"I don't know anything, I don't know anything, but now I KNOW I don't know anything..."- Scrooge
Lord, thank you for allowing us to come & sit on your lap & REALLY KNOW that everything REALLY IS going to be alright! Not just hoping it will be, but KNOWING it will be...
To know Christ is to have everything...
Jesus said you must eat of my flesh & drink of my blood...somehow it seems to me we fall short of doing this with our fellow men, that we would eat of THEIR flesh & drink of THEIR blood in the same spiritual way. This is the covenant of the blood, not only between Christ & us but between each of us. Are we DRIVEN to know each other? To the extent we are driven to know God, we will be driven to know each other and only in this knowing will the completeness of the Christ-Head & Body appear.
The Maker of the universe, As Man for man was made a curse. The claims of Law which He had made, Unto the uttermost He paid. His holy fingers made the bough, Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow. The nails that pierced His hands were mined In secret places He designed.
He made the forest whence there sprung The tree on which His body hung. He died upon a cross of wood, Yet made the hill on which it stood. The sky that darkened o'er His head, By Him above the earth was spread. The sun that hid from Him it's face By His decree was poised in space.
The spear which spilled His precious blood Was tempered in the fires of God. The grave in which His form was laid Was hewn in rocks His hands had made.
The throne on which He now appears Was His for everlasting years. But a new glory crowns His brow And every knee to Him shall bow.
On Luke chapter 18:15-17 says: V.15 Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciple saw it they rebuked them. 16- But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 17-“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not received the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
That was the passage I read yesterday Morning for my Devotional. Luke 18 the whole chapter. This chapter, speak about a lot of parables, but my main focus was about how Jesus put emphasis on the little children. And here you are posted these pictures of Jesus and the children. Thank you for conforming that I am indeed in the right track with my Lord.
What do you do when you find yourself in need? Where do you turn? What is your first impulse? Is it to a man, or is it to turn to Jesus? Sometimes, I think we, in the United States are plagued by having too much- so much that we see no need to call upon God. Why should we call to God? We seem to have all the answers- computers, libraries, universities, television- these tell us the answers. Stores, factories, doctors, psychologists, they are all there, easily accessible, to meet all of our needs. It is no wonder that we see no need to run to the promise ofJeremiah33:3, “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Oh, for that childlike faith and trust that would flee to the Throne of Grace crying, “Abba, Abba, Father, I need you!” oh, that faith that would turn to God before it ever turned to man and that would turn to man only because it had been directed to do so.
Let me tell you a true story that will thrill your heart. It was told to me. It’s a story of childlike faith amongst a group of natives who received the gospel from a young man who vividly opened to them the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. They listened to story after story with rapt attention, believing, receiving, wanting more. Finally, the missionary moved on; but he would be back! Soon after he left, one of the natives fell from a tree and broke his leg. The distortion of the bones could not be hidden beneath the unbroken skin; movement was excruciating. Immediately, in one accord, the natives began to call upon God. “O Jesus, when You walked upon earth, You healed the lame man. Our brother is lame, he cannot walk. So, Jesus You heal him too.” The man was healed! Some time later, one of the believers suddenly died. Again, they called, “ Father! God! Call Jesus! Jesus, come quickly this man is dead like that man Lazarus that You brought to life. Bring him to life.” The man lived! Oh, for that faith as a grain of mustard seed that would call unto Him so that He might answer you and show you great and mighty things! What will your prayer be today? I pray that it will be, “Father, teach me to run to You in childlike faith… to call for You.”
What are your thoughts towards this story and the pictures showings today?
And what about His thoughts towards us and our faith today?
I can not think of any picture that is any more inspiring than one of Jesus or a suitable representative of Jesus surrounded by Joyful children. Kids know love and respond to it much more quickly than most adults.
Erik, thanks for responding to my question yesterday. Your answer was as correct as it can be from my view. We just continue taking it in and sharing our joy over it with others.
Hey is anyone out there up for a road trip to DC for the ninth. I will probably be going on my own via auto and would love both company and someone to split the cost with. I've driven to Baltimore before in about eleven hours and DC is about two hours this side of that. I also need more info on how to hook up with the venue once there.
This is one of the most important events that our Bishop has been invoved with. It is historical in time and will be viewed within context of the developing American dream to be a major player in the accomplishment of world peace.
This one is to close to just sit by and savor the news of.
I can be contacted by email by any parties interested in a road trip. My commutor suv can handle four adults. jwbrumlow@comcast.net
To eat someone's flesh and drink of their blood (outside of Jesus) is such a well, profund and mysterious thought.
Do you dare to know anyone on that level! Often times, the more we think we know of God, we soon find out, the less we really know and we absolutely know how finite our knowledge or wisdom is!
But to know someone that intimately by the spirit and by the flesh...is very mysterious and honestly I am not sure very desirable. Maybe I feel that way because I have been scorched many times with the body of Christ. It feels safer to know them only in part.
I think it was David that said in the psalms...it was not a stranger or neighbor who offended me but it was my brother. I know it says in proverbs that faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful...but the wounds of a friend ~ that is an ouch for sure. When a brother or sister offends you in the body...that offense is very difficult to get past. Thank God Bishop teaches us the New Testament concerning love and forgiveness...otherwise I probably wouldn't still be in church...any church for that matter. So we continue to press toward the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus. There is a pressing that takes place in the spirit to be able to stand in the midst of "your sister or brother" when an offence has taken place. But in fairness and in love...you stand in Jesus! I stand in Jesus!
There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus...no, not one (I am breaking out in song now ~ Bishop beget after his own kind)...I am digressing but I a going to tye this together (in Jesus name).
On the issue of intimacy with each other in the body...do we dare to step over the boundaries of ...oh, I am blessed today...I am highly favored of the Lord today...wasn't Bishop's sermon awesome...the praise and worship was off the chain...TO.....I have been injured in this...can you pray for me...I am facing eviction tomorrow, what can we do...I stayed up all night wondering where my child is...can you stand with me in faith...I am jobless and I need income, where can I go...this is what God is saying to me, will you allow me to be transparent...can you believe in the God in me (namaste) and allow me to believe what is holy in you...I missed it with my co-worker yesterday, stand in agreement for God to do a new thing...Can I be really real with you...and e really real!
How about the real deep pray, the laboring in the spirit, in intercession for someone in the body who needs more than quick pray but someone who needs what we (as the body of Christ) can give to someone else who is abolustely worn plum out..weary with this life, with folks, with circumstances. What about standing with someone all the way through a situation and walking out the true covenant relationships...what about caring for real...not just on Sunday's or Wednesday nights when it looks nice...having a form of Godliness and denying the power of Christ!
Transparency...drink my blood...my life...my life force...spiritual atributes...gifts within me...fruits of my life...
Transparancy...eat my flesh...the physical issues...my emotions...my humanity...my infirmities...soulish realm...generational curses...hinderances...problems...setbacks and setups...the real me...not the church me
Why...how would the realness of our lives be translated into a mature bride ready to fully receive her husband...Let earth receive her king...
Come let us adore Him! Christ our King...
Unless a man becomes like a child, (born again and again and again) he can not enter into the kingdom of God. Suffer the little children and forbid them not for such is the kingdom...
Man, if we could only get back to that clear, unturbulent, pure, unjudgmental, imaginative, trusting, wonder-full, wide-eyed, wide opened mind of childhood; and hear, with open hearts willing to share, the REAL message of the REAL Jesus. Think it's possible??
Also... Happy Belated Birthday, Jonah. I agree with what what JB said and couldn't have said it better myself. You're a very cool individual and one &%#@ if a drummer and singer. Keep your mind open, dude...church-as-usual is changing and you will play a big part in the spiritual evolution of your generation. I can't wait to see it.
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world-- red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!!
(try to get that one out of your head now!)
FYI...We do this!! We don't just "take care of" the little ones during service... we praise and worship with them, we teach them, we have church for them! ... We have fun!! What a beautiful thing to see preschoolers lifting their hands in praise. There are a lot of incredibly dedicated volunteers-- some who don't even have children of their own who serve our littlest members.
Let this be a shout out to the wonderful, dedicated, loving people of CITN Nursery and Preschool volunteers!!
Now, from an email I received...
"The reason things always work out for the best, is because this is actually the highest of all spiritual laws. Any apparent exceptions are simply evidence that work is still in progress, whether or not it can be seen."
To all of you blogging, blurking, stopping in for a bit-- may your work in progress become a masterpiece!!
Psa 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psa 34:11 Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Psa 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
Pro 13:24 Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are careful to discipline them.
Pro 19:18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death.
Pro 17:25 Foolish children bring grief to their father and bitterness to the mother who bore them.
Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Mat 5:44-45 TNIV But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (45) that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
Mat 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Iconoclast- I knew what I was going to post before I got to your post and you covered every scripture in my head, thank you. That surely saved some writer's cramp. All weekend I was pondering on the come to me like little children. Reading a book called "The Shack" it is definately a little out there for most and graphic in a sense, but it has so spoken to me about the nature of God and I have realized that every anxious moment I have spent lately about my life has been a lack of trust in Him. My kids do not say will you feed me tomorrow, or will I have clothes or heat. They just trust they will. Anyway said all of that to say this #1 man have I wasted alot of energy lately and #2 everyday now I am getting up and repeating over and over God I love you, God I trust you and if I slide over into doubt and unbelief I will just keep repeating God I trust you until I believe it. Now I am going to spend the rest of my day knowing HE is daddy and HE has got it all under control-ya'll have a good one!
**CONFIRMATION REPORT** I had an argument with my mother last night. I usually bite my tounge because she is old and sick. But I could not hear her repeat this one negative thing again over my daughter's life. I try to explain to her about how powerful words are, faith & all that.... Anywho, I just thanked God for not allowing her negative words to have any affect on my child. I thanked him for always providing EVERYTHING my daughter needs. Then I pull up the blog today and see Jesus with all the children...... it was a major confirmation to me....WOW Thanks God. You are TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
WE are precious in HIS sight! I love the way He is looking at the kids. Just like a father would. Seeing everything about us and loving us anyway.
I also love how they are looking at Him. Daddy. They feel safe, comforted, loved and they know that He is going to take care of them. We should always be like that. P. Debye said last night that if any of us have been at CITN long enough we should know without a shadow of a doubt that He is going to take care of us. He's never going to let us go without.
Larry Usher....AMAZING...the first thought that popped in my head as I woke early this morn was 'God knows the beginning from the end...and that He WILL perfect everything that concerns me/each of us.' ...& posted on myspace 'SMILE...cuz every little thing is going to be alright.'! Then I come here and read that you wrote what I was thinking. Amazing how we all are really connected in HIM in the Spirit regardless of distance or time.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Jesus Smiling esp with the little children. They are to me, the closest thing to heaven because they haven't the imprint of the world yet upon their hearts, minds and thinking. ...So pure, innoncent, forgiving,loving, happy and full of life.
How the children were attracted, drawn to and loved Jesus~ HE had to be happy, fun, loving and SMILING!
May we all be touched today by HIS smiles beaming upon us, around us and thru us to others today! (that's alot of brightness!)
Already felt HIS SMILE here today!
...holding HIS hand all the way to the end allowing HIM to LIGHT the path before me...since I DON'T know or know only in part... =)
Morning all! Don't you just love Bishop's playlist? When I signed in today "Where There Is Faith" was playing. I cranked it up and sang along, and I felt so happy and joyous. Thanks Bishop!!!
Bishop, I believe there is something very powerful here today in these pictures, and in the blogs, confirmations and flow in the Spirit.
When I first saw these pictures I smiled and chuckled with joy and said "thank you Jesus, thank you Father", and when I finished looking at the last picture I repeated it and started to cry, wiping my eyes and cheeks so the tears wouldn't drop on the keyboard (here at the library).
Here is why it blessed me so much personally and I pray it will strengthen you and others, too...
You see, last night somewhere between 3am and 5am I was up reading and praying this..."He also raised us up with Him and SEATED US with Him in the heavens, IN CHRIST JESUS!" -Ephesians 2:6
I closed my eyes and was visualizing God our Father saying..."come here son, sit next to me", as He put His right hand around me and on my shoulder and pulled me a little closer...my face looking up to Him so happy, thankful, with an elated smile almost to tears.
I thought how neat it would be if I could draw or paint that and if someone maybe already had in some way. I shared these same thoughts with my wife this morning, so you can try to imagine how I felt when I saw these pictures. Thank you Bishop, thank you God...so awesome.
The littel girl on His lap and the little boys looking up in the last picture capture that look...and what is so cool is that they are SEATED WITH HIM, right hand over the shoulder, and held close. It makes me cry out "Abba, Father!", "thank you...thank you!"
1Jn 3:1 NIrV How great is the love the Father has given us so freely! Now we can be called children of God. And that's what we really are! The world doesn't know us because it didn't know him.
Psa 119:71 CEV When you corrected me, it did me good because it taught me to study your laws.
Heb 12:9-11 TNIV Moreover, we have all had parents who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! (10) Our parents disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. (11) No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it PRODUCES a HARVEST of RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE for those who have been trained by it.
See I was just setting you up for a little bridge gapping. Saved, but not from correction! When I was in junior high we had a vice principal named Mr. Herman. This guy was a beast. He had arms like legs and a paddle with holes in it like swiss cheese for better aerodynamics. Once I got sent into his office for chewing gum. It was 1989; their was a lot of bad things going on , but I get sent in for chewing some bubbalicious. He hit me so hard my parents felt it. My teeth rattled. Did I have a point to this story? Not really.
Lord, we love you and know you love us. We know from time to time we need corrected. But we'd rather be sitting in your lap than bent over your knee. But we open ourselves up to your correction because we want a harvest in our lives. Just please don't swing as hard as Mr. Herman.
And for those of you that don't believe in corporal punishment read this and then check out my picture.
Most of America's populace think it improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments."
One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.
They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together.
I've included a photo above of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like as a litle boy? I mean, I know that He was/is the God/man. But He came into this world as a baby, so He had to grow up. Wonder what kind of games He played... and if He 'played nice.'
The old standard, hide and seek, came to mind. Then, I recalled the numerous times in my life when I heard people make the statement, "You can't hide from God!" I giggled in my spirit while contemplating this scenerio:
James and some neighborhood children tugging at Mary's garments, as James whines... "but Mmoooommmmmm, Jesus cheated!" To which Mary replies, "What makes you think your brother cheated?" And James (still pouting) says, "Wul... I dunno... but I KNOW HE CHEATED!"
Sheds a new Light on hide and seek, doesn't it :)
simply seeking Light in the darkness...
BTW, cool prayer, SOZ. I spent 3 long years of elementary school at what honestly looked like something out of Little House on the Prairie. HUGE culture change from Maryland to SC at that time. Lived in fear of that paddle, but luckily, it and my hiney were never introduced!
Bishop, Where are you? tell us something! I know you're very busy, with Global Peace Movement and writing your book, and painting. But Bishop I (we) need to hear you. Tell us something good!
Ya know, in that last picture the kid in Jesus lap looks like Obama and the little blond kid tugging on Jesus' garment looks like McCain to me. Of course that would have been before either of them became polititions. It is a little reassuring though to think that a polition could also see Jesus just like a little child.
Just a little add-on to what I wrote earlier...from Ephesian 2:6-9
...seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus, SO THAT in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His GRACE in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For by GRACE you are SAVED through FAITH, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's GIFT-not from works...
and Ephesians 5:1 - be imitators of God, as DEARLY LOVED CHILDREN.
Peace to all, oh...my neighbor stopped by my driveway while I was at the mailbox and he said that he was driving up to the Peace Fest with his church. I believe He follows Rev. Moon teachings, and he said "I think your pastor is part of the event", so I confirmed that Bishop was, so please remember him, his name is DON HARBOR, and his son INSUNGH(spelling?)
He lost his wife Judy last year to cancer...mentioned that one of his friends from his church had visited CITN and like it. I pray for wisdom in my connection with Don and pray for further revelations of Christ to him. Thank you for any agreement over him.
Bishop and all bloggers, I apologize for using this forum for this purpose, but I feel like I owe someone here an apology.
This is for Elle. Over the weekend I made a remark, jokingly, that I thought would be taken in that context, but I am left with the feeling that it could have been taken otherwise.
I made the comment because of the dead skunk thingy you had posted, not due to your concern for my safety. I certainly did not take your's or other's concerns for our safety lightly and I do not want you or any of my other fellow bloggers here thinking that.
Possibly I am wrong in feeling this way, but quite frankly it has left me with an uneasy feeling that I cannot seem to shake. If I offended, I apologize.
Again, Bishop, please forgive me for taking advantage of your blog on this matter, but I know of no other way to communicate what I feel compelled to communicate and I really need a clear conscience.
WHAT?!?!?! Are you crazy? I think YOU need the psychot-o-trist, my bro. I kinda figured you were referring to the dead skunk thing. And I, OF COURSE, was joking when I said I wouldn't care about what happened to you in the future.
BTW, did you watch the dead skunk video? FUNNY!
Anyway, sometimes I genuinely wonder how I sound on this blog. Last week I got the impression that everyone thought I was some horrible, legalistic, hang 'em high nit-wit, and I wonder if my point was received at all in the manner it was intended. Oh well... what can you do?
Rest easy, my friend. No offense taken. I THINK I know a joke when I read it ;)
I'm here...and I wrote a response to you a couple of hours ago, but "blogger" (the blog program) wasn't operating, so I lost everything I wrote when I tried to send it...
Anyway, I'll have something up for tomorrow in a while...
In the meantime, if I remember correctly, Bishop David Huskins (my pastor) is supposed to be on TBN's Praise the Lord tonight at 10...tune if you can...
And don't forget BodyBuilders tomorrow at 10AM, ministers...
Also, Mystic, thanks for mentioning the tunes...I took the playlist off while I have the GPF video up so that people don't have to keep pausing it...
As one who was involved in that conversation last week, let me say that I myself did not take you that way at all. In fact, I agree with you on most points really.
The other day my car battery died and I was walking down the street. I happened to walk by a bar. The music was blaring and pumping, Basement Jaxx , Where's Your Head At, was the song in fact. Well my point is, I didn't want anything to do with it in their. I could just feel the darkness and nothingness inside that place. Thank God He has delivered us from a meaningless life of searching and longing for something we can only find in Him.
We will be a light unto the dark places and His glory will shine round about us.
I'm not kidding. I really believe a day is coming when we are literally going to GLOW & SHINE with God's glory here in this life and through us and by His Spirit the world is going to come unto Him.
But anyways, you’re awesome and I never thought any such thing.
My ver word is tjinpsy
Everybody in the church gettin' tipsy!
Be not drunk with wine, as to excess, but be filled with the Holy Ghost!
Don't let the walls Cave in on you We can't live on, live on without you (JESUS) Don't let the walls Cave in on you We can't live on, live on without you Don't let the walls Cave in on you You get what you give That much is true Don't let the walls Cave in on you You turned the world away From you
Where's your head at Where's your head at Where's your head at
You have found yourself Trapped in this Incomprehensible maze (Babylon/Sin) Where's your head at Where's your head at
You don't make it easy on yourself Where's your head at Got to get Got to get Is whatcha get Is whatcha get
Where's your head at
Where's your head at Where's your head at Where's your head at
Glad you were back today, Crownjewel, and I appreciate your attitude...I've pretty much answered everything you asked yesterday (I didn't post them as you asked), but I'll get to them as soon as I have some time...
You might want to shoot some of those questions to Iconoclast...he's really done his homework in those areas...
Please don't mind that I mentioned this...you're questions are valid, and from some of the conversation that went on here last week, it's obvious that others have those same questions...
But thanks for being sensitive to my time...it's all good...
Anon @ 7:11, with all due respect, (it's funny, it seems you can say anything if you preface it by "with all due respect) anyway, it is my feeling that Bishop, no matter how many demamds are made on him always is speaking and giving something good. The fact that we have this amazing platform to express our "part" of the body and that Bishop gives us daily the freedom to do so, I for one am eternally grateful. I am just saying....thank you Bishop.
It's one thing for the sheep to hear and recognize the shepherds voice, but for the shepherd to recognize a hoof print,(words written, not even spoken) that's baa-d to the bone.
SOZ, Sometimes you freak me out you know me so well…….you been sneaking around my house listening….or maybe you know my best friend JC. I talk to Him a lot and tell Him everything.
Hey Donald, I cant help it, the dead skunk song is still one of my old favorites.
Thanks Bishop…….
AMEN Carl……
Hey Tracy, go to this link and watch the “Fathers Love Letter” video; you will love it! I thought of it when I read what you wrote.
Thanks to those who responded to "my" posts. Just proves when I am weak(within my own abilities/sense of personal empowerment) He truly can work through me best.
Have a praise report, albeit an odd one: about a month ago, my next door neighbor's dog Hennessey turned up missing. This dog, who is the sweetest pit-bull you could ever meet came over on a regular basis just to check in, so the loss was felt by me as well. I told the neighbor girls who owned the dog that I would be praying that she would be returned safely. Well, tonight I'm sitting at 9:30 plunking on my guitar when there is a knock on the door and it's the oldest of the girls and she says "I remember what you said about our dog last month and I really want to thank you because tonight we found her at the pound and here she is! With that, she pulls Hennessey up the steps with a little tug and before you know it I'm getting licked all over by the overjoyed dog! Just had to thank the Lord for this small but NOT insignificant kindness! God knows each sparrow, each dog, cat & other beast- how much more does He know us & care for what concerns us.
"Lately I've been winning battles left and right But even winners can get wounded in the fight People say that I'm amazing I'm strong beyond my years But they don't see inside of me I'm hiding all the tears
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down They don't know who picks me up when no one is around I drop my sword and cry for just a while (Look up for His smile) 'Cuz deep inside this armor The warrior is a child
Unafraid because His arrow is the best But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest People say that I'm amazing I never face retreat, oh no But they don't see the enemies That lay me at His feet
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down They don't know who picks me up when no one is around I drop my sword and cry for just a while (Look up for His smile) 'Cuz deep inside this armor The warrior is a child."
"The Warrior is a Child", Gary Valenciano (Twila Paris recording)
Lord, commit to me more than a glance, As I reply, Through swelled eyes... I need you...
There's some good stuff on here today and I haven't had time to get around to reading it all. I will second the idea of visiting Iconoclast's site and read what he has to say. Good stuff!!! Thanks Elle. Thanks Bishop.
Hi Bishop! Thank you so much for your post in answer to the questions I have!!! I know you're plate and schedule are more than overflowing and if you hadn't I would have understood and just obtained knowledge as I went.
Gotten to read some and already starting to understand more. Will read the rest as soon as I can and also would love the opportunity to learn more from Iconoclast. (will correspond to him as soon as I can have the chance to converse a little more....very crazy schedule too)
The pictures of Jesus and the children said everything!
Praying for yall as you are at the Global Peace Festival! Thanks for being real, transparent and SHINING HIS LOVE!
Thanks again for taking the time and effort!
Love yall bunches,
ps...i apologize if I did and hope that I did not come across in any way but expressing the questions to things that I just did not have a revelation on and not as disagreeable. Also, to everyone else did not in any way want to have started or been a contributor to the "drama" so to speak that to Elle and I (in my mind) was just iron sharpening iron...and if I in way did I AM sorry! I believe that LOVE is the ulitimate way to live. "It IS all good!"...as Bishop sez...
I shall post before the text...God knows the end from the beginning!!!
Lord have mercy...
"I don't know anything, I don't know anything, but now I KNOW I don't know anything..."- Scrooge
Lord, thank you for allowing us to come & sit on your lap & REALLY KNOW that everything REALLY IS going to be alright! Not just hoping it will be, but KNOWING it will be...
To know Christ is to have everything...
Jesus said you must eat of my flesh & drink of my blood...somehow it seems to me we fall short of doing this with our fellow men, that we would eat of THEIR flesh & drink of THEIR blood in the same spiritual way. This is the covenant of the blood, not only between Christ & us but between each of us. Are we DRIVEN to know each other? To the extent we are driven to know God, we will be driven to know each other and only in this knowing will the completeness of the Christ-Head & Body appear.
The Maker of the universe,
As Man for man was made a curse.
The claims of Law which He had made,
Unto the uttermost He paid.
His holy fingers made the bough,
Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow.
The nails that pierced His hands were mined
In secret places He designed.
He made the forest whence there sprung
The tree on which His body hung.
He died upon a cross of wood,
Yet made the hill on which it stood.
The sky that darkened o'er His head,
By Him above the earth was spread.
The sun that hid from Him it's face
By His decree was poised in space.
The spear which spilled His precious blood
Was tempered in the fires of God.
The grave in which His form was laid
Was hewn in rocks His hands had made.
The throne on which He now appears
Was His for everlasting years.
But a new glory crowns His brow
And every knee to Him shall bow.
Phil Keaggy
On Luke chapter 18:15-17 says: V.15 Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciple saw it they rebuked them. 16- But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 17-“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not received the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
That was the passage I read yesterday Morning for my Devotional. Luke 18 the whole chapter. This chapter, speak about a lot of parables, but my main focus was about how Jesus put emphasis on the little children. And here you are posted these pictures of Jesus and the children. Thank you for conforming that I am indeed in the right track with my Lord.
What do you do when you find yourself in need? Where do you turn? What is your first impulse? Is it to a man, or is it to turn to Jesus?
Sometimes, I think we, in the United States are plagued by having too much- so much that we see no need to call upon God. Why should we call to God? We seem to have all the answers- computers, libraries, universities, television- these tell us the answers. Stores, factories, doctors, psychologists, they are all there, easily accessible, to meet all of our needs. It is no wonder that we see no need to run to the promise ofJeremiah33:3,
“Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Oh, for that childlike faith and trust that would flee to the Throne of Grace crying, “Abba, Abba, Father, I need you!” oh, that faith that would turn to God before it ever turned to man and that would turn to man only because it had been directed to do so.
Let me tell you a true story that will thrill your heart. It was told to me. It’s a story of childlike faith amongst a group of natives who received the gospel from a young man who vividly opened to them the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. They listened to story after story with rapt attention, believing, receiving, wanting more. Finally, the missionary moved on; but he would be back!
Soon after he left, one of the natives fell from a tree and broke his leg. The distortion of the bones could not be hidden beneath the unbroken skin; movement was excruciating. Immediately, in one accord, the natives began to call upon God. “O Jesus, when You walked upon earth, You healed the lame man. Our brother is lame, he cannot walk. So, Jesus You heal him too.” The man was healed! Some time later, one of the believers suddenly died. Again, they called, “ Father! God! Call Jesus! Jesus, come quickly this man is dead like that man Lazarus that You brought to life. Bring him to life.” The man lived!
Oh, for that faith as a grain of mustard seed that would call unto Him so that He might answer you and show you great and mighty things! What will your prayer be today? I pray that it will be, “Father, teach me to run to You in childlike faith… to call for You.”
What are your thoughts towards this story and the pictures showings today?
And what about His thoughts towards us and our faith today?
I can not think of any picture that is any more inspiring than one of Jesus or a suitable representative of Jesus surrounded by Joyful children. Kids know love and respond to it much more quickly than most adults.
Erik, thanks for responding to my question yesterday. Your answer was as correct as it can be from my view. We just continue taking it in and sharing our joy over it with others.
Hey is anyone out there up for a road trip to DC for the ninth. I will probably be going on my own via auto and would love both company and someone to split the cost with. I've driven to Baltimore before in about eleven hours and DC is about two hours this side of that. I also need more info on how to hook up with the venue once there.
This is one of the most important events that our Bishop has been invoved with. It is historical in time and will be viewed within context of the developing American dream to be a major player in the accomplishment of world peace.
This one is to close to just sit by and savor the news of.
I can be contacted by email by any parties interested in a road trip. My commutor suv can handle four adults. jwbrumlow@comcast.net
I will stare at these pictures ALL day.
What a thought Larry, you man of God you!
To eat someone's flesh and drink of their blood (outside of Jesus) is such a well, profund and mysterious thought.
Do you dare to know anyone on that level! Often times, the more we think we know of God, we soon find out, the less we really know and we absolutely know how finite our knowledge or wisdom is!
But to know someone that intimately by the spirit and by the flesh...is very mysterious and honestly I am not sure very desirable. Maybe I feel that way because I have been scorched many times with the body of Christ. It feels safer to know them only in part.
I think it was David that said in the psalms...it was not a stranger or neighbor who offended me but it was my brother. I know it says in proverbs that faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful...but the wounds of a friend ~ that is an ouch for sure. When a brother or sister offends you in the body...that offense is very difficult to get past. Thank God Bishop teaches us the New Testament concerning love and forgiveness...otherwise I probably wouldn't still be in church...any church for that matter. So we continue to press toward the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus. There is a pressing that takes place in the spirit to be able to stand in the midst of "your sister or brother" when an offence has taken place. But in fairness and in love...you stand in Jesus! I stand in Jesus!
There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus...no, not one (I am breaking out in song now ~ Bishop beget after his own kind)...I am digressing but I a going to tye this together (in Jesus name).
On the issue of intimacy with each other in the body...do we dare to step over the boundaries of ...oh, I am blessed today...I am highly favored of the Lord today...wasn't Bishop's sermon awesome...the praise and worship was off the chain...TO.....I have been injured in this...can you pray for me...I am facing eviction tomorrow, what can we do...I stayed up all night wondering where my child is...can you stand with me in faith...I am jobless and I need income, where can I go...this is what God is saying to me, will you allow me to be transparent...can you believe in the God in me (namaste) and allow me to believe what is holy in you...I missed it with my co-worker yesterday, stand in agreement for God to do a new thing...Can I be really real with you...and e really real!
How about the real deep pray, the laboring in the spirit, in intercession for someone in the body who needs more than quick pray but someone who needs what we (as the body of Christ) can give to someone else who is abolustely worn plum out..weary with this life, with folks, with circumstances. What about standing with someone all the way through a situation and walking out the true covenant relationships...what about caring for real...not just on Sunday's or Wednesday nights when it looks nice...having a form of Godliness and denying the power of Christ!
Transparency...drink my blood...my life...my life force...spiritual atributes...gifts within me...fruits of my life...
Transparancy...eat my flesh...the physical issues...my emotions...my humanity...my infirmities...soulish realm...generational curses...hinderances...problems...setbacks and setups...the real me...not the church me
Why...how would the realness of our lives be translated into a mature bride ready to fully receive her husband...Let earth receive her king...
Come let us adore Him! Christ our King...
Unless a man becomes like a child, (born again and again and again) he can not enter into the kingdom of God. Suffer the little children and forbid them not for such is the kingdom...
Walking deep this morning...
Water Walker!
Man, if we could only get back to that clear, unturbulent, pure, unjudgmental, imaginative, trusting, wonder-full, wide-eyed, wide opened mind of childhood; and hear, with open hearts willing to share, the REAL message of the REAL Jesus.
Think it's possible??
Happy Belated Birthday, Jonah. I agree with what what JB said and couldn't have said it better myself. You're a very cool individual and one &%#@ if a drummer and singer. Keep your mind open, dude...church-as-usual is changing and you will play a big part in the spiritual evolution of your generation. I can't wait to see it.
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world-- red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!!
(try to get that one out of your head now!)
FYI...We do this!! We don't just "take care of" the little ones during service... we praise and worship with them, we teach them, we have church for them! ... We have fun!! What a beautiful thing to see preschoolers lifting their hands in praise. There are a lot of incredibly dedicated volunteers-- some who don't even have children of their own who serve our littlest members.
Let this be a shout out to the wonderful, dedicated, loving people of CITN Nursery and Preschool volunteers!!
Now, from an email I received...
"The reason things always work out for the best, is because this is actually the highest of all spiritual laws. Any apparent exceptions are simply evidence that work is still in progress, whether or not it can be seen."
To all of you blogging, blurking, stopping in for a bit-- may your work in progress become a masterpiece!!
From the TNIV
Psa 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psa 34:11 Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Psa 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
Pro 13:24 Those who spare the rod hate their children, but those who love them are careful to discipline them.
Pro 19:18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to their death.
Pro 17:25 Foolish children bring grief to their father and bitterness to the mother who bore them.
Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Mat 5:44-45 TNIV But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (45) that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Mat 11:25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
Mat 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
These are some really great thoughts on here already today everyone.
Well, at least until Iconerclast had to get on here and talk about gettin' yer butt whipped! ;)
Ha, just teasin Coniclast!
Iconoclast- I knew what I was going to post before I got to your post and you covered every scripture in my head, thank you. That surely saved some writer's cramp. All weekend I was pondering on the come to me like little children. Reading a book called "The Shack" it is definately a little out there for most and graphic in a sense, but it has so spoken to me about the nature of God and I have realized that every anxious moment I have spent lately about my life has been a lack of trust in Him. My kids do not say will you feed me tomorrow, or will I have clothes or heat. They just trust they will. Anyway said all of that to say this #1 man have I wasted alot of energy lately and #2 everyday now I am getting up and repeating over and over God I love you, God I trust you and if I slide over into doubt and unbelief I will just keep repeating God I trust you until I believe it. Now I am going to spend the rest of my day knowing HE is daddy and HE has got it all under control-ya'll have a good one!
**CONFIRMATION REPORT** I had an argument with my mother last night. I usually bite my tounge because she is old and sick. But I could not hear her repeat this one negative thing again over my daughter's life. I try to explain to her about how powerful words are, faith & all that.... Anywho, I just thanked God for not allowing her negative words to have any affect on my child. I thanked him for always providing EVERYTHING my daughter needs. Then I pull up the blog today and see Jesus with all the children...... it was a major confirmation to me....WOW Thanks God. You are TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
WE are precious in HIS sight!
I love the way He is looking at the kids. Just like a father would. Seeing everything about us and loving us anyway.
I also love how they are looking at Him. Daddy. They feel safe, comforted, loved and they know that He is going to take care of them. We should always be like that. P. Debye said last night that if any of us have been at CITN long enough we should know without a shadow of a doubt that He is going to take care of us. He's never going to let us go without.
Larry Usher....AMAZING...the first thought that popped in my head as I woke early this morn was 'God knows the beginning from the end...and that He WILL perfect everything that concerns me/each of us.' ...& posted on myspace 'SMILE...cuz every little thing is going to be alright.'! Then I come here and read that you wrote what I was thinking. Amazing how we all are really connected in HIM in the Spirit regardless of distance or time.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Jesus Smiling esp with the little children. They are to me, the closest thing to heaven because they haven't the imprint of the world yet upon their hearts, minds and thinking. ...So pure, innoncent, forgiving,loving, happy and full of life.
How the children were attracted, drawn to and loved Jesus~ HE had to be happy, fun, loving and SMILING!
May we all be touched today by HIS smiles beaming upon us, around us and thru us to others today! (that's alot of brightness!)
Already felt HIS SMILE here today!
...holding HIS hand all the way to the end allowing HIM to LIGHT the path before me...since I DON'T know or know only in part... =)
Lord, we pray today for those of age that have not received you as their Savior. Oh, that with the faith of a child, they today receive You.
a crust of dust
Morning all! Don't you just love Bishop's playlist? When I signed in today "Where There Is Faith" was playing. I cranked it up and sang along, and I felt so happy and joyous. Thanks Bishop!!!
(Like my new image??)
Hey everybody!
Bishop, I believe there is something very powerful here today in these pictures, and in the blogs, confirmations and flow in the Spirit.
When I first saw these pictures I smiled and chuckled with joy and said "thank you Jesus, thank you Father", and when I finished looking at the last picture I repeated it and started to cry, wiping my eyes and cheeks so the tears wouldn't drop on the keyboard (here at the library).
Here is why it blessed me so much personally and I pray it will strengthen you and others, too...
You see, last night somewhere between 3am and 5am I was up reading and praying this..."He also raised us up with Him and SEATED US with Him in the heavens, IN CHRIST JESUS!" -Ephesians 2:6
I closed my eyes and was visualizing God our Father saying..."come here son, sit next to me", as He put His right hand around me and on my shoulder and pulled me a little closer...my face looking up to Him so happy, thankful, with an elated smile almost to tears.
I thought how neat it would be if I could draw or paint that and if someone maybe already had in some way. I shared these same thoughts with my wife this morning, so you can try to imagine how I felt when I saw these pictures. Thank you Bishop, thank you God...so awesome.
The littel girl on His lap and the little boys looking up in the last picture capture that look...and what is so cool is that they are SEATED WITH HIM, right hand over the shoulder, and held close. It makes me cry out "Abba, Father!", "thank you...thank you!"
1Jn 3:1 NIrV How great is the love the Father has given us so freely! Now we can be called children of God. And that's what we really are! The world doesn't know us because it didn't know him.
Psa 119:71 CEV When you corrected me, it did me good because it taught me to study your laws.
Heb 12:9-11 TNIV Moreover, we have all had parents who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! (10) Our parents disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. (11) No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it PRODUCES a HARVEST of RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE for those who have been trained by it.
Jest sherin off ma aich tee emm aiyal
I know those pics are all supposed to be representations of Jesus, but the guy in that last painting is Kenny Loggins.
I'm Alright.
Ain't God Good?
Very Interesting Clast,
See I was just setting you up for a little bridge gapping. Saved, but not from correction!
When I was in junior high we had a vice principal named Mr. Herman. This guy was a beast. He had arms like legs and a paddle with holes in it like swiss cheese for better aerodynamics. Once I got sent into his office for chewing gum. It was 1989; their was a lot of bad things going on , but I get sent in for chewing some bubbalicious. He hit me so hard my parents felt it. My teeth rattled. Did I have a point to this story? Not really.
Lord, we love you and know you love us. We know from time to time we need corrected. But we'd rather be sitting in your lap than bent over your knee. But we open ourselves up to your correction because we want a harvest in our lives. Just please don't swing as hard as Mr. Herman.
And for those of you that don't believe in corporal punishment read this and then check out my picture.
Most of America's populace think it improper to spank children,
so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments."
One that I found effective is for me to just take the child
for a car ride and talk.
They usually calm down and stop misbehaving
after our car ride together.
I've included a photo above of one of my sessions
with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.
Ever wonder what Jesus was like as a litle boy? I mean, I know that He was/is the God/man. But He came into this world as a baby, so He had to grow up. Wonder what kind of games He played... and if He 'played nice.'
The old standard, hide and seek, came to mind. Then, I recalled the numerous times in my life when I heard people make the statement, "You can't hide from God!" I giggled in my spirit while contemplating this scenerio:
James and some neighborhood children tugging at Mary's garments, as James whines... "but Mmoooommmmmm, Jesus cheated!" To which Mary replies, "What makes you think your brother cheated?" And James (still pouting) says, "Wul... I dunno... but I KNOW HE CHEATED!"
Sheds a new Light on hide and seek, doesn't it :)
simply seeking Light in the darkness...
BTW, cool prayer, SOZ. I spent 3 long years of elementary school at what honestly looked like something out of Little House on the Prairie. HUGE culture change from Maryland to SC at that time. Lived in fear of that paddle, but luckily, it and my hiney were never introduced!
Where are you? tell us something! I know you're very busy, with Global Peace Movement and writing your book, and painting. But Bishop I (we) need to hear you. Tell us something good!
Ya know, in that last picture the kid in Jesus lap looks like Obama and the little blond kid tugging on Jesus' garment looks like McCain to me. Of course that would have been before either of them became polititions. It is a little reassuring though to think that a polition could also see Jesus just like a little child.
Just a little add-on to what I wrote earlier...from Ephesian 2:6-9
...seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus, SO THAT in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His GRACE in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For by GRACE you are SAVED through FAITH, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's GIFT-not from works...
and Ephesians 5:1 - be imitators of God, as DEARLY LOVED CHILDREN.
Peace to all, oh...my neighbor stopped by my driveway while I was at the mailbox and he said that he was driving up to the Peace Fest with his church. I believe He follows Rev. Moon teachings, and he said "I think your pastor is part of the event", so I confirmed that Bishop was, so please remember him, his name is DON HARBOR, and his son INSUNGH(spelling?)
He lost his wife Judy last year to cancer...mentioned that one of his friends from his church had visited CITN and like it. I pray for wisdom in my connection with Don and pray for further revelations of Christ to him. Thank you for any agreement over him.
Gotta go, God bless until next time.
Love, Karl
Um...excuse me...am I the only one who's missing the tunes?
Bishop and all bloggers, I apologize for using this forum for this purpose, but I feel like I owe someone here an apology.
This is for Elle. Over the weekend I made a remark, jokingly, that I thought would be taken in that context, but I am left with the feeling that it could have been taken otherwise.
I made the comment because of the dead skunk thingy you had posted, not due to your concern for my safety. I certainly did not take your's or other's concerns for our safety lightly and I do not want you or any of my other fellow bloggers here thinking that.
Possibly I am wrong in feeling this way, but quite frankly it has left me with an uneasy feeling that I cannot seem to shake. If I offended, I apologize.
Again, Bishop, please forgive me for taking advantage of your blog on this matter, but I know of no other way to communicate what I feel compelled to communicate and I really need a clear conscience.
Donald, Donald, Donald...
WHAT?!?!?! Are you crazy? I think YOU need the psychot-o-trist, my bro. I kinda figured you were referring to the dead skunk thing. And I, OF COURSE, was joking when I said I wouldn't care about what happened to you in the future.
BTW, did you watch the dead skunk video? FUNNY!
Anyway, sometimes I genuinely wonder how I sound on this blog. Last week I got the impression that everyone thought I was some horrible, legalistic, hang 'em high nit-wit, and I wonder if my point was received at all in the manner it was intended. Oh well... what can you do?
Rest easy, my friend. No offense taken. I THINK I know a joke when I read it ;)
And BTW, thanks for caring enough to address it.
I love it when real men step up to the plate. Peace to you and Her Majesty.
a crust of dust
Hey Anon @ 7:11,
I'm here...and I wrote a response to you a couple of hours ago, but "blogger" (the blog program) wasn't operating, so I lost everything I wrote when I tried to send it...
Anyway, I'll have something up for tomorrow in a while...
In the meantime, if I remember correctly, Bishop David Huskins (my pastor) is supposed to be on TBN's Praise the Lord tonight at 10...tune if you can...
And don't forget BodyBuilders tomorrow at 10AM, ministers...
Also, Mystic, thanks for mentioning the tunes...I took the playlist off while I have the GPF video up so that people don't have to keep pausing it...
Love the m&m pic, Sweepea...she looks a little like you (even though I don't officially know who you are)...
glad you like the songs...they'll be back up on Sunday...
bishop jim swilley
taken' it to the streets
of the whole wide world.
a crust of dust
You're right, DBA, He does look like Kenny Loggins...
Sorry you're gone NTL...unless you are "crust of dust"...either way, and under any name, you're always welcome...be blessed...
It must be my accent.
As one who was involved in that conversation last week, let me say that I myself did not take you that way at all. In fact, I agree with you on most points really.
The other day my car battery died and I was walking down the street. I happened to walk by a bar. The music was blaring and pumping, Basement Jaxx , Where's Your Head At, was the song in fact. Well my point is, I didn't want anything to do with it in their. I could just feel the darkness and nothingness inside that place. Thank God He has delivered us from a meaningless life of searching and longing for something we can only find in Him.
We will be a light unto the dark places and His glory will shine round about us.
I'm not kidding. I really believe a day is coming when we are literally going to GLOW & SHINE with God's glory here in this life and through us and by His Spirit the world is going to come unto Him.
But anyways, you’re awesome and I never thought any such thing.
My ver word is tjinpsy
Everybody in the church gettin' tipsy!
Be not drunk with wine, as to excess, but be filled with the Holy Ghost!
Don't let the walls
Cave in on you
We can't live on, live on without you (JESUS)
Don't let the walls
Cave in on you
We can't live on, live on without you
Don't let the walls
Cave in on you
You get what you give
That much is true
Don't let the walls
Cave in on you
You turned the world away
From you
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
You have found yourself
Trapped in this
Incomprehensible maze (Babylon/Sin)
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
You don't make it easy on yourself
Where's your head at
Got to get
Got to get
Is whatcha get
Is whatcha get
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
Where's your head at
Glad you were back today, Crownjewel, and I appreciate your attitude...I've pretty much answered everything you asked yesterday (I didn't post them as you asked), but I'll get to them as soon as I have some time...
You might want to shoot some of those questions to Iconoclast...he's really done his homework in those areas...
Please don't mind that I mentioned this...you're questions are valid, and from some of the conversation that went on here last week, it's obvious that others have those same questions...
But thanks for being sensitive to my time...it's all good...
Aw shucks, the video to that song still cracks me up, its so funny.
Anon @ 7:11, with all due respect, (it's funny, it seems you can say anything if you preface it by "with all due respect) anyway, it is my feeling that Bishop, no matter how many demamds are made on him always is speaking and giving something good. The fact that we have this amazing platform to express our "part" of the body and that Bishop gives us daily the freedom to do so, I for one am eternally grateful. I am just saying....thank you Bishop.
It's one thing for the sheep to hear and recognize the shepherds voice, but for the shepherd to recognize a hoof print,(words written, not even spoken) that's
baa-d to the bone.
word ver lvdig (love dig)
Anything war can do peace can do better!!
One last thing
While you two are up there
SOZ, Sometimes you freak me out you know me so well…….you been sneaking around my house listening….or maybe you know my best friend JC. I talk to Him a lot and tell Him everything.
Hey Donald, I cant help it, the dead skunk song is still one of my old favorites.
Thanks Bishop…….
AMEN Carl……
Hey Tracy, go to this link and watch the “Fathers Love Letter” video; you will love it! I thought of it when I read what you wrote.
I also have this page on my websites worship page www.completerestorationinchrist.org just go there and click on “Fathers Love Letter”
Burning Bridges,
Building new ones,
Thanks to those who responded to "my" posts. Just proves when I am weak(within my own abilities/sense of personal empowerment) He truly can work through me best.
Have a praise report, albeit an odd one: about a month ago, my next door neighbor's dog Hennessey turned up missing. This dog, who is the sweetest pit-bull you could ever meet came over on a regular basis just to check in, so the loss was felt by me as well. I told the neighbor girls who owned the dog that I would be praying that she would be returned safely. Well, tonight I'm sitting at 9:30 plunking on my guitar when there is a knock on the door and it's the oldest of the girls and she says "I remember what you said about our dog last month and I really want to thank you because tonight we found her at the pound and here she is! With that, she pulls Hennessey up the steps with a little tug and before you know it I'm getting licked all over by the overjoyed dog! Just had to thank the Lord for this small but NOT insignificant kindness!
God knows each sparrow, each dog, cat & other beast- how much more does He know us & care for what concerns us.
"Lately I've been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight
People say that I'm amazing
I'm strong beyond my years
But they don't see inside of me
I'm hiding all the tears
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
(Look up for His smile)
'Cuz deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
Unafraid because His arrow is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
People say that I'm amazing
I never face retreat, oh no
But they don't see the enemies
That lay me at His feet
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
(Look up for His smile)
'Cuz deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child."
"The Warrior is a Child", Gary Valenciano (Twila Paris recording)
Lord, commit to me more than a glance,
As I reply,
Through swelled eyes...
I need you...
In Christ,
There's some good stuff on here today and I haven't had time to get around to reading it all.
I will second the idea of visiting Iconoclast's site and read what he has to say. Good stuff!!!
Thanks Elle.
Thanks Bishop.
Hi Bishop!
Thank you so much for your post in answer to the questions I have!!! I know you're plate and schedule are more than overflowing and if you hadn't I would have understood and just obtained knowledge as I went.
Gotten to read some and already starting to understand more. Will read the rest as soon as I can and also would love the opportunity to learn more from Iconoclast. (will correspond to him as soon as I can have the chance to converse a little more....very crazy schedule too)
The pictures of Jesus and the children said everything!
Praying for yall as you are at the Global Peace Festival! Thanks for being real, transparent and SHINING HIS LOVE!
Thanks again for taking the time and effort!
Love yall bunches,
ps...i apologize if I did and hope that I did not come across in any way but expressing the questions to things that I just did not have a revelation on and not as disagreeable. Also, to everyone else did not in any way want to have started or been a contributor to the "drama" so to speak that to Elle and I (in my mind) was just iron sharpening iron...and if I in way did I AM sorry! I believe that LOVE is the ulitimate way to live. "It IS all good!"...as Bishop sez...
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