Thursday, August 7, 2008

Peace Blessing

“Peace I leave with you; I’m talking about My own, personal sense of peace, wholeness and well-being; I’m actually transferring it to you. You see, My peace is unlike the peace that comes from this realm...the peace that is reactionary and temporal, dependent on outward circumstances to determine its strength and presence. My peace is other-worldly – settled, absolute – causing you to be in harmony with your whole life – past, present, and future – and ultimately with the whole of creation. It will empower you to refuse to let your heart (your inner world) become troubled, agitated, or upset, no matter what is happening around you, and you can be fearless because you will be at peace with the Father, with yourself, and with the universe."
(John 14:27 - John In The Now)

Hey bloggers,

We’re in Washington through the weekend for the ACLC Conference and the Global Peace Festival on Saturday (we’re flying out Sunday morning, and will be at church with a great word!)…

I probably won’t be on the blog for the next several days, but I want to speak a blessing of peace over you, and hope that you’ll keep the conversation going while I’m a passenger on the peace train in D.C…

In the name of the Prince of Peace, I release a blessing of peace to your spirit, your soul, your physical body, your family, your household…peace to your past, your present, and your future…peace to everything that you are, and to everything that you are becoming…

…I speak peace of mind to you through the power of the Holy Spirit, and by faith I say, in the same way that Jesus stood up in the boat and commanded “Peace! Be still!” to the storm, that you experience an absolute calmness coming to the stormy waves of your mind, and that everything that is causing unrest in your thoughts will quell down.

…May you embrace and enjoy real peace of mind today…the kind of inner peace which is the companion of the silence of the mind…He will keep you in PERFECT PEACE as you keep your mind stayed on Him…

I pray/say that you manifest peace of mind, not by thinking about it or imagining it, but by finding the entrance to the secret place of the Most High…and that you are fully able to relax the restless mind under the shadow of the Almighty…

You are made in God’s image, so your true nature is actually absolute peace. You are not the mind, but you possess the Mind of Christ. As rivers of living water flow from your innermost being, you will find a way to silence your mind…through concentration and meditation, you will discover the peace of the Spirit that you are, and have always been.

As peace flows like a river through your spirit/heart, you can let your thoughts go, and can close the windows and doors of your mind…“casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”…

Inner peace creates outer peace…out of the heart are the issues of right now, all the stress has to go, the pressure is released, and you can exhale and deeply relax…

By my words I create the possibility that you can find some quiet time today. The mind is like a room that is always full of stuff...cluttered with unimportant things…there is no free space there. When you get quiet, however, and the room of your mind becomes vacant, peace of mind prevails. It’s a natural flow…

Give your brain some rest…stop over-thinking everything…in fact, you should stop your thoughts, altogether, for a little while, but stay awake…in that state you will become aware that you are filled with the Spirit, and you will experience the great ocean of peace beyond the mind.

True peace of mind is not dependent on circumstances. It comes from the inside.

The wind causes waves to arise on the sea. Restless thoughts are the winds that bring waves and storms into the mind. Learn to calm down the winds of your mind, and you will enjoy great inner peace.

In faith I charge you to calm your storm…worries, fears, desires, restlessness, and nervousness drive peace of mind away.

Negative feelings and negative thoughts keep peace of mind away…truth, beauty, love, grace, forgiveness, surrender, unity…think on these things…

God is good. You are loved. You are blessed. Everything is going to be all right…relax…cast all of your care on Him because He cares for you…let it all go…let go and let God…your kingdom rights are righteousness, PEACE, and joy in the Holy Spirit…

I speak this blessing on you…have a peace-filled day, and enjoy every minute of it…

And wherever you go today, and whatever you do…CREATE PEACE!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God…


Anonymous said...

Global Peace Festival

The peaceful, piecing the peaces

together to make peace full.


JB, please pass the peas.

Sweepea said...

"True peace of mind is not dependent on circumstances. It comes from the inside."

OMG do I need this exhortation and blessing today. Here I was working up a head of bitter steam, feeling wronged and misunderstood and not listened to, when I sat down to read the blog before rushing out of the house in a huff. BUT NOOOOOO, now I have to a peacemaker and let the bitterness and anger go and even say "goodby" - OKOKOK - thanks Bishop! Blessings and peace and success back atcha!

Anonymous said...

Mother Teresa has said "If invited me to a war protest, I will not go..instead invite me to a rally tp promote peace and I shall come."

Anonymous said...

The word from yesterday continues to reinforce those qualities of peace that have come to me from the heavenly realm and inspired me to fail not in good doings. Today’s message from JITN is even more fuel to that fire. I especially love the conceptual idea of God’s peace being other-worldly - settled, absolute - causing us to be at harmony in our whole life.

It is a truth that peace begins with the (me) of each one of us. I must be at peace first and then my peace will ultimately influence the whole world one contact at a time. Even when that flow of peace encounters resistance from some other me who is not at peace with themselves, it still has the effect of causing that unsettled me to think about their situation. The peace that passes understanding causes me to rethink many unsettled areas and readdress them. One of the primary examples of this is what do I say this moment or situation or condition is.

One such rethought area is agreeing to rename common negatives such as the fall of man. If we continue to call it that then the very power of word fallen continues to influence what we believe man to be. Transitioned man seems to work much better here because what has actually happened is that man made a choice to understand existence based on knowledge of things in contrast to perfection. I know several people who actually believe that all humans who existed prior to the physical advent of Jesus death and resurrection are in hell and will remain there. Even the dispensationalists don’t believe that although most of them do believe that man is in a fallen condition until after judgment day.

The problem of the view that is based on the word fallen is that our mind can not see the possibility of peace on earth as long as it views humanity as fallen. The truth is that the choice to eat from that tree of knowledge of good and evil has caused emotional upheaval in what was otherwise static peace. However, because of this transition we now know the quality of perfection to be the desired condition whereas there was no such desire before.

The transition is just as good as all other good things that have been prepared by God.

Eventhough,in Genesis, God told man not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it is also said that the tree was good for food. If it had not been created to be good for food, it would not have been eaten. This does not make God to blame but instead shows there was a good plan in existence for humanity to become more aware of what God's perfection was about.

The bringing back of the perfect condition should be more the pursuit of humanity than the waiting for God to destroy what has already been declared to be good. The effort to overcome our differences on this issue in of itself renders more peace than is possible without that effort.

Was there something that happened in our original state that necessitated the advent of making the strong statement of reconciliation through the work of Jesus Christ? Without a doubt there was, if for no other reason than we just could not comprehend how to get over being in a condition of non perfection.

The so called condition of fallen man is of no effect to the accomplishment of global peace because each person from their point of view thinks the other person believes them to be fallen and therefore retaliates by calling the other person fallen and so on. Next thing you know each group of people who are in agreement that they are right are trying to eliminate all others from the earth.

No, the better approach is to see God’s world as good and all the people in it as precious to God. That is the Word from God spoken through the infamous declaration of John 3: 16.

Therefore I will no longer see humanity as fallen but on the rise to a reestablishment of what we have known from the beginning.

Peace on earth



Yve said...

This peace blessing was absolutely awesome, timely and timeless, a rhema word for now...I just got off the phone with my daughter commanding peace and then I read this.

This is so beautiful I am going to share this with everyone!

I just love you so much Bishop, and I know the Holy Spirit lead me all the way from New York, with no family here, just to have you become my spiritual father. God really uses you to bless me and therefore everyone in my "earth"

Unsurpassing Peace to you and everyone going to this beautiful festival. I really want to be there, but I will be there in spirit and just pray for the festival! All will be well!

love, Yvonne

tracy said...

There is a book in that....I'm just sayin'

Anonymous said...

This was exactly what I needed to hear today. I have some of the most serious decisions I have ever had to make arise and when I prayed about them I just felt the Spirit of God telling me to be quiet and still. I was in one of those frustrated moments when I didn't think God is saying anything but in reality He was doing the most important thing for me. Keeping my mind still while staying on Him. I don't have all the answers right now but I do have peace of mind which is what I need and God knows that. God bless you Bishop and the Global Peace Festival and all you fellow bloggers today.


Lise said...

"God bless us all... everyone!"
Tiny Tim

peacemaker said...

I can't read any passage from JITN with it evoking some sort of emotional response. This passage is no exception. Somehow, you have peeled away centuries of editing, redacting, copying and correcting to reveal what I believe to be closest thing to the original thoughts of the author of John recounting the words of Jesus. Seriously, reading the words, I can almost picture myself a part of the intimate gathering hearing them for the first time.
And them following them up with your own declaration of peace...well...there are no words adequate enough to describe it. It is just an experience of the Soul. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Bishop,God Speed and God BLESS you all and the PEACE festival to accomplish everything and exactly what He would have! Praying for yall and the Fest. So wish that I could be in the spirit though! I am so excited and can't wait to hear and see!

Thanks for that word and prayer! I received it all and needed it too! Being way streeeeetched but I do see some so(u)nlight peeking thru!

Elle, praying for your dad too. Let us know. Too bad you can't serve us cake thru the computer screen! =)

Have a highly PEACEFUL day everyone!


~Love you lots~


...Plz pass the PEACE~=)

Anonymous said...

What Peacemaker said--Ditto.
The blessing has a hang it on the wall Desiderata feel too.

I RECEIVE! and send it also to you and ALL.

...a life filled and overflowing with the still, no darkness white light of peace, salaam, shalom.

Anonymous said...


Son of Zadok said...

I remember when I first got the revelation from God about reconciliation. My mother was freaking out. She was mad, worried, down right distraught over the whole thing. Oh, how the Spirit can move and change us.
Bishop my Mother watches you now every Wednesday night. She said last night was one of the best sermons she's ever heard in her entire life. And she's known the Lord since she was 12. She only wishes she would have heard what you preached last night 25 years ago. She especially enjoyed the part about not trying to change someone and loving people for who they are as God loves us, within someones capabilities not our manufactured expectations. Then again today I read her the blog post on peace and she said it was the best thing she's ever read that you had written. She printed a copy of it. So your on a hot streak with ma! haha.
Well today I passed my last final and will soon be taking my licensure to become a Licensed Practical Nurse. My next goal is to take a 1 year program somewhere to get my RN. Maybe it'll be in good ole' Hotlanta! It just so happens my closest extended family live in Kennesaw. I really want to spend some time under this ministry just to soak it all in and be a part. Just give me a bucket and a mop and I'll wash the kitchen floor with a smile on my face and a song on my lips. We'll see what happens!


You are going forth in your full anointing this week. Not with a spirit of conversion, but with a heart of contribution. Radiating the light of Christ upon everyone you meet. Your connections all being divine appointments. Your words, of the oracles of our God. I command healing in your hands and even in your shadow as you supernaturally extend yourself as an elite ambassador of Christ. Believing for miracles. Standing in our Lords stead and outstretching His holy love unto the nations. Your eyes seeing with revelation sight and your ears tuned to the Master's tongue. Christ entwined and diffused within you in all things.


Lise said...

In fitness terms, stretching is necessary to protect and prepare the body for the coming workout. I pray that you come through the process more than a conqueror... whatever the goal is. (Gosh, I'm suddenly feeling the need to Bowflex!) And I will let you all know about my dad as soon as I know something. It will probably be a week or so.

Man, wish I COULD send cake through the computer. Sneaky suspicion that Joe's co-workers will benefit from this one. They should REALLY love me by now. They get all the things that I just don't like for whatever reason, or the things that I have too much of. Really good, but really rich... would take forever for the 2 of us to pack it away. So, why not get brownie points (no pun intended) for my babes at work?!

Happy Thursday :)

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey, I just have a quick minute to write something...we do have wi-fi in the room, so I may be able to blog a little while we're here if I have the time...

...they're coming to pick us up to take us to the local Washington ABC news affiliate to do an interview with Debye for the GPF in a few minutes before we go to the meeting tonight...

I just re-read everything that you all have written today, and I just gotta say that I'm feling some big-time love for my bloggers right now! Your prophetic and inspirational words have energized me, and I'm cyber-hugging you all right now.

And, JB, I know you didn't exactly receive that I said your writing blows me away the other day...and, of course everything you write creates synergy with what I write (goes without saying)...but I gotta tell ya, dude, what you wrote today blew mw away, whether you like it or not...too bad...I'm sticking with my original with it...

PM and Avatar, you made me want to write the whole BITN...

SOZ, give your mom a hug for me...

Gotta go change the world...


peacemaker said...

I know compliments are not what you look for when you post your insights but I have to whole-heartedly agree with Bishop. This was a revelatory masterpiece. I don't know how long this has been working in you, but you certainly tapped into a universal truth about man and his percieved separation from his Creator. Stay with the thought. I feel there is more yet to be revealed concerning this.

Your Brother,

What I was thanking you for Wednesday when you had to go and talk to the Pastor from Ethiopia was for the kind words you wrote me on my birthday. Your question to me was if you had ever give me anything. The answer is definitely... yes. You have given me years of friendship and someone to look up to since our days at CCoG. You have been faithful to your prophetic call and boldly stepped into the office of a true Mystic. The payoff of your sacrifice is this beautiful path of enlightenment you currently now travel. Seeing that, along with your words of wisdom I have the privilege to read, and the blessing you pronounced on me in the bday post are gifts enough for a lifetime.
I'm blessed you are part of my journey and look forward to more revelation, enlightenment, and dialogue with you.

Anonymous said...

JB, you were on my heart this morning when I sent my post. When I said pass the peas, what I meant was pass along to us whatever the Spirit is showing you. I love being able to sit at this table with the anointings that are here, and take what I need and that I am able to leave what I'm maybe not yet ready for.(maybe)

peas, piece, peace to all.


PS-Could someone please pass the Egyptian corn?

tracy said...

So enjoying the dialog between Peacemeaker and JB....weird, but today the whole time I am reading JB I get to the end and totally believe it was the words out loud of Peacemaker or the thoughts of me. We are all that connected. Awesome JB thanks for taking it to another level. This was a day that I was so excited for David to get home so that I could read everything to him. For those of you that know he has been said to be "dyslexic" and part of our twenty years together has been me reading to him. Today I was actually about to burst with the thoughts of ALL. Thank you for giving us something to talk about and be in awe of. in the words of DBA...ain't God good?

Anonymous said...

I was going through the gpfusa web site and found that they do have a live webcast of the event on Saturday. It shows that it starts at 6 pm (not 5 pm) and am not sure what all it will show but it beats only being there in spirit.

Check out the following link:

There is a link on this page that has you register and then it shows the following:
Welcome! This LIVE webcast
is scheduled to begin in

47 hours & 33 minutes
Global Peace Festival
Aug 9 @ 6:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM PT

Use the System Check information at right to make sure your system is ready for webcasting. This page will automatically update as soon as the live webcast begins. Click here to manually update the page.

About today's webcast:
Each GPF hosts a grand celebration, a culmination of all ongoing programs, involving people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. This dynamic program celebrates the extraordinary achievements of individuals and organizations that contribute to reconciliation, mutual respect, harmony and cooperation among all members of the human family as “One Family Under God” as well as showcasing their ongoing efforts as GPF partners. By engaging public officials and top-level entertainers in this celebration, GPF acts as a platform to launch and rally support for new initiatives and programs, as well as highlighting key breakthroughs of ongoing programs. Join us as we unite in celebrating through entertainment, cultural activities and inspiration on Saturday August 9, 2008 on the Capitol West Lawn in Washington, DC.

Just wanted to pass this info along.

Peace to ALL!

tracy said...

Btw- Elle throw some of that cake this way...And Bish I so see a cover of your art work with a big ole fat retro peace sign on the cover of your book about peace....hmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bishop,

This media of influence in my life is truly inspirational.

Most of my thoughts are compounds of what I've gleaned from others in the body of Christ. You and nearly all the bloggers feed the child of God in me. Following your directive to create peace today and meditating with Holy Spirit led me to read again the creation story. The anointing left over from body builders yesterday that you led with the reading from Genesis along with the many words spoken by Holy Spirit to me through all who commented there brought illumination to my heart concerning another view of God's Love. Thank you for that and I am truly grateful to every member that I am connected to.


tracy said...

#%&^ I'm chatty today (weird for me) meant to thank Iconoclast for yesterday (Father's Letter) and wow Eric and SOZ and Mystic and Crown Jewel....praying for ya'll awesome wordage.

Lise said...

Thanks for the GPF info, whoever you are. Will check it out!

tracy said...

PPS or PSS Mystic....? Must have been something I stored from another day.

Anonymous said...

6:32 big ole fat? sorry, big ole solid as rock! lol


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww.....thank you so much Tracy! You're precious!

Also, thank you anon @ 6:31 for letting us know! I'm gonna check it out for sure.

Cyber hugs to you and Debye too, Bishop! Yall are SHINING His love, peace and making this world a better place!!!

Love peas, and peace and Egyptian corn too!

...gettin a little giddy so I'd better go. =)

Love all my wonderful family here~

Sweet dreams~


tracy said...

Warning, not post, hit comment deleted because that is just plain ole weird

Anonymous said...

sorry, I thought you'd see the humour, cause I thought you knew who I am. peace


Anonymous said...



Too tired to write nearly as much as I want to after reading all the great stuff on here today especially JB….wow!

Thanks for the streaming link Anon. 6:31

I have to go to bed before I zzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night


Anonymous said...

I love all y'all, even when I have no idea what some of you are talkin bout.

I love it here - keep up the interaction.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracey,

Hope you are a retro reader like me.

Your 1830 post was much of what I was thinking at the same time while preparing a response to Bishop and Peacemaker's earlier acknowledgements.

We are all connected and the more we glorify our Creator and seek to know about what can be revealed concerning perfect Love, the greater we become aware of that marvelous connection.

There are greater things to be done in our collective City of God.