I went to the opening GA Tech game last night to see CITN's Kyle Jackson play (the only freshman starting linebacker did great...they won 41-14...I know his parents, Ray and Beverly, are proud of him)...
But for some reason, your comments on I Have a Dream weren't posting throughout the evening. I kept checking my Blackberry during the game, and I thought that no one was responding to the sermon, and was getting an attitude. For a few hours I was beginning to think that maybe I was in this dream alone. But when I got home I saw that many of you actually had commented, and, relieved, I put your stuff through. But that's why the comments appeared here so late. Thanks for what you wrote.

Hope to see many of you dreamers at prayer this morning (9:00 AM)...
Happy Birthday Rev. Swilley
Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife.
It's late and I'm hyper. Yes Bishop I'm planning to be at prayer. Ready to dream into action.
Lyrics to Dream Into Action
by Howard Jones :
Between every man there is a division
Nobody ever seems to get it right
Even between friends there is a long gap
One of them makes a mistake, there is a fight
Whatever you do you have the benefit of the doubt
Whatever I do please understand
Whatever we do let's make a pledge to put it right
So we can end the rule of the division
Putting the dream into action, into action
Putting the dream into action, into action
Whatever you like to do then let that be my pleasure
Whatever you like to say I'll try to understand
Whatever you do you have the benefit of the doubt
Whatever I do please understand
Whatever we do let's make a pledge to put it right
So we can end the rule of the division
Putting the dream into action into action
You are strong
We are strong
You feel it
We feel it
You are strong
We are strong
You are action
I ended before I was done.
Lets end any and all division
United we Stand
Divided we Fall
As for me and my house we will praise the Lord
from One Nation Under Praise
by Clint Brown
Time to bring action into the DREAM
Mom and Dad Swilley,
I think it's awesome that we get to hear your dream every week, with
Happy Birthday
Happy Anniversary
Happy Friday
Happy August 29, 2008
Happy Labor Day Weekend
Happy two days before the most incredible manifestation of the Holy Spirit
Happy walking the dog
Happy that it's all good and getting mo' betta
Happy NTL
What a blessing to be in this place and time with your parents Bishop. It just feels so right.
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to both of you from the heart. May you be blessed and continue to bless for many more to come.
Have great day!
Congratulations Kyle on your success last night. I see where you guys will be playing Mississippi State on 9-20. I hope you do well and are safe. Nothing personal, but I naturally hope that State does better,...you understand,....nothing personal.
Happy Birthday Pastor Swilley and Happy Anniversary Pastors Swilley.
Bishop I remember the MLK sermon from when it was originally presented. It was inspiring then and continues to be.
Yesterday when I watched the speech on YouTube I noticed a link to Dr. King's final speech and watched it again also.
Folks, that is eerie. He knew that he was at the end of his journey. Having read about him and listened to some of his speeches it is always difficult and inspiring at the same time to see that speech. Truly he was/is one of the greatest men to ever grace this planet.
so happy birthday to everybody. this sunday is my birthday as well I think August is the best month and i decided to come on the last day... lol.. I haven't been on in such a long time because well words are hard to come by these days for me.. when u really live in the moment you can become quite forgetful...also I have been in this place of nothingness.. for lack of a better word... many ppl say they want to not be moved by what they see but its a strange place to be that leaves you completely paralyzed.. If it is really no longest you that lives nothing you see really affects you.. strange place.. I know that something is up for this weekend and think its interesting that this sunday is my birthday. also a strange thing is happening because I have a friend visiting me and its odd because we are very connected in the spirit.. By Gods divine appt I flew in for her birthday this same year and it was a fantastic weekend totally orgastrated By God it was also Easter weekend and im sure u remember that service was off the chain... My uncle called me up and sent me a plane ticket to see my family and such but it was really an act of God... I am probably so all over the place so forgive me... but the point is this weekend is special I am totally in tune.. i have no clue where were going but im in the boat.. and sometimes silence is the best thing you can do to not get yourself in the way.. if you know what i mean.. This is such a good year and i am so pleased with where i am and where im going.. that being typed as a member of this great congregation and being under your covering I know that you probably feel somethings up as well...
Happy Birthday Pastor Swilley and Happy Anniversary to you and Pastor Darlene!
We love you guys so much and truly appreciate the way you support Bishop and CITN and on a more personal level, the way you encourage me continually!
Today will be the greatest day of your lives!
Pastor Jimmie & Sharon
Happy Birthday Reverend Swilley and Happy Anniversary to you both.
I know this is cliché, but for you, I really believe it: your best days are ahead of you!
Peace, health, joy, continued success, and adventure are but a few things I wish for your journey together.
You are the epitome of integrity and your presence at CITN is priceless. If seeing you two brings comfort and assurance to me, I can only imagine what it brings to your son.
Thank you for always treating me like I was a genuine part of the family...it means more than you will ever know.
Much Love,
just keep on praying
till the light breaks through
the Lord will answer
He'll answer you
God keeps His promise
His word is true
just keep on praying
till the light breaks through
Happy 75th birthday, and 53rd wedding anniversary,Father and Mother Swilley.
You are both always a blessing and encouragment.
Grace,Peace, and Love,
HAPPY Birthday Pastor Swilley and Blessings for this also being your anniversary! May He continue to rain down His blessings and favor upon you both! Oh yeah, and how young you both look...is amazing and inspiring!
Peace & love everyone!
God BLESS you Bishop & Pastor Debye as you continue on your journey with the DREAM God has given you! It takes alot of courage, preseverance and strength and reliance upon God~but you were 'chosen' for such a time as this!
~Dreamin with ya!
Happy Birthday Rev. Swilley and Happy Anniversary to you both. May I say that since you two have been honorary members, I look for you every Sunday and I watch to see your reactions to Bishop's silliness and his cleverness and his recital of the Color Purple and just how much you two absolutely adore him.
And I kind of get him more because you are there and it blesses me to see the strength that you two have as one and how you are living epistles written on our hearts and on your sons.
Father Swilley, there is such an incredible strength that you carry within and yet I feel the heart of servant willing to lay his life down eternally for the gospel. And this is going to sound silly but for all of those Sunday's the Holy Spirit had you cry, I felt you and I understood that only the Holy Ghost can move you like that when you love Him so much.
And to Mother Swilley, you are cute and funny and bubbly and wise and you really do redefine 70. What a wonder you are for us to aspire to be. And you display where Bishop got his humor from and his sweetness.
We love you too and glad that God loaned you to us for this season.
Many blessings of Peace and prosperity and health!
love Yve
Father and Mother Swilley,
Thank you so much for taking a chance in the natural and really selling out to God in your lives. I haven't heard from you that much , but your story about the preacher running out of gasoline and the tanker truck, symbolizing all God has available for us, will always be with me. I even told my brother the story and we both could feel the Spirit in it. And you and Mother Swilley's sermons on Healing and Mercy. This is the fruit of the Spirit in which the lives of the very Ecclesia will Save the Universe. Both of you are mighty in anointing, your voices even modulated to the chords of angels as you speak Oracles of God all of your days.
Thank you also for raising this guard and honest guide, a pastor of pastors, a healer to the broken hearted, who is co-working with the Great Tenderhearted Shepard, setting the pagan and the pharisee free with Revelation Love in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. May God always keep your hearts broken and safe in His.
Thanks, everyone...I'll take "cleverness", Yve..."silliness" I'm not so sure about...
Wow, SOZ, that was really beautiful...thanks...
Kyle texted me: "Thanks, Bishop! I feel honored to have the support of both you and the church. Hope you enjoyed yourself! THANKS FOR COMING! - K. Jackson, #59
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