We are in agreement for P. Joshua Foster's safe return to the Philippines today...and for Pastor Ben Nadiope's safe return to Uganda this week...and for God to supply the needs of those of you who are going with me to both of those countries in a few weeks...and for the success of the Global Peace Festival in Washington D.C. on August 9...and for the mind of the Lord concerning the MEPI trip to Iran...and for CITN to continue to have a global pulpit...and for a blessing on our cyber-congregation all over the world...and for us to find the corn in Egypt...and for His will to be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN...
Please scroll down and pause the playlist player first...
You see, God’s love for the whole world – His paternal affection for the entire cosmos – was so all-encompassing and complete that He freely gave His unique Son to it, so that anyone from that world who believes in Him would not perish, but would awaken to the fact that eternal life is theirs.
It certainly was never God’s intention to send His Son into the world to pronounce a sentence of condemnation upon it. Rather, He was perfectly focused on saving it...on redeeming the whole of humanity, everyone and everything on the planet...through the gift of that unique, manifested Son.
John 3:16, 17 - John In The Now
All over the world, the Spirit is moving...
What do we need to agree for in your world today?
That as I press on this water walking voyage, I can continue to press toward the mark of the higher calling which is in Christ Jesus...that I don't dare look at the waves that are above my head, as I may be overtaken...that although I may be torn, I am not broken,...I will continue to look up and count the stars....that as I put one foot in front of the other...defying gravity and the laws of physics...that I keep my eyes fixed in Jesus, he continues to hold me and embrace me and comfort me as the ultimate Macindoshish daddy...that He draws me closer and closer until His heartbeat becomes mine..and although the water continues to splash in my face...and I am sopping wet...I will get to place very soon...where I can just...float..in the meantime...I press...and give Him a crazy praise...because I know that in a couple of hours...He will paint the sky with new day...with a new brush...and a different mixture of colors, tones and hues..to show me the new mercies and new chances and new opportunities for His miracles as He continues to stretch me!
Father, thank you for supplying all our needs according to your sources! I stand in Jesus!
Water Walker!
To Everyone Good Morning,
What I need touch and agree with is for God to put a DEMAND on Me. Agree with me for a more much closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is very much real and alive, more and more He is becoming a truly special friend to me. Everyday for the past year I strived for a better richer relationship with Him. For me, I want to know Him (CHRIST) by the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. (Philippians3:10)
Truth in Love
Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair. Love and truth are in all doing. (PS. 89:14)
The single most difficult pursuit is the truth and love. Love is a difficult Pursuit. Truth is a tough one, too. Love in truth. Truth in love. Never one at the expense of the other. Never the embrace of love without the torch of truth. Never the heat of truth without the warmth of love… To pursue both is our singular task. (Inspirational study Bible)
Father, “Blessed be your wonderful name.
It is more wonderful than all the blessings and praise.
You are the only Lord.
You made the heavens, even the highest heavens,
With all the stars. You made the earth and everything on it.
You made the earth and everything on it, the seas and everything in them. YOU give life to everything. The heavenly army worships you.
And so, our God, you are the great and mighty and wonderful God you keep your agreement of love. Do not let all our trouble seem unimportant to you. Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair. Love and truth are all in you do.
A new commandment God give to unto us. That we love one another; as He loves us. Above all things have fervent have fervent charity among ourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. - Love covers all sins.
God Bless you All!
Let me see like God sees;
Let me love like God loves.
Since there were no other words more profound, sincere, or direct than these, I chose to use those written by St. Francis of Assisi. They are as follows:
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
--Saint Francis Of Assisi
All I can say to that is Yay and Amen and seek that my perception is changed just as I've asked. We must BECOME the CHANGE we want to see first, once that happens, others seem to benefit from it.
I need very much to be "benefitted from" right now, to know things matter. Sometimes, I honestly don't see it and it's those days in which I look for the reason/vision/prophecy to speak over myself. I know how many of us have had issues with this in the past...but the past is over and we are moving FORWARD!
Let us be JOYFUL and go to the house of the Lord! Let us be together to share and to bless, and to cry, and to dance before Him! Let us be in the house where we have all things in common and our desire becomes stronger to help each other so we have all things in common.
Have a beautiful day, my bloggy friends! It will be a wonderful Monday--I declare it! In the immortal words of one of the greatest bands to ever grace a stage, Fleetwood Mac
Don't Stop Now by Christine McVie:
If you wake up and don't want to smile,
If it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
You'll see things in a different way.
Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.
Why not think about times to come,
And not about the things that you've done,
If your life was bad to you,
Just think what tomorrow will do.
Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.
All I want is to see you smile,
If it takes just a little while,
I know you don't believe that it's true,
I never meant any harm to you.
Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.
Don't you look back,
Don't you look back.
When President Clinton heard this song a full 10 years before becoming the President, he stated that he knew at that time when he heard this song that they would be playing it at his 1st Inauguration
and they certainly did! Clinton did have vision and he saw it through to the end...he dreamed it, he pictured it, he became it! If you think President Clinton is the only one who can do it, think again...we all can do it!
So let's get out there and DO IT!
jest chiken ta c ifin yer up bish. bein up an awl jest thawt id chik sents ah hered ye nevr slipt any.
ole Icoclast here
That as I am moving forward, that I can be an encourager to many to do the same, in the many aspects of life.
That we all receive and become aware of soul prosperity in our lives.
We prosper and are in health as our soul prospers.
A large part of the individual members of the Body of Christ are not living in soul prosperity and it manifests as health issues. Holy Spirit show us how to regain optimal health in our bodies as we create optimal health in our souls.
Iam in a quiet place, I am being very still, I am listening for God's voice. I am believing for jobs-good jobs for my husband and myself. God has met our needs and beyond up until now. I am very distresssed that we are not able to just give when we see a need. we have never been in this position before to where we see needs all around us and and we can barely meet our own simplest of needs, don't get me wrong we are still giving it is just on such a smaller scale and seems of little effect. This hurts my heart. The Word says God will supply all of my needs but I want to be a conduit for others. My patience on this particular path is wearing thin and I am grieved by it. I am not seeking wealth for myself- nor have I ever, it has just been a by product. I am having a hard time understanding this position and am praying for enlightenment and strength as we go through a day of important decisions concerning our business.
It never hurts to be reminded of who is running things.
That true trust in the Lord will develop and bloom in me. That as this week of events that I know I must face unfold, that I would live out and walk in Proverbs 3:5-6Trusting In Him alone, and leaning not unto my own understanding. Thanks Bishop for having given us the opportunity to touch and agree and pray for the needs of others today.
That I will be content with each season that God flows in my life. ThatI may enjoy him as I wait for him to send someone to love me as he loves me. That I will be patient and not get ahead of the Holy Spirit or be lagging behind but walk in perfect synec with him. That I love people as they are and not as I wish them to be, but letting go if they prove not to be on my path. That I will live in the now, for my past is over and I am moving foward. Thanks Bishop for just being who you are.
Hmm this is strange I turned the music player off on the blog to watch the u tubes and it is still playing even though it is off!!! I guess God is trying to tell me yes we can can yes we can!
I am in agreement with BITN! It has been 2 months of stretching for my family. I find fresh anticipation this morning. God is good and I will not fear. It is perfected in us all.
Did anyone catch the website for Pastor Ben yesterday? My heart is with the children and he has many children to Love and care for. I'd like to learn more about how that can be done. Maybe someone heading over this fall can take extra luggage with things for the kids? I know I am carrying extra luggage for the orphange our new son is living in in China. The next step will be to research Uganda adoption. Shh don't tell Darling hubby I have to ease him into things!!!
Cool videos, especially "Impossible is Nothing"!
Thanks, but did no one else like my videos? I thought they were cool...
Have all my bloggers been raptured?
I liked the videos, Gah!!!
Hey Bishop and Family:
Just checking in to let you know that not all your bloggers have been captured. I thought that the videos were great, I just now got the energy to blog something.
As for agreement in my world- stand with me in faith and agreement for Household Restoration, supernatural recovery, and immediate breakthroughs. You and the "Original Bloggers" of the family were in the know of my dilemmas from some time ago.
AWESOME Word from God yesterday you delivered. CONFIRMATION on so many levels! Amen. My family appreciates your bringing it all to the table. That's it for now.
Hallelujah! AMEN. (First the proclamation, and we add our agreement.)
I am so aggravated with myself right now.
After I sent that last message I realized that I should have only said, "Videos? What videos?"
Oh well.
We couldn't have been raptured...you're still here--(smile)!
Abundant day today, I'm here.
Agreeing with you that He's Got the Whole World In His Hands! Mahalia brings up memories, but I agree, the Impossible is Nothing clip is cool. How dey do dat?
I thought all day about a request for agreement--I'm going with Wisdom. Solomon did pretty well with that one.
Gotta run.
The videos are so very, very nice.
I remember a time in my twenties when literally years had gone by without me crying a tear.... years. I remember thinking long into this dry, thirsty ,impassive wasteland, "Just to have a tear fall down my face again. What sweet relief it would be". That just one salty drop of water were to fall onto my tounge, to quench my flaming thirst . Just one drop to ease this fire. Their were none to be found.
Only love can move. It is only the light of His love in your heart that gives a starving desolate soul relief. Thank you Father for your love which never ends. For in my darkest days you devised a way escape for me. In my bondage you were orchestrating a gloriose release. When I had forgotten you, my love, you showed Yourself unto me so new, and so fresh, and in such an unexpected, outlandish, wonderful way. It melted the iron bars around my heart. It quenched the dark flames in my mind and lit my life with your light.
I'm free today. The tears are back....the river can flow. The joy is back. Peace and Love are running over each day. And sweet, sweet tears lost through the years come now like a healing panacea washing over my soul. Your love has been my remedy. Your mercy has been Your vengeance.
That my whole world can be in your hands. Let it be so Lord. Let our world be in your hands.
Thays coont been no rapshur cause I'm still wit me. Been a rapshur, Ida dun been outa dis dusty ole(mmm) eart-th suit and been gittin me a newun on tha way up to ma manshun in tha sky.
Thays coont been no rapshur cause I'm still wit me. Been a rapshur, Ida dun been outa dis dusty ole(mmm) eart-th suit and been gittin me a newun on da way up to ma manshun in da sky.
I liked all the videos, but especially the last one – I mean that is some heavy stuff man……….:) no really it was sort of humorous but then when you factored in the song it really spoke to me in a different sort of way.
Speaking of videos, someone sent; well not just “someone” but I knew them. Anyway they sent me a video of this church service where there was this big bang then most all just vanished in the rapture. Then you could here them as they were flying through the air saying I’m outta here – the rest of y’all can go to hell….. naaa I just added that last sentence but really it was supposed scare me into having that same attitude. I wanted to email them back and say oooh I’m scared now; I better say the sinners prayer 2 times tonight before I go to bed - but I didn’t.
Thanks Bish,
ver. yenbiz :)
I love the videos, especially the Tim Hughes -He's got the whole world in HIS HANDS -
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