Saturday, August 2, 2008

People Who Need People

Before playing this, scroll down to the playlist and pause it...

We laugh when we see other people laughing...we cry when we see other people crying...we yawn, even if we're not tired or sleepy, when we see someone else's amazing how connected we all are.

What's that about?

(BTW, I didn't check out all of the videos that this one links to at the end, so if you click on to any of them, do so at your own risk)


Leesa said...

Bish, A merry heart is good like medicine...thanks for the RX! It feels so much better to enjoy the connection! Love, Leesa

Anonymous said...


Son of Zadok said...

Do you ever feel like you’re in a movie? A really intense, suspenseful, action thriller. Wow, my life is really feeling like that lately. Do you ever sense your planting so many tacks in the devil's ass that the level of anger and rage against you is almost palpable? Well this "superhero" is going undercover to remain in the shadows for now. Those of you who know my true identity must be sworn to secrecy. Ha! I'm just kidding!
However, the life God has given me has afforded me an inside track with certain ministries God has in high places in this city. Access and their ear. I don't know if any of you remember when I asked for your prayers concerning this group of people and stated then that it was not the time to discuss it any further. Certain things then were set in motion. Well things are heating up in the Spirit and the seals are being broken and the locks are being opened. Divine appointments and now words are being spoken. If you can; just take a few moments to agree with me that God's angels be set loose to do His will in this hour. That ears and eyes are open. That the flaming swords of revelation are being drawn and set forth in battle. We are His warriors and Gods will, WILL BE DONE!!!

We come to you oh Lord, our High Priest and Counsler. We boldly approach your throne of grace and exalt Your most holy name!
God reveal your secrets and deep things. Let the seals be broken from your word. Unleash the spirit of wisdom and revelation and let eyes be enlightened with understanding. That we may behold wondrous things out of Your word. Discharge the mysteries of Your kingdom. Let your honey flow from the rock. Let us speak to others by revelation; revealing your secrets to your servants and prophets; making the hidden things manifest. Visions and revelations of our Lord. An abundance of revelation. Speak the mystery of Christ. Free your hidden wisdom. Make known the mystery of your gospel. Open your dark saying upon the harps. Light your candle in the darkness. Let it shine upon our heads that we may understand the deep things of God. Search the inward parts of our belly. Our eyes are blessed to see. Spiritual cataracts and scales fall from the eyes and we will comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height of Your love. That our reigns may instruct us in the night season, and we awaken with revelation. Let the evil powers of heaven be shaken in the name of Jesus. We bind the prince of the power of the air. We remove religious spirits from high places. Let you holy fire burn up the high places. Let them be purged by your anointing. We will walk upon the high places. Deliver us with your fire Lord. Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness. Create upon Zion a flaming fire by night. Release your hot thunderbolts against the enemy. Cast forth lightning and scatter them, O Lord. I am your battle-ax and weapon of war. Confound the riders on horses. Let them and their riders be thrown into the sea. Let them be afraid of a grasshopper. We break the chariots of the enemy. We bind and rebuke the Goliath in the valley. Let the oppressor be broken into pieces. We rebuke and destroy every trap set for us. Break the teeth of the lions. Punish the piercing serpent in the name of Jesus. We bind and rebuke the lord of the flies. Send your angels to be involved in reaching the lost and smite the demons that come to destroy me. And in all these things we give YOU THE GLORY AND THE HONOR AND THE HIGHEST PRAISES. FOR YOU ARE THE MIGHTY GOD AND YOUR POWER AND WORKINGS ARE BEYOND KNOWING AND SPLENDID IN ALL THEIR WAYS. GLORY TO YOUR HOLY NAME MOST HIGH GOD. GLORY, GLORY, GLORY IN THE HIGHEST. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, ARE YOU LORD. We await your instruction and trust in You alone our God and King!


PattiL007 said...

Just wanted to say...Happy Birthday, Mr. Brumlow...and many, many more...

Blessings Blog Fam...

Son of Zadok said...

Let me add I truly believe the devil is defeated, and I don't want to give him any creedance by even mentioning his name. However, I do think as we are working out our salvation, God is also working out His victory and restoration in the heavenlies and in that light we are called to war against the forces of darkness as soldiers of our Lord. But, they are defeated paper tigers and we should always remember that. Our God is in control. Nothing is outside of His hands. He has the whole world in His hands! And all things are by Him and for Him and ultimately unto Him.

Col 1:16
Because in him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created

Romans 11:36
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

Col 2:15
When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him

Son of Zadok said...

Sorry folks, I've got another post. This is just my time of day sometimes.
Ya know' hmmmm, am I really posting this?..........I used to be a very political person. And I was "right" and you were wrong! That's just how it was. And if you didn't see it my way, well then poor you, you’re just wrong. I can't say that now. My whole paradigm has shifted and I want to be led by the Spirit with my vote not a party tie. God's really messin' wiff my life lately. Hadja' hurd?
Anyways, I believe God is bringing us out of religious affiliations and political affiliations and eventually even economic affiliations. And we could go into some deep study about how the Dragon in Revelation is the Freemasons/Illuminati and the frog that comes out of their mouth is Lucifarianism orchestrating the wars of the past and present and actually worshiping satan. And the Beast is Judaism/Christianity and the frog that comes out of their mouth is Zionism, preaching and Old Testament and an OT Jesus; trying to rebuild the temple while leading us to war when we are the temple of our God now. And how the False Prophet is Islam and that from out of its mouth comes the frog of Jihad and war with the Jews & Christians. And how they all think their doing their thing, but God is in the background using them all for His purpose to abolish the religious and political systems of the world. When the Sons and Daughters of Zadock get their glorified bodies and come forth to reconcile the earth unto Him. But I'm not going to do that.
So all political affiliations aside what do you all make of this new campaign ad by McCain. It kinda blew my mind with all the spiritual references, undertones, and symbols in it. I know the heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord and all. But without really getting political, does anyone have any thoughts about this? It's very odd.

My confirmation word is jakpoiti

JACKPOT!!! It even looks like politics at the end a bit.

Anonymous said...

Without me, I have no you.
Without you, I have just me.
Without us, there is no sound, to be heard.
We need us, 'cause it's just better.

(ps)(whispering) it's saturday, go back to sleep

Sweepea said...

It sure works. I've got tears just thinking about that baby (which I'd seen before and started smiling at as soon as I saw him/her)! I feel so much better!!

Lise said...

I hope you have a special day!

Lise said...

"Laughter is an interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises. It is infectious and, though intermittent, incurable.”
Ambrose Bierce quotes (American Writer, Journalist and Editor, 1842-1914)

ha ha, tee hee hee, SNORT, ha ha

Anonymous said...

As I watched the video and began to laugh I felt so quilty because I had just got a call that a close family member is in the hospital for a suicide attempt and major depression. I laughed and had tears at the same time.But I WAS laughing. I quess this is two fold, please send up prayers of hope for them and the power of emotion IS infectious. It felt so strange to be sad and laugh.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely weird I was on the last blog post answering something teezy had said and I got off on talking about Rodney Howard-Browne and the Toronto Blessing and “holy laughter” and then I refreshed my browser and here this is…….!!! YES I THINK WERE CONNECTED.


Donald said...

Well happy birthday Johnny and bless your heart.
I saw you Wednesday night.

Anonymous said...

For those of you that may be wondering why this happened to me. I left my computer on the replys page last night after I went to bed and then I started out one that page answereing teezy and when I refreshed it was the first I saw of this video and post. I just cant get over how wierd that is.

SOZ...Man you have got it goin on...bring it on bro!


Anonymous said...

I just noticed that I miss spelled (which I do oftern) manifest in my last post on the other blog post. Then I saw Mana...fest....through you.....Manna...feast or festival through you!

Just a thought


Anonymous said...

There is no better gift than that of joy, myrth, happiness or laughter (provided we are laughing with and not at unless it is at ourselves).

The connectedness of laughter is what I believe we respond to from a deep place of memory about what we knew as perfect joy before the foundation of the world. The laughter of a baby is especially joyful and it could be because they are closer to that place than we realize.

SOZ, that was a cool veri word you had at 0400. BTW I am a leo and according to the asian zodiac a dragon. Who knows I might be the beast. I have had a frog in my throat a time or two but have not seen anything come out yet. What the H&!! are you doing up at 0400?

Thanks for the bday wishes, all are recieved with joy.

My veri word is icabkha, that is talking in tongues for laughing with God!


Erik said...


We Love , even if we don’t feel very loving when we see someone else love. We are blessed, even if we don’t feel very blessed, when we see the blessings on others. We become peaceful, even if we have turmoil, when we see peace in others. We trust , even if we have fear, when we see others in covenant.

Each lifebeat in love, laughter, joy, peace, trust, contentment, authority, we have impacts to others 7x7 what lifebeats of fear, hatred, mistrust, do. Our night dreams, day dreams, hopes, inner thoughts, are known and felt by all. We are connected and those do touch each other , inspire, our essence expands peace, infuses love, and breathes trust into each spirit we come near. It is infectious. The connection finds its way around any ‘wall’ we think we have built. The wall is only vapor. Our essence is solid.

That is The Kingdom coming through us, even as we may have our own areas of challenge, we trust God beyond that, and The Body exists right before our eyes, as we see it, it becomes clear to any ‘near’ us . We love others, bless others, edify others, we know Joy.

Anonymous said...

FYI...Bishop Please check out your playlist. The We Are The World Song has the wrong song playing...

Shannon R.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Shannon,

I checked it and it's the right song on my computer. I'll check it again later. Thanks.

And Happy Birthday to JB (and all the incarnations of your name that have appeared here)...everything you write blows me away...have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...

To Bishop Jim

It is more my intent to be synergystic with you than to blow you away. You know though, the expression you made of my ability to blow you away is totally in sync with what you want fom the congregation. Your idea of imparting the good news seems to me to be just as Jesus said, that we would do greater works than He did. I don't know how either is possible but will continue in my doings with the hope that it is done.

You are my better friend than a brother in this life and it is my desire to promote the ministry of CITN.


Larry Usher said...

Happy B'day Johnny! Glad you're a part of my life!

God always gives me laughter in His presence because it's absurd how much He loves us!

Happy Saturday to all!
S.O.Z. agreement in prayer...our God reigns!

Be on the lookout for miracles! They might be disguised! They might overtake you on the street, they may come with happy feet. They may arrive on wings so fleet, or in the desert with its heat.
Whatever way the blessings come, make sure that you do not play dumb. Give your shout out to the One, who sacrificed His only Son.

"For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

Isa 55:12

The Lord is in agreement with His children ruling and reigning- He takes pleasure in seeing the initiative to love, act and represent Him, just as a business owner loves to see his son take over and run it well.
The Second Adam returned His creation back to the Father to walk as the first Adam fellowship and amity.

Let's walk in the Light.



Lise said...

Okay, I'm a little teary-eyed! My beautiful little Compassion friend, Senira, is also an August baby (31st), and she will soon be eighteen. Just received this letter, and will share a bit with you here.

Dear sponsor, (fill in the blank).
Hello! How are you and your family? I pray that you are well. You and your family are always in my prayers. I pray that the Lord will give you lots of new ideas, for we can do everything through our Lord Jesus who gives us strength. I like you, sponsor! I love getting your letters! You are always in my prayers. May God light up your ways, for we are victorious in Christ Jesus. I am sad because I had to stop my course that I love so much! At the same time I am happy to take a course that will help me to get ready to do college entrance exams. Life is funny, for we have to lose something to get another one. I am also sad because this is my last year here at the project. I get really sad when I think I won't send you letters anymore. I wish this situation could be different. I've got a broken heart. My family and I are well. A thousand kisses from your friend Senira.

Oh, dear God... I need a kleenex! My little girl is growing up! She's been a part of my life since she was eleven, and I just can't stand the thought of losing touch. I'll have to contact Compassion to see if there's something I can do about that! I think she finishes up in December.

Wow... maybe it's time to watch the 'laughter' video again...

elle :(

Son of Zadok said...

I'm always wanting to share links on here so for those of you who aren't computer savvy. If you hold the left side of the mouse and highlight the link that's typed here, then let go and while it's highlighted hit the right side of the mouse, a menu will pop up over what you highlighted. Then go down and left click "copy". This will allow you to go up to your url toolbar at the top of your pc screen and right click in the long rectangular box. Then hit "paste".

Tadah! The ole' Copy and Paste

Many of you are like, um thanks sherlock, but some people don't know how to do that.

Anyhows, these elmo routines are always good for a laugh to me for some reason. Dunno they just always make joy bubble up in me.

And then God said, let there be Tickle Me Elmos!

Anonymous said...

I love to laugh! Thanks for showing us this Bishop!

Anonymous said...

SOZ...,,,,I went and watched the elmo videos – I had never seen one; it almost brought me to tears; that was so funny;….. also went and watched the McCain Video...I am shocked... I mean He and tryin to say.....come on .....are you sure this is not a hoax.....I mean insinuating that some political candidate is the anti-christ during the election.....they need to look in the mirror..

Peace in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Johnny B.

Been out trying new and different things.
Stopped by a couple of fruit & veg. stands today. The one on Salem at the big gas station near I-20 had yellow watermelon. The guy who owns it even gives samples of the yellow watermelon. Sweet and Ohh so good. It's just a reflection on how good the Father is. I also stopped in Porterdale across from the lofts. One of our church members had a stand and his prices are great. Man I wish I had a green thumb and could grow things but at least there are those who can and sell the goods.
I'm finding good in the things of this world. One of my choir members sent me an e-mail that would make you think differently about your life.
When you think times are rough, think about those who wish they had it as good as you.
See things in a whole new way.
Take a walk and see how beautiful this world really is.
The walk my family and I took last night by the lake was awesome.
Look at the different animals. I know mostly everyone sees them as road kill but in the park we saw ducks, fish, turtles, squirrels, & a rabbit not too forget the birds & bees. Each are different and yet they all have a purpose and it ain't to be made road pizza. The lake was so calm and peaceful . The scenery was awesome.
It was so hard to leave but we had to because my husband had to go to work.
You know if we as so called christians would stop trying to find a hell for those we don’t agree with and try to find the good the Father has given . Maybe we can see the real heaven and hell is in us .
When you curse your brother you reflect hell
When you bless your brother you reflect heaven.
Life’s to short Stop worrying about who’s going to heaven or hell.
Heaven and hell is what you make it.
Enjoy life and leave it at the cross that you never were on.
Peace And Joy To All

Anonymous said...

God is.
This is what God is...
We are connected. Science will prove this one day. Everything comes from the Lord. We percieve that there is seperation (which on that level there is), but there is no REAL serperation.
EVERY knee will bow.
Every tongue will confess.
God who is over all, an through all, and in all. Go is the living ONE of the world.

and God has blessed me with this.

Son of Zadok said...


Ha! I'm glad you got a kick outta the elmo. That really is one high tech toy full of some honest to goodness new age joy! I work in a lot of nursing homes with the elderly and to me it's more than a job; it's a ministry. I think I'm going to have to buy one of those elmos just to spread some happiness around from time to time. I also have a dream of getting the movie Matthew, my absolute favorite Jesus movie, into as many nursing homes that I can. So many people just sit around in big TV lounges together in these places watching and vegging out on a bunch of nothing. I can see that movie causing a divine appointment and revelation in the hearts of our forefathers/mothers. And you really would be surprised about how open nursing homes are to ministries. Anything to bring joy and companionship to the forgotten among us is usually welcomed with open arms. They would love to have you!
As far as the McCain ad. Dude that's 100% real. They are talking about it on the national news and all, it was just released last night. How much of the "church" think they are doing Gods will, when in actuality they are propelling us towards an armageddon created by their own makings. God help us. Let the peacemakers deliver your divine judgement Lord. Peace!! I can only say politicly what once to me seemed so clear cut to me, such an easy choice, mainly because of the issue of abortion and things of that nature, now is not the case. Is abortion going to cease no matter who is in public office? One partys general leaderships' holy sacrament may be abortion ,but the others unfortunately is the almighty greenback for the riches of the insanely rich! Do you know if your family makes 35,000 dollars a year , your in the top 1% of the world's wage owners. We are so filthy rich!!! We would do well to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves when it comes to politics. Let God lead us each in our vote for we know not where the wind may blow.

My veri word is fastcs

Maybe before this election, which is rapidly approaching, we should have a corporate fast that Gods will be done and He show us what to do.

Anonymous said...

The song says:

People who need people

Are the luckiest people

In the world.

If you are reading this post and you are alone, and really, you wish you weren't, HEY, I'm throwing this life line out to you.

If you live in the Atlanta area, come on to Church In The NOW, in Conyers, OR if you are visiting this blog and haven't ever blogged,
just type something, and let the Holy Spirit work out whatever needs working on. Just Come ON!


linda said...

Loved the laughter it really is catching! See everyone ITB

Anonymous said...

Thanks For the Info SOZ, and all your great post

on a lighter note:

While we are on the subject of laughter, here are some heart felt feelings I have about this wonderful State of Arkansas…….


Note: If you are not a resident of AR or never have lived in the hot, humid South, you may not understand the weight of this blessing!

Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry.
Please keep it cool in mid-July.
Bless the walls where termites dine,
While ants and roaches march in time.
Bless our yard where spiders pass
Fire ant castles in the grass.
Bless the garage, a home to please
Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas.
Bless the love bugs, two by two,
The gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you.
Millions of creatures that fly or crawl,
In Arkansas, Lord, you've put them all!!
But this is home, and here we'll stay,
So thank you Lord, for insect spray.

The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, 'What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?'
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
The cows are giving evaporated milk.
Ah, what a place to call home. . God Bless Our State of Arkansas!!

Anonymous said...

After today Bish,
if you so much as come out with a smile on your face; and dont dare even gigle...or you may be dealing with a couple thousand rolling in the floor in Holy laughter! Im just tellin careful tommorow....I sense the Spirit moving....I cant wait!


Anonymous said...

Hey Iconoclast..
My dad lives in ARKANSAS...
I'll send that blessing to him

Loved the laughter..Bishop-keep it coming ITB

Happy Birthday Johnny B! We love you!

By the way this whole blog blows me away!
Erik (chef of words)-when are you gonna write your book?

Erik said...

Hello connected soul dots,

Every soul ever shares so much in common. Elle, of the favorites, connection from culture to culture.

Laura, yeah, you’re so right, the Good that has been given is so much more interesting and thrilling than whatever else may be around.

Talk about the biggest thrill ride in the Universe, the most exciting film ever made - Love, Forgiveness, Edification, Peace, Revelation, Wisdom, Appreciation, Gratitude, Joy, Humility, -- Stripping away those small distractions of fear, and embracing the characteristics of the Baby Lamb – How wonderfully, immeasurably exciting. Very Ultimate James Bondish , - have the Love, The Peace, The Joy already assured from the first frame. No matter the challenges, the assurance can be enjoyed and relaxed in. No doubt our best is expressed. The world is wonderful, but it is not enough.

Happy Birthday JB. ‘JB’ sounds so cool - official.

Mirome - Yes, Amen.

Nancy, Thanks for the pressure, ,, I mean encouragement. Whoops, … just kidding, Its in the oven.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say I can't wait to be ITB tomorrow and praise His name. I love Him soooo much. Sleep well. See you all at 10. Love always, always- Heart after HIM - on my blackberry and could log on.