Click on the new NOW MINISTRIES blog and check it out...I want to create the same sense of community with the Ministry Network that we have here on BLOGINTHENOW...
I put some of your comments about the Philippines trip over there to get things started...
Also there are some cute pics of Jon and Jenn Scott's new baby...you can leave them a congratulation message there...
Super Sunday! Yayyy!
NOW MINISTRIES blog is very cool...in addition to what I posted, the pic reminds me of the quantum physics drawings in Elegant Universe.
Most of the Philippines pics taken with my camera are HDvideo. Without going into all the irritating details on my two night search for online help getting them OFF the camera, I'll now be checking to see if Curtis can help.
I'm thinking peaceful thoughts
I'm thinking peaceful thoughts
I'm thinking peaceful thoughts...!
Gotta keep this pendant working in the right direction...smile!
This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice...rejoice...and again I say rejoice.
and what a beautiful spring like day it is...
Awesome Service today!
A word in due season for me....
I am ready for the rest of the alphabet!
Just wanted to drop in and say you confirmed a word God has been giving me in small pieces the last few weeks. Pastor Joshua gave the second piece last Wednesday night and today it was all wrapped up.
I felt there was a reason I was to tune in this morning........Praise HIM ~ he uses you in magnificent ways!
Northern Light
P. Avery...don't stress over the pics...it's all good...love what you wrote on the NOW MIISTRIES blog...peace
I love your spirit, Centurion...
Amen, Anon@ 8:39...
Don't encourage me, P. Dennis...that kind of challenge will cause me to be up all night tryng to come up with the other 19 points! Thanks for streaming...
Thanks for the Michigan encouragement, NL...
Well, that sounded strange..."don't encourage me" followed by "thanks for the encouragement"...oh well, blame it on my still being on Philippines time...
And P. Avery's comment should read NOW MINISTRIES, but you probably knew that...
Great service today Bishop, simplicity at its best. Apples of gold in settings of silver! Wonderful visit by the Father.
I usually "zone out" on those mornings the bikers go down to feed the homeless, but today I was wide awake and didn't miss a thing.
Kudos to Joel and RJ for getting up early and going downtown today as well. Also a shout out to Debbie & Jasmine & Renee who make going there more fun!
Got a chance to talk to & pray for a lady named Mary there who needs our prayers, things have been very difficult for her-lift her up please! God knows & loves Mary!
There also was a great turnout at the signup table for "Jesus Christ Superstar"- looks like we'll have quite a "gang" of singles and non-singles going next Sunday! The more, the merrier!
Love y'all!
Just want to say what a blessing you are to me Pastor Avery!! I just like you! And I love you! You make everyone around you a better person!
Word ver: NATIMATI- I don't know, I just liked the sound of it! ;)
"The Maserati Natimati"
Bishop, I want to tell you that the leadership, with you as the "messenger" (thanks Pr. Avery for that definition) is causing a very super-natural flow of love in the building (ITB). It is although there is a apostolic atmosphere for love to be cultivated. I believe we are (the congregation) is getting what is being taught across the pulpit.
Today I sat next to a woman in service who I located in the spirit in the last couple of services who really needed prayer and a touch from Jesus hem. I asked the Lord, did He want me to minister to her and I didn't get a green light in the spirit until today.
Today I sat next to her and we had a brief moment where I could pray for her. The Holy Spirit gave me the words to pray and what to agree upon for her and I knew that He did a work immediately in her.
She was so grateful that I prayed and I was so thankful that I had the opportunity to extend His love to her. It was as though the residual dew from worship just washed her and the Holy spirit watered a dried and broken spririt. His spirit brought such peace to her and I thank you Bishop for allowing us the opportunity to tarry for one another. That is so key to the entire worship experience at CITN.
When you gave the alter call after the word, there was such a sweet exchange of love among the people and I am starting to think that the pastors are favored one by the other.
The word does tell us to prefer one another and there was so much hugging and a true exchange of love that it really blessed me. It spilled out into the lobby and cafe right out unto the parking lot.
Then Al and Amie hosted a baby shower for baby Phoebe and the love fest continued. WE may want to re-name Church in the Now...God's Love in the Now. By this will men know that you are my disciples...the holy scriptures tell us in the logos word. WE have become living epistles written on the hearts of men.
Thank's Bishop for being our Love Coach. You are starting to fulfill that prophetic utterance you have spoken over yourself...As He Is....
Jim Swilley is love...Today I say to you that Church in the Now is love. This may be the fulfillment of Pr. Varner's prophecy...we are going to accomplish something that no other church has accomplished, real love for each other and for the world. That is our prosperity or should I say our prosperity is going to flow out of that love. This is a very exciting time to be alive.
Larry Usher, you are always so much fun. Agree with me to accompany the Single's ministry with you guys to see Jesus Christ, Superstar.
How about my word ver: sweat ~ no changing around letters, just sweat as in "Don't sweat the small stuff" (LOL)
I wanta walk like Him, just like Jesus...
Water Walker
Todays service was awesome.
Love the new Now Ministries blog..Do you use the same password to get in? Mine didn't work.
Anyway, I really enjoyed Super Sunday today!
I actually use the same "flash cards" in my kindergarten class but now they have a whole different meaning.
Feeling at peace
P Nancy
Larry, your good attitude is an example to us all...
Wow, WW...that's deep...I don't know what to say...
NTL...glad to see you today and to hear from you here...I was thinking you were AWOL...stay connected...
P. Nancy, I didn't change anything, and it's a blogspot.com(blogger) blog, so the same word should work...but thanks, and try again...
Backatacha, Lar...and ditto what Bishop said!!
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