Thanks for all the good words and prayers for the Uganda trip that you’ve already posted here. Your faith is much appreciated!
Yesterday I was given a gift of Lasik surgery on both my eyes, and this is the first time I’ve ever written for the blog without my glasses. I’m still adjusting…the letters in front of me are dancing around a little, and everything in the world still looks kind of like pictures shot with overdone soft-lens photography. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to get it done, and believe that everything in my vision will become clear in the next few days.
I have so much to tell you tomorrow, particularly about the events of this past Thursday. Plus I’ve got a good word for you…so B ITB!!! Come expecting to hear from the Holy Spirit…and bring a gift or your holy tithe. With all that is going on in the financial world right now, the only sure thing is to lay up treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt!
We’ll be leaving for Africa after the service, so I hope that you’ll all be there to pray for the team that is going with me. This is the last post that will be up until we return, so here are the names of everyone who is going. Please keep each one in your prayers….
Pastor Henry Baker
John Conyers
Phil Howard
Karen Long
Joel Nunn
Pastors Ernie and Avery Rogers
Chad Smith
Erik Stremke
Larry Usher
I’m going to officially put the blog on hold around midnight tonight, so if you want to post something, go ahead and do it now. Everything will be up and running again on or around the 29th or 30th.
I love you all very much.
Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Just want everyone to know the reason I have not been writing a lot on this blog is I have been spending a lot more time on my own blog –, making youtube user/not1lost and Godtube user/not1lost videos, I am also going to try, I have two websites – completerestorationinChrist .org and .com - and I am working on building and putting up two more domains – and I will eventually start a church in this area and I am going to call it “Church Now” to differentiate us from “church then”, meaning I believe the revelation of the truth of God is progressive as so is all that God does and as is anything that is sentient and animate, alive, having life, growing. Church now .org was not available so I had to go with the-church now on the net but the name locally will be simply Church Now. I thought and prayed a long time about this and I actually tried to resist this name because it sounds so much like Church IN THE Now. But the name just fits my theological perspective so well I feel I should go with it. Besides that if someone asks “where do you go to church” and you answer “I go to Church Now” that could be a real conversation starter! Also in will be a good domain name for search engines to find when people are searching for an internet church. I am going to try to make it serve that purpose as well to get the true gospel out to a much wider audience. I was quite surprised and pleased when I put the IP locater and tracker on my websites and found that there were people from all over the world logging onto my websites and blog. It makes me feel like I am doing some good at getting the “Victorious” Gospel out to the world. People need to here about the God that will not be satisfied with 99 and there will not be 1 lost and for that reason I also have that I am working on. I also am going to start another blogger blog for another reason but I will not get into that.
So I said all that to say if I have any really good inspirations or revelations to write about I probably going to put them on my blog or a website. That will keep me from being as long-winded on here as I have been a few times in the past. Nothing against being long-winded I really enjoy reading everyone’s post; I’m just saying I have somewhere else I need to put my long-windedness. I love this blog and everyone on it, I love the fellowship and freedom we share here and I will always be a part of it. Now and then I may still stretch one out though. Or copy and past something cool.
I am very busy at all of this and spend a lot of time at this computer so many times when I come here I just like to set back with a coke zero and say hey y’all! and listen to you all talk about the deep, funny, amazing, revelatory things that are discussed here.
I also have some other things going on that are taking up a lot of my time, but THERE GOING TO BE OK!
In the whirlpool of life its better to enjoy the ride and dream of the other side; than to spend your days in a frantic flays says the cynic. But resisting the spin with all that’s within, will surely be worth it all in the end, says the one who’s enlightened with a shrewd sort of grin!.......see my new avatar picture…..
We are praying for all you going to Uganda. May you have a safe trip filled with many blessings. May you touch and bless many others and receive favor two-fold in return for your great work. May the seeds you sow bring a bountiful harvest of goodness and grace. Safe journey.
Peace, love and joy.
Ray & JoAnn Muscarello
Blessings to you as you preach the Gospel!!
Bish and all concerned with the uganda trip....
Praying for you guys to have a safe and Spirit filled trip..can't wait to hear about it!
Blog Fam...
While Bish is away i say we TP P.Dennis' blog...anyone in?!
You know my prayers are with you all as you carry the victorious gospel to Uganda.
Re-member . . .
The International Day of Peace designated by the United Nations is tomorrow.
From the official website:
Since its inception, Peace Day has marked our personal and planetary progress toward peace. It has grown to include millions of people in all parts of the world, and each year events are organized to commemorate and celebrate this day. Events range in scale from private gatherings to public concerts and forums where hundreds of thousands of people participate.
Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, or just sitting in silent meditation. Or it can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. The impact if millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace, is immense.
International Day of Peace is also a Day of Ceasefire – personal or political. Take this opportunity to make peace in your own relationships as well as impact the larger conflicts of our time. Imagine what a whole Day of Ceasefire would mean to humankind.
Peace will only manifest in the external after it manifests in the internal. Peace to all and let Your will be done in all situations, in all lands.
Blessings and success to everyone going on the trip.
As it stands right now, the only mistake that I can see made by Mississippi State is that they showed up.
I actually used some vulgar profanity a little while ago when I texted my son, Gabe, who is a student at MSU and told him that Croom was a fired ass. Lord forgive me.
Oh my, there are blessings and cursings in the same blog post. My friends these things ought not so to be.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Blessings, favor, protection, & fruitfulness to everyone going to Uganda!!! My prayers are added with the many others!
Awesome Pastor Dennis! I did visit and enjoyed your blog! Did not get to read it all but will get back to it. I too have a very full plate~but it is all good! God BLESS everyone one here and connected!
Love you wonderful people!!!
PEaCE, Joy, Love~
Crown Jewel
ass is in the Bible Donald so you are cool here! There are a few more words in there that are also acceptable in certain situations, where no other words will do. Anyway blessings and safety to all going to Uganda. Our prayers will be with you! Bish..lucky you on the lasix! That's my next move too!
I guess I must "fess" up. Many bloggers and blurkers have spent time in my company and know that I have just presented ya'll a falsehood. I say more swear words than the ones noted in the Bible...I know...ya'll pray for me.
Pastor D,
Your blog is a rich blessing. I tell people about it all the time. Anyone who wants to find the Gospel will find it wonderfully preached their. If you ever want to brush up on the Word and why we have the hope and love we do; the answers can be found at ! A pillar in the underground church and part of a strong foundation for all that is to come. Our prayers are always reaching out for you and all other Now ministries.
Have a blessed weekend beautiful saints. God's love and grace is more than enough today. Love Him today. He is with us.
I read this on and thought you all would like it.
Traditional Christian Doubletalk
What Traditional Christians Say…vs. What They Really Mean
“There’s nothing you must do to be saved……”
“Here’s what you must do to be saved:”
“You are absolutely, totally helpless to save yourself.”
“You must make a wise decision in order to be saved.”
“God controls all things.”
“God doesn’t control man’s free will.”
“We can’t boast about going to heaven.”
“If we go to hell, it’s our own fault.”
“Love never faileth!”
“Love can’t overcome human stubborness.”
“Men are in bondage to sin.”
“Men are free to choose Christ.”
“Grace is unmerited favor…”
“… given only to those who merit it with faith and obedience.”
(1 Tim. 4:10)…”
“… except for about ninety percent of them.”
“… as long as you meet certain conditions.”
“… except by the sinner.”
“Salvation is not a thing of chance.”
“There is no second chance to be saved.”
“Most of mankind will perish forever.”
“… as long as you love Him.”
“Christ died for all sin…”
“… except the sin of not believing that He died for all sin.”
“The Good Shepherd seeks the lost sheep until he finds it!”
“The Good Shepherd seeks until it’s too late.”
“God’s justice was satisfied in the cross of Christ.”
“God’s justice demands eternal torment or annihilation.”
Peace, safety, prophecy and all good things for the Uganda trip.
Bish... I can see clearly now the glasses are gone.. Yea lasix
can't wait to be ITB
let there be light
Quick story... Bailey has been dragging around a small suitcase on wheels for the last hour and talking to herself (so we thought). She talks to herself frequently so no alarm there. However, David was sitting in his recliner and notices the suitcase move and lo and behold our sweet innocent little poodle has been in there the whole time. Ya'll don't freak out over that-God has graced this dog with a special grace to be Bailey's best friend, and yes she (the dog) is fine just a little dazed.
"and they loved not their lives unto the death..."
These words follow immediately after the powerful statement of victory proclaiming, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." Rev12:11
I know I have and we sometimes gloss over the latter phrase, "and they loved not their lives unto the death." There is something about this that adds a completion to the previous mentioned Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. The Blood positions us, the word prepares us and the dying insulates us...this is not about us, this is about the one sheep lost in the thicket, this is the faith necessary to storm the castle and defeat the dragon & save the captives.
Thanks to all praying for those of us going to Uganda, it should be a "fire" starter!
Blessings, peace & joy to you all!
Like cold water to a weary soul, So is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25 (NAS)
Safe journey mission team.
About the Interfaith Celebration.
The other day I was thinking about the movie Bruce Almighty. The scene when Bruce meets God and God ask for his help, remember what Bruce said I'll be here on the 7th at 7. God is calling for our help. I feel there is going to be a big release on the 7th at 7. All I can say is be at CITN Oct. 7th at 7.
P. Dennis...congratulations on all that is happening with you...but I hope that you don't disappear from're one of the regulars, and your input is always welcome...
Thanks, Ray and Teezy...also, thanks, especially, Anon @ 2:30 for the info on the Day of Peace...
Donald, I nominate you for funniest commentator on BLOGINTHENOW...
...and Crown Jewel and Tracy (I hope your dog is OK)...
...and Larry...I agree, but let me interject that I plan on you and me (and all of us)returning from Uganda fully ALIVE!!!
...and SOZ...thanks for all that you add to this blog...hope everything is getting back to normal in Ohio...
That's beautiful, Laura...the event is really going to be amazing...even better than I had originally imagined...tell y'all about it tomorrow...
And thanks, Linda...hope everything that I'm writing here is correctly spelled...I can't really see all that clearly yet...but it's getting better...
Bishop, here's something that might make you feel even better than you already feel.
One of Her Majesty's best friends was going through a divorce about a year ago after twenty years of marriage. Lynn told her about your book, Twenty-Three, and told her that she thought it would help her through her difficult time. We bought one of the books and mailed it to her.
After having had the book for awhile, she told Lynn that she never goes anywhere without it and that it was the best book she had ever read.
Friday while Lynn was doing a manicure on her she asked Lynn to get something out of her purse for her since her fingernails were wet. When Lynn looked in her purse she said that she had her copy of Twenty-Three in it.
She also told Lynn that she had been checking out the website. Lynn told her about the blog so maybe she will be reporting in before long.
We are going to try get her to come up and visit y'all sometime.
Knowing that you will release all things according to your divine destiny and purpose...that you will
master spiritual due diligence as you comprehend, acknowledge and promote the spontaneous will of God...that you will bring back incredible blessings in the form of reports...I eagerly await your return. You are truly a treasure.
Pastor Henry Baker, John Conyers,
Phil Howard, Karen Long, Joel Nunn,
Pastors Ernie and Avery Rogers,
Chad Smith, Erik Stremke, and Larry prayers and love are with you.
See you soon,
Your blog is cool. I will miss it next week!
Mayam...glad to hear from you! I don't know why it didn't work out for you to go with us this time, but I'm expecting you to be with us next year! The Lord will perfect that which concerns you!
Thanks, Donald...tell your friend I'm glad she likes and uses the book...
Many prayers and good wishes go out to all those who are travelling to Uganda. May you all be a blessing and be blessed. We pray that God uses each and all of you in great and mighty ways.
I sure wish I could be there on the 7th but, while I cannot be there in person, I will be there in spirit, and look forward to gleaning what news and info about the event I can from here.
Bishop....I will ALWAYS be a part of this blog family. I have a tap root in this soil that is far too deep to pull....
Blessings on your Lasik recovery and on your trip.
Janet had Lasik surgery and she loves it.
"The trees of the fields will clap their hands..."
As I climbed the mountain tonight a great sense of calm came over me and I began to listen...
The first words I heard were "alright", followed by "Hallelujah"(someone was singing the Hallelujah Chorus! Then I passed a young girl with a Love, Love, Love tee shirt on; then a guy with a "New Life" church shirt on. Then I went by several groups of people that were speaking Chineses, Japanese, German, Korean, Romanian, Spanish and others. The Hispanic guy all I could hear was "muerto de Christo" the death of Christ. Then I passed a group of people that were talking about "carrying water" up the mountain next time and I thought that we are about to carry water ourselves (of the Spirit) to a distant land.
Very exciting time!!
See everyone ITB tomorrow!
ps- yes and Amen, Bishop!
Dear Bishop,
and to All of you that are living for Uganda!
Que Dieu(God) vous accompaniez dans ce grand adventure de la vie. Qu'Il(GOD) dans tous les places que vous-alez visiter.
Depart dans votre voyage avec ce Psaumes(Psaml)121:3-7. Bon Voyage a tous
Je Taime Beaucoup
Tomorrow will be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessings of peace and a deeper knowledge of your place in this world to all those traveling to Uganda. Today I've been thinking of what this trip means to the body at CITN. All that keeps coming up in my spirit is "Connection." It's like the end of Malachi speaking of the greater relationship between fathers & children. The silence of this blog is like the silence the silence between the Old & New Testaments. We are in getting ready to experience another facet of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ when you all return. Thanks for the high expectation!
Be Blessed!
Merci beaucoup, Kettly
Taste and see that the Lord is good.Psaml 34:8
He is good. Trust in Him. Know that all is well. Say " God is good. God is good." Just leave in His Hands the present and the future, knowing only that He is good. He can bring order out of chaos, good out of evil, peace out of turmoil.
Again K.
Thanks, you all!
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