow....church is gonna be off the hinges this Sunday. :)
Thank you Holy Spirit that CITN is a place that others will emulate and will be measured against going forward...
Holy Spirit, you live in us- We move with you. Take us where you want us to go. Continue to show us how to flow IN you, speak through us, soften our hearts.
Thank you for your Love, true Love, the remembrance that God is everything, God is good, that we are within God always, safe and sound, loved and cherished, accepted and understood just as we are.
Well I made it to Ok. City ok; I listened to Bishop preach all the way from Jonesboro Arkansas to Oklahoma City . The meeting last night was great; John Gavazzoni, Dick King, and mike Cronk spoke. John ministered on Jesus Christ being the foundation of whatever else you might believe, Dick King spoke on the mystery of God which is “Christ in you” mean us all and “His need” to be in you, Mike Cronk ministered on the love of God working through us is what will win the heart of the world.
Dr Lovelace said that Bishop Carlton Pearson had a change in his schedule so He is going to be able to come tonight. I haven’t looked at the schedule for this morning yet but whoever ministers I know it will be good.
Have a great day and I will catch up with you all later.
Im out building bridges
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Take no thought for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself somehow.
Part of the song Powerhouse by Howard Jones
You are a powerhouse of energy
You are a powerhouse of love
Dealin with whats right in front of you
You are a powerhouse of love
This weekend is going to be great.
Can't wait
note to Reverend Dennis Caldwell;
Your meetings are coinciding with these here but they are not coincidental.
When you share with BITN what you have heard and learned there it will be a confirmation to what has been delivered here.
There are also many other great and good things being accomplished in the Kingdom by searchers that are obedient to the Holy Ghost.
Our great and good God is moving in a Mighty way, using the good will of many mites to reassert the message of peace on earth. Our Lord is ever the kind, just and righteous Lord who delights in all who seek to please God most high.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort...
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
...and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, GUARANTEEING what is to come!
Let our hearts' desires come, let them shine as a beacon in the night, let them bring gladness to our souls. Let your Spirit rise up within us Lord and carry us with wings over the mountains so we might see with the eyes of God and feel with your heart.
Peace in Christ,
It is incredibly obvious that the Conyers Reign is already falling.
Free Bird
This has absolutely nothing to do with the blog subject but I must tell somebody.
I just purchased two tickets to see Ringo Starr at the Beau Rivage casino on July 5th. Dude, then I get to go to North Carolina the next weekend and see Tom Petty.
Am I a rock and roller or what?
Speak Lord SPEAK! Show us what is to come. Show us what is even now in the spiritual realm waiting for us to embrace through faith. I pray for more faith. I pray for spiritual vision. I pray for wisdom. I pray for ears to hear. I pray for unity. I pray for an atmosphere of expectation and excitement to hear the voice of God!! I pray for resurrection of "dead bones" and awakening of dreams and vision. I pray for spiritual revival and restoration.
Let the weak say I am strong! Let Zion be restored in TRUTH and POWER!
WOO HOO, Donald!... G8TRGRL loves Tom Petty... Gainseville's very own!!
In the spirit Donald, your future does have to do with the blog subject. Selah.
What divine order we all witnessed last night at Prophet Kim's meeting. It was definitely different than your typical expectations but it was so in the flow of CITN right now. My Spirit is leaping! We are not typical - God is NEW with us - let us remind ourselves to always be NEW with Him.
I listened to Joyce Meyer's monthly teaching yesterday and it is titled "Staying Amazed". This was confirmation for where the covenant is "In the Now". My desire is to always be amazed by God and in turn for Him to always be amazed by me. I want to follow His example of doing more than anyone can ask or think as I operate in the Spirit and with the Mind of Christ.
Prophet Kim's God-inspired teaching last night was "amazing". Remove redundancy from our lives - do something new - something fresh.
Bishop was a witness to this day a little over 3 years ago the first Sunday he preached in the new sanctuary. His title was "A New Song" and when I say preached I mean he "PREACHED". The Spirit that poured out of him that day was very much like Pastor Debye's message last Sunday - full of Holy Spirit fire!
Today is our future - expectations are high!
We will think - I've never THOUGHT anything like that before!
We will see - I've never SEEN anything like that before!
We will say "I've never HEARD anything like that before!
We will do "I've never DONE anything like that before!
Let the Mind of Christ operate in your every instant and experience the full Glory of God. Nothing is routine - everything is linked to our calling. Embrace it and recognize that "Greater things are still to come - greater things are still to be done in this city".
Remove all past thoughts and only magnify the "future is now" thoughts as we are literally the "Church of what's HAPPENING now" - embrace the HAPPENING!
Haven't blogged since P.Kim was here (still in quiet mode)..Bishop & P.Debye when he said "THERE IS CORN IN EGYPT" all I saw was endless fields of corn ready for harvest...their EARS are ready to hear & receive...THE HARVEST IS RIPE...HOLY SPIRIT CONTINUE TO FLOW ON ALL NATIONS!
Here to worship & serve
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