Hey bloggers,
We're back...Washington was awesome (may have to go back next week)...got to meet some very interesting people...visited the home of an amazing pastor who is the adoptive father of Lebo M, co-creator of the music of The Lion King...even had a private meeting with Samah Alrayyes Norquist, Palestinian wife of Grover Norquist...
...looks like the Global Peace Festival is going to be really cool...still don't have exact details to give those of you who have asked about the schedule, but for sure Yolanda Adams, L'il Mama and Wyclef Jean...and Velocity, or, at least, Judah...and a 1,000 voice choir are performing...and, I think, India Irie...Josh Groban was scheduled, but had a conflict...he is still doing some of the promotion for it...but that's all I know right now...
...thanks for helping with the 2,000 acts of kndness to which we have committed...
...today is Nelson Mandela's 90th Birthday...
...loved everything you all wrote yesterday...
...may be be back later (waiting for the kids to get here)...
God Morning All,
As much as I would like to take credit for “Hi There, Its God Here” I did not write that. I guess it was some guy with a key board.
I tell you the depth of these post is getting to where I have to come up for air before I can even get to the bottom of them. Great stuff down here though, things I have never seen before.
Everyone have a blessed day, mine will be full…….filling.
Hi God here again,
just thought I would show up this time as Anonymous…….that’s cool, “The Anonymous God!” Kinda sounds like that statue I ran across when I was hangin out with Paul one day; you know the one to “the unknown God”……Anonymous,,,yeah; that’s how I usually show up anyway.
I just like the company of thinking people like you all. I AM a thinker too and I was just thinking of how bizarre it is that so many of those who grapple with My mysteries do not distinguish the Creative Power that I used to produced them. Even though many nature lovers stand in awe of My creation, only a few seem to recognize Me, the Creator. While they breathe the marvelous blend of nitrogen and oxygen that makes it possible for them to live, the evolutionists refuse to admit that this precise 79 percent to 21 percent mixture of gases was not provided by BLIND CHANCE – whew! While they look through eyes so delicately arranged that NO COMBINATION OF SCIENTIFIC GENIUS CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND, much less duplicate, their function, these unbelievers deny the miracle which makes it possible for them to see this beautiful world around them. Then through ears, which connect through a tremendous complex network of nerves and energetic signals to a brain more complex than the largest most complex computer in the world, these doubters sit with there little laptops and listen to lectures on humanism and evolution. What are they thinking! Heeelloooo!
Then on the other hand take those who SAY they believe in Me; THE ALMIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT, ALL SOVEREIGN, ALL LOVING, IMPARTIAL, GOD! And turn around and make me out to be a wimp that cant even carry out my own plans or ever complete something I start….the greatest cosmic loser that eternity has ever seen, loosing most of my creation to an eternal torture pit that I created !!! I mean come on this is ridiculous, talk about your plans going south, whew!!! I AM ALMIGHTY FOR HEAVENS SAKE ! I MEAN FOR MY SAKE! Knock knock, guess who’s here!
Peace to all,
God and some guy with a keyboard
Anonymous...that (you) made me smile....and (increase usage of my brain cells). Very Heavenly minded good stuff!
Welcome Home, Bishop and Pastor Debye! More sky miles--yayyyyyy!
Oops, Anonymous God, I gave you a shout out on the wrong "day". I'm glad time is not an issue with You.
Bishop, Pastor D.:
...all moments are valuable, but I particularly treasure the ones I spend with you two...you are champions, and I salute you with love...
welcome home,
I love it when you change the blog in the middle of the day. It always reminds of a car I had many,many... years ago that would I mean burn rubber when it shifted from first to second if you had your foot in it.
The Bish just grabbed a second...
NTL...I'm aware of the "land of sky blue waters"...isn't that where Hamms, the beer refreshing comes from? LOL. (Sorry Bishop--am stepping away from the beer jokes but if I were to use one, it would be here because this is a really good place for it...but I respect your space and would not do any silly beer jokes here on your blog--not today any way).
Actually, NTL, I'm from the Show Me State, but loons can be found in a variety of places.
Our God Reigns! Lord, let me be a candle for someone today...no longer a single light in the darkness but a million candlepower search pointing straight to you!
Blessings Blog Fam!
I am from the land of Hamms
_ _ _ _!!! When you said loons, I got a little excited that there might be another "sota" in the house.
And as far as you going from single candle power to a million candle power--- EEEERRRRRRRR-T!!!
Hey ya'll, mystic just grabbed a second and it's on!!! NEXT....
Yup...barkin' the tires...lol
Today has been full of great fellowship! My future eyes were fixed on Christ and my view of the past was obstructed by a big ole cross. What a beautiful day.
Bishop & Pastor Debye. Welcome Home! Anonymous God..."a wimp that cant even carry out my own plans or ever complete something I start….the greatest cosmic loser that eternity has ever seen"...too funny.
BTW...Welcome back Bish and P-Debye and--just in case he's reading the blog--Happy Birthday, Mr. Mandela!
It could happen--you never know who is reading Bish's blog--especially since our beloved Bishop has become an icon for peace in the 21st century and has met with all the movers and shakers and helped to bring about real, lasting change in formerly war-torn areas of the world. Of course...traffic here has redoubled since his 3rd best seller was chosen by O's book club after he became a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Do y'all remember when we were praying over CITN's mortgage payments and our own, and about the US and world economy and gas prices? I think that was about the time Bishop prophesied that our entire church body would be millionaires and billionaires...it's almost difficult to remember what it was like before it all came to pass, isn't it? Having the ability and wherewithal to help anyone and everyone in our area made CITN quite popular and now they come to get hooked up with God and CITN and in no time, they have no more need for assistance because they now are completely self-sufficient and want to help others. Remember when crime was a major issue and people were dying every day? Wow...that seems like forever ago...it's amazing what happens when we go into places and literally change/recharge the atmosphere with peace, joy, and righteousness, isn't it? Hope is as powerful ally in the fight against crime. And dying? I don't know if you see what I see, but folks just seem to be living longer now...bodies seem to resist death just as they resist colds and disease. Amazing. I know there is still more to do in the earth...but it seems to me that earth is looking more and more like heaven every day...He certainly has made ALL THINGS NEW. Thank you, Lord...and thank you CITN/BITNers...man what a wonderful world!
Boom De Ya Da Blessings Blog Fam!
...speaking of Mandela, some of my favorite comments by him are:
...as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
In my country we go to prison first and then become President.
Rest easy,
Welcome back Bishop and P.D., I just feel more at peace when I know yall are in the state. Weird huh?
To God-I don't want to "make me (YOU) out to be a wimp that cant even carry out my own plans or ever complete something I start….the greatest cosmic loser that eternity has ever seen". I SAY that you are AMAZING, LOVING, MY LISTENER, MY HEALER, MY PROVIDER, MY FRIEND, GOOD, and PEACE IN MY STORM. I need you and know you can carry out your plans and are totally not a loser!!!!! To hell with hell. Much Love!!
Welcome home Bishop and Pastor Debye...Hope your having loads of fun and relaxation with Sophia, and the kids...
Yesterday I was talking on the blog about seeing God and noticing Him in everything… Because He moves through… in… and over all…
Last night before my children went to sleep… one of my sons were looking for the other… they came to me and said…”Mom, have you seen him?” I told my son where the other might be and he left on his quest to find his brother… But the words kept ringing in my ears… “Mom, have you seen him?”… “Mom, have you seen him?”…
My mind then quickened to see God… Did I see Him today…Yes I did… I did notice…I saw Him in the sunset… I felt Him in a soft breeze blowing through my hair… I saw Him in my closest friend, as we sang in the kitchen together, “Come let us worship the Lord”… I saw Him in two young teenage parents who were counting their change to buy their baby some milk, I saw Him when I slips some money into their hands so that they could get more food, and tears welled up in their eyes… I saw Him in a rose that was given to me just because…I saw Him in a smile… I felt Him in a touch… and Heard Him in a soft voice… Yes I saw Him today…
No longer are the days that I want to just see Him the way others see Him… (Although I need to see Him through them as well)… Or just hear Him how others hear Him… I have to see Him for myself… The veil was ripped on the cross… relationship with God restored…God has made Himself known … He has come ever so close… Saying “I’m here”…
A person who has seen Him becomes addicted… consumed is the desire to see and say more about Him… one glimpse is not enough… Pew warming is no longer an option… and religious jargon is a foreign language… the quest is on… As I remove the mist from my eyes… my vision clearer… my ears tuned… my lips ready to speak… my arms ready to love… I have to have more…
My prayer for today is, if there is any doubt… depression… fear… stress… lack… that our vision would be restored and the blurriness will be focused… and Christ will emerge from a wavy figure walking out of a desert mirage… Our perception changed and we see Him the way that He wants to be seen… We see Him in us… moving through… in and over… springing out of our very being… Proclaiming to the universe all that is within us… “We have seen Him”… “We have witnessed the glory and splendor of all that He is”…. “Come see”… “You can be an eyewitness to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as well”… “He is high and lifted up… and His train fills this temple (the temple be me and you)… “Come see Him”…
“Mom, have you seen Him.” Yes, I have… and I long to see more…
Hey All
Prayer this morning was different to say the least. I don't know if anyone noticed we have a person who never leaves the sanctuary. Look at the stage and you'll see that person . He's made of metal.
two legs That look sort of like this ( ^ ). A bar over the legs that have a curtain shirt covering somewhat. Two arms stretched out over the shirt. and a round head looking out over the congregation.
Isn't that cool or what?
I was nab at the church and taken out to eat for my birthday. Bugaboo
Man baby back ribs . Yum !!! Thank you my nabbier. A little shopping followed. Got tee shirts for a dollar at Dollar Tree. Can we say Oh Ya Oh Ya
Later the family took me to Smokey Bones can we say Yum again. Then to the mall. Hubby got me a cool shirt & shoes.
I've been well fed today & have new duds. YEA!!!
Still waiting for a vacation. Maybe next month or later.
For now I'm happy. I had fun with family & friends.
Cool way to spend my birthday.
Even the dandelion was conformation for some serious things I asked God just this morning. I cant believe it. Bish its like your in my head now. Well its God and he comes out in you,and its really cool. I cried.
Iris, love love love to read your blogs. They capture my spirit. Thank you
Happy Birthday Miss Laura. Glad you had a beautiful day.
God is so good and wonderful. Why should we/I be so surprised when he shows up. He is a constant and every abiding God that wants to be with us and bless us. We need to expect not be surprised I suppose.
I will expect God today and leave the surpries for my birthday.
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